// call the ontology printer and update the textPane @Override public synchronized void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int selectionRow = table.getSelectedRow(); int selectionCol = table.getSelectedColumn(); if (selectionRow != -1 && selectionCol == 2) { OFDebugLogger tmp = OFDebugLogger.getAllInstances().get(table.getValueAt(selectionRow, 1)); Boolean boo = (Boolean) table.getValueAt(selectionRow, selectionCol); table.setValueAt(!boo, selectionRow, selectionCol); tmp.setFlagToFollow(!boo); // .setFlagToFollow( !boo, this); update(); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } table.repaint(); }
public static synchronized void update() { CN = columnNames; D = OFDebugLogger.getTableInfo(); }