public ComponentRoseReference( FontConfiguration font, SymbolContext symbolContext, FontConfiguration header, Display stringsToDisplay, HorizontalAlignment position, ISkinSimple spriteContainer, HtmlColor background) { super( stringsToDisplay.subList(1, stringsToDisplay.size()), font, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, 4, 4, 4, spriteContainer, 0, false, null, null); this.position = position; this.symbolContext = symbolContext; this.background = background; this.textHeader = stringsToDisplay.subList(0, 1).create(header, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, spriteContainer); }
private Display getLabelOfMessage(MessageExo message) { if (message.getMessageNumber() == null) { return message.getLabel(); } Display result = Display.empty(); result = result.add(new MessageNumber(message.getMessageNumber())); result = result.addAll(message.getLabel()); return result; }
protected final TextBlock getTextBlock(Display display) { if (Display.isNull(display)) { return null; } final ISkinParam skinParam = getSkinParam(); final UFont font = skinParam.getFont(FontParam.ACTIVITY_ARROW, null, false); final HtmlColor color = rose.getFontColor(skinParam, FontParam.ACTIVITY_ARROW); final FontConfiguration fontConfiguration = new FontConfiguration( font, color, skinParam.getHyperlinkColor(), skinParam.useUnderlineForHyperlink()); return display.create( fontConfiguration, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, this, CreoleMode.SIMPLE_LINE); }
public void draw(UGraphic ug, final double x, double y) { final StringBounder stringBounder = ug.getStringBounder(); final double monthHeight = getMonthHeight(stringBounder); final double caseWidth = getCaseWidth(stringBounder); final double caseHeight = getCaseHeight(stringBounder); final int nb = getNbCase(); ug = ug.apply(new UChangeColor(HtmlColorUtils.BLACK)); ug.apply(new UTranslate(x, y)).draw(new URectangle(nb * caseWidth, monthHeight)); final Instant end = project.getEnd(); Month printed = null; double curx = x; for (Instant cur = project.getStart(); cur.compareTo(end) <= 0; cur = { final Day d = cur.getDay(); if (printed == null || d.getMonth() != printed) { ug.apply(new UTranslate(curx, y)).draw(new ULine(0, monthHeight)); printed = d.getMonth(); final TextBlock b = Display.create( .create(fontConfig, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); final Dimension2D dim = b.calculateDimension(stringBounder); b.drawU(ug.apply(new UTranslate(curx, (y + (monthHeight - dim.getHeight()) / 2)))); } curx += caseWidth; } curx = x; y += monthHeight; ug.apply(new UTranslate(x, y)).draw(new URectangle(nb * caseWidth, caseHeight)); for (Instant cur = project.getStart(); cur.compareTo(end) <= 0; cur = { final Day d = cur.getDay(); final TextBlock b = Display.create("" + d.getNumDay()) .create(fontConfig, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); final Dimension2D dim = b.calculateDimension(stringBounder); b.drawU( ug.apply( new UTranslate( (curx + (caseWidth - dim.getWidth()) / 2), (y + (caseHeight - dim.getHeight()) / 2)))); curx += caseWidth; ug.apply(new UTranslate(curx, y)).draw(new ULine(0, caseHeight)); } }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(ActivityDiagram3 diagram, RegexResult arg) { final HtmlColor color = diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet().getColorIfValid(arg.get("COLOR", 0)); String test = arg.get("TEST", 0); if (test.length() == 0) { test = null; } diagram.startIf( Display.getWithNewlines(test), Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("WHEN", 0)), color); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
public Display removeEmptyColumns() { if (firstColumnRemovable() == false) { return this; } final Display result = new Display(this); do { for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { final CharSequence s = result.get(i); if (s.length() > 0) { result.display.set(i, s.toString().substring(1)); } } } while (result.firstColumnRemovable()); return result; }
private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial2( AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final Code clName1 = Code.of(arg.get("COUPLE2", 0)); final Code clName2 = Code.of(arg.get("COUPLE2", 1)); if (diagram.leafExist(clName1) == false) { return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName1); } if (diagram.leafExist(clName2) == false) { return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName2); } final Code ent1 = Code.of(StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 1))); final IEntity cl1 = diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ent1, null, null); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); // final int length = getQueueLength(arg); // final String weight = arg.get("HEADER").get(0); final boolean result = diagram.associationClass(2, clName1, clName2, cl1, linkType, label); if (result == false) { return CommandExecutionResult.error("Cannot have more than 2 assocications"); } return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
