コード例 #1
 /** read a dictionary that exists within some range, parsing the entries within the dictionary. */
 private void readDict(Range r) {
   // System.out.println("reading dictionary from "+r.getStart()+" to "+r.getEnd());
   pos = r.getStart();
   while (pos < r.getEnd()) {
     int cmd = readCommand(false);
     if (cmd == 1006) { // charstringtype, default=2
       charstringtype = (int) stack[0];
     } else if (cmd == 1007) { // fontmatrix
       if (stackptr == 4) {
         at =
                 (float) stack[0], (float) stack[1], (float) stack[2], (float) stack[3], 0, 0);
       } else {
         at =
                 (float) stack[0],
                 (float) stack[1],
                 (float) stack[2],
                 (float) stack[3],
                 (float) stack[4],
                 (float) stack[5]);
     } else if (cmd == 15) { // charset
       charsetbase = (int) stack[0];
     } else if (cmd == 16) { // encoding
       encodingbase = (int) stack[0];
     } else if (cmd == 17) { // charstrings
       charstringbase = (int) stack[0];
     } else if (cmd == 18) { // private
       privatesize = (int) stack[0];
       privatebase = (int) stack[1];
     } else if (cmd == 19) { // subrs (in Private dict)
       lsubrbase = privatebase + (int) stack[0];
       lsubrsoffset = calcoffset(lsubrbase);
     stackptr = 0;
コード例 #2
 * A representation, with parser, of an Adobe Type 1C font.
 * @author Mike Wessler
public class Type1CFont extends OutlineFont {

  // String chr2name[] = new String[256];

  byte[] data;

  int pos;
  byte[] subrs;
  float[] stack = new float[100];

  int stackptr = 0;

  String names[];

  int glyphnames[];

  int encoding[] = new int[256];
  String fontname;

  Matrix at = Utils.createMatrix(0.001f, 0, 0, 0.001f, 0, 0);

  int num;

  float fnum;

  int type;

  static int CMD = 0;

  static int NUM = 1;

  static int FLT = 2;

   * create a new Type1CFont based on a font data stream and a descriptor
   * @param baseFont the postscript name of this font
   * @param src a stream containing the font
   * @param descriptor the descriptor for this font
  public Type1CFont(String baseFont, PDFObject src, PDFFontDescriptor descriptor)
      throws IOException {
    super(baseFont, src, descriptor);

    if (!PDFFont.sUseFontSubstitution) {
      PDFObject dataObj = descriptor.getFontFile3();
      data = dataObj.getStream();
    pos = 0;
    if (!PDFFont.sUseFontSubstitution) {

    // TODO: free up (set to null) unused structures (data, subrs, stack)

  /** a debug method for printing the data */
  private void printData() {
    char[] parts = new char[17];
    int partsloc = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      int d = ((int) data[i]) & 0xff;
      if (d == 0) {
        parts[partsloc++] = '.';
      } else if (d < 32 || d >= 127) {
        parts[partsloc++] = '?';
      } else {
        parts[partsloc++] = (char) d;
      if (d < 16) {
        System.out.print("0" + Integer.toHexString(d));
      } else {
      if ((i & 15) == 15) {
        System.out.println("      " + new String(parts));
        partsloc = 0;
      } else if ((i & 7) == 7) {
        System.out.print("  ");
        parts[partsloc++] = ' ';
      } else if ((i & 1) == 1) {
        System.out.print(" ");

