コード例 #1
ファイル: PluginStarter.java プロジェクト: dzirtt/i2p.i2p
   * @return true on success
   * @throws just about anything, caller would be wise to catch Throwable
  public static boolean stopPlugin(RouterContext ctx, String appName) throws Exception {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PluginStarter.class);
    File pluginDir = new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), PLUGIN_DIR + '/' + appName);
    if ((!pluginDir.exists()) || (!pluginDir.isDirectory())) {
      log.error("Cannot stop nonexistent plugin: " + appName);
      return false;

    // stop things in clients.config
    File clientConfig = new File(pluginDir, "clients.config");
    if (clientConfig.exists()) {
      Properties props = new Properties();
      DataHelper.loadProps(props, clientConfig);
      List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(clientConfig);
      runClientApps(ctx, pluginDir, clients, "stop");

    // stop console webapps in console/webapps
    // ContextHandlerCollection server = WebAppStarter.getConsoleServer();
    // if (server != null) {
        File consoleDir = new File(pluginDir, "console");
        Properties props = RouterConsoleRunner.webAppProperties(consoleDir.getAbsolutePath());
        File webappDir = new File(consoleDir, "webapps");
        String fileNames[] = webappDir.list(RouterConsoleRunner.WarFilenameFilter.instance());
        if (fileNames != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
                String warName = fileNames[i].substring(0, fileNames[i].lastIndexOf(".war"));
                if (Arrays.asList(STANDARD_WEBAPPS).contains(warName)) {
                WebAppStarter.stopWebApp(server, warName);
    if (pluginWars.containsKey(appName)) {
      Iterator<String> wars = pluginWars.get(appName).iterator();
      while (wars.hasNext()) {
        String warName = wars.next();
    // }

    // remove summary bar link
    Properties props = pluginProperties(ctx, appName);
    String name =
        ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName_" + Messages.getLanguage(ctx));
    if (name == null) name = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName");
    if (name != null && name.length() > 0) NavHelper.unregisterApp(name);

    if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) log.warn("Stopping plugin: " + appName);
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: PluginStarter.java プロジェクト: dzirtt/i2p.i2p
  public static boolean isPluginRunning(String pluginName, RouterContext ctx) {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PluginStarter.class);

    boolean isJobRunning = false;
    Collection<SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent> pending = _pendingPluginClients.get(pluginName);
    if (pending != null && !pending.isEmpty()) {
      // TODO have a pending indication too
      isJobRunning = true;
    boolean isWarRunning = false;
    if (pluginWars.containsKey(pluginName)) {
      Iterator<String> it = pluginWars.get(pluginName).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext() && !isWarRunning) {
        String warName = it.next();
        if (WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(warName)) {
          isWarRunning = true;

    boolean isClientThreadRunning = isClientThreadRunning(pluginName, ctx);
    if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
          "plugin name = <"
              + pluginName
              + ">; threads running? "
              + isClientThreadRunning
              + "; webapp running? "
              + isWarRunning
              + "; jobs running? "
              + isJobRunning);
    return isClientThreadRunning || isWarRunning || isJobRunning;
    // if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
    //    log.debug("plugin name = <" + pluginName + ">; threads running? " +
    // isClientThreadRunning(pluginName) + "; webapp running? " +
    // WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(pluginName) + "; jobs running? " + isJobRunning);
    // return isClientThreadRunning(pluginName) || WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(pluginName) ||
    // isJobRunning;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PluginStarter.java プロジェクト: dzirtt/i2p.i2p
   * @return true on success
   * @throws just about anything, caller would be wise to catch Throwable
  public static boolean startPlugin(RouterContext ctx, String appName) throws Exception {
    Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PluginStarter.class);
    File pluginDir = new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), PLUGIN_DIR + '/' + appName);
    String iconfile = null;
    if ((!pluginDir.exists()) || (!pluginDir.isDirectory())) {
      log.error("Cannot start nonexistent plugin: " + appName);
      return false;

    // Do we need to extract an update?
    File pluginUpdate = new File(ctx.getConfigDir(), PLUGIN_DIR + '/' + appName + "/app.xpi2p.zip");
    if (pluginUpdate.exists()) {
      // Compare the start time of the router with the plugin.
      if (ctx.router().getWhenStarted() > pluginUpdate.lastModified()) {
        if (!FileUtil.extractZip(pluginUpdate, pluginDir)) {
          String foo =
              "Plugin '"
                  + appName
                  + "' failed to update! File '"
                  + pluginUpdate
                  + "' deleted. You may need to remove and install the plugin again.";
          throw new Exception(foo);
        } else {
          // Need to always log this, and  log.logAlways() did not work for me.
          System.err.println("INFO: Plugin updated: " + appName);
      } // silently fail to update, because we have not restarted.

