コード例 #1
  private ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> findExtractProperties() throws OpenClinicaSystemException {
    ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean> ret = new ArrayList<ExtractPropertyBean>();

    // ExtractPropertyBean epbean = new ExtractPropertyBean();
    int i = 1;
    while (!getExtractField("extract." + i + ".file").equals("")) {
      ExtractPropertyBean epbean = new ExtractPropertyBean();
      // we will implement a find by id function in the front end

      // check to make sure the file exists, if not throw an exception and system will abort to
      // start.
      checkForFile(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".file"));
      epbean.setFileName(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".file"));
      // file name of the xslt stylesheet
      epbean.setFiledescription(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".fileDescription"));
      // description of the choice of format
      epbean.setHelpText(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".helptext"));
      // help text, currently in the alt-text of the link
      epbean.setLinkText(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".linkText"));
      // link text of the choice of format
      // epbean.setRolesAllowed(getExtractField("xsl.allowed." + i).split(","));
      // which roles are allowed to see the choice?
      epbean.setFileLocation(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".location"));
      // destination of the copied files
      // epbean.setFormat(getExtractField("xsl.format." + i));
      // if (("").equals(epbean.getFormat())) {
      // }
      // formatting choice. currently permenantly set at oc1.3
       * String clinica = getExtractField("extract."+i+".odmType"); if(clinica!=null) {
       * if(clinica.equalsIgnoreCase("clinical_data")) epbean.setFormat("occlinical_data"); else
       * epbean.setFormat("oc1.3"); } else

      epbean.setOdmType(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".odmType"));


      // destination file name of the copied files
      epbean.setExportFileName(getExtractFields("extract." + i + ".exportname"));
      // post-processing event after the creation
      // System.out.println("found post function: " + whichFunction);
      String whichFunction = getExtractField("extract." + i + ".post").toLowerCase();
      // added by JN: Zipformat comes from extract properties returns true by default
      epbean.setZipFormat(getExtractFieldBoolean("extract." + i + ".zip"));
      epbean.setDeleteOld(getExtractFieldBoolean("extract." + i + ".deleteOld"));
      epbean.setSuccessMessage(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".success"));
      epbean.setFailureMessage(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".failure"));
      epbean.setZipName(getExtractField("extract." + i + ".zipName"));
      if (epbean.getFileName().length != epbean.getExportFileName().length)
        throw new OpenClinicaSystemException(
            "The comma seperated values of file names and export file names should correspond 1 on 1 for the property number"
                + i);

      if ("sql".equals(whichFunction)) {
        // set the bean within, so that we can access the file locations etc
        SqlProcessingFunction function = new SqlProcessingFunction(epbean);
        String whichSettings = getExtractField("xsl.post." + i + ".sql");
        if (!"".equals(whichSettings)) {
          function.setDatabaseType(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".dataBase").toLowerCase());
          function.setDatabaseUrl(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".url"));
          function.setDatabaseUsername(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".username"));
          function.setDatabasePassword(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichSettings + ".password"));
        } else {
          // set default db settings here
        // also pre-set the database connection stuff
        // System.out.println("found db password: "******"pdf".equals(whichFunction)) {
        // TODO add other functions here
        epbean.setPostProcessing(new PdfProcessingFunction());
      } else if ("sas".equals(whichFunction)) {
        epbean.setPostProcessing(new SasProcessingFunction());
      } else if (!whichFunction.isEmpty()) {
        String postProcessorName = getExtractField(whichFunction + ".postProcessor");
        if (postProcessorName.equals("pdf")) {
          epbean.setPostProcessing(new PdfProcessingFunction());
          epbean.setPostProcDeleteOld(getExtractFieldBoolean(whichFunction + ".deleteOld"));
          epbean.setPostProcZip(getExtractFieldBoolean(whichFunction + ".zip"));
          epbean.setPostProcLocation(getExtractField(whichFunction + ".location"));
          epbean.setPostProcExportName(getExtractField(whichFunction + ".exportname"));
        // since the database is the last option TODO: think about custom post processing options
        else {
          SqlProcessingFunction function = new SqlProcessingFunction(epbean);

          function.setDatabaseType(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".dataBase").toLowerCase());
          function.setDatabaseUrl(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".url"));
          function.setDatabaseUsername(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".username"));
          function.setDatabasePassword(getExtractFieldNoRep(whichFunction + ".password"));

      } else {
        // add a null here

    // tbh change to print out properties

    // System.out.println("found " + ret.size() + " records in extract.properties");
    return ret;