private void createPhysics(final Camera camera, PhysicsWorld physicsWorld) { body = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( physicsWorld, this, BodyType.DynamicBody, PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0, 0)); body.setUserData("player"); body.setFixedRotation(true); physicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector( new PhysicsConnector(this, body, true, false) { @Override public void onUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) { super.onUpdate(pSecondsElapsed); camera.onUpdate(0.1f); if (getY() <= 0) { onDie(); } if (canRun) { body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(5, body.getLinearVelocity().y)); } } }); }
private void createGround() { this.ground = new Rectangle(400, GROUND_LEVEL, GROUND_WIDTH, GROUND_THICKNESS, this.vbom); this.ground.setColor(LevelElement.COLOR_DEFAULT); this.groundBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.physicWorld, this.ground, BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody, PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0, 0)); this.groundBody.setUserData("ground"); this.attachChild(this.ground); }
private void createPlayer() { this.player = new Player( PLAYER_X, GROUND_LEVEL + GROUND_THICKNESS / 2 + 32, this.resourcesManager.player, this.vbom, this.physicWorld) { @Override protected void onUpdateColor() { super.onUpdateColor(); if (BaseGameScene.this.playerTrail != null) { BaseGameScene.this.playerTrail.setColor(this.getColor()); } } }; this.player.getBody().setUserData("player"); this.player.registerPlayerListener(new BaseGamePlayerListener()); this.attachChild(this.player); this.playerTrail = new Trail( 36, 0, 0, 64, -340, -300, -2, 2, 25, 30, 50, Trail.ColorMode.NORMAL, this.resourcesManager.trail, this.vbom); this.playerTrail.bind(this.player); this.attachChild(this.playerTrail); this.playerTrail.hide(); this.playerTrail.setZIndex(this.player.getZIndex() - 1); this.sortChildren(); Body retention = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.physicWorld, PLAYER_X - this.player.getWidth() / 2, 250, 1, 400, BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody, PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0, 0)); retention.setUserData("retention"); }
@Override public Scene onCreateScene() { // Set FPSlogger and physics World this.mEngine.registerUpdateHandler(new FPSLogger()); this.mPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH), false); // Create new Scene this.mScene = new Scene(); mScene.setBackground(new Background(0, 0, 0)); // Initialize the physical boundary final VertexBufferObjectManager vertexBufferObjectManager = this.getVertexBufferObjectManager(); final Rectangle ground = new Rectangle(0, CAMERA_HEIGHT - 2, CAMERA_WIDTH, 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle roof = new Rectangle(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle left = new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, CAMERA_HEIGHT, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle right = new Rectangle(CAMERA_WIDTH - 2, 0, 2, CAMERA_HEIGHT, vertexBufferObjectManager); // Create the physical body of boundary final FixtureDef wallFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, ground, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, roof, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); // Add the bodies to the scene this.mScene.attachChild(ground); this.mScene.attachChild(roof); this.mScene.attachChild(left); this.mScene.attachChild(right); addMario(50, 50); // this.mScene.registerUpdateHandler(this.mPhysicsWorld); this.mScene.setOnSceneTouchListener(this); return mScene; }
// =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== private void addMario(final float pX, final float pY) { final Body body; final FixtureDef objectFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(1, 0.5f, 0.5f); mario = new AnimatedSprite(pX, pY, this.mMarioTextureRegion, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); mario.animate(new long[] {100, 100, 100}, 3, 5, true); body = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.mPhysicsWorld, mario, BodyType.DynamicBody, objectFixtureDef); marioRight = new AnimatedSprite(pX, pY, this.mMarioTextureRegion, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); marioRight.animate(new long[] {100, 100, 100}, 3, 5, true); // bodyRight = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, marioRight, // BodyType.DynamicBody, objectFixtureDef); marioLeft = new AnimatedSprite(pX, pY, this.mMarioTextureRegion, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); marioLeft.animate(new long[] {100, 100, 100}, 0, 2, true); // bodyLeft = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(this.mPhysicsWorld, marioLeft, BodyType.DynamicBody, // objectFixtureDef); // marioJump = new AnimatedSprite(pX, pY, this.mMarioJumpTextureRegion, // this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); // marioJump.animate(new long[] { 100, 1000 }, 0, 1, true); this.mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(mario, body, true, true)); this.mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(marioRight, body, true, true)); this.mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(marioLeft, body, true, true)); // this.mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(marioJump, body, true, // true)); mario.setUserData(body); this.mScene.attachChild(mario); marioRight.setUserData(body); this.mScene.attachChild(marioRight); marioLeft.setUserData(body); this.mScene.attachChild(marioLeft); // marioJump.setUserData(body); // this.mScene.attachChild(marioJump); marioRight.setVisible(false); marioLeft.setVisible(false); // marioJump.setVisible(false); }
