public final class BotaniaAPI { private static List<LexiconCategory> categories = new ArrayList<LexiconCategory>(); private static List<LexiconEntry> allEntries = new ArrayList<LexiconEntry>(); public static Map<String, KnowledgeType> knowledgeTypes = new HashMap<String, KnowledgeType>(); public static Map<String, Brew> brewMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Brew>(); public static List<RecipePetals> petalRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipePetals>(); public static List<RecipePureDaisy> pureDaisyRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipePureDaisy>(); public static List<RecipeManaInfusion> manaInfusionRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipeManaInfusion>(); public static List<RecipeRuneAltar> runeAltarRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipeRuneAltar>(); public static List<RecipeElvenTrade> elvenTradeRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipeElvenTrade>(); public static List<RecipeBrew> brewRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipeBrew>(); public static List<RecipeManaInfusion> miniFlowerRecipes = new ArrayList<RecipeManaInfusion>(); private static BiMap<String, Class<? extends SubTileEntity>> subTiles = HashBiMap.<String, Class<? extends SubTileEntity>>create(); private static Map<Class<? extends SubTileEntity>, SubTileSignature> subTileSignatures = new HashMap<Class<? extends SubTileEntity>, SubTileSignature>(); public static Set<String> subtilesForCreativeMenu = new LinkedHashSet(); public static Map<String, String> subTileMods = new HashMap<String, String>(); public static BiMap<String, String> miniFlowers = HashBiMap.<String, String>create(); public static Map<String, Integer> oreWeights = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public static Map<String, Integer> oreWeightsNether = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public static Map<Item, Block> seeds = new HashMap(); public static Set<Item> looniumBlacklist = new LinkedHashSet(); public static ArmorMaterial manasteelArmorMaterial = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("MANASTEEL", 16, new int[] {2, 6, 5, 2}, 18); public static ToolMaterial manasteelToolMaterial = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("MANASTEEL", 3, 300, 6.2F, 2F, 20); public static ArmorMaterial elementiumArmorMaterial = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("B_ELEMENTIUM", 18, new int[] {2, 6, 5, 2}, 18); public static ToolMaterial elementiumToolMaterial = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("B_ELEMENTIUM", 3, 720, 6.2F, 2F, 20); public static ArmorMaterial terrasteelArmorMaterial = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("TERRASTEEL", 34, new int[] {3, 8, 6, 3}, 26); public static ToolMaterial terrasteelToolMaterial = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("TERRASTEEL", 4, 2300, 9F, 3F, 26); public static EnumRarity rarityRelic = EnumHelper.addRarity("RELIC", EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, "Relic"); public static KnowledgeType basicKnowledge, elvenKnowledge; // All of these categories are initialized during botania's PreInit stage. public static LexiconCategory categoryBasics; public static LexiconCategory categoryMana; public static LexiconCategory categoryFunctionalFlowers; public static LexiconCategory categoryGenerationFlowers; public static LexiconCategory categoryDevices; public static LexiconCategory categoryTools; public static LexiconCategory categoryBaubles; public static LexiconCategory categoryEnder; public static LexiconCategory categoryAlfhomancy; public static LexiconCategory categoryMisc; public static Brew fallbackBrew = new Brew("fallback", "botania.brew.fallback", 0, 0); static { registerSubTile("", DummySubTile.class); basicKnowledge = registerKnowledgeType("minecraft", EnumChatFormatting.RESET, true); elvenKnowledge = registerKnowledgeType("alfheim", EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN, false); addOreWeight("oreAluminum", 3940); // Tinkers' Construct addOreWeight("oreAmber", 2075); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreApatite", 1595); // Forestry addOreWeight("oreBlueTopaz", 3195); // Ars Magica addOreWeight("oreCertusQuartz", 3975); // Applied Energistics addOreWeight("oreChimerite", 3970); // Ars Magica addOreWeight("oreCinnabar", 2585); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreCoal", 46525); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreCopper", 8325); // IC2, Thermal Expansion, Tinkers' Construct, etc. addOreWeight("oreDark", 1350); // EvilCraft addOreWeight("oreDarkIron", 1700); // Factorization (older versions) addOreWeight("oreFzDarkIron", 