コード例 #1
   * Initializes a new <tt>Conference</tt> instance which is to represent a conference in the terms
   * of Jitsi Videobridge which has a specific (unique) ID and is managed by a conference focus with
   * a specific JID.
   * @param videobridge the <tt>Videobridge</tt> on which the new <tt>Conference</tt> instance is to
   *     be initialized
   * @param id the (unique) ID of the new instance to be initialized
   * @param focus the JID of the conference focus who has requested the initialization of the new
   *     instance and from whom further/future requests to manage the new instance must come or they
   *     will be ignored. Pass <tt>null</tt> to override this safety check.
  public Conference(Videobridge videobridge, String id, String focus) {
    if (videobridge == null) throw new NullPointerException("videobridge");
    if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException("id");

    this.videobridge = videobridge;
    this.id = id;
    this.focus = focus;
    this.lastKnownFocus = focus;

    speechActivity = new ConferenceSpeechActivity(this);

    EventAdmin eventAdmin = videobridge.getEventAdmin();
    if (eventAdmin != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(EventFactory.conferenceCreated(this));