public BLevel4() { setBackground(new Background(0, 0, 0)); setOnSceneTouchListener(this); activity = World2Activity.getSharedInstance(); Camera mCamera = activity.mCamera; W1LSMenu.bPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, SensorManager.GRAVITY_THE_ISLAND), false); mPhysicsWorld = W1LSMenu.bPhysicsWorld; menu = (activity.createMenuScene()); Sprite bg = new Sprite(0, 0, activity.menuBgTexture, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); setBackground(new SpriteBackground(bg)); // PhysicsWorld bPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, // SensorManager.GRAVITY_THE_ISLAND), false); final VertexBufferObjectManager vertexBufferObjectManager = activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager(); final Rectangle ground = new Rectangle(0, mCamera.getHeight() - 2, mCamera.getWidth(), 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle roof = new Rectangle(0, 0, mCamera.getWidth(), 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle left = new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, mCamera.getHeight(), vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle right = new Rectangle(mCamera.getWidth() - 2, 0, 2, mCamera.getHeight(), vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle reset = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); ground.setColor(Color.RED); roof.setColor(Color.RED); right.setColor(Color.RED); // final FixtureDef wallFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f); Body Ground = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, ground, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body Roof = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, roof, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body Left = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body Right = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body Reset = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, reset, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Ground.setUserData("ground"); Roof.setUserData("ground"); Left.setUserData("wall"); Right.setUserData("ground"); Reset.setUserData("tw"); attachChild(ground); attachChild(roof); attachChild(left); attachChild(right); = 3; x = 3; final DelayModifier dMod = new DelayModifier( 2, new IEntityModifierListener() { @Override public void onModifierStarted(IModifier arg0, IEntity arg1) {} public void onModifierFinished(IModifier arg0, IEntity arg1) { destroy(0); } }); final Text elapsedText = new Text( 600, 10, activity.mFont, "Score:0123456789", activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); registerUpdateHandler( new TimerHandler( 1 / 10.0f, true, new ITimerCallback() { @Override public void onTimePassed(final TimerHandler pTimerHandler) { score = (score - Math.round(activity.mCurrentScene.getSecondsElapsedTotal())); elapsedText.setText("Time :" + score); } })); attachChild(elapsedText); final Rectangle bL = new Rectangle(350, 365, 50, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle bB = new Rectangle(325, 355, 50, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle bR = new Rectangle(375, 355, 50, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle finish = new Rectangle(350, 360, 50, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); bR.setRotation(90); bB.setRotation(90); final Rectangle gate = new Rectangle(325, 330, 100, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); // gate.setRotation(90); final Body Gate = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, gate, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Gate.setUserData("gate"); gate.setColor(Color.GREEN); attachChild(gate); final Rectangle power = new Rectangle(650, 250, 15, 15, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Body Power = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, power, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); power.setColor(Color.BLUE); Power.setUserData("power"); attachChild(power); one = new Rectangle(765, 290, 25, 38, vertexBufferObjectManager); two = new Rectangle(765, 330, 25, 38, vertexBufferObjectManager); three = new Rectangle(765, 370, 25, 38, vertexBufferObjectManager); four = new Rectangle(765, 410, 25, 38, vertexBufferObjectManager); five = new Rectangle(765, 445, 25, 