1700); // Factorization (newer versions) addOreWeight("oreDiamond", 1265); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreEmerald", 780); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreGalena", 1000); // Factorization addOreWeight("oreGold", 2970); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreInfusedAir", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreInfusedEarth", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreInfusedEntropy", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreInfusedFire", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreInfusedOrder", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreInfusedWater", 925); // Thaumcraft addOreWeight("oreIron", 20665); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreLapis", 1285); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreLead", 7985); // IC2, Thermal Expansion, Factorization, etc. addOreWeight("oreMCropsEssence", 3085); // Magical Crops addOreWeight("oreNickel", 2275); // Thermal Expansion addOreWeight("oreOlivine", 1100); // Project RED addOreWeight("oreRedstone", 6885); // Vanilla addOreWeight("oreRuby", 1100); // Project RED addOreWeight("oreSapphire", 1100); // Project RED addOreWeight("oreSilver", 6300); // Thermal Expansion, Factorization, etc. addOreWeight("oreSulfur", 1105); // Railcraft addOreWeight("oreTin", 9450); // IC2, Thermal Expansion, etc. addOreWeight("oreUranium", 1337); // IC2 addOreWeight("oreVinteum", 5925); // Ars Magica addOreWeight("oreYellorite", 3520); // Big Reactors addOreWeight("oreZinc", 6485); // Flaxbeard's Steam Power addOreWeight("oreMythril", 6485); // Simple Ores2 addOreWeight("oreAdamantium", 2275); // Simple Ores2 addOreWeight("oreTungsten", 3520); // Simple Tungsten addOreWeightNether("oreQuartz", 19600); // Vanilla addOreWeightNether("oreCobalt", 500); // Tinker's Construct addOreWeightNether("oreArdite", 500); // Tinker's Construct addOreWeightNether("oreFirestone", 5); // Railcraft addOreWeightNether("oreNetherCoal", 17000); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherCopper", 4700); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherDiamond", 175); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherEssence", 2460); // Magical Crops addOreWeightNether("oreNetherGold", 3635); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherIron", 5790); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherLapis", 3250); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherLead", 2790); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherNickel", 1790); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherPlatinum", 170); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherRedstone", 5600); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherSilver", 1550); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherSteel", 1690); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreNetherTin", 3750); // Nether Ores addOreWeightNether("oreFyrite", 1000); // Netherrocks addOreWeightNether("oreAshstone", 1000); // Netherrocks addOreWeightNether("oreDragonstone", 175); // Netherrocks addOreWeightNether("oreArgonite", 1000); // Netherrocks addOreWeightNether("oreOnyx", 500); // SimpleOres 2 addOreWeightNether("oreHaditeCoal", 500); // Hadite addSeed(Items.wheat_seeds, Blocks.wheat); addSeed(Items.potato, Blocks.potatoes); addSeed(Items.carrot, Blocks.carrots); addSeed(Items.nether_wart, Blocks.nether_wart); addSeed(Items.pumpkin_seeds, Blocks.pumpkin_stem); addSeed(Items.melon_seeds, Blocks.melon_stem); registerModWiki( "Minecraft", new SimpleWikiProvider("Minecraft Wiki", "")); IWikiProvider technicWiki = new SimpleWikiProvider("Technic Wiki", ""); IWikiProvider mekanismWiki = new SimpleWikiProvider("Mekanism Wiki", ""); IWikiProvider buildcraftWiki = new SimpleWikiProvider( "BuildCraft Wiki", ""); registerModWiki("Mekanism", mekanismWiki); registerModWiki("MekanismGenerators", mekanismWiki); registerModWiki("MekanismTools", mekanismWiki); registerModWiki( "EnderIO", new SimpleWikiProvider("EnderIO Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "TropiCraft", new SimpleWikiProvider("Tropicraft Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "RandomThings", new SimpleWikiProvider( "Random Things Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "Witchery", new SimpleWikiProvider( "Witchery Wiki", "", "-")); registerModWiki( "AppliedEnergistics2", new SimpleWikiProvider("AE2 Wiki", "")); registerModWiki("BigReactors", technicWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Core", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Builders", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Energy", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Factory", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Silicon", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki("BuildCraft|Transport", buildcraftWiki); registerModWiki( "ArsMagica2", new