public void loadEmbeddedMacros() { boolean altDown = IJ.altKeyDown(); // 3.8.2009 boolean shiftDown = IJ.shiftKeyDown(); // 18.8.2009 if (shiftDown) { shiftDown = shiftDown && true; } if (IJ.debugMode) { IJ.log("alt=" + altDown + " shift=" + shiftDown); } String macros_text = null; String macroFileName = null; if (OJ.isProjectOpen) { DataOJ data = OJ.getData(); String project_name = data.getName(); String directory = data.getDirectory(); macroFileName = project_name + ".txt"; File macros_file = new File(directory, macroFileName); MacroInstaller mi = new MacroInstaller(); // mechanism to remove manually loaded project files macros_text = OJ.getData().getLinkedMacroText(); // 18.3.2010 boolean externalMacroExists = macros_file.exists() && macros_file.isFile(); boolean internalMacroExists = (macros_text != null); if (!internalMacroExists && !externalMacroExists) { // mi.install(macros_text);16.9.2010 return; } if (externalMacroExists && internalMacroExists) { IJ.showMessage("Project has internal macro, so external macro is ignored"); } if (externalMacroExists && !internalMacroExists) { String thisVersion = IJ.getVersion(); boolean is143d = thisVersion.compareToIgnoreCase("1.43d") >= 0; if (is143d) { String oldMacroName = ij.plugin.MacroInstaller.getFileName(); if (oldMacroName != null && oldMacroName.equalsIgnoreCase(macroFileName)) { oldMacroName = oldMacroName + ""; String macro = "macro 'Dummy Tool-Cf00O8822' {}\n"; // kill old tools mi.install(macro); String dir = IJ.getDirectory("macros") + "StartupMacros.txt"; File startup_file = new File(IJ.getDirectory("macros"), "StartupMacros.txt"); if (startup_file.exists()) { IJ.showMessage("Macros in \"" + macroFileName + "\" will appear under ObjectJ menu"); mi.installFile(dir); } mi.setFileName(""); // 15.7.2009 } } macros_text = UtilsOJ.readStringFromFile(macros_file); } OJ.getData().setLinkedMacroText(macros_text); doInstall(macros_text); } }
public void doInstall(String macros_text) { // Normal Load Project Macros //20.9.2010 Interpreter intp = Interpreter.getInstance(); if (intp != null) { Interpreter.getInstance().abortMacro(); // 11.8.2013 } // ImageJAccessOJ.InterpreterAccess. OJ.initMacroProcessor(); // 4.7.2013 // OJ.getMacroProcessor().setTarget("exit");//4.7.2013 macros_text = UtilsOJ.fixLineFeeds(macros_text); // } String clean_macro_text = UtilsOJ.maskComments(macros_text); clean_macro_text = clean_macro_text.replaceAll("macro\"", "macro \""); // 19.10.2010 if ((clean_macro_text != null) && (!clean_macro_text.equals(""))) { boolean leadingPart = !clean_macro_text.startsWith("macro"); String[] macros = clean_macro_text.split("macro "); // int numMacros = macros.length; if (leadingPart) { numMacros--; } String project_name = OJ.getData().getName(); if (numMacros > 0) { // 7.9.2010 MacroSetOJ macroSet = OJ.getData().getMacroSet(); macroSet = new MacroSetOJ(); macroSet.setName(project_name); macroSet.installText(macros_text); OJ.getData().setMacroSet(macroSet); OJ.getEventProcessor() .fireMacroChangedEvent(project_name, MacroChangedEventOJ.MACROSET_EDITED); ij.IJ.showStatus("" + numMacros + " embedded macros have been loaded"); } } ToolManagerOJ.getInstance().reload(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Interpreter.abort();//17.9.2010 -checks for null instance etc removed 11.8.2013 Editor ed = OJ.editor; String theText = ed.getText(); theText = UtilsOJ.fixLineFeeds(theText); // 7.9.2010 OJ.getData().setLinkedMacroText(theText); int caretPos = ed.getTextArea().getCaretPosition(); ed.getTextArea().setText(theText); ed.getTextArea().setCaretPosition(caretPos); doInstall(theText); setEditorUnchanged(ed); ij.IJ.getInstance().setVisible(true); }
public void showEmbeddedMacros(int modifier) { showPopUp = ((modifier & KeyEvent.ALT_MASK) != 0); String macros_text = OJ.getData().getLinkedMacroText(); if (macros_text == null) { macros_text = ""; } Window theWindow = OJ.editorWindow; if (theWindow != null && theWindow.isShowing() && OJ.editor != null) { theWindow.setVisible(true); return; } String version = IJ.getFullVersion(); Editor ed; if (version.compareToIgnoreCase("1.49i03") >= 0) { ed = new EditorOJ(16, 60, 0, Editor.MONOSPACED + Editor.MENU_BAR); } else { ed = new Editor(16, 60, 0, Editor.MONOSPACED + Editor.MENU_BAR); } ed.create("Embedded Macros", macros_text); JButton loadButton = new JButton("Install in ObjectJ menu"); loadButton.addActionListener(LoadEmbeddedMacroAction); TextArea ta = ed.getTextArea(); ed.remove(ta); ed.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(); panel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); loadButton.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 14)); panel1.add(loadButton); JLabel myLabel = new JLabel("Macros Overview"); if (showPopUp) { panel1.add(myLabel); } myLabel.setForeground(; myLabel.setAutoscrolls(true); macrosPopup = new javax.swing.JPopupMenu(); myLabel.addMouseListener( new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { refreshPopupItems(); } public void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { if ((evt.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) { ij.IJ.showStatus("Right-Click to navigate through macros"); // + "\n-" // + "\nYou also can enter bookmark tags into the macro // text:" // + "\n //<< bookmarks left part of line" // + "\n //>> bookmarks right part of line"); } } }); myLabel.setComponentPopupMenu(macrosPopup); ed.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, panel1); ed.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, ta); Font monoFont = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14); ta.setFont(monoFont); OJ.editor = ed; Frame[] frames = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows(); Frame frame = frames[frames.length - 1]; // ij.IJ.log(WindowManager.getFrontWindow().getTitle()); // ij.IJ.log(frame.getTitle());//"Embedded Macros" // ij.IJ.log("---");//"Embedded Macros" OJ.editorWindow = WindowManager.getFrontWindow(); refreshPopupItems(); loadButton.transferFocus(); }