38, vertexBufferObjectManager); one.setColor(Color.GREEN); two.setColor(Color.GREEN); three.setColor(Color.YELLOW); four.setColor(Color.YELLOW); five.setColor(Color.RED); attachChild(one); attachChild(two); attachChild(three); attachChild(four); attachChild(five); Body bod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bL, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body lbod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bR, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body rbod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bB, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Body Finish = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, finish, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Rectangle help = new Rectangle(0, 150, 300, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); Body Help = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, help, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Rectangle block = new Rectangle(290, 100, 250, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); block.setRotation(-25); Body Block = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, block, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef); Block.setUserData("block"); bod.setUserData("body"); rbod.setUserData("body"); lbod.setUserData("body"); Finish.setUserData("finish"); Help.setUserData("Help"); bL.setColor(Color.WHITE); block.setColor(Color.WHITE); bR.setColor(Color.WHITE); bB.setColor(Color.WHITE); help.setColor(Color.WHITE); finish.setColor(0, 0, 1); finish.setVisible(false); attachChild(block); attachChild(bL); attachChild(bR); attachChild(bB); attachChild(help); attachChild(finish); // final ButtonSprite button = new ButtonSprite(5, 5, activity.mMenuResetTextureRegion, // vertexBufferObjectManager); // attachChild(button); // FixtureDef objectFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0.0f, // 0.0f, 0.0f); FixtureDef FIXTURE_DEF2 = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(1, .9f, 0.5f); final int blue = activity.faceSelected(1); if (blue == 1) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.redFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 2) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.blueFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 3) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.yellowFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 4) { activity.grav = 5; face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.hairFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); } else if (blue == 5) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.djFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 6) { activity.grav = 2; face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.jetFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); } else if (blue == 7) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.slowFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 8) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.fastFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 50, activity.redFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); if (blue == 5) body = PhysicsFactory.createCircleBody(mPhysicsWorld, face, BodyType.DynamicBody, FIXTURE_DEF2); else if (blue == 6) body = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, face, BodyType.DynamicBody, FIXTURE_DEF); else body = PhysicsFactory.createCircleBody(mPhysicsWorld, face, BodyType.DynamicBody, FIXTURE_DEF); body.setUserData("face"); face.animate(200); attachChild(face); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(face, body, true, true)); registerUpdateHandler(mPhysicsWorld); Rectangle pauseBtn = new Rectangle(0, 0, 130, 130, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()) { @Override public boolean onAreaTouched( TouchEvent pSceneTouchEvent, float pTouchAreaLocalX, float pTouchAreaLocalY) { if (pSceneTouchEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { = 4; setChildScene(menu, false, true, true); } return true; } }; pauseBtn.setVisible(false); // pauseBtn.setColor(0,0,1); attachChild(pauseBtn); registerTouchArea(pauseBtn); final Text resetText = new Text( 10, 10, activity.mFont, "Pause", new TextOptions(HorizontalAlign.CENTER), vertexBufferObjectManager); attachChild(resetText); mPhysicsWorld.setContactListener( new ContactListener() { @Override public void beginContact(final Contact contact) { final Fixture A = contact.getFixtureA(); final Fixture B = contact.getFixtureB(); final Body bodyA = A.getBody(); final Body bodyB = B.getBody(); String abe = bodyA.getUserData().toString(); String be = bodyB.getUserData().toString(); if (abe == "power" || be == "power") { power.setVisible(false); Power.setActive(false); Gate.setActive(false); gate.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } else if (abe == "ground" || be == "ground") { activity.gameToast("You ran into a fire wall"); destroy(1); } else if (abe == "finish" || be == "finish") { bB.setColor(0, 0, 1); bL.setColor(0, 0, 1); bR.setColor(0, 0, 1); registerEntityModifier(dMod); } else if (abe == "ground" || be == "ground") { activity.gameToast("You fell into a pit try again"); destroy(1); } } @Override public void endContact(final Contact pContact) { /* Do something... */ } @Override public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) {} @Override public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); }