SimpleWikiProvider("ArsMagica2 Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "PneumaticCraft", new SimpleWikiProvider( "PneumaticCraft Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "StevesCarts2", new SimpleWikiProvider("Steve's Carts Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "GanysSurface", new SimpleWikiProvider("Gany's Surface Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "GanysNether", new SimpleWikiProvider("Gany's Nether Wiki", "")); registerModWiki( "GanysEnd", new SimpleWikiProvider("Gany's End Wiki", "")); } /** * The internal method handler in use. Do not overwrite. * * @see IInternalMethodHandler */ public static IInternalMethodHandler internalHandler = new DummyMethodHandler(); /** * Registers a new Knowledge Type. * * @param id The ID for this knowledge type. * @param color The color to display this knowledge type as. */ public static KnowledgeType registerKnowledgeType( String id, EnumChatFormatting color, boolean autoUnlock) { KnowledgeType type = new KnowledgeType(id, color, autoUnlock); knowledgeTypes.put(id, type); return type; } /** Registers a Brew and returns it. */ public static Brew registerBrew(Brew brew) { brewMap.put(brew.getKey(), brew); return brew; } /** Gets a brew from the key passed in, returns the fallback if it's not in the map. */ public static Brew getBrewFromKey(String key) { if (brewMap.containsKey(key)) return brewMap.get(key); return fallbackBrew; } /** * Registers a Petal Recipe. * * @param output The ItemStack to craft. * @param inputs The objects for crafting. Can be ItemStack, MappableStackWrapper or String (case * for Ore Dictionary). The array can't be larger than 16. * @return The recipe created. */ public static RecipePetals registerPetalRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... inputs) { RecipePetals recipe = new RecipePetals(output, inputs); petalRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a Pure Daisy Recipe. * * @param input The block that works as an input for the recipe. Can be a Block or an oredict * String. * @param output The block to be placed upon recipe completion. * @param outputMeta The metadata to be placed upon recipe completion. * @return The recipe created. */ public static RecipePureDaisy registerPureDaisyRecipe( Object input, Block output, int outputMeta) { RecipePureDaisy recipe = new RecipePureDaisy(input, output, outputMeta); pureDaisyRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a Rune Altar Recipe. * * @param output The ItemStack to craft. * @param mana The amount of mana required. Don't go over 100000! * @param inputs The objects for crafting. Can be ItemStack, MappableStackWrapper or String (case * for Ore Dictionary). The array can't be larger than 16. * @return The recipe created. */ public static RecipeRuneAltar registerRuneAltarRecipe( ItemStack output, int mana, Object... inputs) { RecipeRuneAltar recipe = new RecipeRuneAltar(output, mana, inputs); runeAltarRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a Mana Infusion Recipe (throw an item in a mana pool) * * @param output The ItemStack to craft * @param input The input item, be it an ItemStack or an ore dictionary entry String. * @param mana The amount of mana required. Don't go over 100000! * @return The recipe created. */ public static RecipeManaInfusion registerManaInfusionRecipe( ItemStack output, Object input, int mana) { RecipeManaInfusion recipe = new RecipeManaInfusion(output, input, mana); manaInfusionRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Register a Mana Infusion Recipe and flags it as an Alchemy recipe (requires an Alchemy Catalyst * below the pool). * * @see BotaniaAPI#registerManaInfusionRecipe */ public static RecipeManaInfusion registerManaAlchemyRecipe( ItemStack output, Object input, int mana) { RecipeManaInfusion recipe = registerManaInfusionRecipe(output, input, mana); recipe.setAlchemy(true); return recipe; } /** * Register a Mana Infusion Recipe and flags it as an Conjuration recipe (requires a Conjuration * Catalyst below the pool). * * @see BotaniaAPI#registerManaInfusionRecipe */ public static RecipeManaInfusion registerManaConjurationRecipe( ItemStack output, Object input, int mana) { RecipeManaInfusion recipe = registerManaInfusionRecipe(output, input, mana); recipe.setConjuration(true); return recipe; } /** * Registers a Elven Trade recipe (throw an item in an Alfheim Portal). * * @param output The ItemStack to return. * @param inputs The items required, can be