   * read the next decoded value from the stream
   * @param charstring ????
  private int readNext(boolean charstring) {
    num = (int) (data[pos++]) & 0xff;
    if (num == 30 && !charstring) { // goofy floatingpoint rep
      return type = FLT;
    } else if (num == 28) {
      num = (((int) data[pos]) << 8) + (((int) data[pos + 1]) & 0xff);
      pos += 2;
      return type = NUM;
    } else if (num == 29 && !charstring) {
      num =
          (((int) data[pos] & 0xff) << 24)
              | (((int) data[pos + 1] & 0xff) << 16)
              | (((int) data[pos + 2] & 0xff) << 8)
              | (((int) data[pos + 3] & 0xff));
      pos += 4;
      return type = NUM;
    } else if (num == 12) { // two-byte command
      num = 1000 + ((int) (data[pos++]) & 0xff);
      return type = CMD;
    } else if (num < 32) {
      return type = CMD;
    } else if (num < 247) {
      num -= 139;
      return type = NUM;
    } else if (num < 251) {
      num = (num - 247) * 256 + (((int) data[pos++]) & 0xff) + 108;
      return type = NUM;
    } else if (num < 255) {
      num = -(num - 251) * 256 - (((int) data[pos++]) & 0xff) - 108;
      return type = NUM;
    } else if (!charstring) { // dict shouldn't have a 255 code
      throw new RuntimeException("Got a 255 code while reading dict");
    } else { // num was 255
      fnum =
          ((((int) data[pos] & 0xff) << 24)
                  | (((int) data[pos + 1] & 0xff) << 16)
                  | (((int) data[pos + 2] & 0xff) << 8)
                  | (((int) data[pos + 3] & 0xff)))
              / 65536f;
      pos += 4;
      return type = FLT;

   * read the next funky floating point number from the input stream. value gets put into the fnum
   * field.
  public void readFNum() {
    // work in nybbles: 0-9=0-9, a=. b=E, c=E-, d=rsvd e=neg f=end
    float f = 0;
    boolean neg = false;
    int exp = 0;
    int eval = 0;
    float mul = 1;
    byte work = data[pos++];
    while (true) {
      if (work == (byte) 0xdd) {
        work = data[pos++];
      int nyb = (work >> 4) & 0xf;
      work = (byte) ((work << 4) | 0xd);
      if (nyb < 10) {
        if (exp != 0) { // working on the exponent
          eval = eval * 10 + nyb;
        } else if (mul == 1) { // working on an int
          f = f * 10 + nyb;
        } else { // working on decimal part
          f += nyb * mul;
          mul /= 10f;
      } else if (nyb == 0xa) { // decimal
        mul = 0.1f;
      } else if (nyb == 0xb) { // E+
        exp = 1;
      } else if (nyb == 0xc) { // E-
        exp = -1;
      } else if (nyb == 0xe) { // neg
        neg = true;
      } else {
    fnum = (neg ? -1 : 1) * f * (float) Math.pow(10, eval * exp);

   * read an integer from the input stream
   * @param len the number of bytes in the integer
   * @return the integer
  private int readInt(int len) {
    int n = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      n = (n << 8) | (((int) data[pos++]) & 0xff);
    return n;

   * read the next byte from the stream
   * @return the byte
  private int readByte() {
    return ((int) data[pos++]) & 0xff;

  // DICT structure:
  // operand operator operand operator ...
  // INDEX structure:
  // count(2) offsize [offset offset ... offset] data
  // offset array has count+1 entries
  // data starts at 3+(count+1)*offsize
  // offset for data is offset+2+(count+1)*offsize
   * get the size of the dictionary located within the stream at some offset.
   * @param loc the index of the start of the dictionary
   * @return the size of the dictionary, in bytes.
  public int getIndexSize(int loc) {
    // System.out.println("Getting size of index at "+loc);
    int hold = pos;
    pos = loc;
    int count = readInt(2);
    if (count <= 0) {
      return 2;
    int encsz = readByte();
    if (encsz < 1 || encsz > 4) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Offsize: " + encsz + ", must be in range 1-4.");
    // pos is now at the first offset. last offset is at count*encsz
    pos += count * encsz;
    int end = readInt(encsz);
    pos = hold;
    return 2 + (count + 1) * encsz + end;

   * return the number of entries in an Index table.
   * @param loc
   * @return
  public int getTableLength(int loc) {
    int hold = pos;
    pos = loc;
    int count = readInt(2);
    if (count <= 0) {
      return 2;
    pos = hold;
    return count;

   * A range. There's probably a version of this class floating around somewhere already in Java.
  class Range {

    private int start;

    private int len;

    public Range(int start, int len) {
      this.start = start;
      this.len = len;

    public final int getStart() {
      return start;

    public final int getLen() {
      return len;

    public final int getEnd() {
      return start + len;

    public String toString() {
      return "Range: start: " + start + ", len: " + len;

