コード例 #1
ファイル: WrapperItemProvider.java プロジェクト: komma/komma
  * Returns a description for a value's single property. Subclasses may use this in creating a
  * property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to provide a specific name.
 protected String getPropertyDescription() {
   return KommaEditPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_ValueProperty_description");
コード例 #2
ファイル: WrapperItemProvider.java プロジェクト: komma/komma
 * A basic implementation of <code>IWrapperProvider</code> from which others can extend. This class
 * provides all the methods required to implement the following item provider interfaces:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link IStructuredItemContentProvider}
 *   <li>{@link ITreeItemContentProvider}
 *   <li>{@link IItemLabelProvider}
 *   <li>{@link IItemFontProvider}
 *   <li>{@link IItemColorProvider}
 *   <li>{@link IItemPropertySource}
 *   <li>{@link IEditingDomainItemProvider}
 * </ul>
 * <p>Subclasses should declare which of these interfaces they are meant to implement, and override
 * methods as needed. In addition, a partial implementation for {@link IUpdateableItemText} is
 * provided, along with additional methods and classes that are useful in implementing multiple
 * subclasses.
public class WrapperItemProvider implements IWrapperItemProvider {
  /** The wrapped value. */
  protected Object value;

  /** The object that owns the value. */
  protected Object owner;

  /** The structural feature, if applicable, through which the value can be set and retrieved. */
  protected IReference property;

   * The index at which the value is located. If {@link #property} is non-null, this index is within
   * that feature.
  protected int index;

  /** The adapter factory for the owner's item provider. */
  protected IAdapterFactory adapterFactory;

   * Creates an instance. The adapter factory of the owner's item provider may be needed for echoing
   * notifications and providing property descriptors.
  public WrapperItemProvider(
      Object value, Object owner, IReference property, int index, IAdapterFactory adapterFactory) {
    this.value = value;
    this.owner = owner;
    this.property = property;
    this.index = index;
    this.adapterFactory = adapterFactory;

   * Disposes the wrapper by deactivating any notification that this wrapper may provide. Since this
   * implementation does not provide any notification, this method does nothing.
  public void dispose() {
    // Do nothing.

  /** Returns the wrapped value. */
  public Object getValue() {
    return value;

  /** Returns the object that owns the value. */
  public Object getOwner() {
    return owner;

   * Returns the structural feature through which the value can be set and retrieved, or null if the
   * feature is unknown or not applicable.
  public IReference getProperty() {
    return property;

   * The index at which the value is located, or {@link
   * net.enilink.komma.edit.command.CommandParameter#NO_INDEX} if the index isn't known to the
   * wrapper. If {@link #property} is non-null, this index is within that feature.
  public int getIndex() {
    return index;

  /** Sets the index. Has no effect if the index isn't known to the wrapper. */
  public void setIndex(int index) {
    this.index = index;

   * {@link IStructuredItemContentProvider#getElements IStructuredItemContentProvider.getElements}
   * is implemented by forwarding the call to {@link #getChildren getChildren}.
  public Collection<?> getElements(Object object) {
    return getChildren(object);

   * {@link ITreeItemContentProvider#getChildren ITreeItemContentProvider.getChildren} is
   * implemented to return an empty list. Subclasses may override it to return something else.
  public Collection<?> getChildren(Object object) {
    return Collections.emptyList();

   * {@link ITreeItemContentProvider#hasChildren ITreeItemContentProvider.hasChildren} is
   * implemented by testing whether the collection returned by {@link #getChildren getChildren} is
   * non-empty.
  public boolean hasChildren(Object object) {
    return !getChildren(object).isEmpty();

   * {@link ITreeItemContentProvider#getParent ITreeItemContentProvider.getParent} is implemented by
   * returning the {@link #owner}.
  public Object getParent(Object object) {
    return owner;

   * {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.provider.IItemLabelProvider#getText IItemLabelProvider.getText}
   * is implemented by returning a non-null value, as a string, or "null".
  public String getText(Object object) {
    return value != null ? value.toString() : "null";

   * {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.provider.IItemLabelProvider#getImage IItemLabelProvider.getImage}
   * is implemented by returning the default icon for an EMF.Edit item.
  public Object getImage(Object object) {
    return KommaEditPlugin.INSTANCE.getImage("full/obj16/Item");

