コード例 #1
  private JSONObject getPreferencesObject(String userName) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject jsonPrefs = null;

    // Get the user node reference
    NodeRef personNodeRef = this.personService.getPerson(userName);
    if (personNodeRef == null) {
      throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(
          "Cannot get preferences for " + userName + " because he/she does not exist.");

    String currentUserName = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
    boolean isSystem =
            || authenticationContext.isSystemUserName(currentUserName);
    if (isSystem
        || userName.equals(currentUserName)
        || personService
        || authorityService.isAdminAuthority(currentUserName)) {
      // Check for preferences aspect
      if (this.nodeService.hasAspect(personNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_PREFERENCES) == true) {
        // Get the preferences for this user
        ContentReader reader =
            this.contentService.getReader(personNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_PREFERENCE_VALUES);
        if (reader != null) {
          jsonPrefs = new JSONObject(reader.getContentString());
    } else {
      // The current user does not have sufficient permissions to get
      // the preferences for this user
      throw new AccessDeniedException(
          "The current user "
              + currentUserName
              + " does not have sufficient permissions to get the preferences of the user "
              + userName);

    return jsonPrefs;
  public void traiteGroupAgentSHD(Integer idAgent, String nameFolderAgent) {

    List<PersonInfo> listPersonSHD = new ArrayList<PersonInfo>();
    List<Integer> listeSuperieurHierarchique = sirhWsConsumer.getListSuperieurOfAgent(idAgent);
    String groupSHD = PREFIXE_GROUP + nameFolderAgent + SHD;
    for (Integer idSup : listeSuperieurHierarchique) {

      if (null != idSup) {
        PersonInfo personSHD = alfrescoUtilsService.getPersonInfoByIdAgent(idSup);

        // AJOUT
        if (null != personSHD) {
          Set<String> listGroup = authorityService.getAuthoritiesForUser(personSHD.getUserName());
          if (!alfrescoUtilsService.isExistGroupForUser(listGroup, groupSHD)
              && authorityService.authorityExists(personSHD.getUserName())) {
            authorityService.addAuthority(groupSHD, personSHD.getUserName());
            if (!listPersonSHD.contains(personSHD)) {
            logger.debug("User " + personSHD.getUserName() + " adding in Group " + groupSHD);
          } else if (alfrescoUtilsService.isExistGroupForUser(listGroup, groupSHD)
              && authorityService.authorityExists(personSHD.getUserName())) {
            if (!listPersonSHD.contains(personSHD)) {
            logger.debug("User " + personSHD.getUserName() + " existing in Group " + groupSHD);

    Set<String> listUsersGoupSHD =
        authorityService.getContainedAuthorities(AuthorityType.USER, groupSHD, true);
    if (null != listUsersGoupSHD) {

      for (String userGroupSHD : listUsersGoupSHD) {
        if (!alfrescoUtilsService.isExistUserInListPersonInfo(listPersonSHD, userGroupSHD)) {
          authorityService.removeAuthority(groupSHD, userGroupSHD);
          logger.debug("User " + userGroupSHD + " deleted in Group " + groupSHD);