   * Get the range of a particular index in a dictionary.
   * @param index the start of the dictionary.
   * @param id the index of the entry in the dictionary
   * @return a range describing the offsets of the start and end of the entry from the start of the
   *     file, not the dictionary
  Range getIndexEntry(int index, int id) {
    int hold = pos;
    pos = index;
    int count = readInt(2);
    int encsz = readByte();
    if (encsz < 1 || encsz > 4) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Offsize: " + encsz + ", must be in range 1-4.");
    pos += encsz * id;
    int from = readInt(encsz);
    Range r = new Range(from + 2 + index + encsz * (count + 1), readInt(encsz) - from);
    pos = hold;
    return r;

  // charstringtype 12 6 2
  // fontmatrix 12 7 0.001 0 0 0.001
  // charset 15 - (offset) names of glyphs (ref to name idx)
  // encoding 16 - (offset) array of codes
  // CharStrings 17 - (offset)
  // Private 18 - (size, offset)
  // glyph at position i in CharStrings has name charset[i]
  // and code encoding[i]
  int charstringtype = 2;

  float temps[] = new float[32];

  int charsetbase = 0;

  int encodingbase = 0;

  int charstringbase = 0;

  int privatebase = 0;

  int privatesize = 0;

  int gsubrbase = 0;

  int lsubrbase = 0;

  int gsubrsoffset = 0;

  int lsubrsoffset = 0;

  int nglyphs = 1;

  /** read a dictionary that exists within some range, parsing the entries within the dictionary. */
  private void readDict(Range r) {
    // System.out.println("reading dictionary from "+r.getStart()+" to "+r.getEnd());
    pos = r.getStart();
    while (pos < r.getEnd()) {
      int cmd = readCommand(false);
      if (cmd == 1006) { // charstringtype, default=2
        charstringtype = (int) stack[0];
      } else if (cmd == 1007) { // fontmatrix
        if (stackptr == 4) {
          at =
                  (float) stack[0], (float) stack[1], (float) stack[2], (float) stack[3], 0, 0);
        } else {
          at =
                  (float) stack[0],
                  (float) stack[1],
                  (float) stack[2],
                  (float) stack[3],
                  (float) stack[4],
                  (float) stack[5]);
      } else if (cmd == 15) { // charset
        charsetbase = (int) stack[0];
      } else if (cmd == 16) { // encoding
        encodingbase = (int) stack[0];
      } else if (cmd == 17) { // charstrings
        charstringbase = (int) stack[0];
      } else if (cmd == 18) { // private
        privatesize = (int) stack[0];
        privatebase = (int) stack[1];
      } else if (cmd == 19) { // subrs (in Private dict)
        lsubrbase = privatebase + (int) stack[0];
        lsubrsoffset = calcoffset(lsubrbase);
      stackptr = 0;

   * read a complete command. this may involve several numbers which go onto a stack before an
   * actual command is read.
   * @param charstring ????
   * @return the command. Some numbers may also be on the stack.
  private int readCommand(boolean charstring) {
    while (true) {
      int t = readNext(charstring);
      if (t == CMD) {
         * System.out.print("CMD= "+num+", args=");
         * for (int i=0; i<stackptr; i++) {
         * System.out.print(" "+stack[i]);
         * }
         * System.out.println();
        return num;
      } else {
        stack[stackptr++] = (t == NUM) ? (float) num : fnum;

   * parse information about the encoding of this file.
   * @param base the start of the encoding data
  private void readEncodingData(int base) {
    if (base == 0) { // this is the StandardEncoding
          FontSupport.standardEncoding, 0, encoding, 0, FontSupport.standardEncoding.length);
    } else if (base == 1) { // this is the expert encoding
      // TODO: copy ExpertEncoding
    } else {
      pos = base;
      int encodingtype = readByte();
      if ((encodingtype & 127) == 0) {
        int ncodes = readByte();
        for (int i = 1; i < ncodes + 1; i++) {
          int idx = readByte() & 0xff;
          encoding[idx] = i;
      } else if ((encodingtype & 127) == 1) {
        int nranges = readByte();
        int p = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < nranges; i++) {
          int start = readByte();
          int more = readByte();
          for (int j = start; j < start + more + 1; j++) {
            encoding[j] = p++;
      } else {
        System.out.println("Bad encoding type: " + encodingtype);
      // TODO: now check for supplemental encoding data

