コード例 #1
   * Get the data byte count for the SMB packet
   * @return Data byte count
  public final int getByteCount() {

    // Calculate the offset of the byte count

    int pos = PARAMWORDS + (2 * getParameterCount());
    return (int) DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, pos);
コード例 #2
   * Get a parameter word from the SMB packet.
   * @param idx Parameter index (zero based).
   * @return Parameter word value.
   * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the parameter index is out of range.
  public final int getParameter(int idx) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException {

    // Range check the parameter index

    if (idx > getParameterCount()) throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    // Calculate the parameter word offset

    int pos = WORDCNT + (2 * idx) + 1;
    return (int) (DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, pos) & 0xFFFF);
コード例 #3
  * Get the request operation id
  * @return int
 public final int getOperationId() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(getBuffer(), m_offset + OPERATIONID);
コード例 #4
  * Get the request presentation identifier
  * @return int
 public final int getPresentationIdentifier() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(getBuffer(), m_offset + PRESENTIDENT);
コード例 #5
  * Return the authentication length
  * @return int
 public final int getAuthenticationLength() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(getBuffer(), m_offset + AUTHLEN);
コード例 #6
  * Return the fragment length
  * @return int
 public final int getFragmentLength() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(getBuffer(), m_offset + FRAGMENTLEN);
コード例 #7
  * Get the user identifier (UID)
  * @return User identifier (UID)
 public final int getUserId() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, UID);
コード例 #8
  * Get the tree identifier (TID)
  * @return Tree identifier (TID)
 public final int getTreeId() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, TID);
コード例 #9
  * Get the session identifier (SID)
  * @return Session identifier (SID)
 public final int getSID() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, SID);
コード例 #10
  * Get the process identifier (PID) high bytes, or zero if not used
  * @return Process identifier value.
 public final int getProcessIdHigh() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, PIDHIGH);
コード例 #11
  * Get the multiplex identifier.
  * @return Multiplex identifier.
 public final int getMultiplexId() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, MID);
コード例 #12
  * Return the NetBIOS header data length value.
  * @return int
 public final int getHeaderLength() {
   return DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, 2) & 0xFFFF;
コード例 #13
  * Get the SMB flags2 value.
  * @return SMB flags2 value.
 public final int getFlags2() {
   return (int) DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, FLAGS2);
コード例 #14
  * Unpack a word (16 bit) value from the byte area
  * @return int
 public final int unpackWord() {
   int val = DataPacker.getIntelShort(m_smbbuf, m_pos);
   m_pos += 2;
   return val;
コード例 #15
   * Decode a block of data according to the data descriptor string and return a vector of the
   * values converted to Java object types.
   * @param buf Byte array containing the data to be unpacked
   * @param off Offset within the buffer that the data begins
   * @param desc Data descriptor string
   * @param objs Vector to store the decoded objects into
   * @param conv Converter used to locate strings within a data block.
   * @return Offset within the data buffer at the end of this data block
  protected static final int DecodeData(byte[] buf, int off, String desc, Vector objs, int conv) {

    // Scan the data descriptor string and convert each data item in the data
    // block

    int bufpos = off;
    int pos = 0;

    while (pos < desc.length()) {

      // Get the current data item type

      char dtype = desc.charAt(pos++);
      int dlen = 1;

      // Check if a data length has been specified

      if (pos < desc.length() && Character.isDigit(desc.charAt(pos))) {

        // Convert the data length string

        int numlen = 1;
        int numpos = pos + 1;
        while (numpos < desc.length() && Character.isDigit(desc.charAt(numpos++))) numlen++;

        // Set the data length

        dlen = Integer.parseInt(desc.substring(pos, pos + numlen));

        // Update the descriptor string position

        pos = numpos - 1;

      // Convert the current data item

      switch (dtype) {

          // Word (16 bit) data type

        case 'W':

          // Unpack words from the data block

          int sval;

          while (dlen-- > 0) {

            // Unpack the current word value

            sval = DataPacker.getIntelShort(buf, bufpos);
            objs.addElement(new Short((short) sval));

            // Update the buffer pointer

            bufpos += 2;

          // Integer (32 bit) data type

        case 'D':

          // Unpack integer values from the data block

          int ival;

          while (dlen-- > 0) {

            // Unpack the current integer value

            ival = DataPacker.getIntelInt(buf, bufpos);
            objs.addElement(new Integer(ival));

            // Update the buffer pointer

            bufpos += 4;

          // Byte data type

        case 'B':

          // For a single byte return a Byte else return the bytes as a String
          // object.

          if (dlen == 1) {
            objs.addElement(new Byte(buf[bufpos++]));
          } else {
            int endlen = 0;

            while (endlen < dlen && buf[bufpos + endlen] != 0x00) endlen++;
            String strval = new String(buf, bufpos, endlen);
            bufpos += dlen;

          // Null terminated string data type

        case 'z':

          // Find the end of the null terminated string

          short spos = (short) DataPacker.getIntelInt(buf, bufpos);
          spos -= (short) conv;

          if (spos < buf.length && spos > 0) {

            int endpos = spos;
            while (buf[endpos] != 0) endpos++;

            // Add a string to the data vector

            String str = new String(buf, spos, endpos - spos);
          } else objs.addElement("");

          // Add 32-bit value size to buffer position

          bufpos += 4;

          // Skip 'n' bytes in the buffer

        case '.':
          bufpos += dlen;

          // Integer (32 bit) data type converted to a date/time value

        case 'T':

          // Unpack integer values from the data block

          int dval;

          while (dlen-- > 0) {

            // Unpack the current integer value

            dval = DataPacker.getIntelInt(buf, bufpos);

            // Build a Date object using the integer value as seconds since the
            // base date/time of 1-Jan-1970 00:00

            Date datetime = new Date((long) dval * 1000);

            // Update the buffer pointer

            bufpos += 4;
      } // end switch data type
    } // end while descriptor string

    // Return the new buffer offset

    return bufpos;