public int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack itemstack) { if (itemstack == null) { return 0; } else { Item item = itemstack.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemBlock && Block.getBlockFromItem(item) != Blocks.air) { Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(item); if (block == Blocks.wooden_slab) { return 8000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; } if (block.getMaterial() == Material.wood) { return 16000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; } if (block == Blocks.coal_block) { return 960000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; } } if (item instanceof ItemTool && ((ItemTool) item).getToolMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 8000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item instanceof ItemSword && ((ItemSword) item).getToolMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 8000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item instanceof ItemHoe && ((ItemHoe) item).getToolMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 8000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item == Items.stick) return 4000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item == Items.coal) return 96000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item == Items.lava_bucket) return 1200000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.sapling)) return 4000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; if (item == Items.blaze_rod) return 144000 / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; return (GameRegistry.getFuelValue(itemstack) * 48) / NuclearCraft.crusherCrushEfficiency; } }
private void drawTally(int j, int k) { ItemHashMap<Integer> map = array.tally(); int i = 0; int n = 8; for (ItemStack is : map.keySet()) { int dx = j + 10 + (i / n) * 50; int dy = k + 30 + (i % n) * 22; ItemStack is2 = is.copy(); if (ChromaBlocks.CHROMA.match(is)) { is2 = ChromaItems.BUCKET.getStackOfMetadata(0); } else if (ChromaBlocks.RUNE.match(is)) { is2 = ChromaBlocks.RUNE.getStackOfMetadata(getElementByTick()); } else if (page == ChromaResearch.PORTALSTRUCT && Block.getBlockFromItem(is.getItem()) == Blocks.bedrock) { is2 = ChromaItems.ENDERCRYSTAL.getStackOfMetadata(1); } else if (page == ChromaResearch.TREE && Block.getBlockFromItem(is.getItem()) == ChromaBlocks.PYLON.getBlockInstance()) { is2 = ChromaTiles.POWERTREE.getCraftedProduct(); } else if (page == ChromaResearch.CLOAKTOWER && Block.getBlockFromItem(is.getItem()) == ChromaBlocks.TILEMODELLED2.getBlockInstance()) { is2 = ChromaTiles.CLOAKING.getCraftedProduct(); } api.drawItemStackWithTooltip(itemRender, fontRendererObj, is2, dx, dy); fontRendererObj.drawString(String.valueOf(map.get(is)), dx + 20, dy + 5, 0xffffff); i++; } }
@Override public int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack p_145952_0_) { if (p_145952_0_ == null) { return 0; } else { Item item = p_145952_0_.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemBlock && Block.getBlockFromItem(item) != Blocks.air) { Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(item); if (block == Blocks.wooden_slab) { return 100; } if (block.getMaterial() == Material.wood) { return 200; } if (block == Blocks.coal_block) { return 8000; } } if (item == Items.stick) return 75; if (item == Items.coal) return 800; if (item == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.sapling)) return 100; if (item == Item.getItemFromBlock(ZombieModpackWorld.zombieFlesh)) { return 700; } return 0; } }
private List<IBlockState> oresToBlocks(List<ItemStack> list) { List<IBlockState> blocks = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ItemStack stack : list) if (Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem()) != null && Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem()) != Blocks.AIR) blocks.add(Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem()).getStateFromMeta(stack.getItemDamage())); return blocks; }
public Block getBlockVariant(int meta) { if (slabType == ReinforcedSlabType.OTHER) { return Block.getBlockFromItem( new ItemStack(mod_SecurityCraft.reinforcedStoneSlabs, 1, meta).getItem()); } else { return Block.getBlockFromItem( new ItemStack(mod_SecurityCraft.reinforcedWoodSlabs, 1, meta).getItem()); } }
@Override public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack) { String name = "tile." + ((IDivineMetaBlock) Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem())) .getNames()[stack.getItemDamage()] + ((IDivineMetaBlock) Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem())).getSuffix(); return name; }
public static FluidStack fromItemStack(ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack == null || itemStack.getItem() == null || Block.getBlockFromItem(itemStack.getItem()) == null) return null; Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(itemStack.getItem()); Fluid fluid = getFluidTypeOfBlock(block); return fluid != null ? new FluidStack(fluid, FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME) : null; }
@Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); if (formed && !worldObj.isRemote) { // int f = facing; TileEntity master = master(); if (master == null) master = this; int startX = master.xCoord; int startY = master.yCoord; int startZ = master.zCoord; for (int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) for (int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) for (int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) { ItemStack s = null; int prevPos = 0; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz); if (te instanceof TileEntityBottlingMachine) { s = ((TileEntityBottlingMachine) te).getOriginalBlock(); prevPos = ((TileEntityBottlingMachine) te).pos; ((TileEntityBottlingMachine) te).formed = false; } if (startX + xx == xCoord && startY + yy == yCoord && startZ + zz == zCoord) s = this.getOriginalBlock(); if (s != null && Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()) != null) { if (startX + xx == xCoord && startY + yy == yCoord && startZ + zz == zCoord) worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld( new EntityItem(worldObj, xCoord + .5, yCoord + .5, zCoord + .5, s)); else { if (Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()) == IEContent.blockMetalMultiblocks) worldObj.setBlockToAir(startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz); worldObj.setBlock( startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz, Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()), s.getItemDamage(), 0x3); } TileEntity tile = worldObj.getTileEntity(startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz); if (tile instanceof TileEntityConveyorBelt) { int l = prevPos % 6 / 3; int w = prevPos % 3; int fExpected = l == 1 ? (w == 0 ? ForgeDirection.OPPOSITES[facing] : facing) : w < 2 ? ForgeDirection.ROTATION_MATRIX[mirrored ? 0 : 1][facing] : facing; ((TileEntityConveyorBelt) tile).facing = fExpected; } } } } }
private boolean smeltBlock(Coord4D block) { ItemStack stack = block.getStack(worldObj); if (stack == null) { return false; } ItemStack result = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(block.getStack(worldObj)); if (result != null) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { Block b = block.getBlock(worldObj); int meta = block.getMetadata(worldObj); if (Block.getBlockFromItem(result.getItem()) != Blocks.air) { worldObj.setBlock( block.xCoord, block.yCoord, block.zCoord, Block.getBlockFromItem(result.getItem()), result.getItemDamage(), 3); } else { worldObj.setBlockToAir(block.xCoord, block.yCoord, block.zCoord); EntityItem item = new EntityItem( worldObj, block.xCoord + 0.5, block.yCoord + 0.5, block.zCoord + 0.5, result.copy()); item.motionX = 0; item.motionY = 0; item.motionZ = 0; worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(item); } worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity( null, 2001, block.xCoord, block.yCoord, block.zCoord, Block.getIdFromBlock(b) + (meta << 12)); } spawnParticlesAt(new Pos3D(block).translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); return true; } return false; }
public static String getFullName(ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack == null) return null; String name; if (Block.getBlockFromItem(itemStack.getItem()) == Blocks.air) { name = GameData.getItemRegistry().getNameForObject(itemStack.getItem()); } else { name = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getNameForObject(Block.getBlockFromItem(itemStack.getItem())); } return name + ":" + itemStack.getItemDamage(); }
public static boolean contains(ArrayList list, ItemStack stack) { if (stack == null || stack.getItem() == null) return false; Object object = stack.getItem(); Material material = null; if (object instanceof ItemBlock) { object = Block.getBlockFromItem((Item) object); material = ((Block) object).getMaterial(); } int[] ores = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(stack); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i) instanceof ItemStack && ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(stack, (ItemStack) list.get(i))) return true; if (list.get(i) == object) return true; if (list.get(i) == material) return true; if (list.get(i) instanceof String) for (int j = 0; j < ores.length; j++) { if (OreDictionary.getOreName(ores[j]).contains((CharSequence) list.get(i))) return true; } } return false; }