public EntityImageUseCase(ILeaf entity, ISkinParam skinParam) { super(entity, skinParam); final Stereotype stereotype = entity.getStereotype(); final TextBlock tmp = new BodyEnhanced( entity.getDisplay(), FontParam.USECASE, skinParam, HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, stereotype, true, false); if (stereotype == null || stereotype.getLabel() == null) { this.desc = tmp; } else { final TextBlock stereo = TextBlockUtils.create( Display.getWithNewlines(stereotype.getLabel()), new FontConfiguration( SkinParamUtils.getFont(getSkinParam(), FontParam.ACTOR_STEREOTYPE, stereotype), SkinParamUtils.getFontColor(getSkinParam(), FontParam.ACTOR_STEREOTYPE, null), getSkinParam().getHyperlinkColor()), HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, skinParam); this.desc = TextBlockUtils.mergeTB(stereo, tmp, HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); } this.url = entity.getUrl99(); }
private TextBlockBackcolored addTitle(TextBlockBackcolored original) { final Display title = diagram.getTitle(); if (Display.isNull(title)) { return original; } final TextBlock text = title.create( new FontConfiguration( getFont(FontParam.TITLE), getFontColor(FontParam.TITLE, null), diagram.getSkinParam().getHyperlinkColor(), diagram.getSkinParam().useUnderlineForHyperlink()), HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, diagram.getSkinParam()); return DecorateEntityImage.addTop(original, text, HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); }
public DisplayPositionned getTitle() { if (source == null) { return new DisplayPositionned( Display.empty(), HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, VerticalAlignment.TOP); } return new DisplayPositionned( source.getTitle(), HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, VerticalAlignment.TOP); }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(UmlDiagram diagram, List<String> arg) { final String align = arg.get(0); if (align != null) { diagram.setHeaderAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.valueOf(align.toUpperCase())); } diagram.setHeader(Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get(1))); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
private TextBlockBackcolored addLegend(TextBlockBackcolored original) { final Display legend = diagram.getLegend(); if (Display.isNull(legend)) { return original; } final TextBlock text = EntityImageLegend.create(legend, diagram.getSkinParam()); return DecorateEntityImage.add( original, text, diagram.getLegendAlignment(), diagram.getLegendVerticalAlignment()); }
private void manage(UGraphic ug, double x, double y, int n, String last, double pendingX) { final double width = n * dayWidth - pendingX; ug.apply(new UTranslate(x + pendingX, y)).draw(new URectangle(width, getHeight())); final TextBlock b = Display.create(last) .create(fontConfig, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); final Dimension2D dimText = b.calculateDimension(ug.getStringBounder()); final double diffX = width - dimText.getWidth(); final double diffY = getHeight() - dimText.getHeight(); b.drawU(ug.apply(new UTranslate((x + pendingX + diffX / 2), (y + diffY / 2)))); }
@Override public CommandExecutionResult executeNow(ActivityDiagram3 diagram, BlocLines lines) { lines = lines.trim(false); final RegexResult line0 = getStartingPattern().matcher(StringUtils.trin(lines.getFirst499())); final RegexResult lineLast = getPatternEnd2().matcher(lines.getLast499().toString()); // System.err.println("line0=" + line0); // System.err.println("linesLast=" + lineLast); // // final HtmlColor color = // diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet().getColorIfValid(line0.get("COLOR", 0)); final String test = line0.get("TEST1", 0); Display testDisplay = Display.getWithNewlines(test); for (CharSequence s : lines.subExtract(1, 1)) { testDisplay = testDisplay.add(s); } final String trailTest = lineLast.get("TEST1", 0); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trailTest) == false) { testDisplay = testDisplay.add(trailTest); } Display yes = Display.NULL; // Display.getWithNewlines("arg.getLazzy(\"WHEN\", 0)"); final Display out = Display.NULL; // Display.getWithNewlines("arg.getLazzy(\"OUT\", 0)"); final HtmlColor linkColor = null; // diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet().getColorIfValid(arg.get("COLOR", // 0)); final Display linkLabel = Display.NULL; // Display.getWithNewlines("arg.get(\"LABEL\", 0)"); final List<Display> splitted = testDisplay.splitMultiline( MyPattern.cmpile("\\)[%s]*(is|equals?)[%s]*\\(", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)); if (splitted.size() == 2) { testDisplay = splitted.get(0); yes = splitted.get(1); } return diagram.repeatWhile(testDisplay, yes, out, linkLabel, linkColor); }