public Level21() { setBackground(new Background(0, 0, 0)); setOnSceneTouchListener(this); activity = World1Activity.getSharedInstance(); Camera mCamera = activity.mCamera; Level1.mPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH), false); mPhysicsWorld = Level1.mPhysicsWorld; Sprite bg = new Sprite(0, 0, activity.menuBgTexture6, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); setBackground(new SpriteBackground(bg)); // activity.gameToast("The bugs have morphed and can travel through lines"); // PhysicsWorld bPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, // SensorManager.GRAVITY_THE_ISLAND), false); final VertexBufferObjectManager vertexBufferObjectManager = activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager(); final Rectangle ground = new Rectangle(0, mCamera.getHeight() - 2, mCamera.getWidth(), 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle roof = new Rectangle(0, 0, mCamera.getWidth(), 2, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle left = new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, mCamera.getHeight(), vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle right = new Rectangle(mCamera.getWidth() - 2, 0, 2, mCamera.getHeight(), vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle reset = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); ground.setColor(0, 255, 255); // right.setColor(Color.RED); // final FixtureDef wallFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f, false, // CATEGORYBIT_WALL, MASKBITS_WALL, (short)0); Body Ground = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, ground, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body Roof = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, roof, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body Left = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body Right = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body Reset = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, reset, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Ground.setUserData("ground"); Roof.setUserData("roof"); Left.setUserData("left"); Right.setUserData("right"); Reset.setUserData("tw"); attachChild(ground); attachChild(roof); attachChild(left); attachChild(right); Rectangle help = new Rectangle(50, 220, 250, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); Body Help = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, help, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); final Rectangle help2 = new Rectangle(0, 220, 50, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Body Help2 = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, help2, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Help2.setUserData("help"); help2.setColor(Color.WHITE); attachChild(help2); Rectangle block = new Rectangle(180, 220, 250, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); block.setRotation(90); Body Block = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, block, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Block.setUserData("block"); Help.setUserData("help"); block.setColor(Color.WHITE); help.setColor(Color.WHITE); attachChild(help); attachChild(block); // final FixtureDef objectFixtureDef2 = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(10, 0.2f, 0.5f,false, // CATEGORYBIT_WALL, MASKBITS_WALL, (short)0); final Text elapsedText = new Text( 600, 10, activity.mFont3, "Score:0123456789", activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); registerUpdateHandler( new TimerHandler( 1 / 10f, true, new ITimerCallback() { @Override public void onTimePassed(final TimerHandler pTimerHandler) { if (score > 2501) { score = (score - Math.round(activity.mCurrentScene.getSecondsElapsedTotal())); elapsedText.setText("Score:" + score); } else { score = 2500; elapsedText.setText("Score:" + score); } } })); attachChild(elapsedText); final DelayModifier dMod = new DelayModifier( 2, new IEntityModifierListener() { @Override public void onModifierStarted(IModifier arg0, IEntity arg1) {} public void onModifierFinished(IModifier arg0, IEntity arg1) { destroy(0); } }); final Rectangle bL = new Rectangle(150, 365, 50, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle bB = new Rectangle(125, 355, 50, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle bR = new Rectangle(175, 355, 50, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle finish = new Rectangle(150, 360, 50, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); bR.setRotation(90); bB.setRotation(90); one = new Rectangle(765, 290, 25, 35, vertexBufferObjectManager); two = new Rectangle(765, 330, 25, 