/** * Check that each staff begins with a clef. * * @return the number of clefs rebuilt */ @Override public int runPattern() { int successNb = 0; int staffId = 0; for (StaffInfo staff : system.getStaves()) { staffId++; // Define the inner box to intersect clef glyph(s) int left = (int) Math.rint(staff.getAbscissa(HorizontalSide.LEFT)); Rectangle inner = new Rectangle( left + (2 * xOffset) + (clefWidth / 2), staff.getFirstLine().yAt(left) + (staff.getHeight() / 2), 0, 0); inner.grow((clefWidth / 2) - xOffset, (staff.getHeight() / 2) - yOffset); // Remember the box, for visual debug staff.addAttachment(" ci", inner); // We must find a clef out of these glyphs Collection<Glyph> glyphs = system.lookupIntersectedGlyphs(inner); logger.debug("{}{}", staffId, Glyphs.toString(" int", glyphs)); // We assume than there can't be any alien among them, so we should // rebuild the larger glyph which the alien had wrongly segmented Set<Glyph> impacted = new HashSet<>(); for (Glyph glyph : glyphs) { if (glyph.getShape() == Shape.STEM) { logger.debug("Clef: Removed stem#{}", glyph.getId()); impacted.addAll(glyph.getConnectedNeighbors()); impacted.add(glyph); } } if (!impacted.isEmpty()) { // Rebuild the larger glyph Glyph larger = system.buildCompound(impacted); if (larger != null) { logger.debug("Rebuilt stem-segmented {}", larger.idString()); } // Recompute the set of intersected glyphs glyphs = system.lookupIntersectedGlyphs(inner); } if (checkClef(glyphs, staff)) { successNb++; } } return successNb; }
@Override protected double getValue(GlyphContext context) { Glyph stick = context.stick; Rectangle box = getBox(stick); int aliens = getAlienPixelsIn(stick, box); int area = box.width * box.height; // Normalize the ratio with stick length double ratio = (1000 * aliens) / ((double) area * stick.getLength(Orientation.VERTICAL)); logger.debug( "{} {} aliens:{} area:{} ratio:{}", stick.idString(), getName(), aliens, area, (float) ratio); return ratio; }
/** * From the list of vertical sticks, this method uses several tests to provide the initial * collection of good barlines candidates. * * @param sticks the collection of candidate sticks */ public void checkCandidates(Collection<? extends Glyph> sticks) { // // Sort candidates according to their abscissa // List<Glyph> sortedSticks = new ArrayList<Glyph>(sticks); // Collections.sort(sortedSticks, Glyph.midPosComparator); double minResult = constants.minCheckResult.getValue(); // Check each candidate stick in turn for (Glyph stick : sticks) { // Allocate the candidate context, and pass the whole check suite GlyphContext context = new GlyphContext(stick); double res = suite.pass(context); if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || stick.isVip()) { logger.info( "suite => {}{} for {}", (float) res, (stick.getResult() != null) ? (" " + stick.getResult()) : "", stick); } if ((stick.isBar() && stick.isManualShape()) || res >= minResult) { // OK, we flag this candidate with proper barline shape contexts.put(stick, context); if ((!stick.isBar() || !stick.isManualShape())) { stick.setShape(isThickBar(stick) ? Shape.THICK_BARLINE : Shape.THIN_BARLINE); } // Additional processing for Bars that define a system or a part // (they start AND end with precise staves horizontal limits) if ((context.topStaff != -1) && (context.botStaff != -1)) { // Here, we have both part & system defining bars // System bars occur first // (since glyphs are sorted by increasing abscissa) stick.setResult(BAR_PART_DEFINING); logger.debug( "Part-defining Barline from staff {} to staff {} {}", context.topStaff, context.botStaff, stick); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Non-Part-defining Bar line {}{}", (context.topStaff != -1) ? (" topIdx=" + context.topStaff) : "", (context.botStaff != -1) ? (" botIdx=" + context.botStaff) : ""); } stick.setResult(BAR_NOT_PART_DEFINING); } } else { if (stick.isBar()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || stick.isVip()) { logger.info("Purged {} {}", stick.idString(), stick.getShape()); } stick.setShape(null); } } } }
/** * Try to recognize a clef in the compound of the provided glyphs. * * @param glyphs the parts of a clef candidate * @param staff the containing staff * @return true if successful */ private boolean checkClef(Collection<Glyph> glyphs, StaffInfo staff) { if (glyphs.isEmpty()) { return false; } // Check if we already have a clef among the intersected glyphs Set<Glyph> clefs = Glyphs.lookupGlyphs(glyphs, clefGlyphPredicate); Glyph orgClef = null; if (!clefs.isEmpty()) { if (Glyphs.containsManual(clefs)) { return false; // Respect user decision } else { // Remember grade of the best existing clef for (Glyph glyph : clefs) { if ((orgClef == null) || (glyph.getGrade() > orgClef.getGrade())) { orgClef = glyph; } } } } // Remove potential aliens Glyphs.purgeManuals(glyphs); Glyph compound = system.buildTransientCompound(glyphs); // Check if a clef appears in the top evaluations Evaluation vote = GlyphNetwork.getInstance().vote(compound, system, Grades.clefMinGrade, clefShapePredicate); if ((vote != null) && ((orgClef == null) || (vote.grade > orgClef.getGrade()))) { // We now have a clef! // Look around for an even better result... logger.debug("{} built from {}", vote.shape, Glyphs.toString(glyphs)); // Look for larger stuff Rectangle outer = compound.getBounds(); outer.grow(xMargin, yMargin); // Remember the box, for visual debug staff.addAttachment("co", outer); List<Glyph> outerGlyphs = system.lookupIntersectedGlyphs(outer); outerGlyphs.removeAll(glyphs); Collections.sort(outerGlyphs, Glyph.byReverseWeight); final double minWeight = constants.minWeight.getValue(); for (Glyph g : outerGlyphs) { // Consider only glyphs with a minimum weight if (g.getNormalizedWeight() < minWeight) { break; } logger.debug("Considering {}", g); Glyph newCompound = system.buildTransientCompound(Arrays.asList(compound, g)); final Evaluation newVote = GlyphNetwork.getInstance() .vote(newCompound, system, Grades.clefMinGrade, clefShapePredicate); if ((newVote != null) && (newVote.grade > vote.grade)) { logger.debug("{} better built with {}", vote, g.idString()); compound = newCompound; vote = newVote; } } // Register the last definition of the clef compound = system.addGlyph(compound); compound.setShape(vote.shape, Evaluation.ALGORITHM); logger.debug("{} rebuilt as {}", vote.shape, compound.idString()); return true; } else { return false; } }