ItemStack or ore dictionary entry string. * @return The recipe created. */ public static RecipeElvenTrade registerElvenTradeRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... inputs) { RecipeElvenTrade recipe = new RecipeElvenTrade(output, inputs); elvenTradeRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a Brew Recipe (for the Botanical Brewery). * * @param brew The brew in to be set in this recipe. * @inputs The items used in the recipe, no more than 6. */ public static RecipeBrew registerBrewRecipe(Brew brew, Object... inputs) { RecipeBrew recipe = new RecipeBrew(brew, inputs); brewRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a SubTileEntity, a new special flower. Look in the subtile package of the API. If you * call this after PostInit you're a failiure and we are very disappointed in you. */ public static void registerSubTile(String key, Class<? extends SubTileEntity> subtileClass) { subTiles.put(key, subtileClass); subTileMods.put(key, Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId()); } /** * Register a SubTileEntity and makes it a mini flower. Also adds the recipe and returns it. * * @see BotaniaAPI#registerSubTile */ public static RecipeManaInfusion registerMiniSubTile( String key, Class<? extends SubTileEntity> subtileClass, String original) { registerSubTile(key, subtileClass); miniFlowers.put(original, key); RecipeMiniFlower recipe = new RecipeMiniFlower(key, original, 2500); manaInfusionRecipes.add(recipe); miniFlowerRecipes.add(recipe); return recipe; } /** * Registers a SubTileEntity's signature. * * @see SubTileSignature */ public static void registerSubTileSignature( Class<? extends SubTileEntity> subtileClass, SubTileSignature signature) { subTileSignatures.put(subtileClass, signature); } /** * Gets the singleton signature for a SubTileEntity class. Registers a fallback if one wasn't * registered before the call. */ public static SubTileSignature getSignatureForClass(Class<? extends SubTileEntity> subtileClass) { if (!subTileSignatures.containsKey(subtileClass)) registerSubTileSignature( subtileClass, new BasicSignature(subTiles.inverse().get(subtileClass))); return subTileSignatures.get(subtileClass); } /** * Gets the singleton signature for a SubTileEntity's name. Registers a fallback if one wasn't * registered before the call. */ public static SubTileSignature getSignatureForName(String name) { Class<? extends SubTileEntity> subtileClass = subTiles.get(name); return getSignatureForClass(subtileClass); } /** * Adds the key for a SubTileEntity into the creative menu. This goes into the * subtilesForCreativeMenu Set. This does not need to be called for mini flowers, those will just * use the mini flower map to add themselves next to the source. */ public static void addSubTileToCreativeMenu(String key) { subtilesForCreativeMenu.add(key); } /** Adds a category to the list of registered categories to appear in the Lexicon. */ public static void addCategory(LexiconCategory category) { categories.add(category); } /** Gets all registered categories. */ public static List<LexiconCategory> getAllCategories() { return categories; } /** Gets all registered entries. */ public static List<LexiconEntry> getAllEntries() { return allEntries; } /** Registers a Lexicon Entry and adds it to the category passed in. */ public static void addEntry(LexiconEntry entry, LexiconCategory category) { allEntries.add(entry); category.entries.add(entry); } /** * Maps an ore (ore dictionary key) to it's weight on the world generation. This is used for the * Orechid flower. Check the static block in the BotaniaAPI class to get the weights for the * vanilla blocks.<br> * Alternatively get the values with the OreDetector mod:<br> * */ public static void addOreWeight(String ore, int weight) { oreWeights.put(ore, weight); } /** * Maps an ore (ore dictionary key) to it's weight on the nether world generation. This is used * for the Orechid Ignem flower. Check the static block in the BotaniaAPI class to get the weights * for the vanilla blocks.