コード例 #1
 public List<RouterInfo> getKnownRouterData() {
   List<RouterInfo> rv = new ArrayList();
   DataStore ds = getDataStore();
   if (ds != null) {
     for (DatabaseEntry o : ds.getEntries()) {
       if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) rv.add((RouterInfo) o);
   return rv;
コード例 #2
   * Send to a subset of all floodfill peers. We do this to implement Kademlia within the
   * floodfills, i.e. we flood to those closest to the key.
  public void flood(DatabaseEntry ds) {
    Hash key = ds.getHash();
    Hash rkey = _context.routingKeyGenerator().getRoutingKey(key);
    FloodfillPeerSelector sel = (FloodfillPeerSelector) getPeerSelector();
    List<Hash> peers = sel.selectFloodfillParticipants(rkey, MAX_TO_FLOOD, getKBuckets());
    int flooded = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) {
      Hash peer = peers.get(i);
      RouterInfo target = lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer);
      if ((target == null) || (_context.banlist().isBanlisted(peer))) continue;
      // Don't flood a RI back to itself
      // Not necessary, a ff will do its own flooding (reply token == 0)
      // if (peer.equals(target.getIdentity().getHash()))
      //    continue;
      if (peer.equals(_context.routerHash())) continue;
      DatabaseStoreMessage msg = new DatabaseStoreMessage(_context);
      OutNetMessage m =
          new OutNetMessage(
              _context, msg, _context.clock().now() + FLOOD_TIMEOUT, FLOOD_PRIORITY, target);
      // note send failure but don't give credit on success
      // might need to change this
      Job floodFail = new FloodFailedJob(_context, peer);
      if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
        _log.info("Flooding the entry for " + key.toBase64() + " to " + peer.toBase64());

    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      _log.info("Flooded the data to " + flooded + " of " + peers.size() + " peers");
コード例 #3
 public void sendStore(
     Hash key, DatabaseEntry ds, Job onSuccess, Job onFailure, long sendTimeout, Set toIgnore) {
   // if we are a part of the floodfill netDb, don't send out our own leaseSets as part
   // of the flooding - instead, send them to a random floodfill peer so *they* can flood 'em out.
   // perhaps statistically adjust this so we are the source every 1/N times... or something.
   if (floodfillEnabled() && (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)) {
     if (onSuccess != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onSuccess);
   } else {
             new FloodfillStoreJob(
                 _context, this, key, ds, onSuccess, onFailure, sendTimeout, toIgnore));
コード例 #4
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  * Send a series of searches to the next available peers as selected by the routing table, but
  * making sure no more than SEARCH_BREDTH are outstanding at any time
 protected void continueSearch() {
   if (_state.completed()) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
       _log.debug(getJobId() + ": Search already completed", new Exception("already completed"));
   int toCheck = getBredth() - _state.getPending().size();
   if (toCheck <= 0) {
     // too many already pending
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
               + ": Too many searches already pending (pending: "
               + _state.getPending().size()
               + " max: "
               + getBredth()
               + ")");
   int sent = 0;
   Set attempted = _state.getAttempted();
   while (sent <= 0) {
     // boolean onlyFloodfill = onlyQueryFloodfillPeers(getContext());
     boolean onlyFloodfill = true;
     if (_floodfillPeersExhausted && onlyFloodfill && _state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
       if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                 + ": no non-floodfill peers left, and no more pending.  Searched: "
                 + _state.getAttempted().size()
                 + " failed: "
                 + _state.getFailed().size());
     List closestHashes = getClosestRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, attempted);
     if ((closestHashes == null) || (closestHashes.isEmpty())) {
       if (_state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
         // we tried to find some peers, but there weren't any and no one else is going to answer
         if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                   + ": No peers left, and none pending!  Already searched: "
                   + _state.getAttempted().size()
                   + " failed: "
                   + _state.getFailed().size());
       } else {
         // no more to try, but we might get data or close peers from some outstanding requests
         if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                   + ": No peers left, but some are pending!  Pending: "
                   + _state.getPending().size()
                   + " attempted: "
                   + _state.getAttempted().size()
                   + " failed: "
                   + _state.getFailed().size());
     } else {
       for (Iterator iter = closestHashes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
         Hash peer = (Hash) iter.next();
         DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.getDataStore().get(peer);
         if (ds == null) {
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                 "Next closest peer "
                     + peer
                     + " was only recently referred to us, sending a search for them");
           getContext().netDb().lookupRouterInfo(peer, null, null, _timeoutMs);
         } else if (!(ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)) {
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                     + ": Error selecting closest hash that wasnt a router! "
                     + peer
                     + " : "
                     + ds.getClass().getName());
         } else {
           RouterInfo ri = (RouterInfo) ds;
           if (!FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(ri)) {
             _floodfillPeersExhausted = true;
             if (onlyFloodfill) continue;
           if (ri.isHidden()) { // || // allow querying shitlisted, since its indirect
             // getContext().shitlist().isShitlisted(peer)) {
             // dont bother
           } else {
             sendSearch((RouterInfo) ds);
       if (sent <= 0) {
           // the (potentially) last peers being searched for could not be,
           // er, searched for, so lets retry ASAP (causing either another
           // peer to be selected, or the whole search to fail)
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
               _log.info(getJobId() + ": No new peer queued up, so we are going to requeue " +
                         "ourselves in our search for " + _state.getTarget().toBase64());