コード例 #1
  public void testGetAutoPlantingDate_machakos() throws IOException, Exception {
    URL test_resource = this.getClass().getResource("/machakos_wth_only.json");
    String line;
    String startDate = "01-15";
    String endDate = "02-28";
    String accRainAmt = "9.0";
    String dayNum = "6";
    String expected_1 = "19800124";
    String expected_2 = "19810218";
    int expected_3 = 3;
    String acctual_1 = "";
    String acctual_2 = "";
    int acctual_3 = 0;

    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

      HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      data.put("exp_dur", "3");
      HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> results =
          ExperimentHelper.getAutoPlantingDate(data, startDate, endDate, accRainAmt, dayNum);
      acctual_1 = results.get("pdate").get(0);
      acctual_2 = results.get("pdate").get(1);
      acctual_3 = results.get("pdate").size();
      log.info("Results: {}", results);

    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: normal case", expected_1, acctual_1);
    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: copy case", expected_2, acctual_2);
    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: no date find case", expected_3, acctual_3);
コード例 #2
  public void testGetAutoPlantingDate() throws IOException, Exception {
    String line;
    String startDate = "01-15";
    String endDate = "02-28";
    String accRainAmt = "25";
    String dayNum = "4";
    String expected_1 = "19820203";
    int expected_2 = 2; // 5 standard events + 1 new planting event
    String acctual_1 = "";
    int acctual_2 = 0;
    URL test_resource = this.getClass().getResource("/auto_plant_single_year_test.json");
    ArrayList<Map<String, String>> events = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> results = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      // Map<String, Object> expData = getRawPackageContents(data, "experiments").get(0);
      // Map<String, Object> expData = (Map)((ArrayList) data.get("experiments")).get(0);
      data.put("exp_dur", "2");
      results = ExperimentHelper.getAutoPlantingDate(data, startDate, endDate, accRainAmt, dayNum);
      // Map<String, ArrayList> mgnData = (Map) data.get("results");
      // events = mgnData.get("events");
      // acctual_1 = results.get(0);
    log.info("Results: {}", results);

    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: normal case", expected_1, results.get("pdate").get(0));
    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: no date find case", expected_2, results.get("pdate").size());
コード例 #3
  public void testGetAutoPlantingDate_oneYear() throws IOException, Exception {
    String line;
    String startDate = "03-01";
    String endDate = "04-01";
    String accRainAmt = "9.0";
    String dayNum = "6";
    String expected_1 = "19990310"; // TODO
    int expected_2 = 3;
    String acctual_1 = "";
    int acctual_2 = 0;
    URL test_resource = null;
    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

      HashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>>();
      Map<String, Object> expData = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      data.put("experiments", new ArrayList());
      data.put("weathers", new ArrayList());
      data.get("weathers").add((Map) expData.get("weather"));
      expData.put("sc_year", "1982");
      ExperimentHelper.getAutoPlantingDate(data, startDate, endDate, accRainAmt, dayNum);
      Map<String, ArrayList> mgnData = (Map) expData.get("management");
      ArrayList<Map<String, String>> events = mgnData.get("events");
      acctual_1 = events.get(0).get("date");
      acctual_2 = events.size();

    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: normal case", expected_1, acctual_1);
    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: no date find case", expected_2, acctual_2);
コード例 #4
  public void testGetAutoFillPlantingDate_machakos_lastDate() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testGetAutoFillPlantingDate_machakos_lastDate() == Start");
    URL test_resource = this.getClass().getResource("/machakos_wth_only.json");
    String line;
    String startDate = "01-15";
    String endDate = "02-28";
    String accRainAmt = "50.0";
    String dayNum = "6";
    String expected_1 = "19810228";
    int expected_3 = 1;
    String acctual_1 = "";
    int acctual_3 = 0;