<br> * Alternatively get the values with the OreDetector mod:<br> * */ public static void addOreWeightNether(String ore, int weight) { if (ore.contains("Nether") && OreDictionary.getOres(ore.replace("Nether", "")).size() == 0) return; oreWeightsNether.put(ore, weight); } public static int getOreWeight(String ore) { return oreWeights.get(ore); } public static int getOreWeightNether(String ore) { return oreWeightsNether.get(ore); } /** * Allows an item to be counted as a seed. Any item in this list can be dispensed by a dispenser, * the block is the block to be placed. */ public static void addSeed(Item item, Block block) { seeds.put(item, block); } /** Blacklists an item from the Loonium drop table. */ public static void blackListItemFromLoonium(Item item) { looniumBlacklist.add(item); } /** Gets the last recipe to have been added to the recipe list. */ public static IRecipe getLatestAddedRecipe() { List<IRecipe> list = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList(); return list.get(list.size() - 1); } /** Gets the last x recipes added to the recipe list. */ public static List<IRecipe> getLatestAddedRecipes(int x) { List<IRecipe> list = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList(); List<IRecipe> newList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) newList.add(list.get(list.size() - 1 - i)); return newList; } /** * Registers a Wiki provider for a mod so it uses that instead of the fallback FTB wiki. Make sure * to call this on PostInit only! */ public static void registerModWiki(String mod, IWikiProvider provider) { WikiHooks.registerModWiki(mod, provider); } public static Class<? extends SubTileEntity> getSubTileMapping(String key) { if (!subTiles.containsKey(key)) key = ""; return subTiles.get(key); } public static String getSubTileStringMapping(Class<? extends SubTileEntity> clazz) { return subTiles.inverse().get(clazz); } public static Set<String> getAllSubTiles() { return subTiles.keySet(); } }
/** * This class is part of the Gadomancy Mod Gadomancy is Open Source and distributed under the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more read the LICENSE file * * <p>Created by makeo @ 03.06.2015 03:37 */ public class RegisteredItems { private RegisteredItems() {} public static EnumRarity raritySacred = EnumHelper.addRarity("Sacred", EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, "Sacred"); public static CreativeTabs creativeTab; public static ItemFakeModIcon itemFakeModIcon; public static ItemFakeGolemShield itemFakeGolemShield; public static ItemFakeGolemPlacer itemFakeGolemPlacer; public static ItemTransformationFocus itemTransformationFocus; public static ItemGolemCoreBreak itemGolemCoreBreak; public static ItemExtendedNodeJar itemExtendedNodeJar; public static ItemFamiliar_Old itemFamiliar_old; public static ItemEtherealFamiliar itemEtherealFamiliar; public static ItemCreativeNode itemCreativeNode; public static ItemArcanePackage itemPackage; public static ItemFakeLootbag itemFakeLootbag; public static ItemAuraCore itemAuraCore; public static ItemElement itemElement; public static void preInit() { creativeTab = new CreativeTabs(Gadomancy.MODID) { @Override public Item getTabIconItem() { return itemFakeModIcon; } }; } public static void init() { registerItems(); registerDefaultStickyJars(); } public static void postInit() { registerItemAspects(); } // Items private static void registerItems() { itemTransformationFocus = registerItem(new ItemTransformationFocus()); itemGolemCoreBreak = registerItem(new ItemGolemCoreBreak()); itemFamiliar_old = registerItem(new ItemFamiliar_Old(), "ItemFamiliar"); itemEtherealFamiliar = registerItem(new ItemEtherealFamiliar()); itemAuraCore = registerItem(new ItemAuraCore()); itemElement = registerItem(new ItemElement()); itemCreativeNode = registerItem(new ItemCreativeNode()); itemPackage = registerItem(new ItemArcanePackage()); itemFakeLootbag = registerItem(Thaumcraft.MODID, new ItemFakeLootbag()); itemFakeGolemPlacer = registerItem(new ItemFakeGolemPlacer()); itemFakeGolemShield = registerItem(new ItemFakeGolemShield()); itemExtendedNodeJar = registerItem(new ItemExtendedNodeJar()); itemFakeModIcon = registerItem(new ItemFakeModIcon()); } private static <T extends Item> T registerItem(T item, String name) { GameRegistry.registerItem(item, name); return item; } private static <T extends Item> T registerItem(T item) { return registerItem(item, item.getClass().getSimpleName()); } private static <T extends Item> T registerItem(String modId, T item) { return registerItem(modId, item, item.getClass().getSimpleName()); } private static <T extends Item> T registerItem(String modId, T item, String name) { Injector modController = new Injector( new Injector(Loader.instance(), Loader.class).getField("modController"), LoadController.class); Object old = modController.getField("activeContainer"); modController.setField("activeContainer", Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().get(modId)); GameRegistry.registerItem(item, name); modController.setField("activeContainer", old); return item; } private static void registerItemAspects() { AspectList oldAspects = ThaumcraftCraftingManager.getObjectTags(new ItemStack(RegisteredBlocks.blockStoneMachine)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockStoneMachine)), new int[] {11, 15}, new AspectList()); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockStoneMachine)), new