public void removeMessage(ConnectionContext context, final MessageAck ack) throws IOException { final boolean debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); JournalQueueAck remove = new JournalQueueAck(); remove.setDestination(destination); remove.setMessageAck(ack); final RecordLocation location = peristenceAdapter.writeCommand(remove, ack.isResponseRequired()); if (!context.isInTransaction()) { if (debug) { LOG.debug("Journalled message remove for: " + ack.getLastMessageId() + ", at: " + location); } removeMessage(ack, location); } else { if (debug) { LOG.debug( "Journalled transacted message remove for: " + ack.getLastMessageId() + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (this) { inFlightTxLocations.add(location); } transactionStore.removeMessage(this, ack, location); context .getTransaction() .addSynchronization( new Synchronization() { public void afterCommit() throws Exception { if (debug) { LOG.debug( "Transacted message remove commit for: " + ack.getLastMessageId() + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (JournalMessageStore.this) { inFlightTxLocations.remove(location); removeMessage(ack, location); } } public void afterRollback() throws Exception { if (debug) { LOG.debug( "Transacted message remove rollback for: " + ack.getLastMessageId() + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (JournalMessageStore.this) { inFlightTxLocations.remove(location); } } }); } }
private void discardExpiredMessage(MessageReference reference) { LOG.debug("Discarding expired message {}", reference); if (broker.isExpired(reference)) { ConnectionContext context = new ConnectionContext(new NonCachedMessageEvaluationContext()); context.setBroker(broker); ((Destination) reference.getRegionDestination()) .messageExpired(context, null, new IndirectMessageReference(reference.getMessage())); } }
/** * Not synchronized since the Journal has better throughput if you increase the number of * concurrent writes that it is doing. */ public void addMessage(final ConnectionContext context, final Message message) throws IOException { final MessageId id = message.getMessageId(); final boolean debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); message.incrementReferenceCount(); final RecordLocation location = peristenceAdapter.writeCommand(message, message.isResponseRequired()); if (!context.isInTransaction()) { if (debug) { LOG.debug("Journalled message add for: " + id + ", at: " + location); } addMessage(context, message, location); } else { if (debug) { LOG.debug("Journalled transacted message add for: " + id + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (this) { inFlightTxLocations.add(location); } transactionStore.addMessage(this, message, location); context .getTransaction() .addSynchronization( new Synchronization() { public void afterCommit() throws Exception { if (debug) { LOG.debug("Transacted message add commit for: " + id + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (JournalMessageStore.this) { inFlightTxLocations.remove(location); addMessage(context, message, location); } } public void afterRollback() throws Exception { if (debug) { LOG.debug("Transacted message add rollback for: " + id + ", at: " + location); } synchronized (JournalMessageStore.this) { inFlightTxLocations.remove(location); } message.decrementReferenceCount(); } }); } }
public void testRemoveConnection() throws Exception { connectionContext.setSecurityContext(new StubSecurityContext()); authBroker.removeConnection(connectionContext, connectionInfo, new Throwable()); assertEquals( "removeConnection should clear ConnectionContext.", null, connectionContext.getSecurityContext()); assertEquals( "Incorrect number of calls to underlying broker were made.", 1, receiveBroker.removeConnectionData.size()); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { System.setProperty("brokername", "testbroker"); brokerService = createBroker(); broker = brokerService.getBroker(); // started automatically // brokerService.start(); context = new ConnectionContext(); context.setBroker(broker); info = new ConnectionInfo(); info.setClientId("James"); info.setUserName("James"); info.setConnectionId(new ConnectionId("1234")); try { broker.addConnection(context, info); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } assertNotNull("No broker created!"); }
@Override public Response messagePull(ConnectionContext context, MessagePull pull) throws Exception { if (isLogAll() || isLogConsumerEvents()) { "Message Pull from: {} on {}", context.getClientId(), pull.getDestination().getPhysicalName()); } return super.messagePull(context, pull); }
public void testAddConnectionSuccess() { String dnUserName = "******"; HashSet<String> userNames = new HashSet<String>(); userNames.add(dnUserName); HashSet<String> groupNames = new HashSet<String>(); groupNames.add("testGroup1"); groupNames.add("testGroup2"); groupNames.add("tesetGroup3"); setConfiguration(userNames, groupNames, true); try { authBroker.addConnection(connectionContext, connectionInfo); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Call to addConnection failed: " + e.getMessage()); } assertEquals( "Number of addConnection calls to underlying Broker must match number of calls made to " + "AuthenticationBroker.", 1, receiveBroker.addConnectionData.size()); ConnectionContext receivedContext = receiveBroker.addConnectionData.getFirst().connectionContext; assertEquals( "The SecurityContext's userName must be set to that of the UserPrincipal.", dnUserName, receivedContext.getSecurityContext().getUserName()); Set<Principal> receivedPrincipals = receivedContext.getSecurityContext().getPrincipals(); for (Iterator<Principal> iter = receivedPrincipals.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Principal currentPrincipal =; if (currentPrincipal instanceof UserPrincipal) { if (userNames.remove(currentPrincipal.getName())) { // Nothing, we did good. } else { // Found an unknown userName. fail("Unknown UserPrincipal found"); } } else if (currentPrincipal instanceof GroupPrincipal) { if (groupNames.remove(currentPrincipal.getName())) { // Nothing, we did good. } else { fail("Unknown GroupPrincipal found."); } } else { fail("Unexpected Principal subclass found."); } } if (!userNames.isEmpty()) { fail("Some usernames were not added as UserPrincipals"); } if (!groupNames.isEmpty()) { fail("Some group names were not added as GroupPrincipals"); } }
public ConnectionContext copy() { ConnectionContext rc = new ConnectionContext(this.messageEvaluationContext); rc.connection = this.connection; rc.connector = this.connector; =; rc.inRecoveryMode = this.inRecoveryMode; rc.transaction = this.transaction; rc.transactions = this.transactions; rc.securityContext = this.securityContext; rc.connectionId = this.connectionId; rc.clientId = this.clientId; rc.userName = this.userName; rc.reconnect = this.reconnect; rc.wireFormatInfo = this.wireFormatInfo; rc.longTermStoreContext = this.longTermStoreContext; rc.producerFlowControl = this.producerFlowControl; rc.messageAuthorizationPolicy = this.messageAuthorizationPolicy; rc.networkConnection = this.networkConnection; rc.faultTolerant = this.faultTolerant; rc.stopping.set(this.stopping.get()); rc.dontSendReponse = this.dontSendReponse; rc.clientMaster = this.clientMaster; return rc; }