public void startDownload() throws IOException { startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); manager.getNetMan().sendToAllFriends(new GetBlockMask(root)); if (fd == null) { setState(State.LOADING_FD); } else { setState(State.DOWNLOADING); } }
public void fileDescriptorReceived(DownloadConnection source, FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException { if (this.fd != null) { if (T.t) {"Already has FD. Ignore the new one and start download for this connection."); } if (T.t) { T.ass(source.readyToStartDownload(), "Not ready to start download?"); } if (needsMoreDownloadConnections()) { source.startDownloadingBlock(); } return; } if (T.t) { T.debug("Received file descriptor " + fd); } this.fd = fd; setState(State.DOWNLOADING); ArrayList<DownloadConnection> al = new ArrayList<DownloadConnection>(); for (DownloadConnection c : connections.values()) { al.add(c); } for (DownloadConnection c : al) { if (c.readyToStartDownload() && needsMoreDownloadConnections()) { c.startDownloadingBlock(); } } }
public boolean checkIfDownloadIsComplete() { // may be in a state where the file is being moved into the complete directory - then it's // complete by this methods definition, but not complete by the filedatabase definition if (fd == null) { return false; } boolean b = getManager().getCore().getFileManager().isRecentlyDownloadedOrComplete(fd.getRootHash()); if (b) { setState(State.COMPLETED); } return b; }