public void newDay(Collection<TownBuilding> buildings) { Set<GatheringLocation> previous = new HashSet(locations); locations = new HashSet(); // Remove all previous locations for (GatheringLocation location : previous) { World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(location.dimension); if (world.getBlock(location.x, location.y, location.z) == location.block) { if (world.getBlockMetadata(location.x, location.y, location.z) == location.meta) { world.setBlockToAir(location.x, location.y, location.z); } } } // Create some new spawn spots based on where we have buildings for (TownBuilding building : buildings) { World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(building.dimension); int placed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64 && placed < 10; i++) { int x = building.xCoord + 32 - world.rand.nextInt(64); int y = building.yCoord + 4 - world.rand.nextInt(8); int z = building.zCoord + 32 - world.rand.nextInt(64); if (world.getBlock(x, y, z) == Blocks.grass && world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z).isAir(world, x, y + 1, z)) { ItemStack random = getRandomBlock(); Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(random.getItem()); int meta = random.getItemDamage(); if (world.setBlock(x, y + 1, z, block, meta, 2)) { locations.add(new GatheringLocation(block, meta, building.dimension, x, y + 1, z)); placed++; } } } } }
@Override public boolean onBlockActivated( World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float xOffset, float yOffset, float zOffset) { ItemStack ci = player.inventory.mainInventory[player.inventory.currentItem]; if (ci != null && Block.getBlockFromItem(ci.getItem()).equals(this)) { for (int i = y + 1, e = world.getActualHeight(); i < e; ++i) { Block block = world.getBlock(x, i, z); if (block.isAir(world, x, i, z) || block.isReplaceable(world, x, i, z)) { if (!world.isRemote && world.setBlock(x, i, z, this, 0, 3)) { world.playAuxSFXAtEntity(null, 2001, x, i, z, Block.getIdFromBlock(this)); if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { ci.stackSize--; if (ci.stackSize == 0) { player.inventory.mainInventory[player.inventory.currentItem] = null; } } } return true; } else if (!block.equals(this)) { return false; } } } return false; }
@Override public boolean onBlockActivated( World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null) { if (player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemBlock) { if (world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof TileEntityDisguiseBlock) { TileEntityDisguiseBlock te = (TileEntityDisguiseBlock) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (te != null) { if (!player.isSneaking()) { if (!((ItemBlock) player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem()) .field_150939_a.hasTileEntity(te.getMetadata())) { te.setBlock( Block.getBlockFromItem(player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem()), player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItemDamage()); return true; } } } } } } return false; }
@SubscribeEvent public void CraftingEvent(PlayerEvent.ItemCraftedEvent event) { if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.nileEssence) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.NileStart, 1); } if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.nileDust) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.NileStart, 1); } if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.nileSword) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.buildNileSword, 1); } if (Block.getBlockFromItem(event.crafting.getItem()).equals(ModBlocks.nileWorktable)) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.buildNWorkBench, 1); } if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.nileBone) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.buildBone, 1); } if (Constants.DEF_DARKLOAD == true) { if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.darkEssence) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.DarkStart, 1); } if (event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.darkDust) { event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.DarkStart, 1); } /*if(event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.darkSword){ event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.buildNileSword, 1); } if(event.crafting.getItem() == ModItems.darkNileBone){ event.player.addStat(ModAchievements.buildBone, 1); }*/ } }
@Override public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack) { BlockDirtSlab slab = (BlockDirtSlab) Block.getBlockFromItem(itemStack.getItem()); return super.getUnlocalizedName() + "." + (new StringBuilder()).append(slab.func_150002_b(itemStack.getItemDamage())).toString(); }
@Override public IBlock asBlock() { ResourceLocation name = Block.REGISTRY.getNameForObject(Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem())); if (Block.REGISTRY.containsKey(name)) { return new MCItemBlock(stack); } else { throw new ClassCastException("This item is not a block"); } }
