public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception { this.logger.debug("enter the node event listener.." + execution.getId()); ExecutionEntity ent = (ExecutionEntity) execution; if (ent.getActivityId() == null) return; String actDefId = ent.getProcessDefinitionId(); String nodeId = ent.getActivityId(); execute(execution, actDefId, nodeId); String scriptType = getScriptType(); exeEventScript(execution, scriptType, actDefId, nodeId); }
public TimerEntity prepareTimerEntity(ExecutionEntity executionEntity) { BusinessCalendar businessCalendar = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration() .getBusinessCalendarManager() .getBusinessCalendar(type.calendarName); if (description == null) { // Prevent NPE from happening in the next line throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException( "Timer '" + executionEntity.getActivityId() + "' was not configured with a valid duration/time"); } String endDateString = null; String dueDateString = null; Date duedate = null; Date endDate = null; // ACT-1415: timer-declaration on start-event may contain expressions NOT // evaluating variables but other context, evaluating should happen nevertheless VariableScope scopeForExpression = executionEntity; if (scopeForExpression == null) { scopeForExpression = NoExecutionVariableScope.getSharedInstance(); } if (endDateExpression != null && !(scopeForExpression instanceof NoExecutionVariableScope)) { Object endDateValue = endDateExpression.getValue(scopeForExpression); if (endDateValue instanceof String) { endDateString = (String) endDateValue; } else if (endDateValue instanceof Date) { endDate = (Date) endDateValue; } else if (endDateValue instanceof DateTime) { // Joda DateTime support duedate = ((DateTime) endDateValue).toDate(); } else { throw new ActivitiException( "Timer '" + executionEntity.getActivityId() + "' was not configured with a valid duration/time, either hand in a java.util.Date or a String in format 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'"); } if (endDate == null) { endDate = businessCalendar.resolveEndDate(endDateString); } } Object dueDateValue = description.getValue(scopeForExpression); if (dueDateValue instanceof String) { dueDateString = (String) dueDateValue; } else if (dueDateValue instanceof Date) { duedate = (Date) dueDateValue; } else if (dueDateValue instanceof DateTime) { // Joda DateTime support duedate = ((DateTime) dueDateValue).toDate(); } else if (dueDateValue != null) { // dueDateValue==null is OK - but unexpected class type must throw an error. throw new ActivitiException( "Timer '" + executionEntity.getActivityId() + "' was not configured with a valid duration/time, either hand in a java.util.Date or a String in format 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'"); } if (duedate == null && dueDateString != null) { duedate = businessCalendar.resolveDuedate(dueDateString); } TimerEntity timer = null; // if dueDateValue is null -> this is OK - timer will be null and job not scheduled if (duedate != null) { timer = new TimerEntity(this); timer.setDuedate(duedate); timer.setEndDate(endDate); if (executionEntity != null) { timer.setExecution(executionEntity); timer.setProcessDefinitionId(executionEntity.getProcessDefinitionId()); timer.setProcessInstanceId(executionEntity.getProcessInstanceId()); // Inherit tenant identifier (if applicable) if (executionEntity != null && executionEntity.getTenantId() != null) { timer.setTenantId(executionEntity.getTenantId()); } } if (type == TimerDeclarationType.CYCLE) { // See ACT-1427: A boundary timer with a cancelActivity='true', doesn't need to repeat // itself boolean repeat = !isInterruptingTimer; // ACT-1951: intermediate catching timer events shouldn't repeat according to spec if (TimerCatchIntermediateEventJobHandler.TYPE.equals(jobHandlerType)) { repeat = false; if (endDate != null) { long endDateMiliss = endDate.getTime(); long dueDateMiliss = duedate.getTime(); long dueDate = Math.min(endDateMiliss, dueDateMiliss); timer.setDuedate(new Date(dueDate)); } } if (repeat) { String prepared = prepareRepeat(dueDateString); timer.setRepeat(prepared); } } } return timer; }