    Properties props = pluginProperties(ctx, appName);

    String minVersion = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "min-i2p-version");
    if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(CoreVersion.VERSION, minVersion) < 0) {
      String foo = "Plugin " + appName + " requires I2P version " + minVersion + " or higher";
      throw new Exception(foo);

    minVersion = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "min-java-version");
    if (minVersion != null
        && VersionComparator.comp(System.getProperty("java.version"), minVersion) < 0) {
      String foo = "Plugin " + appName + " requires Java version " + minVersion + " or higher";
      throw new Exception(foo);

    String jVersion = LogsHelper.jettyVersion();
    minVersion = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "min-jetty-version");
    if (minVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(minVersion, jVersion) > 0) {
      String foo = "Plugin " + appName + " requires Jetty version " + minVersion + " or higher";
      throw new Exception(foo);

    String maxVersion = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "max-jetty-version");
    if (maxVersion != null && VersionComparator.comp(maxVersion, jVersion) < 0) {
      String foo = "Plugin " + appName + " requires Jetty version " + maxVersion + " or lower";
      throw new Exception(foo);

    if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) log.info("Starting plugin: " + appName);

    // register themes
    File dir = new File(pluginDir, "console/themes");
    File[] tfiles = dir.listFiles();
    if (tfiles != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < tfiles.length; i++) {
        String name = tfiles[i].getName();
        if (tfiles[i].isDirectory() && (!Arrays.asList(STANDARD_THEMES).contains(tfiles[i])))
              .setConfigSetting(ConfigUIHelper.PROP_THEME_PFX + name, tfiles[i].getAbsolutePath());
        // we don't need to save

    // load and start things in clients.config
    File clientConfig = new File(pluginDir, "clients.config");
    if (clientConfig.exists()) {
      Properties cprops = new Properties();
      DataHelper.loadProps(cprops, clientConfig);
      List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(clientConfig);
      runClientApps(ctx, pluginDir, clients, "start");

    // start console webapps in console/webapps
    ContextHandlerCollection server = WebAppStarter.getConsoleServer();
    if (server != null) {
      File consoleDir = new File(pluginDir, "console");
      Properties wprops = RouterConsoleRunner.webAppProperties(consoleDir.getAbsolutePath());
      File webappDir = new File(consoleDir, "webapps");
      String fileNames[] = webappDir.list(RouterConsoleRunner.WarFilenameFilter.instance());
      if (fileNames != null) {
        if (!pluginWars.containsKey(appName))
          pluginWars.put(appName, new ConcurrentHashSet<String>());
        for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
          try {
            String warName = fileNames[i].substring(0, fileNames[i].lastIndexOf(".war"));
            // log.error("Found webapp: " + warName);
            // check for duplicates in $I2P
            if (Arrays.asList(STANDARD_WEBAPPS).contains(warName)) {
              log.error("Skipping duplicate webapp " + warName + " in plugin " + appName);
            String enabled = wprops.getProperty(RouterConsoleRunner.PREFIX + warName + ENABLED);
            if (!"false".equals(enabled)) {
              if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) log.info("Starting webapp: " + warName);
              String path = new File(webappDir, fileNames[i]).getCanonicalPath();
              WebAppStarter.startWebApp(ctx, server, warName, path);
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            log.error("Error resolving '" + fileNames[i] + "' in '" + webappDir, ioe);
        // Check for iconfile in plugin.properties
        String icfile = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "console-icon");
        if (icfile != null && !icfile.contains("..")) {
          StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32);
          if (!icfile.startsWith("/")) buf.append('/');
          iconfile = buf.toString();
    } else {
      log.error("No console web server to start plugins?");

