public void postFields() { final String S_ProcName = "postFields"; ICFSecuritySecSessionObj focus = getSwingFocusAsSecSession(); ICFSecuritySecSessionEditObj editObj; if (focus != null) { editObj = (ICFSecuritySecSessionEditObj) (focus.getEdit()); } else { editObj = null; } if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Panel is unfocused or is not editing the focus object"); } // You are not allowed to edit the Container or Owner references, so they're not retrieved swingParentSecProxyObj = (ICFDbTestSecUserObj) (swingReferenceParentSecProxy.getReferencedObject()); editObj.setRequiredParentSecProxy(swingParentSecProxyObj); editObj.setOptionalSecDevName(getSwingEditorSecDevName().getStringValue()); editObj.setRequiredStart(getSwingEditorStart().getTimestampValue()); editObj.setOptionalFinish(getSwingEditorFinish().getTimestampValue()); }
public void choseSecUser(ICFSecuritySecUserObj value) { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { if (swingReferenceParentSecProxy != null) { ICFSecuritySecSessionObj cur = getSwingFocusAsSecSession(); if (cur != null) { ICFSecuritySecSessionEditObj editObj = (ICFDbTestSecSessionEditObj) cur.getEdit(); if (null != editObj) { CFJPanel.PanelMode curMode = getPanelMode(); if ((curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add) || (curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit)) { swingReferenceParentSecProxy.setReferencedObject(value); editObj.setRequiredParentSecProxy(value); } } } } } } }