/** * 打开任务 传入的request必须有以下参数 taskId:task的Id taskPage:处理task的页面路径 model:业务表类名 formId:业务表id * formProperties:控制表单的名称 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String open_task() throws Exception { log.debug("open_task()"); List<String> nextTaskList = new ArrayList<String>(); String taskId = getpara("taskId"); String taskPage = getpara("taskPage"); String modelStr = getpara("model"); // add by hb for only query user task String readonly = getpara("readonly"); // end String formId = (String) infActiviti.getVariableByTaskId(taskId, "formId"); if (formId == null || formId.equals("") || modelStr == null || "".equals(modelStr)) { rhs.put("model", null); } else { BaseModel model = (BaseModel) baseDao.loadById(modelStr, Long.parseLong(formId)); rhs.put("model", model); } /* add by chenzhijian 20130419 -s */ // 获取 formProperties 配置文件 String formProperties = getpara("formProperties"); HashMap<String, String> formPro = new HashMap<String, String>(); Properties p = new Properties(); try { // String filepath = System.getProperty("webroot", "./src/main/webapp/"); String filepath = getWebroot(); // eg: app/manager/wo/ filepath += "/app/manager/" + modelStr.toLowerCase() + "/" + modelStr.toLowerCase() + ".properties"; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filepath); p.load(in); in.close(); Set<String> set = p.stringPropertyNames(); for (String s : set) { if (s.startsWith("default")) { formPro.put(s.replace("default.", ""), p.getProperty(s)); } } for (String s : set) { if (s.startsWith(formProperties)) { formPro.put(s.replace(formProperties + ".", ""), p.getProperty(s)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } rhs.put("formPro", formPro); /* add by chenzhijian 20130419 -e */ Task task = infActiviti.getTaskById(taskId); /*add by hb for get next task 20140128 start*/ String nextTask = ""; String initiator = (String) infActiviti.getVariableByTaskId(task.getId(), "initiator"); // 当前任务获取当前流程的流程定义,然后根据流程定义获得所有的节点 ProcessDefinitionEntity def = (ProcessDefinitionEntity) ((RepositoryServiceImpl) repositoryService) .getDeployedProcessDefinition(task.getProcessDefinitionId()); List<ActivityImpl> activitiList = def.getActivities(); // 根据任务获取当前流程执行ID,执行实例以及当前流程节点的ID String excId = task.getExecutionId(); ExecutionEntity execution = (ExecutionEntity) runtimeService.createExecutionQuery().executionId(excId).singleResult(); String activitiId = execution.getActivityId(); // 循环activitiList 并判断出当前流程所处节点,然后得到当前节点实例, // 根据节点实例获取所有从当前节点出发的路径,然后根据路径获得下一个节点实例 for (ActivityImpl activityImpl : activitiList) { String id = activityImpl.getId(); if (activitiId.equals(id)) { log.debug("当前任务:" + activityImpl.getProperty("name")); List<PvmTransition> outTransitions = activityImpl.getOutgoingTransitions(); // 获取从某个节点出来的所有线路 for (PvmTransition tr : outTransitions) { PvmActivity ac = tr.getDestination(); // 获取线路的终点节点,在这里应该还要加个判断,如果是并行或者相容关口,则需要继续往下找下一个任务。 if (ac.getProperty("type").equals("parallelGateway") || ac.getProperty("type") .equals( "inclusiveGateway")) { // 不能包括互斥关口 // ac.getProperty("type").equals("exclusiveGateway") List<PvmTransition> outTransitions2 = ac.getOutgoingTransitions(); // 因为是关口,所以继续往下找任务 for (PvmTransition pvmTransition : outTransitions2) { PvmActivity ac2 = pvmTransition.getDestination(); nextTask = (String) ac2.getId(); log.debug("下一个任务----->:" + nextTask); nextTaskList.add(nextTask); } } else { nextTask = (String) ac.getId(); log.debug("下一个任务++++>:" + nextTask); nextTaskList.add(nextTask); } } break; } } /*end*/ rhs.put("task", task); rhs.put("initiator", initiator); rhs.put("nextTaskList", nextTaskList); rhs.put("taskPage", taskPage); rhs.put("readonly", readonly); getAllUserAndGroupInfo(); return "success"; }