private Row getMainRow() { final List<Task> tasks = project.getTasks(); final List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (Task t : tasks) { final String text = t.getCode(); final TextBlock label = Display.create(text).create(fontConfig, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); rows.add(new RowSimple((Day) t.getStart(), (Day) t.getEnd(), HtmlColorUtils.BLACK, TextBlockUtils .withMargin(label, 3, 3))); } final Row row = RowUtils.merge(rows); return row; }
@Override public CommandExecutionResult executeNow(ActivityDiagram3 diagram, List<String> lines) { StringUtils.trim(lines, false); final RegexResult line0 = getStartingPattern().matcher(lines.get(0).trim()); final List<String> lineLast = StringUtils.getSplit(MyPattern.cmpile(getPatternEnd()), lines.get(lines.size() - 1)); final HtmlColor color = HtmlColorUtils.getColorIfValid(line0.get("COLOR", 0)); final String test = line0.get("TEST", 0); Display testDisplay = Display.getWithNewlines(test); for (int i = 1; i < lines.size() - 1; i++) { testDisplay = testDisplay.add(lines.get(i)); } final String trailTest = lineLast.get(0); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trailTest) == false) { testDisplay = testDisplay.add(trailTest); } diagram.startIf(testDisplay, Display.getWithNewlines(lineLast.get(1)), color); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
public void draw(UGraphic ug, double x, double y) { final StringBounder stringBounder = ug.getStringBounder(); ug = ug.apply(new UChangeColor(HtmlColorUtils.BLACK)); ug.apply(new UTranslate(x, y)) .draw(new URectangle(getWidth(stringBounder), getHeight(stringBounder))); for (Item it : project.getValidItems()) { final TextBlock b = Display.create("" + it.getCode()) .create(fontConfig, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); final Dimension2D dim = b.calculateDimension(stringBounder); b.drawU(ug.apply(new UTranslate(x, y))); y += dim.getHeight(); ug.apply(new UTranslate(x, y)).draw(new ULine(getWidth(stringBounder), 0)); } }
private static Display breakLines( Display texts, FontConfiguration fontConfiguration, SpriteContainer spriteContainer, double maxWidth) { if (texts.size() != 1) { return texts; } final CharSequence s = texts.get(0); Display result = Display.empty(); final int nb = s.length() / 2; result = result.add(s.subSequence(0, nb)); result = result.add(s.subSequence(nb + 1, s.length())); return result; }
private TextBlockBackcolored addHeaderAndFooter(TextBlockBackcolored original) { final Display footer = diagram.getFooter(); final Display header = diagram.getHeader(); if (Display.isNull(footer) && Display.isNull(header)) { return original; } final TextBlock textFooter = Display.isNull(footer) ? null : footer.create( new FontConfiguration( getFont(FontParam.FOOTER), getFontColor(FontParam.FOOTER, null), diagram.getSkinParam().getHyperlinkColor(), diagram.getSkinParam().useUnderlineForHyperlink()), diagram.getFooterAlignment(), diagram.getSkinParam()); final TextBlock textHeader = Display.isNull(header) ? null : header.create( new FontConfiguration( getFont(FontParam.HEADER), getFontColor(FontParam.HEADER, null), diagram.getSkinParam().getHyperlinkColor(), diagram.getSkinParam().useUnderlineForHyperlink()), diagram.getHeaderAlignment(), diagram.getSkinParam()); return new DecorateEntityImage( original, textHeader, diagram.getHeaderAlignment(), textFooter, diagram.getFooterAlignment()); }
public ImageData exportDiagram(OutputStream os, int num, FileFormatOption fileFormat) throws IOException { final Display display = Display.create(lines); final UFont font = new UFont("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14); final FontConfiguration fontConfiguration = FontConfiguration.blackBlueTrue(font); final Sheet sheet = new CreoleParser(fontConfiguration, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, null, CreoleMode.FULL) .createSheet(display); final SheetBlock1 sheetBlock = new SheetBlock1(sheet, 0, 0); final ImageBuilder builder = new ImageBuilder(new ColorMapperIdentity(), 1.0, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, false); builder.setUDrawable(sheetBlock); return builder.writeImageTOBEMOVED(fileFormat, os); // final Dimension2D dim = TextBlockUtils.getDimension(sheetBlock); // final UGraphic2 ug = fileFormat.createUGraphic(new ColorMapperIdentity(), 1, dim, null, // false); // // sheetBlock.drawU(ug.apply(new UTranslate(0, 10))); // sheetBlock.drawU(ug); // ug.writeImageTOBEMOVED(os, null, 96); // return new ImageDataSimple(dim); }