    // add translation jars in console/locale
    // These will not override existing resource bundles since we are adding them
    // later in the classpath.
    File localeDir = new File(pluginDir, "console/locale");
    if (localeDir.exists() && localeDir.isDirectory()) {
      File[] files = localeDir.listFiles();
      if (files != null) {
        boolean added = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
          File f = files[i];
          if (f.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
            try {
              log.error("INFO: Adding translation plugin to classpath: " + f);
              added = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
              log.error("Plugin " + appName + " bad classpath element: " + f, e);
        if (added) Translate.clearCache();
    // add summary bar link
    String name =
        ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName_" + Messages.getLanguage(ctx));
    if (name == null) name = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName");
    String url = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkURL");
    if (name != null && url != null && name.length() > 0 && url.length() > 0) {
      String tip =
          ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkTooltip_" + Messages.getLanguage(ctx));
      if (tip == null) tip = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkTooltip");
      NavHelper.registerApp(name, url, tip, iconfile);

    return true;
コード例 #4
   * http://irc.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Porting+to+jetty6
   * <pre>
   * Server
   * 	HandlerCollection
   * 		ContextHandlerCollection
   * 			WebAppContext (i.e. ContextHandler)
   * 				SessionHandler
   * 				SecurityHandler
   * 				ServletHandler
   * 					servlets...
   * 			WebAppContext
   * 			...
   * 		DefaultHandler
   * 		RequestLogHandler (opt)
   * </pre>
  public void startConsole() {
    File workDir = new SecureDirectory(_context.getTempDir(), "jetty-work");
    boolean workDirRemoved = FileUtil.rmdir(workDir, false);
    if (!workDirRemoved)
      System.err.println("ERROR: Unable to remove Jetty temporary work directory");
    boolean workDirCreated = workDir.mkdirs();
    if (!workDirCreated)
      System.err.println("ERROR: Unable to create Jetty temporary work directory");

    // try {
    //    Log.setLog(new I2PLogger(_context));
    // } catch (Throwable t) {
    //    System.err.println("INFO: I2P Jetty logging class not found, logging to wrapper log");
    // }
    // This way it doesn't try to load Slf4jLog first
    System.setProperty("org.mortbay.log.class", "net.i2p.jetty.I2PLogger");

    // so Jetty can find WebAppConfiguration
    System.setProperty("jetty.class.path", _context.getBaseDir() + "/lib/routerconsole.jar");
    _server = new Server();

    try {
      ThreadPool ctp = new CustomThreadPoolExecutor();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // class not found...
      System.out.println("INFO: Jetty concurrent ThreadPool unavailable, using QueuedThreadPool");
      QueuedThreadPool qtp = new QueuedThreadPool(MAX_THREADS);

    HandlerCollection hColl = new HandlerCollection();
    ContextHandlerCollection chColl = new ContextHandlerCollection();
    hColl.addHandler(new DefaultHandler());

    String log = _context.getProperty("routerconsole.log");
    if (log != null) {
      File logFile = new File(log);
      if (!logFile.isAbsolute()) logFile = new File(_context.getLogDir(), "logs/" + log);
      try {
        RequestLogHandler rhl = new RequestLogHandler();
        rhl.setRequestLog(new NCSARequestLog(logFile.getAbsolutePath()));
      } catch (Exception ioe) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: Unable to create Jetty log: " + ioe);
    boolean rewrite = false;
    Properties props = webAppProperties();
    if (props.isEmpty()) {
      props.setProperty(PREFIX + ROUTERCONSOLE + ENABLED, "true");
      rewrite = true;

    // Get an absolute path with a trailing slash for the webapps dir
    // We assume relative to the base install dir for backward compatibility
    File app = new File(_webAppsDir);
    if (!app.isAbsolute()) {
      app = new File(_context.getBaseDir(), _webAppsDir);
      try {
        _webAppsDir = app.getCanonicalPath();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
    if (!_webAppsDir.endsWith("/")) _webAppsDir += '/';

    WebAppContext rootWebApp = null;
    ServletHandler rootServletHandler = null;
    List<Connector> connectors = new ArrayList(4);
    try {
      int boundAddresses = 0;
      Set addresses = Addresses.getAllAddresses();
      boolean hasIPV4 = addresses.contains("");
      boolean hasIPV6 = addresses.contains("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0");

