public void updateShare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { try { request = wrapRequest(request); User user = securityService.getCurrentUser(request); int id = ServletRequestUtils.getRequiredIntParameter(request, "id"); Share share = shareService.getShareById(id); if (share == null) { error(request, response, ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "Shared media not found."); return; } if (!user.isAdminRole() && !share.getUsername().equals(user.getUsername())) { error( request, response, ErrorCode.NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Not authorized to modify shared media."); return; } share.setDescription(request.getParameter("description")); String expiresString = request.getParameter("expires"); if (expiresString != null) { long expires = Long.parseLong(expiresString); share.setExpires(expires == 0L ? null : new Date(expires)); } shareService.updateShare(share); XMLBuilder builder = createXMLBuilder(request, response, true).endAll(); response.getWriter().print(builder); } catch (ServletRequestBindingException x) { error(request, response, ErrorCode.MISSING_PARAMETER, getErrorMessage(x)); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.warn("Error in REST API.", x); error(request, response, ErrorCode.GENERIC, getErrorMessage(x)); } }
public void deleteShare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { try { request = wrapRequest(request); User user = securityService.getCurrentUser(request); int id = ServletRequestUtils.getRequiredIntParameter(request, "id"); Share share = shareService.getShareById(id); if (share == null) { error(request, response, ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND, "Shared media not found."); return; } if (!user.isAdminRole() && !share.getUsername().equals(user.getUsername())) { error( request, response, ErrorCode.NOT_AUTHORIZED, "Not authorized to delete shared media."); return; } shareService.deleteShare(id); XMLBuilder builder = createXMLBuilder(request, response, true).endAll(); response.getWriter().print(builder); } catch (ServletRequestBindingException x) { error(request, response, ErrorCode.MISSING_PARAMETER, getErrorMessage(x)); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.warn("Error in REST API.", x); error(request, response, ErrorCode.GENERIC, getErrorMessage(x)); } }