int[] {0}, oldAspects); AspectList pylon = new AspectList() .add(Aspect.WATER, 10) .add(Aspect.MAGIC, 12) .add(Aspect.VOID, 4) .add(Aspect.MECHANISM, 4); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockAuraPylon)), new int[] {0}, pylon); pylon = new AspectList() .add(Aspect.FIRE, 10) .add(Aspect.AURA, 12) .add(Aspect.MAGIC, 8) .add(Aspect.LIGHT, 4) .add(Aspect.MECHANISM, 4); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockAuraPylon)), new int[] {1}, pylon); AspectList packager = new AspectList() .add(Aspect.TREE, 10) .add(Aspect.MECHANISM, 8) .add(Aspect.CRAFT, 8) .add(Aspect.AURA, 12); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockStoneMachine)), new int[] {4}, packager); AspectList aspect = new AspectList(); aspect.add(Aspect.MAGIC, 6).add(Aspect.AURA, 12).add(Aspect.ELDRITCH, 4).add(Aspect.VOID, 10); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {0}, aspect.copy()); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {1}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.AIR, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {2}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.FIRE, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {3}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.WATER, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {4}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.EARTH, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {5}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.ORDER, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemAuraCore), new int[] {6}, aspect.copy().add(Aspect.ENTROPY, 26)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemPackage, 1, 0), new AspectList().add(Aspect.CLOTH, 2).add(Aspect.BEAST, 2).add(Aspect.ARMOR, 1)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemPackage, 1, 1), new AspectList().add(Aspect.CLOTH, 4)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemFakeLootbag, 1, 0), new AspectList().add(Aspect.CLOTH, 2).add(Aspect.BEAST, 2).add(Aspect.ARMOR, 1)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredItems.itemFakeLootbag, 1, 1), new AspectList().add(Aspect.CLOTH, 4)); ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag( new ItemStack(RegisteredBlocks.blockKnowledgeBook), new AspectList() .add(Aspect.MIND, 8) .add(Aspect.MECHANISM, 4) .add(Aspect.MAGIC, 6) .add(Aspect.ORDER, 4)); } // Sticky jars private static void registerDefaultStickyJars() { registerStickyJar(ConfigItems.itemJarFilled, 0); registerStickyJar(ConfigItems.itemJarFilled, 3); Item itemBlockJar = Item.getItemFromBlock(ConfigBlocks.blockJar); registerStickyJar(itemBlockJar, 0, new ItemStack(itemBlockJar, 1, 0), "JARLABEL"); registerStickyJar(itemBlockJar, 3, new ItemStack(itemBlockJar, 1, 3), "JARVOID"); Item itemRemoteJar = Item.getItemFromBlock(RegisteredBlocks.blockRemoteJar); registerStickyJar( itemRemoteJar, 0, new ItemStack(itemRemoteJar), SimpleResearchItem.getFullName("REMOTEJAR")); } private static List<StickyJarItemInfo> stickyJarItems = new ArrayList<StickyJarItemInfo>(); public static void registerStickyJar(Item item, int damage, ItemStack recipeStack) { registerStickyJar(item, damage, recipeStack, null); } public static void registerStickyJar( Item item, int damage, ItemStack recipeStack, String research) { StickyJarItemInfo info = new StickyJarItemInfo(); info.item = item; info.damage = damage; info.recipeStack = recipeStack; info.research = research; stickyJarItems.add(info); } public static void registerStickyJar(Item item, int damage) { registerStickyJar(item, damage, null); } public static void registerStickyJar(Item item) { registerStickyJar(item, Short.MAX_VALUE); } public static boolean isStickyableJar(Item item, int damage) { for (StickyJarItemInfo info : stickyJarItems) { if (info.item == item && (info.damage == damage || info.damage == Short.MAX_VALUE)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isStickyableJar(ItemStack stack) { return stack != null && isStickyableJar(stack.getItem(), stack.getItemDamage()); } public static List<ItemStack> getStickyJarStacks() { return getStickyJarStacks(null); } public static List<ItemStack> getStickyJarStacks(EntityPlayer player) { List<ItemStack> stacks = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); for (StickyJarItemInfo info : stickyJarItems) { if (info.recipeStack != null && (player == null || info.research == null || ResearchManager.isResearchComplete( player.getCommandSenderName(), info.research))) { stacks.add(info.recipeStack); } } return stacks; } private static class StickyJarItemInfo { public Item item; public int damage; public ItemStack recipeStack; public String research = null; } }