      // add standard listeners
      int lport = 0;
      if (_listenPort != null) {
        try {
          lport = Integer.parseInt(_listenPort);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        if (lport <= 0) System.err.println("Bad routerconsole port " + _listenPort);
      if (lport > 0) {
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(_listenHost, " ,");
        while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
          String host = tok.nextToken().trim();
          try {
            // Test before we add the connector, because Jetty 6 won't start if any of the
            // connectors are bad
            InetAddress test = InetAddress.getByName(host);
            if ((!hasIPV6) && (!(test instanceof Inet4Address)))
              throw new IOException("IPv6 addresses unsupported");
            if ((!hasIPV4) && (test instanceof Inet4Address))
              throw new IOException("IPv4 addresses unsupported");
            ServerSocket testSock = null;
            try {
              // On Windows, this was passing and Jetty was still failing,
              // possibly due to %scope_id ???
              // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-667
              // testSock = new ServerSocket(0, 0, test);
              // so do exactly what Jetty does in SelectChannelConnector.open()
              testSock = new ServerSocket();
              InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(host, 0);
            } finally {
              if (testSock != null)
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // if (host.indexOf(":") >= 0) // IPV6 - requires patched Jetty 5
            //    _server.addListener('[' + host + "]:" + _listenPort);
            // else
            //    _server.addListener(host + ':' + _listenPort);
            AbstractConnector lsnr;
            if (SystemVersion.isJava6() && !SystemVersion.isGNU()) {
              SelectChannelConnector slsnr = new SelectChannelConnector();
              slsnr.setUseDirectBuffers(false); // default true seems to be leaky
              lsnr = slsnr;
            } else {
              // Jetty 6 and NIO on Java 5 don't get along that well
              // Also: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-1238
              // "Do not use GCJ with Jetty, it will not work."
              // Actually it does if you don't use NIO
              lsnr = new SocketConnector();
            lsnr.setMaxIdleTime(90 * 1000); // default 10 sec
            lsnr.setName("ConsoleSocket"); // all with same name will use the same thread pool
            // _server.addConnector(lsnr);
          } catch (Exception ioe) {
                "Unable to bind routerconsole to " + host + " port " + _listenPort + ": " + ioe);
                "You may ignore this warning if the console is still available at http://localhost:"
                    + _listenPort);
        // XXX: what if listenhosts do not include (Should that ever even happen?)
        _context.portMapper().register(PortMapper.SVC_CONSOLE, lport);

      // add SSL listeners
      int sslPort = 0;
      if (_sslListenPort != null) {
        try {
          sslPort = Integer.parseInt(_sslListenPort);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        if (sslPort <= 0) System.err.println("Bad routerconsole SSL port " + _sslListenPort);
      if (sslPort > 0) {
        File keyStore = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), "keystore/console.ks");
        if (verifyKeyStore(keyStore)) {
          StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(_sslListenHost, " ,");
          while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String host = tok.nextToken().trim();
            // doing it this way means we don't have to escape an IPv6 host with []
            try {
              // Test before we add the connector, because Jetty 6 won't start if any of the
              // connectors are bad
              InetAddress test = InetAddress.getByName(host);
              if ((!hasIPV6) && (!(test instanceof Inet4Address)))
                throw new IOException("IPv6 addresses unsupported");
              if ((!hasIPV4) && (test instanceof Inet4Address))
                throw new IOException("IPv4 addresses unsupported");
              ServerSocket testSock = null;
              try {
                // see comments above
                // testSock = new ServerSocket(0, 0, test);
                testSock = new ServerSocket();
                InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(host, 0);
              } finally {
                if (testSock != null)
                  try {
                  } catch (IOException ioe) {
              // TODO if class not found use SslChannelConnector
              // Sadly there's no common base class with the ssl methods in it
              AbstractConnector ssll;
              if (SystemVersion.isJava6() && !SystemVersion.isGNU()) {
                SslSelectChannelConnector sssll = new SslSelectChannelConnector();
                // the keystore path and password
                    _context.getProperty(PROP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD));
                // the X.509 cert password (if not present, verifyKeyStore() returned false)
                sssll.setKeyPassword(_context.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PASSWORD, "thisWontWork"));
                sssll.setUseDirectBuffers(false); // default true seems to be leaky
                ssll = sssll;
              } else {
                // Jetty 6 and NIO on Java 5 don't get along that well
                SslSocketConnector sssll = new SslSocketConnector();
                // the keystore path and password
                    _context.getProperty(PROP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD));
                // the X.509 cert password (if not present, verifyKeyStore() returned false)
                sssll.setKeyPassword(_context.getProperty(PROP_KEY_PASSWORD, "thisWontWork"));
                ssll = sssll;
              ssll.setMaxIdleTime(90 * 1000); // default 10 sec
              ssll.setName("ConsoleSocket"); // all with same name will use the same thread pool
              // _server.addConnector(ssll);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                  "Unable to bind routerconsole to "
                      + host
                      + " port "
                      + sslPort
                      + " for SSL: "
                      + e);
              if (SystemVersion.isGNU())
                System.err.println("Probably because GNU classpath does not support Sun keystores");
                  "You may ignore this warning if the console is still available at https://localhost:"
                      + sslPort);
          _context.portMapper().register(PortMapper.SVC_HTTPS_CONSOLE, sslPort);
        } else {
              "Unable to create or access keystore for SSL: " + keyStore.getAbsolutePath());

