private MappedClassInfo getMappedClassInfoForNonAliasedToken( CompletionParser cp, boolean matchNameExact) { MappedClassInfo ret = null; for (MappedClassInfo mappedClassInfo : _mappedClassInfos) { if (mappedClassInfo.matches(cp, true, true)) { // An exact match always ends search return mappedClassInfo; } else if (false == matchNameExact && mappedClassInfo.matches(cp, false, true)) { // We have a non exact match here. // Nonetheless we continue the loop to see if an exact match exists ret = mappedClassInfo; } if (cp.getStringToParse().startsWith(mappedClassInfo.getClassName()) || cp.getStringToParse().startsWith(mappedClassInfo.getSimpleClassName())) { ArrayList<PropertyInfo> matchingAttributes = mappedClassInfo.getQualifiedMatchingAttributes(cp); for (PropertyInfo matchingAttribute : matchingAttributes) { if (matchingAttribute .getHibernatePropertyInfo() .getPropertyName() .equals(cp.getLastToken())) { return matchingAttribute.getMappedClassInfo(); } } } } return ret; }
public MappedClassInfo getMappedClassInfoFor(String token) { // Example for this code: // Completion should // from Kv k inner join fetch k.positionen as posses where posses.artNr = 'sdfsdf' CompletionParser cp = new CompletionParser(token); if (2 > cp.size()) { return getMappedClassInfoForNonAliasedToken(cp, true); } String aliasCandidate = cp.getToken(0); // We need this buffer because this method may be called asynchronously to the event dispatch // thread // What could happen is, that _currentAliasInfos ist changed. ArrayList<AliasInfo> buf = _currentAliasInfos; for (AliasInfo currentAliasInfo : buf) { if (currentAliasInfo.getCompareString().equals(aliasCandidate)) { ArrayList<PropertyInfo> matchingAttributes = currentAliasInfo.getQualifiedMatchingAttributes(cp); for (PropertyInfo matchingAttribute : matchingAttributes) { if (matchingAttribute .getHibernatePropertyInfo() .getPropertyName() .equals(cp.getLastToken())) { return matchingAttribute.getMappedClassInfo(); } } } } return getMappedClassInfoForNonAliasedToken(cp, false); }
public CompletionCandidates getInfosStartingWith(CompletionParser parser) { // Tricky alias and chaining completion examples // // au to auftr in // from Kv auftr where au // // au to auftr in // from Kv.positionen.kv auftr where au // // positionen. to fields of Kv aggregate positionen in // from Kv auftr where auftr.positionen. // // positionen. to fields of Kv aggregate positionen in // from Kv where positionen. ArrayList<CompletionInfo> ciClasses = new ArrayList<CompletionInfo>(); ArrayList<CompletionInfo> ciAttrs = new ArrayList<CompletionInfo>(); for (AliasInfo aliasInfo : _currentAliasInfos) { if (aliasInfo.matches(parser)) { ciClasses.add(aliasInfo); } ciAttrs.addAll(aliasInfo.getQualifiedMatchingAttributes(parser)); } for (MappedClassInfo mappedClassInfo : _mappedClassInfos) { if (mappedClassInfo.matches(parser, false, false)) { ciClasses.add(mappedClassInfo); } ciAttrs.addAll(mappedClassInfo.getQualifiedMatchingAttributes(parser)); } ArrayList<CompletionInfo> ret = new ArrayList<CompletionInfo>(); MappedClassInfo lastFoundBuf = _lastFoundMappedClassInfo; if (null != lastFoundBuf) { if (1 == parser.size()) { ret.addAll(lastFoundBuf.getMatchingAttributes(parser)); } else { for (PropertyInfo propertyInfo : lastFoundBuf.getAttributes()) { if (propertyInfo .getHibernatePropertyInfo() .getPropertyName() .equals(parser.getToken(0))) { MappedClassInfo mappedClassInfo = propertyInfo.getMappedClassInfo(); CompletionParser simpleAttrFakeParser = new CompletionParser( mappedClassInfo.getClassName() + "." + parser.getAllButFirst()); ArrayList<PropertyInfo> matchingAttributes = mappedClassInfo.getQualifiedMatchingAttributes(simpleAttrFakeParser); ret.addAll(matchingAttributes); } } } } int replacementStart; String stringToReplace; if (0 < ciClasses.size()) { // We assume that classes and attributes won't be in the same completion list. // Classes will be completed fully qualified when the user works with fully qualified class // names ... ret.addAll(ciClasses); replacementStart = parser.getReplacementStart(); stringToReplace = parser.getStringToReplace(); } else { // ... while attributes used in qualified expressions will not be completed qualified. // That means for pack.Foo. the completion popup will be placed behind the last dot. ret.addAll(ciAttrs); replacementStart = parser.getTextTillCarret().length() - parser.getLastToken().length(); stringToReplace = parser.getLastToken(); } for (SimpleHQLCompletionInfo simpleInfo : _simpleInfos) { if (simpleInfo.matches(parser)) { ret.add(simpleInfo); } } return new CompletionCandidates( ret.toArray(new CompletionInfo[ret.size()]), replacementStart, stringToReplace); }