   * read the names of the glyphs.
   * @param base the start of the glyph name table
  private void readGlyphNames(int base) {
    if (base == 0) {
      glyphnames = new int[229];
      for (int i = 0; i < glyphnames.length; i++) {
        glyphnames[i] = i;
    } else if (base == 1) {
      glyphnames = FontSupport.type1CExpertCharset;
    } else if (base == 2) {
      glyphnames = FontSupport.type1CExpertSubCharset;
    // nglyphs has already been set.
    glyphnames = new int[nglyphs];
    glyphnames[0] = 0;
    pos = base;
    int t = readByte();
    if (t == 0) {
      for (int i = 1; i < nglyphs; i++) {
        glyphnames[i] = readInt(2);
    } else if (t == 1) {
      int n = 1;
      while (n < nglyphs) {
        int sid = readInt(2);
        int range = readByte() + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) {
          glyphnames[n++] = sid++;
    } else if (t == 2) {
      int n = 1;
      while (n < nglyphs) {
        int sid = readInt(2);
        int range = readInt(2) + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) {
          glyphnames[n++] = sid++;

   * read a list of names
   * @param base the start of the name table
  private void readNames(int base) {
    pos = base;
    int nextra = readInt(2);
    names = new String[nextra];
    // safenames= new String[nextra];
    for (int i = 0; i < nextra; i++) {
      Range r = getIndexEntry(base, i);
      names[i] = new String(data, r.getStart(), r.getLen());
      // System.out.println("Read name: "+i+" from "+r.getStart()+" to "+r.getEnd()+":
      // "+safe(names[i]));

   * parse the font data.
   * @param encdif a dictionary describing the encoding.
  private void parse() throws IOException {
    int majorVersion = readByte();
    int minorVersion = readByte();
    int hdrsz = readByte();
    int offsize = readByte();
    // jump over rest of header: base of font names index
    int fnames = hdrsz;
    // offset in the file of the array of font dicts
    int topdicts = fnames + getIndexSize(fnames);
    // offset in the file of local names
    int theNames = topdicts + getIndexSize(topdicts);
    // offset in the file of the array of global subroutines
    gsubrbase = theNames + getIndexSize(theNames);
    gsubrsoffset = calcoffset(gsubrbase);
    // read extra names
    // does this file have more than one font?
    pos = topdicts;
    if (readInt(2) != 1) {
      if (!PDFParser.RELEASE) printData();
      throw new RuntimeException("More than one font in this file!");
    Range r = getIndexEntry(fnames, 0);
    fontname = new String(data, r.getStart(), r.getLen());
    // read first dict
    // System.out.println("TOPDICT[0]:");
    readDict(getIndexEntry(topdicts, 0));
    // read the private dictionary
    // System.out.println("PRIVATE DICT:");
    readDict(new Range(privatebase, privatesize));
    // calculate the number of glyphs
    pos = charstringbase;
    nglyphs = readInt(2);
    // now get the glyph names
    // System.out.println("GLYPHNAMES:");
    // now figure out the encoding
    // System.out.println("ENCODING:");

   * get the index of a particular name. The name table starts with the standard names in
   * FontSupport.stdNames, and is appended by any names in the name table from this font's
   * dictionary.
  private int getNameIndex(String name) {
    int val = FontSupport.findName(name, FontSupport.stdNames);
    if (val == -1) {
      val = FontSupport.findName(name, names) + FontSupport.stdNames.length;
    if (val == -1) {
      val = 0;
    return val;

   * convert a string to one in which any non-printable bytes are replaced by "<###>" where ## is
   * the value of the byte.
  private String safe(String src) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
      char c = src.charAt(i);
      if (c >= 32 && c < 128) {
      } else {
        sb.append("<" + (int) c + ">");
    return sb.toString();

   * Read the data for a glyph from the glyph table, and transform it based on the current
   * transform.
   * @param base the start of the glyph table
   * @param offset the index of this glyph in the glyph table
  private synchronized Path readGlyph(int base, int offset) {
    FlPoint pt = new FlPoint();