    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

      HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "crid", "MAZ");
      data.put("sc_year", "1981");
      HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> results =
          ExperimentHelper.getAutoFillPlantingDate(data, startDate, endDate, accRainAmt, dayNum);
      acctual_1 = results.get("pdate").get(0);
      acctual_3 = results.get("pdate").size();
      log.info("Results: {}", results);

    assertEquals("getAutoFillPlantingDate: normal case", expected_1, acctual_1);
    assertEquals("getAutoFillPlantingDate: no date find case", expected_3, acctual_3);
    log.debug("== testGetAutoFillPlantingDate_machakos_lastDate() == End");
コード例 #5
  public void testGetAutoIrrigationDate_machakos() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testGetAutoIrrigationDate_machakos() Test Start ==");
    URL test_resource = this.getClass().getResource("/machakos.json");
    String line;
    String[] expected = {"19990510", "19990521", "19990607", "19990619"};

    // PDATE = 19990415
    String baseTemp = "5";
    String irrNum = "4";
    String[] gddArr = {"400", "160", "240", "180"};
    String[] irvalArr = {"30", "50", "40", "20"};

    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> results =
          ExperimentHelper.getAutoIrrigationEvent(data, irrNum, baseTemp, gddArr, irvalArr);
      log.info("Results: {}", results);
          "The generated irrigation events is not enough", expected.length, results.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            "The calculated irrigation date is not match with expected date for " + i,
            getValueOr(results.get(i), "date", ""));
コード例 #6
  public void testGetOMDistribution2() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution2() Test Start ==");
    String offset = "-7";
    String omcd = "RE003";
    String omc2n = "8.3";
    String omdep = "5";
    String ominp = "50";
    String dmr = "2.5";

    Map expected_1 = new HashMap();
    expected_1.put("event", "organic_matter");
    expected_1.put("date", "19990408");
    expected_1.put("omcd", "RE003");
    expected_1.put("omamt", "1000");
    expected_1.put("omc2n", "8.3");
    expected_1.put("omdep", "5");
    expected_1.put("ominp", "50");
    expected_1.put("omn%", "4.82");
    Map acctual_1;

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19990415");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "om_tot", "1000");
    log.debug((String) data.get("om_tot"));
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> events =
        ExperimentHelper.getOMDistribution(data, offset, omcd, omc2n, omdep, ominp, dmr);
    acctual_1 = events.get(0);

    assertEquals("getRootDistribution: om app 2", expected_1, acctual_1);
    log.info("getOMDistribution output 2: {}", data.toString());
    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution2() Test End ==");
コード例 #7
  public void testGetOMDistribution_NoOMData() throws IOException, Exception {

    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution_NoOMData() Test Start ==");
    String offset = "-7";
    String omcd = "RE003";
    String omc2n = "8.3";
    String omdep = "5";
    String ominp = "50";
    String dmr = "2.5";

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19990415");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> events =
        ExperimentHelper.getOMDistribution(data, offset, omcd, omc2n, omdep, ominp, dmr);

    //        try {
    //            assertEquals("getRootDistribution: om no data", 1, events.size());
    //        } catch (Error e) {
    //            log.error(e.getMessage());
    //        }
    assertEquals("getRootDistribution: om no data", 0, events.size());
    log.info("getOMDistribution output: {}", data.toString());
    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution_NoOMData() Test End ==");
コード例 #8
  public void testGetAutoPlantingDate_machakos_scYear() throws IOException, Exception {
    String line;
    String startDate = "01-15";
    String endDate = "02-28";
    String accRainAmt = "9.0";
    String dayNum = "6";
    String expected_1 = "19830214";
    String expected_2 = "19840131";
    String expected_3 = "19850202";
    int expected_99 = 3;
    String acctual_1 = "";
    String acctual_2 = "";
    String acctual_3 = "";
    int acctual_99 = 0;