   * {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.provider.IItemFontProvider#getFont IItemFontProvider.getFont} is
   * implemented by returning null.
  public Object getFont(Object object) {
    return null;

   * {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.provider.IItemColorProvider#getForeground
   * IItemColorProvider.getForeground} is implemented by returning null.
  public Object getForeground(Object object) {
    return null;

   * {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.provider.IItemColorProvider#getBackground
   * IItemColorProvider.getBackground} is implemented by returning null.
  public Object getBackground(Object object) {
    return null;

   * {@link IUpdateableItemText#getUpdateableText IUpdateableItemText.getUpdateableText} is
   * implemented by forwarding the call to {@link #getText getText}.
  public String getUpdateableText(Object object) {
    return getText(object);

   * {@link IItemPropertySource#getPropertyDescriptors IItemPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptors}
   * is implemented to return an empty list. Subclasses may override it to return something else.
  public List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptors(Object object) {
    return Collections.emptyList();

   * {@link IItemPropertySource#getPropertyDescriptor IItemPropertySource.getPropertyDescriptor} is
   * implemented by iterating over the descriptors returned by {@link #getPropertyDescriptors
   * getPropertyDescriptors}, and returning the first descriptor whose {@link
   * IItemPropertyDescriptor#getId(Object) ID} or {@link IItemPropertyDescriptor#getProperty(Object)
   * feature} matches the specified ID, or <code>null</code> if none match.
  public IItemPropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Object object, Object propertyId) {
    for (IItemPropertyDescriptor descriptor : getPropertyDescriptors(object)) {
      if (propertyId.equals(descriptor.getId(object))
          || propertyId.equals(descriptor.getProperty(object))) {
        return descriptor;
    return null;

   * {@link IItemPropertySource#getEditableValue IItemPropertySource.getEditableValue} is
   * implemented to return the value, itself.
  public Object getEditableValue(Object object) {
    return value;

   * Returns a name for a value's single property. Subclasses may use this in creating a property
   * descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to provide a specific name.
  protected String getPropertyName() {
    return KommaEditPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_ValueProperty_name");

   * Returns a description for a value's single property. Subclasses may use this in creating a
   * property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to provide a specific name.
  protected String getPropertyDescription() {
    return KommaEditPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_ValueProperty_description");

   * Returns whether a value's single property is settable. By default, this returns whether the
   * structural feature is {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature#isChangeable changeable}.
   * Subclasses may use this in creating a property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it
   * to restrict or allow setting of the property.
  protected boolean isPropertySettable() {
    return true;
    // return property.isChangeable();

   * Returns whether value's single property consists of multi-line text. By default, false is
   * returned. Subclasses may use this in creating a property descriptor, and user subclasses may
   * override it to enable multi-line text editing.
  protected boolean isPropertyMultiLine() {
    return false;

   * Returns whether value's single property should sort its choices for selection. By default,
   * false is returned. Subclasses may use this in creating a property descriptor, and user
   * subclasses may override it to enable sorting.
  protected boolean isPropertySortChoices() {
    return false;

   * Returns an image for a value's single property. By default, a standard property icon is
   * selected based on the type of the structural feature. Subclasses may use this in creating a
   * property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to select a different icon.
  protected Object getPropertyImage() {
    IProperty property =
        (IProperty) ((IResource) getOwner()).getEntityManager().find(this.property);
    Set<String> ranges = new HashSet<String>();
    for (net.enilink.vocab.rdfs.Class rangeClass : property.getRdfsRanges()) {
    return getPropertyImage(ranges);

   * Returns the property image for the specified type. Implementations of {@link
   * #getPropertyImage() getPropertyImage} typically call this method.
  protected Object getPropertyImage(Collection<String> ranges) {
    if (ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_BOOLEAN.toString())) {
      return ItemPropertyDescriptor.BOOLEAN_VALUE_IMAGE;
    } else if (ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_BYTE.toString())
        || ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_INTEGER.toString())
        || ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_LONG.toString())
        || ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_SHORT.toString())) {
      return ItemPropertyDescriptor.INTEGRAL_VALUE_IMAGE;
    } else if (ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_STRING.toString())) {
      return ItemPropertyDescriptor.TEXT_VALUE_IMAGE;
    } else if (ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_DOUBLE.toString())
        || ranges.contains(XMLSCHEMA.TYPE_FLOAT.toString())) {
      return ItemPropertyDescriptor.REAL_VALUE_IMAGE;

    return ItemPropertyDescriptor.GENERIC_VALUE_IMAGE;