    // find this entry
    Range r = getIndexEntry(base, offset);

    // create a path
    Path gp = new Path();

    // rember the start position (for recursive calls due to seac)
    int hold = pos;

    // read the glyph itself
    stackptr = 0;
    parseGlyph(r, gp, pt);

    // restore the start position
    pos = hold;


    return gp;

   * calculate an offset code for a dictionary. Uses the count of entries to determine what the
   * offset should be.
   * @param base the index of the start of the dictionary
  public int calcoffset(int base) {
    int len = getTableLength(base);
    if (len < 1240) {
      return 107;
    } else if (len < 33900) {
      return 1131;
    } else {
      return 32768;

   * get the name associated with an ID.
   * @param id the index of the name
   * @return the name from the FontSupport.stdNames table augmented by the local name table
  public String getSID(int id) {
    if (id < FontSupport.stdNames.length) {
      return FontSupport.stdNames[id];
    } else {
      id -= FontSupport.stdNames.length;
      return names[id];

   * build an accented character out of two pre-defined glyphs.
   * @param x the x offset of the accent
   * @param y the y offset of the accent
   * @param b the index of the base glyph
   * @param a the index of the accent glyph
   * @param gp the GeneralPath into which the combined glyph will be written.
  private void buildAccentChar(float x, float y, char b, char a, Path gp) {
    // get the outline of the accent
    Path pathA = getOutline(a, getWidth(a, null));

    // undo the effect of the transform applied in read
    Matrix xformA = new Matrix();
    xformA.setTranslate(x, y);
    Matrix tmp = new Matrix(at);
    if (at.invert(tmp)) {
    } else {
      // oh well ...

    Path pathB = getOutline(b, getWidth(b, null));

    Matrix xformB = new Matrix();
    if (at.invert(xformB)) {
    } else {
      // ignore