private static List<CharSequence> manageEmbededDiagrams2( final Collection<? extends CharSequence> strings) { final List<CharSequence> result = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); final Iterator<? extends CharSequence> it = strings.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CharSequence s =; if (s != null && StringUtils.trin(s.toString()).equals("{{")) { final List<CharSequence> other = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); other.add("@startuml"); while (it.hasNext()) { final CharSequence s2 =; if (s2 != null && StringUtils.trin(s2.toString()).equals("}}")) { break; } other.add(s2); } other.add("@enduml"); s = new EmbededDiagram(Display.create(other)); } result.add(s); } return result; }
@Override protected void drawInternalU(UGraphic ug, Area area) { final StringBounder stringBounder = ug.getStringBounder(); ug = ug.apply(new UChangeBackColor(HtmlColorUtils.LIGHT_GRAY)) .apply(new UChangeColor(HtmlColorUtils.BLACK)); ug.draw(new URectangle(getPreferredWidth(stringBounder), getPreferredHeight(stringBounder))); final String n =; final int split = 9; final List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < n.length(); i += split) { strings.add(n.substring(i, Math.min(i + split, n.length()))); } final TextBlock textBlock = TextBlockUtils.create( Display.create(strings), new FontConfiguration(NORMAL, HtmlColorUtils.BLACK, HtmlColorUtils.BLUE), HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, new SpriteContainerEmpty()); textBlock.drawU(ug); }
private CommandExecutionResult executePackageLink( AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final IEntity cl1 = diagram.getGroup( Code.of(StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 1)))); final IEntity cl2 = diagram.getGroup( Code.of(StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 1)))); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Direction dir = getDirection(arg); final int queue; if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.RIGHT) { queue = 1; } else { queue = getQueueLength(arg); } final Display labelLink = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final String firstLabel = arg.get("FIRST_LABEL", 0); final String secondLabel = arg.get("SECOND_LABEL", 0); final Link link = new Link( cl1, cl2, linkType, labelLink, queue, firstLabel, secondLabel, diagram.getLabeldistance(), diagram.getLabelangle()); diagram.resetPragmaLabel(); addLink(diagram, link, arg.get("HEADER", 0)); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(StateDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final String ent1 = arg.get("ENT1", 0); final String ent2 = arg.get("ENT2", 0); final IEntity cl1 = getEntityStart(diagram, ent1); if (cl1 == null) { return CommandExecutionResult.error( "The state " + ent1 + " has been created in a concurrent state : it cannot be used here."); } final IEntity cl2 = getEntityEnd(diagram, ent2); if (cl2 == null) { return CommandExecutionResult.error( "The state " + ent2 + " has been created in a concurrent state : it cannot be used here."); } if (arg.get("ENT1", 1) != null) { cl1.setStereotype(new Stereotype(arg.get("ENT1", 1))); } if (arg.get("ENT1", 2) != null) { cl1.setSpecificColorTOBEREMOVED( ColorType.BACK, diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet().getColorIfValid(arg.get("ENT1", 2))); } if (arg.get("ENT2", 1) != null) { cl2.setStereotype(new Stereotype(arg.get("ENT2", 1))); } if (arg.get("ENT2", 2) != null) { cl2.setSpecificColorTOBEREMOVED( ColorType.BACK, diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet().getColorIfValid(arg.get("ENT2", 2))); } String queue = arg.get("ARROW_BODY1", 0) + arg.get("ARROW_BODY2", 0); final Direction dir = getDirection(arg); if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.RIGHT) { queue = "-"; } final int lenght = queue.length(); final boolean crossStart = arg.get("ARROW_CROSS_START", 0) != null; final boolean circleEnd = arg.get("ARROW_CIRCLE_END", 0) != null; final LinkType linkType = new LinkType( circleEnd ? LinkDecor.ARROW_AND_CIRCLE : LinkDecor.ARROW, crossStart ? LinkDecor.CIRCLE_CROSS : LinkDecor.NONE); Link link = new Link(cl1, cl2, linkType, Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL", 0)), lenght); if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.UP) { link = link.getInv(); } CommandLinkClass.applyStyle(arg.getLazzy("ARROW_STYLE", 0), link); diagram.addLink(link); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(UmlDiagram diagram, List<String> arg) { diagram.setTitle(Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get(0))); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