35, vertexBufferObjectManager); three = new Rectangle(765, 370, 25, 35, vertexBufferObjectManager); four = new Rectangle(765, 410, 25, 35, vertexBufferObjectManager); five = new Rectangle(765, 450, 25, 35, vertexBufferObjectManager); one.setColor(Color.GREEN); two.setColor(Color.GREEN); three.setColor(Color.YELLOW); four.setColor(Color.YELLOW); five.setColor(Color.RED); attachChild(one); attachChild(two); attachChild(three); attachChild(four); attachChild(five); Rectangle laser = new Rectangle(350, 200, 20, 20, vertexBufferObjectManager); laser.setColor(Color.RED); attachChild(laser); final Line lase = new Line(350, 205, 805, 200, 5, vertexBufferObjectManager); final Body Lase = PhysicsFactory.createLineBody(mPhysicsWorld, lase, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Lase.setUserData("laser"); lase.setColor(Color.RED); lase.setVisible(false); Lase.setActive(false); attachChild(lase); registerUpdateHandler( new IUpdateHandler() { @Override public void onUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) { x = x + 1; if (x == 50) { lase.setVisible(true); Lase.setActive(true); } else if (x == 100) { lase.setVisible(false); Lase.setActive(false); x = 0; } } @Override public void reset() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); final Rectangle powerup = new Rectangle(665, 050, 15, 15, vertexBufferObjectManager); powerup.setColor(Color.RED); final Body power = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, powerup, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); powerup.setVisible(true); power.setActive(true); Body bod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bL, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body lbod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bR, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body rbod = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bB, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); Body Finish = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, finish, BodyType.StaticBody, CIRCLE_FIXTURE_DEF); // Rectangle help = new Rectangle(0, 220, 300, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); // Body Help = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, help, BodyType.StaticBody, // wallFixtureDef); // Rectangle block = new Rectangle(180, 220, 250, 10, vertexBufferObjectManager); // block.setRotation(90); // Body Block = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, block, BodyType.StaticBody, // wallFixtureDef); // Block.setUserData("block"); bod.setUserData("body"); rbod.setUserData("body"); lbod.setUserData("body"); Finish.setUserData("finish"); power.setUserData("power"); // Help.setUserData("Help"); bL.setColor(Color.WHITE); // block.setColor(255, 0, 0); bR.setColor(Color.WHITE); bB.setColor(Color.WHITE); // help.setColor(255, 0, 0); finish.setColor(0, 0, 1); finish.setVisible(false); // attachChild(block); attachChild(bL); attachChild(bR); attachChild(bB); // attachChild(help); attachChild(finish); attachChild(powerup); // centerText = new Text(320, 40, activity.mFont, "IMPORTANT!!! Keep an eye \n out for powerups // \n to help you through \n the level \n (touch anywhere to make \n this message dissapear)", // new TextOptions(HorizontalAlign.CENTER), vertexBufferObjectManager); // attachChild(centerText); // final ButtonSprite button = new ButtonSprite(5, 5, activity.mMenuResetTextureRegion, // vertexBufferObjectManager); // attachChild(button); final int blue = activity.faceSelected(1); if (blue == 1) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.redFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 2) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.blueFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 3) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.yellowFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 4) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.hairFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 5) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.djFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 6) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.jetFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 7) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.slowFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else if (blue == 8) face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.fastFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); else face = new AnimatedSprite(05, 150, activity.redFace, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); body = PhysicsFactory.createCircleBody( mPhysicsWorld, face, BodyType.DynamicBody, FACE_FIXTURE_DEF); body.setUserData("face"); face.animate(200); attachChild(face); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(face, body, true, true)); registerUpdateHandler(mPhysicsWorld); Random r = new Random(); int i = r.nextInt(4 - 1) + 1; if (i == 1) { enemy = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug2, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy2 