   * parse a glyph defined in a particular range
   * @param r the range of the glyph definition
   * @param gp a GeneralPath in which to store the glyph outline
   * @param pt a FlPoint representing the end of the current path
  void parseGlyph(Range r, Path gp, FlPoint pt) {
    pos = r.getStart();
    int i;
    float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ybase;
    int hold;
    int stemhints = 0;
    while (pos < r.getEnd()) {
      int cmd = readCommand(true);
      hold = 0;
      switch (cmd) {
        case 1: // hstem
        case 3: // vstem
          stackptr = 0;
        case 4: // vmoveto
          if (stackptr > 1) { // this is the first call, arg1 is width
            stack[0] = stack[1];
          pt.y += stack[0];
          if (pt.open) {
          pt.open = false;
          gp.moveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          stackptr = 0;
        case 5: // rlineto
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr; ) {
            pt.x += stack[i++];
            pt.y += stack[i++];
            gp.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 6: // hlineto
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr; ) {
            if ((i & 1) == 0) {
              pt.x += stack[i++];
            } else {
              pt.y += stack[i++];
            gp.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 7: // vlineto
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr; ) {
            if ((i & 1) == 0) {
              pt.y += stack[i++];
            } else {
              pt.x += stack[i++];
            gp.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 8: // rrcurveto
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr; ) {
            x1 = pt.x + stack[i++];
            y1 = pt.y + stack[i++];
            x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
            y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
            pt.x = x2 + stack[i++];
            pt.y = y2 + stack[i++];
            gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 10: // callsubr
          hold = pos;
          i = (int) stack[--stackptr] + lsubrsoffset;
          Range lsubr = getIndexEntry(lsubrbase, i);
          parseGlyph(lsubr, gp, pt);
          pos = hold;
        case 11: // return
        case 14: // endchar
          // width x y achar bchar endchar == x y achar bchar seac
          if (stackptr == 5) {
            buildAccentChar(stack[1], stack[2], (char) stack[3], (char) stack[4], gp);
          if (pt.open) {
          pt.open = false;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 18: // hstemhm
          stemhints += stackptr / 2;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 19: // hintmask
        case 20: // cntrmask
          stemhints += stackptr / 2;
          pos += (stemhints - 1) / 8 + 1;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 21: // rmoveto
          if (stackptr > 2) {
            stack[0] = stack[1];
            stack[1] = stack[2];
          pt.x += stack[0];
          pt.y += stack[1];
          if (pt.open) {
          gp.moveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = false;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 22: // hmoveto
          if (stackptr > 1) {
            stack[0] = stack[1];
          pt.x += stack[0];
          if (pt.open) {
          gp.moveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = false;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 23: // vstemhm
          stemhints += stackptr / 2;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 24: // rcurveline
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr - 2; ) {
            x1 = pt.x + stack[i++];
            y1 = pt.y + stack[i++];
            x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
            y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
            pt.x = x2 + stack[i++];
            pt.y = y2 + stack[i++];
            gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.x += stack[i++];
          pt.y += stack[i++];
          gp.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 25: // rlinecurve
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr - 6; ) {
            pt.x += stack[i++];
            pt.y += stack[i++];
            gp.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
          x1 = pt.x + stack[i++];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[i++];
          x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
          y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[i++];
          pt.y = y2 + stack[i++];
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 26: // vvcurveto
          i = 0;
          if ((stackptr & 1) == 1) { // odd number of arguments
            pt.x += stack[i++];
          while (i < stackptr) {
            x1 = pt.x;
            y1 = pt.y + stack[i++];
            x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
            y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
            pt.x = x2;
            pt.y = y2 + stack[i++];
            gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 27: // hhcurveto
          i = 0;
          if ((stackptr & 1) == 1) { // odd number of arguments
            pt.y += stack[i++];
          while (i < stackptr) {
            x1 = pt.x + stack[i++];
            y1 = pt.y;
            x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
            y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
            pt.x = x2 + stack[i++];
            pt.y = y2;
            gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 29: // callgsubr
          hold = pos;
          i = (int) stack[--stackptr] + gsubrsoffset;
          Range gsubr = getIndexEntry(gsubrbase, i);
          parseGlyph(gsubr, gp, pt);
          pos = hold;
        case 30: // vhcurveto
          hold = 4;
        case 31: // hvcurveto
          for (i = 0; i < stackptr; ) {
            boolean hv = (((i + hold) & 4) == 0);
            x1 = pt.x + (hv ? stack[i++] : 0);
            y1 = pt.y + (hv ? 0 : stack[i++]);
            x2 = x1 + stack[i++];
            y2 = y1 + stack[i++];
            pt.x = x2 + (hv ? 0 : stack[i++]);
            pt.y = y2 + (hv ? stack[i++] : 0);
            if (i == stackptr - 1) {
              if (hv) {
                pt.x += stack[i++];
              } else {
                pt.y += stack[i++];
            gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 1000: // old dotsection command. ignore.
          stackptr = 0;
        case 1003: // and
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = ((x1 != 0) && (y1 != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
        case 1004: // or
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = ((x1 != 0) || (y1 != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
        case 1005: // not
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = (x1 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        case 1009: // abs
          stack[stackptr - 1] = Math.abs(stack[stackptr - 1]);
        case 1010: // add
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = x1 + y1;
        case 1011: // sub
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = y1 - x1;
        case 1012: // div
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = y1 / x1;
        case 1014: // neg
          stack[stackptr - 1] = -stack[stackptr - 1];
        case 1015: // eq
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = (x1 == y1) ? 1 : 0;
        case 1018: // drop
        case 1020: // put
          i = (int) stack[--stackptr];
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          temps[i] = x1;
        case 1021: // get
          i = (int) stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = temps[i];
        case 1022: // ifelse
          if (stack[stackptr - 2] > stack[stackptr - 1]) {
            stack[stackptr - 4] = stack[stackptr - 3];
          stackptr -= 3;
        case 1023: // random
          stack[stackptr++] = (float) Math.random();
        case 1024: // mul
          x1 = stack[--stackptr];
          y1 = stack[--stackptr];
          stack[stackptr++] = y1 * x1;
        case 1026: // sqrt
          stack[stackptr - 1] = (float) Math.sqrt(stack[stackptr - 1]);
        case 1027: // dup
          x1 = stack[stackptr - 1];
          stack[stackptr++] = x1;
        case 1028: // exch
          x1 = stack[stackptr - 1];
          stack[stackptr - 1] = stack[stackptr - 2];
          stack[stackptr - 2] = x1;
        case 1029: // index
          i = (int) stack[stackptr - 1];
          if (i < 0) {
            i = 0;
          stack[stackptr - 1] = stack[stackptr - 2 - i];
        case 1030: // roll
          i = (int) stack[--stackptr];
          int n = (int) stack[--stackptr];
          // roll n number by i (+ = upward)
          if (i > 0) {
            i = i % n;
          } else {
            i = n - (-i % n);
          // x x x x i y y y -> y y y x x x x i (where i=3)
          if (i > 0) {
            float roll[] = new float[n];
            System.arraycopy(stack, stackptr - 1 - i, roll, 0, i);
            System.arraycopy(stack, stackptr - 1 - n, roll, i, n - i);
            System.arraycopy(roll, 0, stack, stackptr - 1 - n, n);
        case 1034: // hflex
          x1 = pt.x + stack[0];
          y1 = ybase = pt.y;
          x2 = x1 + stack[1];
          y2 = y1 + stack[2];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[3];
          pt.y = y2;
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          x1 = pt.x + stack[4];
          y1 = pt.y;
          x2 = x1 + stack[5];
          y2 = ybase;
          pt.x = x2 + stack[6];
          pt.y = y2;
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 1035: // flex
          x1 = pt.x + stack[0];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[1];
          x2 = x1 + stack[2];
          y2 = y1 + stack[3];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[4];
          pt.y = y2 + stack[5];
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          x1 = pt.x + stack[6];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[7];
          x2 = x1 + stack[8];
          y2 = y1 + stack[9];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[10];
          pt.y = y2 + stack[11];
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 1036: // hflex1
          ybase = pt.y;
          x1 = pt.x + stack[0];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[1];
          x2 = x1 + stack[2];
          y2 = y1 + stack[3];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[4];
          pt.y = y2;
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          x1 = pt.x + stack[5];
          y1 = pt.y;
          x2 = x1 + stack[6];
          y2 = y1 + stack[7];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[8];
          pt.y = ybase;
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
        case 1037: // flex1
          ybase = pt.y;
          float xbase = pt.x;
          x1 = pt.x + stack[0];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[1];
          x2 = x1 + stack[2];
          y2 = y1 + stack[3];
          pt.x = x2 + stack[4];
          pt.y = y2 + stack[5];
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          x1 = pt.x + stack[6];
          y1 = pt.y + stack[7];
          x2 = x1 + stack[8];
          y2 = y1 + stack[9];
          if (Math.abs(x2 - xbase) > Math.abs(y2 - ybase)) {
            pt.x = x2 + stack[10];
            pt.y = ybase;
          } else {
            pt.x = xbase;
            pt.y = y2 + stack[10];
          gp.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, pt.x, pt.y);
          pt.open = true;
          stackptr = 0;
          System.out.println("ERROR! TYPE1C CHARSTRING CMD IS " + cmd);

