@Override public void onSlotChanged() { super.onSlotChanged(); if (inventory.getStackInSlot(0) != null) { // System.out.println(getStack()+", // "+PlayerManagerTFC.getInstance().getPlayerInfoFromName(thePlayer.getDisplayName()).specialCraftingType); if (valids.contains(getStack().getItem()) && container != null && getStack().getItemDamage() == PlayerManagerTFC.getInstance() .getPlayerInfoFromName(thePlayer.getDisplayName()) .specialCraftingType .getItemDamage()) { container.onCraftMatrixChanged(craftMatrix); } } }
@Override public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack itemstack) { if (valids.contains(itemstack.getItem()) && container != null) container.onCraftMatrixChanged(craftMatrix); return valids.contains(itemstack.getItem()); }
/** Callback for when the crafting matrix is changed. */ public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory par1IInventory) { this.merchantInventory.resetRecipeAndSlots(); super.onCraftMatrixChanged(par1IInventory); }
@Override public void serverPacketData(INetworkInfo manager, AppEngPacket packet, EntityPlayer player) { EntityPlayerMP pmp = (EntityPlayerMP) player; Container con = pmp.openContainer; if (con instanceof IContainerCraftingPacket) { IContainerCraftingPacket cct = (IContainerCraftingPacket) con; IGridNode node = cct.getNetworkNode(); if (node != null) { IGrid grid = node.getGrid(); if (grid == null) { return; } IStorageGrid inv = grid.getCache(IStorageGrid.class); IEnergyGrid energy = grid.getCache(IEnergyGrid.class); ISecurityGrid security = grid.getCache(ISecurityGrid.class); IInventory craftMatrix = cct.getInventoryByName("crafting"); IInventory playerInventory = cct.getInventoryByName("player"); Actionable realForFake = cct.useRealItems() ? Actionable.MODULATE : Actionable.SIMULATE; if (inv != null && this.recipe != null && security != null) { InventoryCrafting testInv = new InventoryCrafting(new ContainerNull(), 3, 3); for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { if (this.recipe[x] != null && this.recipe[x].length > 0) { testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, this.recipe[x][0]); } } IRecipe r = Platform.findMatchingRecipe(testInv, pmp.worldObj); if (r != null && security.hasPermission(player, SecurityPermissions.EXTRACT)) { ItemStack is = r.getCraftingResult(testInv); if (is != null) { IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> storage = inv.getItemInventory(); IItemList all = storage.getStorageList(); IPartitionList<IAEItemStack> filter = ItemViewCell.createFilter(cct.getViewCells()); for (int x = 0; x < craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack patternItem = testInv.getStackInSlot(x); ItemStack currentItem = craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(x); if (currentItem != null) { testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, currentItem); ItemStack newItemStack = r.matches(testInv, pmp.worldObj) ? r.getCraftingResult(testInv) : null; testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, patternItem); if (newItemStack == null || !Platform.isSameItemPrecise(newItemStack, is)) { IAEItemStack in = AEItemStack.create(currentItem); if (in != null) { IAEItemStack out = realForFake == Actionable.SIMULATE ? null : Platform.poweredInsert(energy, storage, in, cct.getSource()); if (out != null) { craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, out.getItemStack()); } else { craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, null); } currentItem = craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(x); } } } // True if we need to fetch an item for the recipe if (patternItem != null && currentItem == null) { // Grab from network by recipe ItemStack whichItem = Platform.extractItemsByRecipe( energy, cct.getSource(), storage, player.worldObj, r, is, testInv, patternItem, x, all, realForFake, filter); // If that doesn't get it, grab exact items from network (?) // TODO see if this code is necessary if (whichItem == null) { for (int y = 0; y < this.recipe[x].length; y++) { IAEItemStack request = AEItemStack.create(this.recipe[x][y]); if (request != null) { if (filter == null || filter.isListed(request)) { request.setStackSize(1); IAEItemStack out = Platform.poweredExtraction(energy, storage, request, cct.getSource()); if (out != null) { whichItem = out.getItemStack(); break; } } } } } // If that doesn't work, grab from the player's inventory if (whichItem == null && playerInventory != null) { whichItem = extractItemFromPlayerInventory(player, realForFake, patternItem); } craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, whichItem); } } con.onCraftMatrixChanged(craftMatrix); } } } } } }