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug3, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy3 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug1, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); } else if (i == 2) { enemy = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug2, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy2 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug1, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy3 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug2, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); } else if (i == 3) { enemy = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug3, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy2 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug2, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy3 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug3, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); } else enemy = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug1, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy2 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug2, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); enemy3 = new Sprite(400, 200, activity.bug3, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); // final Rectangle enemy = new Rectangle(600,400, 15, 15, // activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); Enemy = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, enemy, BodyType.DynamicBody, CIRCLE_FIXTURE_DEF); Enemy.setUserData("enemy"); attachChild(enemy); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(enemy, Enemy, true, true)); // final Rectangle enemy2 = new Rectangle(500,400, 15, 15, // activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); Enemy2 = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, enemy2, BodyType.DynamicBody, CIRCLE_FIXTURE_DEF); Enemy2.setUserData("enemy"); attachChild(enemy2); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(enemy2, Enemy2, true, true)); // final Rectangle enemy3 = new Rectangle(400,400, 15, 15, // activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); Enemy3 = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, enemy3, BodyType.DynamicBody, CIRCLE_FIXTURE_DEF); Enemy3.setUserData("enemy"); attachChild(enemy3); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(enemy3, Enemy3, true, true)); // Enemy.setLinearVelocity(10, -10); /*final AnimatedSprite windArea = new AnimatedSprite(200, 0, 50, 500, activity.mBoxFaceTextureRegion, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()) { @Override protected void onManagedUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) { if (face.collidesWith(this)) { body.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0, -10f), body.getWorldCenter()); } }; }; // windArea.setVisible(false); attachChild(windArea); */ Rectangle pauseBtn = new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()) { @Override public boolean onAreaTouched( TouchEvent pSceneTouchEvent, float pTouchAreaLocalX, float pTouchAreaLocalY) { if (pSceneTouchEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { Scene menu = (activity.createMenuScene()); = 21; setChildScene(menu, false, true, true); } return true; } }; pauseBtn.setVisible(false); // pauseBtn.setColor(0,0,1); attachChild(pauseBtn); registerTouchArea(pauseBtn); final Text resetText = new Text( 10, 10, activity.mFont3, "Pause", new TextOptions(HorizontalAlign.CENTER), vertexBufferObjectManager); attachChild(resetText); mPhysicsWorld.setContactListener( new ContactListener() { @Override public void beginContact(final Contact contact) { final Fixture A = contact.getFixtureA(); final Fixture B = contact.getFixtureB(); final Body bodyA = A.getBody(); final Body bodyB = B.getBody(); String abe = bodyA.getUserData().toString(); String be = bodyB.getUserData().toString(); if (abe == "left" || be == "left") { Enemy.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy2.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy3.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); } else if (abe == "power" && be != "enemy") { l = -5; activity.gameToast("Nice super shield active. Resetting line...."); linesDrawn = 0; rectangle(linesDrawn); powerup.setVisible(false); power.setActive(false); help2.setVisible(false); Help2.setActive(false); } if (abe == "finish" && be == "face") { bB.setColor(0, 0, 1); bL.setColor(0, 0, 1); bR.setColor(0, 0, 1); // lase.setVisible(false); // Lase.setActive(false); // x = 500; registerEntityModifier(dMod); } if (abe == "laser" && be == "face") { if (l >= 0) { l = l + 1; activity.gameToast("Shield only blocks one laser hit-Hit #" + l); if (l == 2) destroy(1); } else if (l < 0) { activity.gameToast("Super Shield active"); l = l + 1; } } else if (abe == "roof" || be == "roof") { Enemy.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy2.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy3.