   * Get a glyph outline by name
   * @param name the name of the desired glyph
   * @return the glyph outline, or null if unavailable
  protected Path getOutline(String name, float width) {
    // first find the index of this name
    int index = getNameIndex(name);

    // now find the glyph with that name
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphnames.length; i++) {
      if (glyphnames[i] == index) {
        return readGlyph(charstringbase, i);

    // not found -- return the unknown glyph
    return readGlyph(charstringbase, 0);

   * Get a glyph outline by character code Note this method must always return an outline
   * @param src the character code of the desired glyph
   * @return the glyph outline
  protected Path getOutline(char src, float width) {
    // ignore high bits
    int index = (int) (src & 0xff);

    // if we use a standard encoding, the mapping is from glyph to SID
    // therefore we must find the glyph index in the name table
    if (encodingbase == 0 || encodingbase == 1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < glyphnames.length; i++) {
        if (glyphnames[i] == encoding[index]) {
          return readGlyph(charstringbase, i);
    } else {
      // for a custom encoding, the mapping is from glyph to GID, so
      // we can just map the glyph directly
      if (index > 0 && index < encoding.length) {
        return readGlyph(charstringbase, encoding[index]);

    // for some reason the glyph was not found, return the empty glyph
    return readGlyph(charstringbase, 0);