    URL test_resource = this.getClass().getResource("/machakos_wth_only.json");
    BufferedReader br =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(test_resource.getPath())));

    if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

      HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
      data.put("exp_dur", "3");
      data.put("sc_year", "1983");
      HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> result =
          ExperimentHelper.getAutoPlantingDate(data, startDate, endDate, accRainAmt, dayNum);
      Map<String, ArrayList> mgnData = (Map) data.get("management");
      ArrayList<Map<String, String>> events = mgnData.get("events");
      acctual_1 = events.get(0).get("date");
      acctual_2 = events.get(1).get("date");
      acctual_3 = events.get(2).get("date");
      acctual_99 = events.size();

        "getAutoPlantingDate: normal 1st year case with start year", expected_1, acctual_1);
        "getAutoPlantingDate: normal 2nd year case with start year", expected_2, acctual_2);
        "getAutoPlantingDate: normal 3rd year case with start year", expected_3, acctual_3);
    assertEquals("getAutoPlantingDate: all year with auto-planting case", expected_99, acctual_99);
コード例 #9
  public void testGetOMDistribution() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution() Test Start ==");
    String line;
    String offset = "-7";
    String omcd = "RE003";
    String omc2n = "8.3";
    String omdep = "5";
    String ominp = "50";
    String dmr = "2.5";
    // planting data is 19990415
    // fen_tot is 110
    Map expected_1 = new HashMap();
    expected_1.put("event", "organic_matter");
    expected_1.put("date", "19990408");
    expected_1.put("omcd", "RE003");
    expected_1.put("omamt", "1000");
    expected_1.put("omc2n", "8.3");
    expected_1.put("omdep", "5");
    expected_1.put("ominp", "50");
    expected_1.put("omn%", "4.82");
    Map acctual_1;

    // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
    //         new InputStreamReader(
    //         new FileInputStream(resource2.getPath())));

    // if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //     HashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>>();
    //     Map<String, Object> expData = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
    // data.put("experiments", new ArrayList());
    // data.put("weathers", new ArrayList());
    // data.get("experiments").add(expData);
    // data.get("weathers").add((Map) expData.get("weather"));
    // expData.put("omamt", "1000");
    // Map omEvent = new LinkedHashMap();
    // omEvent.put("event", "organic-materials");
    // omEvent.put("date", "19990414");
    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19990415");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "omamt", "1000");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> events =
        ExperimentHelper.getOMDistribution(data, offset, omcd, omc2n, omdep, ominp, dmr);
    acctual_1 = events.get(0);
    // }
    //        try {
    //            assertEquals("getRootDistribution: om app 1", expected_1, acctual_1);
    //        } catch (Error e) {
    //            log.error(e.getMessage());
    //        }
    assertEquals("getRootDistribution: om app 1", expected_1, acctual_1);
    log.info("getOMDistribution output: {}", data.toString());
    log.debug("== testGetOMDistribution() Test End ==");
コード例 #10
  public void testGetPaddyIrrigation() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testGetPaddyIrrigation() Test Start ==");
    String num = "3";
    String percRate = "2";
    String dept = "150";
    String[] offsets = {"-3", "4", "11"};
    String[] maxVals = {"20", "30", "50"};
    String[] minVals = {"5", "10", "15"};
    // planting data is 19990415
    HashMap expected = new HashMap();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990412");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR010");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "150");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990412");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR008");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "2");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990412");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR009");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "20");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990412");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR011");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "5");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990419");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR009");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "30");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990419");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR011");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "10");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990426");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR009");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "50");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "idate", "19990426");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irop", "IR011");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(expected, "irval", "15");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> expArr =
        MapUtil.getBucket(expected, "management").getDataList();

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19990415");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> actArr =
        ExperimentHelper.getPaddyIrrigation(data, num, percRate, dept, offsets, maxVals, minVals);

    assertEquals("getPaddyIrrigation: unexpected output", expArr, actArr);
    log.info("getPaddyIrrigation Output: {}", actArr.toString());
    log.debug("== testGetPaddyIrrigation() Test End ==");
コード例 #11
  public void testCreateEvent_InvalidDap() throws IOException, Exception {
    log.debug("== testCreateEvent_InvalidDap() Test Start ==");
    String type = "IRRIGATION";
    String dap = "a";
    String pdate = "19820315";
    HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap();
    info.put("irop", "IR010");
    info.put("irval", "150");
    // planting data is 19990415
    HashMap expected = new HashMap();