   * Returns a category for a value's single property. By default, null is returned. Subclasses may
   * use this in creating a property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to actually
   * provide a category.
  protected String getPropertyCategory() {
    return null;

   * Returns filter flags for a value's single property. By default, null is returned. Subclasses
   * may use this in creating a property descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to actually
   * provide filter flags.
  protected String[] getPropertyFilterFlags() {
    return null;

   * {@link IEditingDomainItemProvider#getNewChildDescriptors
   * IEditingDomainItemProvider.getNewChildDescriptors} is implemented to return an empty list.
   * Subclasses may override it to return something else.
  public void getNewChildDescriptors(
      Object object,
      IEditingDomain editingDomain,
      Object sibling,
      ICollector<Object> descriptors) {}

   * {IEditingDomainItemProvider#createCommand IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand} is
   * implemented via {@link #baseCreateCommand baseCreateCommand} to create set, copy, and
   * drag-and-drop commands, only.
  public ICommand createCommand(
      Object object,
      IEditingDomain domain,
      Class<? extends ICommand> commandClass,
      CommandParameter commandParameter) {
    return baseCreateCommand(object, domain, commandClass, commandParameter);

   * Implements creation of a set, copy, or drag-and-drop command by calling out to {@link
   * #createSetCommand createSetCommand}, {@link #createCopyCommand createCopyCommand}, or {@link
   * #createDragAndDropCommand createDragAndDropCommand}.
  public ICommand baseCreateCommand(
      Object object,
      IEditingDomain domain,
      Class<? extends ICommand> commandClass,
      CommandParameter commandParameter) {
    if (commandClass == SetCommand.class) {
      return createSetCommand(
    } else if (commandClass == CopyCommand.class) {
      return createCopyCommand(
          domain, commandParameter.getOwner(), (CopyCommand.Helper) commandParameter.getValue());
    } else if (commandClass == DragAndDropCommand.class) {
      DragAndDropCommand.Detail detail = (DragAndDropCommand.Detail) commandParameter.getProperty();
      return createDragAndDropCommand(
    } else {
      return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;

   * Return an {@link net.enilink.komma.common.command.UnexecutableCommand}. Subclasses should
   * override this to map this into a real set on a model object.
  protected ICommand createSetCommand(
      IEditingDomain domain, Object owner, Object feature, Object value, int index) {
    return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;

   * Returns an {@link net.enilink.komma.common.command.UnexecutableCommand}. An ordinary {@link
   * net.enilink.komma.edit.command.CopyCommand} is only useful for copying model objects, so it
   * would be inappropriate here. Subclasses should override it to return something more useful,
   * like a concrete subclass of a {@link SimpleCopyCommand} or {@link WrappingCopyCommand}.
  protected ICommand createCopyCommand(
      IEditingDomain domain, Object owner, CopyCommand.Helper helper) {
    return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;

  /** Creates a {@link net.enilink.komma.edit.command.DragAndDropCommand} . */
  protected ICommand createDragAndDropCommand(
      IEditingDomain domain,
      Object owner,
      float location,
      int operations,
      int operation,
      Collection<?> collection) {
    return new DragAndDropCommand(domain, owner, location, operations, operation, collection);

   * A label for copy command inner classes, the same one used by {@link
   * net.enilink.komma.edit.command.CopyCommand}.
  protected static final String COPY_COMMAND_LABEL =

   * A description for copy command inner classes, the same as in {@link
   * net.enilink.komma.edit.command.CopyCommand}.
  protected static final String COPY_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION =

   * A command base class for copying a simple value and the wrapper. This is useful when the value
   * isn't able provide an adapter to return a copy command, itself. This class just provides the
   * scaffolding; concrete subclasses must implement {@link #copy copy} to do the copying.
  protected abstract class SimpleCopyCommand extends AbstractOverrideableCommand {
    protected Collection<?> affectedObjects;

    /** Creates an instance for the given domain. */
    public SimpleCopyCommand(IEditingDomain domain) {

    /** Returns true; this command can requires now preparation and can always be executed. */
    protected boolean prepare() {
      return true;

     * Calls {@link #copy} to do the copying, {@link IDisposable#dispose disposes} the copy, and
     * sets it to be the result of the command. Since the copy has not been created within the
     * viewed model, it should never do any kind of notification, which is why it is immediately
     * disposed.
    protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IAdaptable info)
        throws ExecutionException {
      IWrapperItemProvider copy = copy();

      return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(Collections.singletonList(copy));

    /** Concrete subclasses must implement this to copy and return the value and wrapper. */
    public abstract IWrapperItemProvider copy();

    /** Returns a list containing only the original wrapper itself. */
    public Collection<?> doGetAffectedObjects() {
      if (affectedObjects == null) {
        affectedObjects = Collections.singletonList(WrapperItemProvider.this);
      return affectedObjects;

   * A command base class for copying the wrapper for a value that is partly copied by another
   * command. This is useful when the value includes a model object that is able provide an adapter
   * to return a copy command, but also includes an element that is not adaptable, such as a feature
   * map entry. This command copies the non-adapter element and the wrapper, which ensures the copy
   * can be copied again.
  protected abstract class WrappingCopyCommand extends CommandWrapper {
    protected Collection<?> affectedObjects;

    /** Creates an instance where some adaptable value is copied by the given command. */
    public WrappingCopyCommand(ICommand command) {

     * Executes the adaptable-value-copying command, then calls {@link #copy copy} to copy the rest
     * of the value and the wrapper, {@link IDisposable#dispose disposes} the copy, and sets it to
     * be the result of the command. Since the copy has not been created within the viewed model, it
     * should never do any kind of notification, which is why it is immediately disposed.
    protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IAdaptable info)
        throws ExecutionException {
      super.doExecuteWithResult(progressMonitor, info);
      IWrapperItemProvider copy = copy();

      return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(Collections.singletonList(copy));

     * Concrete subclasses must implement this to copy and return the value and wrapper. The result
     * of the adaptable-value-copying command is available from <code>getCommand().getResult()
     * </code>.
    public abstract IWrapperItemProvider copy();

    /** Returns a list containing only the original wrapper itself. */
    public Collection<?> getAffectedObjects() {
      if (affectedObjects == null) {
        affectedObjects = Collections.singletonList(WrapperItemProvider.this);
      return affectedObjects;

   * Returns the {@link #adapterFactory}, if non-composeable, otherwise, returns its root adapter
   * factory.
  protected IAdapterFactory getRootAdapterFactory() {
    return adapterFactory instanceof IComposeableAdapterFactory
        ? ((IComposeableAdapterFactory) adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory()
        : adapterFactory;

   * An item property descriptor for the single property of a wrapper for a simple value. This
   * extends the base implementation and substitutes the wrapper's owner for the selected object
   * (the wrapper itself) in the call to {@link #getPropertyValue getPropertyValue}. Thus, the owner
   * must be an EObject to use this class. The property's name, description, settable flag, static
   * image, category, and filter flags are obtained by calling out to various template methods, so
   * can be easily changed by deriving a subclass.
  protected class WrapperItemPropertyDescriptor extends ItemPropertyDescriptor {
    public WrapperItemPropertyDescriptor(IResourceLocator resourceLocator, IReference property) {

     * Substitutes the wrapper owner for the selected object and invokes the base implementation.
     * The actual value returned depends on the implementation of {@link #getValue getValue}.
    public Object getPropertyValue(Object object) {
      return super.getPropertyValue(owner);

     * Substitutes the wrapper owner for the selected object and invokes the base implementation.
    public boolean canSetProperty(Object object) {
      return super.canSetProperty(owner);

     * Returns <code>true</code>, as the property of a value wrapper is always considered to be set.
    public boolean isPropertySet(Object object) {
      return true;