@Override public int getExpDrop(IBlockAccess world, int meta, int fortune) { if (name.equals("oreCoal")) return Blocks.coal_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreIron")) return Blocks.iron_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreLapis")) return Blocks.lapis_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreGold")) return Blocks.gold_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreDiamond")) return Blocks.diamond_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreRedstone")) return Blocks.redstone_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreEmerald")) return Blocks.emerald_ore.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreSulfur")) return ArtificeBlocks.blockSulfur.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (name.equals("oreEnder")) return ArtificeBlocks.blockEnderOre.getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else if (Block.getBlockFromItem(ItemHelper.getOre(name).getItem()) != this) return Block.getBlockFromItem(ItemHelper.getOre(name).getItem()) .getExpDrop(world, meta, fortune); else return 0; }
@Override public boolean onBlockActivated( World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer, int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9) { ItemStack itemstack = par5EntityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem(); int l = 0; l = this.thisChainLength(par1World, par2, par3, par4); if (itemstack == null) { if (l < 0) { return false; } else if (l < 65) { par5EntityPlayer.inventory.addItemStackToInventory( new ItemStack(DCsIronChain.ironChain, l)); par5EntityPlayer.inventory.addItemStackToInventory( new ItemStack(DCsIronChain.anchorBolt, 1)); if (l > 0) { par1World.playSoundAtEntity(par5EntityPlayer, "dcironchain:chain", 1.0F, 0.7F); } else { par1World.playSoundAtEntity(par5EntityPlayer, "random.pop", 0.4F, 1.9F); } for (int i = 0; i < (l + 1); i++) { par1World.setBlockToAir(par2, (par3 - l + i), par4); } } return false; } else if (this.canPlace(itemstack)) { Block placeID = Block.getBlockFromItem(itemstack.getItem()); if (placeID == null) return false; int placeMeta = itemstack.getItemDamage(); if ((l < 65) && par1World.isAirBlock(par2, (par3 - l - 1), par4)) { par1World.setBlock(par2, (par3 - l - 1), par4, placeID, placeMeta, 3); par1World.playSoundAtEntity(par5EntityPlayer, "dcironchain:chain", 1.0F, 0.7F); if (!par5EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode && --itemstack.stackSize <= 0) { par5EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents( par5EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack) null); } return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
@Override public void loadUsageRecipes(ItemStack ingredient) { for (HeatRecipes recipe : RecipeManager.heat) { if ((recipe == null) || (ingredient.getItem() == null)) continue; if ((recipe.matches(ingredient)) || (recipe.matches(Block.getBlockFromItem(ingredient.getItem())))) { arecipes.add(new CachedHeatRecipe(recipe)); } } }
@Override public void loadUsageRecipes(ItemStack ingredient) { if (Block.getBlockFromItem(ingredient.getItem()) instanceof BlockSpecialFlower) { ItemStack floatingFlower = new ItemStack(ModBlocks.floatingFlower, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE); ItemStack result = new ItemStack(ModBlocks.floatingSpecialFlower); result.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) ingredient.getTagCompound().copy()); arecipes.add(new CachedFloatingFlowerRecipe(floatingFlower, ingredient.copy(), result)); } }
@Override public void loadCraftingRecipes(ItemStack result) { if (Block.getBlockFromItem(result.getItem()) instanceof BlockFloatingSpecialFlower) { ItemStack floatingFlower = new ItemStack(ModBlocks.floatingFlower, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE); ItemStack specialFlower = new ItemStack(ModBlocks.specialFlower); specialFlower.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) result.getTagCompound().copy()); arecipes.add(new CachedFloatingFlowerRecipe(floatingFlower, specialFlower, result.copy())); } }
@Override public ItemStack getPickBlock(MovingObjectPosition target, World world, int x, int y, int z) { Item item = getItem(world, x, y, z); if (item == null) { return null; } Block block = item instanceof ItemBlock && !isFlowerPot() ? Block.getBlockFromItem(item) : this; return new ItemStack(item, 1, block.getDamageValue(world, x, y, z)); }
@Override public int getColorFromItemstack(ItemStack stack, int par2) { ItemStack contains; IBlockEverything block = (IBlockEverything) Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem()); if (stack.hasTagCompound()) { contains = block.getItemStackFromBlock(stack); } else { contains = null; } return EverythingColor.getAverageColor(contains); }
@Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); if (formed && !worldObj.isRemote) { int startX = xCoord - offset[0]; int startY = yCoord - offset[1]; int startZ = zCoord - offset[2]; if (!(offset[0] == 0 && offset[1] == 0 && offset[2] == 0) && !(worldObj.getTileEntity(startX, startY, startZ) instanceof TileEntitySheetmetalTank)) return; for (int yy = 0; yy <= 4; yy++) for (int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) for (int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) { ItemStack s = null; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz); if (te instanceof TileEntitySheetmetalTank) { s = ((TileEntitySheetmetalTank) te).getOriginalBlock(); ((TileEntitySheetmetalTank) te).formed = false; } if (startX + xx == xCoord && startY + yy == yCoord && startZ + zz == zCoord) s = this.getOriginalBlock(); if (s != null && Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()) != null) { if (startX + xx == xCoord && startY + yy == yCoord && startZ + zz == zCoord) worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld( new EntityItem(worldObj, xCoord + .5, yCoord + .5, zCoord + .5, s)); else { if (Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()) == IEContent.blockMetalMultiblocks) worldObj.setBlockToAir(startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz); worldObj.setBlock( startX + xx, startY + yy, startZ + zz, Block.getBlockFromItem(s.getItem()), s.getItemDamage(), 0x3); } } } } }
private boolean shouldPlantSapling() { if (this.hasEnchantment(Enchantment.infinity)) return true; if (treeCopy.isDyeTree()) { return inv[0] != null && inv[0].stackSize > 0 && Block.getBlockFromItem(inv[0].getItem()) == TreeGetter.getSaplingID(); } else if (treeCopy.getTreeType() != null) { return inv[0] != null && inv[0].stackSize > 0 && ReikaItemHelper.matchStacks(inv[0], treeCopy.getSapling()); } else return false; }
@Override public ItemStack createStackedBlock(int p_149644_1_) { if (name.equals("oreCoal")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.coal_ore); else if (name.equals("oreIron")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.iron_ore); else if (name.equals("oreLapis")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.lapis_ore); else if (name.equals("oreGold")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.gold_ore); else if (name.equals("oreDiamond")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.diamond_ore); else if (name.equals("oreRedstone")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_ore); else if (name.equals("oreEmerald")) return new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_ore); else if (name.equals("oreSulfur")) return new ItemStack(ArtificeBlocks.blockSulfur); else if (name.equals("oreEnder")) return new ItemStack(ArtificeBlocks.blockEnderOre); else return new ItemStack(Block.getBlockFromItem(ItemHelper.getOre(name).getItem())); }
private double getMaxEnergyCapacity() { final Block blockID = Block.getBlockFromItem(this); final IBlockDefinition energyCell = Api.INSTANCE.definitions().blocks().energyCell(); for (Block block : energyCell.maybeBlock().asSet()) { if (blockID == block) { return 200000; } else { return 8 * 200000; } } return 0; }
@Override public void performEffect(IMasterRitualStone ritualStone) { String owner = ritualStone.getOwner(); World world = ritualStone.getWorld(); int x = ritualStone.getXCoord(); int y = ritualStone.getYCoord(); int z = ritualStone.getZCoord(); TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(x, y + 1, z); IInventory tileEntity; if (tile instanceof IInventory) { tileEntity = (IInventory) tile; } else { return; } if (tileEntity.getSizeInventory() <= 0) { return; } int currentEssence = SoulNetworkHandler.getCurrentEssence(owner); if (currentEssence < this.getCostPerRefresh()) { EntityPlayer entityOwner = SpellHelper.getPlayerForUsername(owner); if (entityOwner == null) { return; } SoulNetworkHandler.causeNauseaToPlayer(owner); } else { for (int i = x - 2; i <= x + 2; i++) { for (int k = z - 2; k <= z + 2; k++) { for (int inv = 0; inv < tileEntity.getSizeInventory(); inv++) { if (world.getBlock(i, y, k).isReplaceable(world, i, y + 1, k) && tileEntity.getStackInSlot(inv) != null && tileEntity.getStackInSlot(inv).stackSize != 0) { if (tileEntity.getStackInSlot(inv).getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && world.getBlock(i, y - 1, k) != null) { world.setBlock( i, y, k, Block.getBlockFromItem(tileEntity.getStackInSlot(inv).getItem()), tileEntity.getStackInSlot(inv).getItemDamage(), 3); tileEntity.decrStackSize(inv, 1); tileEntity.markDirty(); SoulNetworkHandler.syphonFromNetwork(owner, getCostPerRefresh()); } } } } } } }
public static void register() { GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockExplosive, ItemBlockExplosive.class, "explosives"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockMachine, ItemBlockMachine.class, "machine"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockSulfurOre, "oreSulfur"); /** Check for existence of radioactive Blocks. If it does not exist, then create it. */ if (OreDictionary.getOres("blockRadioactive").size() > 0) { blockRadioactive = Block.getBlockFromItem(OreDictionary.getOres("blockRadioactive").get(0).getItem()); DefenseTech.LOGGER.fine("Detected radioative block from another mod, utilizing it."); } else { blockRadioactive = Blocks.mycelium; } }