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", pdate);
    HashMap<String, String> actual = ExperimentHelper.createEvent(data, type, dap, info, true);

    assertEquals("createEvent: unexpected output", expected, actual);
    log.info("createEvent Output: {}", actual.toString());
    log.debug("== testCreateEvent_InvalidDap() Test End ==");
コード例 #12
  public void testgetAutoEventDate_machakos_givenPdates() throws IOException, Exception {

    log.debug("==testgetAutoEventDate_machakos_givenPdates() Test Start ==");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> expected = new ArrayList();
    int expDur = 2;
    HashMap pEvent = new HashMap();
    int pdate = 19820203;
    int edate = 19820206;
    pEvent.put("event", "planting");
    pEvent.put("crid", "MAZ");
    HashMap iEvent = new HashMap();
    int idate = 19820215;
    iEvent.put("event", "irrigation");
    iEvent.put("irop", "ir001");
    HashMap iaEvent = new HashMap();
    int iadate = 19820315;
    iaEvent.put("event", "auto_irrig");
    iaEvent.put("irmdp", "1234");
    HashMap feEvent = new HashMap();
    int fedate = 19820415;
    feEvent.put("event", "fertilizer");
    feEvent.put("fecd", "123");
    HashMap tEvent = new HashMap();
    int tdate = 19820515;
    tEvent.put("event", "tillage");
    tEvent.put("tiimp", "123456");
    HashMap omEvent = new HashMap();
    int omdate = 19820615;
    omEvent.put("event", "organic_matter");
    omEvent.put("omcd", "12345");
    HashMap hEvent = new HashMap();
    int hdate = 19820715;
    hEvent.put("event", "harvest");
    hEvent.put("harm", "111");
    HashMap cEvent = new HashMap();
    int cdate = 19820815;
    cEvent.put("event", "chemicals");
    cEvent.put("chcd", "222");
    HashMap mEvent = new HashMap();
    int mdate = 19820915;
    mEvent.put("event", "mulch");
    mEvent.put("mltp", "333");

    for (int i = 0; i < expDur; i++) {
      expected.add(new ArrayList());
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(pEvent, pdate, i));
      expected.get(i).get(expected.get(i).size() - 1).put("edate", edate + 10000 * i + "");
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(iEvent, idate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(iaEvent, iadate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(feEvent, fedate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(tEvent, tdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(omEvent, omdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(hEvent, hdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(cEvent, cdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent(mEvent, mdate, i));

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19820203");
    MapUtil.getBucket(data, "management").getDataList().get(0).put("edate", "19820204");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "crid", "MAZ");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "idate", "19820213");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "irop", "ir001");
    //        AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "iadate", "19820313");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "irmdp", "1234");
    MapUtil.getBucket(data, "management").getDataList().get(2).put("date", "19820313");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "fedate", "19820413");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "fecd", "123");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "tdate", "19820513");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "tiimp", "123456");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "omdat", "19820613");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "omcd", "12345");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "hadat", "19820713");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "harm", "111");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "cdate", "19820813");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "chcd", "222");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "mladat", "19820913");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "mltp", "333");
    data.put("exp_dur", expDur + "");
    data.put("origin_pdate", "19820201");
    String[] pdates = {"19820203", "19830203"};

    log.info("Inputs: {}", data);
    ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> results =
        ExperimentHelper.getAutoEventDate(data, pdates);
    log.info("Results: {}", results);

    assertEquals("getAutoEventDate: unexpected result", expected, results);
コード例 #13
  public void testGetAutoEvent() throws IOException, Exception {

    ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> expected = new ArrayList();
    int expDur = 3;
    int sc_year = 2010;
    HashMap pEvent = new HashMap();
    int pdate = 20100203;
    int edate = 20100204;
    pEvent.put("event", "planting");
    pEvent.put("crid", "MAZ");
    HashMap iEvent = new HashMap();
    int idate = 20100213;
    iEvent.put("event", "irrigation");
    iEvent.put("irop", "ir001");
    HashMap iaEvent = new HashMap();
    int iadate = 20100313;
    iaEvent.put("event", "auto_irrig");
    iaEvent.put("irmdp", "1234");
    HashMap feEvent = new HashMap();
    int fedate = 20100413;
    feEvent.put("event", "fertilizer");
    feEvent.put("fecd", "123");
    HashMap tEvent = new HashMap();
    int tdate = 20100513;
    tEvent.put("event", "tillage");
    tEvent.put("tiimp", "123456");
    HashMap omEvent = new HashMap();
    int omdate = 20100613;
    omEvent.put("event", "organic_matter");
    omEvent.put("omcd", "12345");
    HashMap hEvent = new HashMap();
    int hdate = 20100713;
    hEvent.put("event", "harvest");
    hEvent.put("harm", "111");
    HashMap cEvent = new HashMap();
    int cdate = 20100813;
    cEvent.put("event", "chemicals");
    cEvent.put("chcd", "222");
    HashMap mEvent = new HashMap();
    int mdate = 20100913;
    mEvent.put("event", "mulch");
    mEvent.put("mltp", "333");

    for (int i = 0; i < expDur; i++) {
      expected.add(new ArrayList());
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(pEvent, pdate, i));
      expected.get(i).get(expected.get(i).size() - 1).put("edate", edate + 10000 * i + "");
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(iEvent, idate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(iaEvent, iadate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(feEvent, fedate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(tEvent, tdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(omEvent, omdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(hEvent, hdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(cEvent, cdate, i));
      expected.get(i).add(createEvent2(mEvent, mdate, i));

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap();
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19820203");
    MapUtil.getBucket(data, "management").getDataList().get(0).put("edate", "19820204");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "crid", "MAZ");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "idate", "19820213");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "irop", "ir001");
    //        AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "iadate", "19820313");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "irmdp", "1234");
    MapUtil.getBucket(data, "management").getDataList().get(2).put("date", "19820313");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "fedate", "19820413");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "fecd", "123");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "tdate", "19820513");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "tiimp", "123456");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "omdat", "19820613");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "omcd", "12345");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "hadat", "19820713");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "harm", "111");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "cdate", "19820813");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "chcd", "222");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "mladat", "19820913");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "mltp", "333");
    data.put("exp_dur", expDur + "");
    data.put("sc_year", sc_year + "");

    //        HashMap dummyEvent = new HashMap();
    //        dummyEvent.put("date", "abc");
    //        MapUtil.getBucket(data, "management").getDataList().add(dummyEvent);

    log.info("Inputs: {}", data);
    ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> results = ExperimentHelper.getAutoEvent(data);
    log.info("Results: {}", results);

    assertEquals("getAutoEvent: unexpected result", expected, results);
コード例 #14
  public void testGetStableCDistribution() throws IOException, Exception {
    String line;
    String som3_0 = ".55";
    String pp = "20";
    String rd = "60";
    String[] expected = {"1.10", "0.55", "0.65", "0.48", "0.10", "0.10", "0.04", "0.23"};
    ArrayList<String> acctual;

    //         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
    //                 new InputStreamReader(
    //                 new FileInputStream(resource.getPath())));

    //         if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //             HashMap<String, Object> data = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
    //             HashMap<String, Object> exp = getRawPackageContents(data, "experiments").get(0);
    //             HashMap<String, Object> icData = (HashMap<String, Object>) getObjectOr(exp,
    // "initial_conditions", new HashMap());
    //             ExperimentHelper.getStableCDistribution(som3_0, pp, rd, data);
    //             acctual = (ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>) getObjectOr(icData, "soilLayer",
    // new ArrayList());