    /** Does nothing, as resetting the property of a value wrapper is not meaningful. */
    public void resetPropertyValue(Object object) {
      // Do nothing

     * Sets the property value. If an editing domain can be obtained, the command returned by {@link
     * #createSetCommand createSetcommand} is executed; otherwise, {@link #setValue setValue} is
     * called to set the value.
    public void setPropertyValue(Object object, Object value) {
      IEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain(owner);

      if (editingDomain == null) {
        setValue((IResource) object, property, value);
      } else {
        try {
                  createSetCommand(editingDomain, (IResource) object, property, value), null, null);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
          Log.error(KommaEditPlugin.getPlugin(), 0, "Error while setting property value", e);

     * Returns a value from a model object. If the feature is multi-valued, only the single value
     * that the wrapper represents is returned.
    protected Object getValue(IResource object, IReference property) {
      // When the value is changed, the property sheet page doesn't update
      // the property sheet viewer input
      // before refreshing, and this gets called on the obsolete wrapper.
      // So, we need to read directly from the
      // model object.
      // return value;

      Object result = object.get(property);
      if (object.getApplicableCardinality(property).getSecond() != 1) {
        // If the last object was deleted and the selection was in the
        // property sheet view, the obsolete wrapper will
        // reference past the end of the list.
        List<?> list = (List<?>) result;
        result = index >= 0 && index < list.size() ? list.get(index) : value;
      return result;

     * Sets a value on a model object. If the feature is multi-valued, only the single value that
     * the wrapper represents is set.
    protected void setValue(IResource object, IReference property, Object value) {
      if (object.getApplicableCardinality(property).getSecond() != 1) {
        List<Object> list = ((List<Object>) object.get(property));
        list.set(index, value);
      } else {
        object.set(property, value);

     * Returns a command that will set the value on the model object. The wrapper is used as the
     * owner of the command, unless overridden, so that it can specialize the command that
     * eventually gets created.
    protected ICommand createSetCommand(
        IEditingDomain domain, Object owner, Object feature, Object value) {
      return SetCommand.create(domain, getCommandOwner(WrapperItemProvider.this), null, value);

     * Returns <code>false</code>, as the property only represents a single value, even if the
     * feature is multi-valued.
    public boolean isMany(Object object) {
      return false;

     * Substitutes the wrapper owner for the selected object and invokes the base implementation.
    public Collection<?> getChoiceOfValues(Object object) {
      return super.getChoiceOfValues(owner);

   * A <code>ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand</code> wraps another command to return as its affected
   * objects the single wrapper that replaces this wrapper. That is, it obtains the children of the
   * wrapper's owner, and returns a collection containing the first wrapper whose feature and index
   * match this one's.
  protected class ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand extends CommandWrapper {
    public ReplacementAffectedObjectCommand(ICommand command) {

     * Obtains the children of the wrapper's owner, and returns a collection containing the first
     * wrapper whose feature and index match this one's.
    public Collection<?> getAffectedObjects() {
      Collection<?> children = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

      // Either the IEditingDomainItemProvider or ITreeItemContentProvider
      // item provider interface can give us
      // the children.
      Object adapter = adapterFactory.adapt(owner, IEditingDomainItemProvider.class);
      if (adapter instanceof IEditingDomainItemProvider) {
        children = ((IEditingDomainItemProvider) adapter).getChildren(owner);
      } else {
        adapter = adapterFactory.adapt(owner, ITreeItemContentProvider.class);
        if (adapter instanceof ITreeItemContentProvider) {
          children = ((ITreeItemContentProvider) adapter).getChildren(owner);

      for (Object child : children) {
        if (child instanceof IWrapperItemProvider) {
          IWrapperItemProvider wrapper = (IWrapperItemProvider) child;
          if (wrapper.getProperty() == property && wrapper.getIndex() == index) {
            return Collections.singletonList(child);
      return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

  public boolean isInferred() {
    return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WrapperItemProvider.java プロジェクト: komma/komma
  * Returns a name for a value's single property. Subclasses may use this in creating a property
  * descriptor, and user subclasses may override it to provide a specific name.
 protected String getPropertyName() {
   return KommaEditPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_ValueProperty_name");