/** {@inheritDoc} */ protected UrlBuilder getCommentUrl(Node node, Comment comment) { if (isObjectNull(node)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "node")); } return new UrlBuilder( CloudUrlRegistry.getCommentUrl( (CloudSession) session, node.getIdentifier(), comment.getIdentifier())); }
/** * Favorite or unfavorite a site. * * @param site : Site object to manage * @param addSite : true to favorite the site. False to unfavorite the site. */ private Site favoriteSite(Site site, boolean addSite) { if (isObjectNull(site)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "site")); } Site updatedSite = null; try { String link = OnPremiseUrlRegistry.getUserPreferenceUrl(session, session.getPersonIdentifier()); UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link); // prepare json data String[] sitePrefence = {"org", "alfresco", "share", "sites", "favourites"}; JSONObject jroot = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jt = null; JSONObject jp = jroot; for (int i = 0; i < sitePrefence.length; i++) { jt = new JSONObject(); jp.put(sitePrefence[i], jt); jp = jt; } jt.put(site.getIdentifier(), addSite); final JsonDataWriter formDataM = new JsonDataWriter(jroot); // send post( url, formDataM.getContentType(), new HttpUtils.Output() { public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { formDataM.write(out); } }, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); updateExtraPropertyCache( site.getIdentifier(), site.isPendingMember(), site.isMember(), addSite); updatedSite = new SiteImpl(site, site.isPendingMember(), site.isMember(), addSite); validateUpdateSite(updatedSite, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); } catch (Exception e) { convertException(e); } return updatedSite; }
@Override public void removeFavorite(Node node) { if (isObjectNull(node)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "node")); } try { String link = PublicAPIUrlRegistry.getUserFavouriteUrl( session, session.getPersonIdentifier(), node.getIdentifier()); delete(new UrlBuilder(link), ErrorCodeRegistry.DOCFOLDER_GENERIC); } catch (Exception e) { convertException(e); } }
@Override public void addFavorite(Node node) { if (isObjectNull(node)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "node")); } try { String link = PublicAPIUrlRegistry.getUserPreferenceUrl(session, session.getPersonIdentifier()); UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link); // prepare json data String preferenceFilter = "target.file"; if (node.isFolder()) { preferenceFilter = "target.folder"; } String[] filter = preferenceFilter.split("\\."); JSONObject jroot = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jt = null; JSONObject jp = jroot; for (int i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { jt = new JSONObject(); jp.put(filter[i], jt); jp = jt; } jt.put(PublicAPIConstant.GUID_VALUE, NodeRefUtils.getCleanIdentifier(node.getIdentifier())); final JsonDataWriter formDataM = new JsonDataWriter(jroot); // send post( url, formDataM.getContentType(), new Output() { public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { formDataM.write(out); } }, ErrorCodeRegistry.DOCFOLDER_GENERIC); } catch (Exception e) { convertException(e); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Site joinSite(Site site) { if (isObjectNull(site)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "site")); } Site updatedSite = null; try { String link = null; UrlBuilder url = null; HttpUtils.Response resp = null; JSONObject jo = null; Map<String, Object> json = null; // Check isMember because on onPremise theres no error message if // the user is already member of a site. if (isMemberOf(site)) { throw new AlfrescoServiceException( ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_ALREADY_MEMBER, Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_ALREADY_MEMBER")); } switch (site.getVisibility()) { case PUBLIC: // Prepare URL link = OnPremiseUrlRegistry.getJoinPublicSiteUrl(session, site.getIdentifier()); url = new UrlBuilder(link); // prepare json data jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.ROLE_VALUE, DEFAULT_ROLE); JSONObject jp = new JSONObject(); jp.put(OnPremiseConstant.USERNAME_VALUE, session.getPersonIdentifier()); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.PERSON_VALUE, jp); final JsonDataWriter formData = new JsonDataWriter(jo); // send and parse resp = post( url, formData.getContentType(), new HttpUtils.Output() { public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { formData.write(out); } }, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); // By default Contains informations about authority & // membership json = JsonUtils.parseObject(resp.getStream(), resp.getCharset()); updateExtraPropertyCache(site.getIdentifier(), false, true, site.isFavorite()); updatedSite = new SiteImpl(site, false, true, site.isFavorite()); validateUpdateSite(updatedSite, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); break; case MODERATED: if (hasJoinRequest(site)) { throw new AlfrescoServiceException( ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_ALREADY_MEMBER, Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_ALREADY_MEMBER.request")); } link = OnPremiseUrlRegistry.getJoinModeratedSiteUrl(session, site.getIdentifier()); url = new UrlBuilder(link); // prepare json data jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.INVITATIONTYPE_VALUE, SiteVisibility.MODERATED.value()); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.INVITEEUSERNAME_VALUE, session.getPersonIdentifier()); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.INVITEECOMMENTS_VALUE, null); jo.put(OnPremiseConstant.INVITEEROLENAME_VALUE, DEFAULT_ROLE); final JsonDataWriter formDataM = new JsonDataWriter(jo); // send and parse resp = post( url, formDataM.getContentType(), new HttpUtils.Output() { public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { formDataM.write(out); } }, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); json = JsonUtils.parseObject(resp.getStream(), resp.getCharset()); Map<String, Object> jmo = (Map<String, Object>) json.get(OnPremiseConstant.DATA_VALUE); if (jmo != null) { updateExtraPropertyCache(site.getIdentifier(), true, false, site.isFavorite()); updatedSite = new SiteImpl(site, true, false, site.isFavorite()); validateUpdateSite(updatedSite, ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC); } else { throw new AlfrescoServiceException( ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC, Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_NOT_JOINED.parsing")); } break; case PRIVATE: throw new AlfrescoServiceException( ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_GENERIC, Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.SITE_NOT_JOINED.private")); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( Messagesl18n.getString("ErrorCodeRegistry.GENERAL_INVALID_ARG_NULL"), "visibility")); } } catch (Exception e) { convertException(e); } return updatedSite; }