    //             File f = new File("RootDistJson.txt");
    //             BufferedOutputStream bo = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
    //             bo.write(JSONAdapter.toJSON(data).getBytes());
    //             bo.close();
    // //            f.delete();
    //         }

    // }
    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "5");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "15");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "30");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "60");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "90");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "120");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "150");
    // AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "icbl", "180");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "5");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "2.00");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "15");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "1.00");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "30");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "1.00");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "60");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "0.50");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "90");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "0.10");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "120");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "0.10");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "150");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "0.04");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sllb", "180");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "sloc", "0.24");

    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> result =
        ExperimentHelper.getStableCDistribution(data, som3_0, pp, rd);
    log.info("getStableCDistribution() output: {}", result.toString());

    //        Map icData = (HashMap) getObjectOr(data, "soil", new HashMap());
    //        acctual = getObjectOr(icData, "soilLayer", new ArrayList());
    acctual = getObjectOr(result, "slsc", new ArrayList());
    for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
      //            try {
      //                assertEquals("getStableCDistribution: normal case " + i, expected[i],
      // (String) acctual.get(i));
      //            } catch (Error e) {
      //                log.error(e.getMessage());
      //            }
          "getStableCDistribution: normal case " + i, expected[i], (String) acctual.get(i));
コード例 #15
  public void testGetFertDistribution() throws IOException, Exception {
    String line;
    String num = "2";
    String fecd = "FE005";
    String feacd = "AP002";
    String fedep = "10";
    String[] offsets = {"10", "45"};
    String[] ptps = {"33.3", "66.7"};
    // planting data is 19990415
    // fen_tot is 110
    Map expected_1 = new HashMap();
    expected_1.put("event", "fertilizer");
    expected_1.put("date", "19990425");
    expected_1.put("fecd", "FE005");
    expected_1.put("feacd", "AP002");
    expected_1.put("fedep", "10");
    expected_1.put("feamn", "37");
    Map expected_2 = new HashMap();
    expected_2.put("event", "fertilizer");
    expected_2.put("date", "19990530");
    expected_2.put("fecd", "FE005");
    expected_2.put("feacd", "AP002");
    expected_2.put("fedep", "10");
    expected_2.put("feamn", "73");
    Map acctual_1;
    Map acctual_2;

    HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
    //         new InputStreamReader(
    //         new FileInputStream(resource2.getPath())));

    // if ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //     HashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Map>>();
    //     Map<String, Object> expData = JSONAdapter.fromJSON(line);
    //     data.put("experiments", new ArrayList());
    //     data.put("weathers", new ArrayList());
    //     data.get("experiments").add(expData);
    //     data.get("weathers").add((Map) expData.get("weather"));
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "fen_tot", "110");
    AcePathfinderUtil.insertValue(data, "pdate", "19990415");
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> events =
        ExperimentHelper.getFertDistribution(data, num, fecd, feacd, fedep, offsets, ptps);
    // Map mgnData = getObjectOr((HashMap) getObjectOr(data, "experiments", new ArrayList()).get(0),
    // "management", new HashMap());
    // ArrayList<Map> events = (ArrayList<Map>) getObjectOr(data, "events", new ArrayList());
    acctual_1 = events.get(0);
    acctual_2 = events.get(1);
    // }
    //        try {
    //            assertEquals("getRootDistribution: fert app 1", expected_1, acctual_1);
    //            assertEquals("getRootDistribution: fert app 2", expected_2, acctual_2);
    //        } catch (Error e) {
    //            log.error(e.getMessage());
    //        }
    assertEquals("getRootDistribution: fert app 1", expected_1, acctual_1);
    assertEquals("getRootDistribution: fert app 2", expected_2, acctual_2);
    log.info("getFertDistribution Output: {}", events.toString());