コード例 #1
   * Answers whether a given "agent" is authorized to perform a given "action" on the target entity,
   * that could be a register or a code. Unspecified constraints (null values) are considered as
   * all. e.g.: agent-null-target would return whether the agent is allowed all operations on the
   * target. If no authorization directives are provided by the AuthManager, the request is
   * @param agent the URI of the agent performing the action. Through the code the agent is also
   *     referred to as "actor" or "actorURI". A null values stands for all agents.
   * @param action the URI of the action. A null value stands for all actions.
   * @param entity the URI of the target entity. A null value stands for all targets.
   * @throws ModelException
   * @throws RegistryAccessException
  public boolean can(String agent, String action, String entity)
      throws RegistryAccessException, ModelException {
    Loggers.authLogger.debug("Asking auth for: " + agent + " " + action + " " + entity);
    if (agent == null) agent = AuthConfig.allActors;
    if (action == null) action = AuthConfig.allActions;
    if (entity == null) entity = AuthConfig.allEntities;

    if (myAuthServer.contains(agent, action, entity)
        || myAuthServer.contains(agent, action, AuthConfig.allEntities)
        || myAuthServer.contains(agent, AuthConfig.allActions, entity)
        || myAuthServer.contains(agent, AuthConfig.allActions, AuthConfig.allEntities)
        || myAuthServer.contains(AuthConfig.allActors, action, entity)
        || myAuthServer.contains(AuthConfig.allActors, action, AuthConfig.allEntities)
        || myAuthServer.contains(AuthConfig.allActors, AuthConfig.allActions, entity)
        || myAuthServer.contains(
            AuthConfig.allActors, AuthConfig.allActions, AuthConfig.allEntities)) {

      return true;

    } else {
      if (entity.equals(AuthConfig.allEntities)) return false;
      boolean answer = false;
      Set<TerminologySet> containers;
      if (myFactory.terminologyIndividualExist(entity)) {
        TerminologyIndividual myInd = myFactory.getUncheckedTerminologyIndividual(entity);
        containers = myInd.getContainers(myInd.getLastVersion());
      } else if (myFactory.terminologySetExist(entity)) {
        TerminologySet mySet = myFactory.getUncheckedTerminologySet(entity);
        containers = mySet.getContainers(mySet.getLastVersion());
      } else throw new RegistryAccessException("Unknown: " + entity);
      Iterator<TerminologySet> contIter = containers.iterator();
      while (contIter.hasNext()) {
        TerminologySet parent = contIter.next();
        Loggers.authLogger.trace("Asking up: " + parent.getURI());
        answer = answer || can(agent, action, parent.getURI());
      return answer;