コード例 #1
   * First clears the table for the given Entity object. This allows fixture files to load defaults
   * without worrying about unique and primary key collisions.
   * <p>Second, loads the given fixture XML file into a new instance of the given JavaBean using the
   * Java.net commons XML unmarshaller. This then uses an EntityManager from the
   * EntityManagerFactory to persist the JavaBean. This means that the bean must be an Entity.
   * <p>The fixture XML format must have a root element named fixture and then child elements for
   * the objects being created. The name of the child element must be the same as the name of the
   * table that the Entity is associated with. The attributes of the child elements correspond to
   * the properties of the JavaBean. Here's an example for the class: <b>com.example.Role</b>
   * <pre>
   * &lt;fixture>
   *   &lt;role name="User"/>
   *   &lt;role name="Admin"/>
   * &lt;/fixture>
   * </pre>
   * <p>Notice that the ID is left out. This is because JPA freaks out if IDs are set. Therefore,
   * you will have to figure out the IDs manually in your tests.
   * @param fixture The fixture file. This is relative to the directory of the current test.
   * @param type The type of objects to create and persist.
   * @throws RuntimeException If anything failed.
  @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
  protected <T> void loadFixture(String fixture, Class<T> type) throws RuntimeException {
    logger.fine("Loading fixtures from [" + fixture + "] for [" + type + "]");

    // Clear the table via the annotation
    Table table = type.getAnnotation(Table.class);
    String tableName;
    if (table == null) {
      Entity entity = type.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
      if (entity == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type [" + type + "] is not annotated with @Entity");

      tableName = type.getSimpleName();
    } else {
      tableName = table.name();

    try {

      String pkg = getClass().getPackage().getName();
      String location = "src/java/test/unit/" + pkg.replace(".", "/") + "/" + fixture;
      logger.fine("Mapped location to [" + location + "]");

      Map<String, String> mappings = map(tableName, "child");
      Unmarshaller um = new Unmarshaller(null);
          JavaBeanObjectCreator.forClass(Fixture.class, new SimplePluralizer(), mappings));
      um.addObjectCreator("fixture/*", JavaBeanObjectCreator.forClass(type));
      Fixture<T> fix = (Fixture<T>) um.unmarshal(location);

      EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
      EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction();

      List<T> objs = fix.getChildren();
      for (T obj : objs) {
        logger.fine("Running fixure for object [" + obj + "]");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
コード例 #2
   * Clears all the data from the table that the given Class is mapped to using JPA.
   * @param klass The JPA class to get the table name from. This first checks if the Class has a JPA
   *     Table annotation and uses that. Otherwise, it uses the Class's simple name.
   * @throws SQLException If the clear failed.
  protected void clearTable(Class<?> klass) throws SQLException {
    Table table = klass.getAnnotation(Table.class);
    String tableName;
    if (table == null || table.name().equals("")) {
      tableName = klass.getSimpleName();
    } else {
      tableName = table.name();
