private void removeFromStats(String subType) { if (sessionProvider == null) return; SessionDetails sessionDetails = sessionProvider.get(); if (sessionDetails != null) { String userId = sessionDetails.userId(); Map<String, SubscriptionStat> subStats = getSubscriptionMap(); if (subStats != null) { SubscriptionStat stat = subStats.get(userId + "~" + subType); if (stat == null) { throw new AssertionError("There should be an active subscription"); } stat.setActiveSubscriptions(stat.getActiveSubscriptions() - 1); stat.setRecentlySubscribed(; subStats.put(userId + "~" + subType, stat); } } }
private void addToStats(String subType) { if (sessionProvider == null) return; SessionDetails sessionDetails = sessionProvider.get(); if (sessionDetails != null) { String userId = sessionDetails.userId(); Map<String, SubscriptionStat> subStats = getSubscriptionMap(); if (subStats != null) { SubscriptionStat stat = subStats.get(userId + "~" + subType); if (stat == null) { stat = new SubscriptionStat(); stat.setFirstSubscribed(; } stat.setTotalSubscriptions(stat.getTotalSubscriptions() + 1); stat.setActiveSubscriptions(stat.getActiveSubscriptions() + 1); stat.setRecentlySubscribed(; subStats.put(userId + "~" + subType, stat); } } }
@Override protected void process( @NotNull final WireIn in, @NotNull final WireOut out, @NotNull final SessionDetailsProvider sessionDetails) { if (!YamlLogging.showHeartBeats) { // save the previous message (the meta-data for printing later) // if the message turns out not to be a system message prevLogMessage.setLength(0); prevLogMessage.append(currentLogMessage); currentLogMessage.setLength(0); logToBuffer(in, currentLogMessage); } else { // log every message logYamlToStandardOut(in); } if (sessionProvider != null) sessionProvider.set(sessionDetails); in.readDocument( this.metaDataConsumer, (WireIn wire) -> { try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("received data:\n" + wire.bytes().toHexString()); if (isSystemMessage) { systemHandler.process(in, out, tid, sessionDetails, getMonitoringMap()); if (!systemHandler.wasHeartBeat()) { if (!YamlLogging.showHeartBeats) { logBufferToStandardOut(prevLogMessage.append(currentLogMessage)); } } return; } if (!YamlLogging.showHeartBeats) { logBufferToStandardOut(prevLogMessage.append(currentLogMessage)); } Map<String, UserStat> userMonitoringMap = getMonitoringMap(); if (userMonitoringMap != null) { UserStat userStat = userMonitoringMap.get(sessionDetails.userId()); if (userStat == null) { throw new AssertionError("User should have been logged in"); } // Use timeInMillis userStat.setRecentInteraction(; userStat.setTotalInteractions(userStat.getTotalInteractions() + 1); userMonitoringMap.put(sessionDetails.userId(), userStat); } if (wireAdapter != null) { if (viewType == MapView.class) { mapWireHandler.process(in, out, (MapView) view, tid, wireAdapter, requestContext); return; } if (viewType == EntrySetView.class) { entrySetHandler.process( in, out, (EntrySetView) view, wireAdapter.entryToWire(), wireAdapter.wireToEntry(), HashSet::new, tid); return; } if (viewType == KeySetView.class) { keySetHandler.process( in, out, (KeySetView) view, wireAdapter.keyToWire(), wireAdapter.wireToKey(), HashSet::new, tid); return; } if (viewType == ValuesCollection.class) { valuesHandler.process( in, out, (ValuesCollection) view, wireAdapter.keyToWire(), wireAdapter.wireToKey(), ArrayList::new, tid); return; } if (viewType == ObjectKVSSubscription.class) { subscriptionHandler.process( in, requestContext, publisher, assetTree, tid, outWire, (SubscriptionCollection) view); return; } if (viewType == TopologySubscription.class) { topologySubscriptionHandler.process( in, requestContext, publisher, assetTree, tid, outWire, (TopologySubscription) view); return; } if (viewType == Reference.class) { referenceHandler.process( in, publisher, tid, (Reference) view, cspText, outWire, wireAdapter); return; } if (viewType == TopicPublisher.class) { topicPublisherHandler.process( in, publisher, tid, outWire, (TopicPublisher) view, wireAdapter); return; } if (viewType == Publisher.class) { publisherHandler.process( in, publisher, tid, (Publisher) view, outWire, wireAdapter); return; } if (viewType == Replication.class) { replicationHandler.process( in, publisher, tid, outWire, hostIdentifier, (Replication) view, eventLoop); return; } } if (endsWith(cspText, "?view=queue")) { // TODO add in chronicle queue } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("", e); } finally { if (sessionProvider != null) sessionProvider.remove(); } }); }