public Display getTitle() { if (source == null) { return Display.empty(); } return source.getTitle(); }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg( AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { Code ent1 = Code.of(arg.get("ENT1", 1)); Code ent2 = Code.of(arg.get("ENT2", 1)); if (ent1 == null) { return executeArgSpecial1(diagram, arg); } if (ent2 == null) { return executeArgSpecial2(diagram, arg); } ent1 = ent1.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(); ent2 = ent2.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(); if (diagram.isGroup(ent1) && diagram.isGroup(ent2)) { return executePackageLink(diagram, arg); } final IEntity cl1 = diagram.isGroup(ent1) ? diagram.getGroup( Code.of( StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 1)))) : diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ent1, null, null); final IEntity cl2 = diagram.isGroup(ent2) ? diagram.getGroup( Code.of( StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 1)))) : diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ent2, null, null); if (arg.get("ENT1", 0) != null) { final LeafType type = LeafType.getLeafType(arg.get("ENT1", 0)); if (type != LeafType.OBJECT) { ((ILeaf) cl1).muteToType(type, null); } } if (arg.get("ENT2", 0) != null) { final LeafType type = LeafType.getLeafType(arg.get("ENT2", 0)); if (type != LeafType.OBJECT) { ((ILeaf) cl2).muteToType(type, null); } } if (arg.get("ENT1", 2) != null) { cl1.setStereotype( new Stereotype( arg.get("ENT1", 2), diagram.getSkinParam().getCircledCharacterRadius(), diagram.getSkinParam().getFont(FontParam.CIRCLED_CHARACTER, null))); } if (arg.get("ENT2", 2) != null) { cl2.setStereotype( new Stereotype( arg.get("ENT2", 2), diagram.getSkinParam().getCircledCharacterRadius(), diagram.getSkinParam().getFont(FontParam.CIRCLED_CHARACTER, null))); } final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Direction dir = getDirection(arg); final int queue; if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.RIGHT) { queue = 1; } else { queue = getQueueLength(arg); } String firstLabel = arg.get("FIRST_LABEL", 0); String secondLabel = arg.get("SECOND_LABEL", 0); String labelLink = null; if (arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0) != null) { labelLink = arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0); if (firstLabel == null && secondLabel == null) { final Pattern p1 = MyPattern.cmpile("^[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]$"); final Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(labelLink); if (m1.matches()) { firstLabel =; labelLink = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(; secondLabel =; } else { final Pattern p2 = MyPattern.cmpile("^[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]([^%g]+)$"); final Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(labelLink); if (m2.matches()) { firstLabel =; labelLink = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(; secondLabel = null; } else { final Pattern p3 = MyPattern.cmpile("^([^%g]+)[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]$"); final Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(labelLink); if (m3.matches()) { firstLabel = null; labelLink = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote( .trim(); secondLabel =; } } } } labelLink = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(labelLink); } LinkArrow linkArrow = LinkArrow.NONE; if ("<".equals(labelLink)) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.BACKWARD; labelLink = null; } else if (">".equals(labelLink)) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.DIRECT_NORMAL; labelLink = null; } else if (labelLink != null && labelLink.startsWith("< ")) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.BACKWARD; labelLink = labelLink.substring(2).trim(); } else if (labelLink != null && labelLink.startsWith("> ")) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.DIRECT_NORMAL; labelLink = labelLink.substring(2).trim(); } else if (labelLink != null && labelLink.endsWith(" >")) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.DIRECT_NORMAL; labelLink = labelLink.substring(0, labelLink.length() - 2).trim(); } else if (labelLink != null && labelLink.endsWith(" <")) { linkArrow = LinkArrow.BACKWARD; labelLink = labelLink.substring(0, labelLink.length() - 2).trim(); } Link link = new Link( cl1, cl2, linkType, Display.getWithNewlines(labelLink), queue, firstLabel, secondLabel, diagram.getLabeldistance(), diagram.getLabelangle()); if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.UP) { link = link.getInv(); } link.setLinkArrow(linkArrow); applyStyle(arg.getLazzy("ARROW_STYLE", 0), link); addLink(diagram, link, arg.get("HEADER", 0)); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }
@Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(SequenceDiagram sequenceDiagram, List<String> arg) { final Display strings = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get(0)); sequenceDiagram.divider(strings); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); }