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), body.getWorldCenter()); } else if (abe == "right" || be == "right") { Enemy.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(-1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy2.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(-1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy3.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(-1, 0.5f), body.getWorldCenter()); } else if (abe == "ground" || be == "ground") { Enemy.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, -2f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy2.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, -2f), body.getWorldCenter()); Enemy3.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.5f, -2f), body.getWorldCenter()); } else if (abe == "enemy" && be == "face") { if (l >= 0) { l = l + 1; activity.gameToast("Hit #" + l); if (l == 3) destroy(1); } else if (l < 0) { if (dead == 0) { enemy.setVisible(false); Enemy.setActive(false); dead = dead + 1; l = l + 1; activity.gameToast("Enemy eleminated"); } else if (dead == 1) { enemy2.setVisible(false); Enemy2.setActive(false); l = l + 1; dead = dead + 1; activity.gameToast("Enemy 2 eleminated"); } else if (l == -3) { enemy3.setVisible(false); Enemy3.setActive(false); l = l + 1; dead = dead + 1; activity.gameToast("Enemy 3 eleminated"); } else { l = l + 1; } } } } @Override public void endContact(final Contact pContact) {} @Override public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) {} @Override public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) {} }); }
@Override public void onPopulateScene(Scene pScene, OnPopulateSceneCallback pOnPopulateSceneCallback) { mPhysicsWorld = new FixedStepPhysicsWorld( 60, new Vector2(0f, -SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH * 2), false, 8, 3); mScene.registerUpdateHandler(mPhysicsWorld); final FixtureDef WALL_FIXTURE_DEF = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f); final Rectangle ground = new Rectangle( cameraWidth / 2f, 6f, cameraWidth - 4f, 8f, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); final Rectangle roof = new Rectangle( cameraWidth / 2f, cameraHeight - 6f, cameraWidth - 4f, 8f, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); final Rectangle left = new Rectangle( 6f, cameraHeight / 2f, 8f, cameraHeight - 4f, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); final Rectangle right = new Rectangle( cameraWidth - 6f, cameraHeight / 2f, 8f, cameraHeight - 4f, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager()); ground.setColor(0f, 0f, 0f); roof.setColor(0f, 0f, 0f); left.setColor(0f, 0f, 0f); right.setColor(0f, 0f, 0f); groundWallBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.mPhysicsWorld, ground, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); roofWallBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.mPhysicsWorld, roof, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); leftWallBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); rightWallBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( this.mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, WALL_FIXTURE_DEF); this.mScene.attachChild(ground); this.mScene.attachChild(roof); this.mScene.attachChild(left); this.mScene.attachChild(right); Rectangle GravityRect = new Rectangle(300f, 240f, 100f, 100f, this.getEngine().getVertexBufferObjectManager()); GravityRect.setColor(0f, 0.7f, 0f); mScene.attachChild(GravityRect); mScene.registerTouchArea(GravityRect); gravityBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, GravityRect, BodyType.DynamicBody, boxFixtureDef); gravityBody.setLinearDamping(0.4f); gravityBody.setAngularDamping(0.6f); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(GravityRect, gravityBody)); Rectangle AntiGravityRect = new Rectangle(500f, 240f, 100f, 100f, this.getEngine().getVertexBufferObjectManager()) { @Override protected void onManagedUpdate(final float pSecondsElapsed) { super.onManagedUpdate(pSecondsElapsed); antigravityBody.applyForce( -mPhysicsWorld.getGravity().x * antigravityBody.getMass(), -mPhysicsWorld.getGravity().y * antigravityBody.getMass(), antigravityBody.getWorldCenter().x, antigravityBody.getWorldCenter().y); } }; AntiGravityRect.setColor(0f, 0f, 0.7f); mScene.attachChild(AntiGravityRect); mScene.registerTouchArea(AntiGravityRect); antigravityBody = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( mPhysicsWorld, AntiGravityRect, BodyType.DynamicBody, boxFixtureDef); antigravityBody.setLinearDamping(0.4f); antigravityBody.setAngularDamping(0.6f); mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(AntiGravityRect, antigravityBody)); mScene.setOnSceneTouchListener(this); pOnPopulateSceneCallback.onPopulateSceneFinished(); }