      if (boundAddresses <= 0) {
            "Unable to bind routerconsole to any address on port "
                + _listenPort
                + (sslPort > 0 ? (" or SSL port " + sslPort) : ""));

      rootWebApp = new LocaleWebAppHandler(_context, "/", _webAppsDir + ROUTERCONSOLE + ".war");
      File tmpdir =
          new SecureDirectory(
              workDir, ROUTERCONSOLE + "-" + (_listenPort != null ? _listenPort : _sslListenPort));
      rootWebApp.setSessionHandler(new SessionHandler());
      rootServletHandler = new ServletHandler();
      initialize(_context, rootWebApp);

    } catch (Exception ioe) {

    try {
      // start does a mapContexts()
    } catch (Throwable me) {
      // NoClassFoundDefError from a webapp is a throwable, not an exception
      System.err.println("Error starting the Router Console server: " + me);

    if (_server.isRunning()) {
      // Add and start the connectors one-by-one
      boolean error = false;
      for (Connector conn : connectors) {
        try {
          // start after adding so it gets the right thread pool
        } catch (Throwable me) {
          try {
          } catch (Throwable t) {
          System.err.println("WARNING: Error starting " + conn + ": " + me);
          error = true;
      if (error) {
            "WARNING: Error starting one or more listeners of the Router Console server.\n"
                + "If your console is still accessible at"
                + _listenPort
                + "/,\n"
                + "this may be a problem only with binding to the IPV6 address ::1.\n"
                + "If so, you may ignore this error, or remove the\n"
                + "\"::1,\" in the \"clientApp.0.args\" line of the clients.config file.");

    // Start all the other webapps after the server is up,
    // so things start faster.
    // Jetty 6 starts the connector before the router console is ready
    // This also prevents one webapp from breaking the whole thing
    List<String> notStarted = new ArrayList();
    if (_server.isRunning()) {
      File dir = new File(_webAppsDir);
      String fileNames[] = dir.list(WarFilenameFilter.instance());
      if (fileNames != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
          String appName = fileNames[i].substring(0, fileNames[i].lastIndexOf(".war"));
          String enabled = props.getProperty(PREFIX + appName + ENABLED);
          if (!"false".equals(enabled)) {
            try {
              String path = new File(dir, fileNames[i]).getCanonicalPath();
              WebAppStarter.startWebApp(_context, chColl, appName, path);
              if (enabled == null) {
                // do this so configclients.jsp knows about all apps from reading the config
                props.setProperty(PREFIX + appName + ENABLED, "true");
                rewrite = true;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to start " + appName + ' ' + t);
          } else {
    } else {
      System.err.println("ERROR: Router console did not start, not starting webapps");

    if (rewrite) storeWebAppProperties(_context, props);

    if (rootServletHandler != null && notStarted.size() > 0) {
      // map each not-started webapp to the error page
      ServletHolder noWebApp = rootServletHandler.getServlet("net.i2p.router.web.jsp.nowebapp_jsp");
      for (int i = 0; i < notStarted.size(); i++) {
        // we want a new handler for each one since if the webapp is started we remove the
        // handler???
        try {
          if (noWebApp != null) {
            String path = '/' + notStarted.get(i);
            // LocaleWebAppsHandler adds a .jsp
            rootServletHandler.addServletWithMapping(noWebApp, path + ".jsp");
            rootServletHandler.addServletWithMapping(noWebApp, path + "/*");
          } else {
            System.err.println("Can't find nowebapp.jsp?");
        } catch (Throwable me) {

    Thread t = new I2PAppThread(new StatSummarizer(), "StatSummarizer", true);
    t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);

    ConsoleUpdateManager um = new ConsoleUpdateManager(_context);

    if (PluginStarter.pluginsEnabled(_context)) {
      t = new I2PAppThread(new PluginStarter(_context), "PluginStarter", true);
      t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);
      _context.addShutdownTask(new PluginStopper(_context));
    // stat summarizer registers its own hook
    _context.addShutdownTask(new ServerShutdown());