private void createPhysics(final Camera camera, PhysicsWorld physicsWorld) { body = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody( physicsWorld, this, BodyType.DynamicBody, PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0, 0)); as = new AnimatedSprite( mHeight, mHeight, ResourcesManager.getInstance().player_region.deepCopy(), MainGameEngineActivity.getSharedInstance() .getSharedInstance() .getVertexBufferObjectManager()); body.setUserData(as); body.setFixedRotation(true); physicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector( new PhysicsConnector(this, body, true, false) { @Override public void onUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) { super.onUpdate(pSecondsElapsed); camera.onUpdate(0.1f); if (jetfireCalled == false) { jetfire(); jetfireCalled = true; jumpTimer = fuelLevel; } if (getY() <= 0) { onDie(); } if (jumping) { jumpTimer--; if (jumpTimer >= 1) { GameScene scene = (GameScene) MainGameEngineActivity.getSharedInstance().mCurrentScene; scene.fuelText.setText(("Fuel: " + jumpTimer)); if (jumpTimer > fuelLevel / 2) { scene.fuelText.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 255, 0)); } else if (jumpTimer > fuelLevel / 3 && jumpTimer < fuelLevel / 2) { scene.fuelText.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 0)); } else { scene.fuelText.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 0, 0)); } body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(body.getLinearVelocity().x, 4)); pe.setCenter(getX(), getY()); } else if (jumpTimer <= 0) { GameScene scene = (GameScene) MainGameEngineActivity.getSharedInstance().mCurrentScene; scene.fuelText.setText(("Fuel:Charging")); jumpRecharge--; pe.setCenter(-1000, -1000); } if (jumpRecharge <= 0 && jumpTimer <= 0) { pe.setCenter(-1000, -1000); jumpRecharge = 75; jumpTimer = fuelLevel; } } if (right) { body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(5, body.getLinearVelocity().y)); } if (left) { body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(-5, body.getLinearVelocity().y)); } if (stop) { body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(0, body.getLinearVelocity().y)); } } }); }
/** * The constructor for the background class is where the background is created. It takes * parameters from the BaseLevel class, which are received from the JSON file for each level.. It * loads the textures in first. Then, a check is done to see what kind of level I am dealing with, * and if it is bonus, I set the walls, as the level uses the accelerometer. Otherwise I add the * background and it sets the parallax background. * * @param base_class * @param image -image passsed through from the JSON parser to be part of the background * @param sizeY - Y size of the image * @param sizeX - X size of the image * @param posX - X pos of the image * @param posY - Y pos of the image * @param pX - Parrallax * @param pY - Parralax */ public Background( base_class my_base_class, String image, int sizeX, int sizeY, int posX, int posY, String pX, String pY) { base = my_base_class; float parallaxX = Float.parseFloat(pX); float parallaxY = Float.parseFloat(pY); /* Here I am loading in the background, I define the size and the image name and load it in to memory */ backgroundTextureAtlas = new BitmapTextureAtlas( base.getTextureManager(), sizeX, sizeY, TextureOptions.BILINEAR_PREMULTIPLYALPHA); backgroundTextureRegion = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset( backgroundTextureAtlas, base, image, 0, 0); backgroundTextureAtlas.load(); if (BaseLevel.typeOfLevel.equals("bonus")) { /* This is the code to create a wall around the edge of the phone screen */ final Rectangle ground = new Rectangle( 0, base.CAMERA_HEIGHT - 35, base.CAMERA_WIDTH, 0, base.vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle roof = new Rectangle(0, 35, base.CAMERA_WIDTH, 0, base.vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle left = new Rectangle(40, 0, 0, base.CAMERA_HEIGHT, base.vertexBufferObjectManager); final Rectangle right = new Rectangle( base.CAMERA_WIDTH - 40, 0, 0, base.CAMERA_HEIGHT, base.vertexBufferObjectManager); ground.setUserData("wall"); roof.setUserData("wall"); left.setUserData("wall"); right.setUserData("wall"); /* set the wall and then attach it to a scene */ final FixtureDef wallFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(base.mPhysicsWorld, ground, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef) .setUserData("wall"); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(base.mPhysicsWorld, roof, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef) .setUserData("wall"); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(base.mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef) .setUserData("wall"); PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(base.mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef) .setUserData("wall"); base.getEngine().getScene().attachChild(ground); base.getEngine().getScene().attachChild(roof); base.getEngine().getScene().attachChild(left); base.getEngine().getScene().attachChild(right); } BaseLevel.ParallaxBackground.attachParallaxEntity( new Parallax2dEntity( parallaxX, parallaxY, new Sprite(posX, posY, backgroundTextureRegion, base.getVertexBufferObjectManager()), false, false)); }