public void broadcast(String username, int flags, String text) { append3( "(Broadcast) ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + username + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(flags), text, cs.getChatColor(flags)); }
public void userEmote(String type, BNetUser user, String text) { if (type == null) append("<" + user.toString() + " " + text + ">", cs.getEmoteColor(user.getFlags())); else append2( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + user.toString() + " " + text + ">", cs.getEmoteColor(user.getFlags())); }
public static void resetHead() { head = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">"; head += " body {font-family: " + GlobalSettings.guiFontFamily + ", verdana, courier, sans-serif; font-size: " + GlobalSettings.guiFontSize + "px;}"; head += " .timestamp {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getForegroundColor()) + ";}"; head += " .channel {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getChannelColor()) + ";}"; head += " .info {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getInfoColor()) + ";}"; head += " .error {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getErrorColor()) + ";}"; head += " .debug {font-family: courier; color: #" + makeColor(cs.getDebugColor()) + ";}"; head += "</style></head><body>"; }
public void whisperRecieved(String type, BNetUser user, String text) { if (type == null) append2( "<From: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); else append3( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<From: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); }
public void userChat(String type, BNetUser user, String text, boolean isSelf) { Color c; if (isSelf) c = cs.getSelfUserNameColor(user.getFlags()); else c = cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()); if (type == null) append2("<" + user.toString() + "> ", c, text, cs.getChatColor(user.getFlags())); else append3( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + user.toString() + "> ", c, text, cs.getChatColor(user.getFlags())); }
private void appendDate() { Calendar cal = TimeFormatter.getCalendar(); int day_of_week = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (day_of_week != last_day_of_week) { last_day_of_week = day_of_week; addSeparator(); makeFont(cs.getInfoColor()); html += safeHtml(TimeFormatter.formatDate(cal.getTime())); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; addSeparator(); } if (addSeparator) { if (html.length() > 0) html += "<hr>\r\n"; addSeparator = false; } html += "<font class=\"timestamp\">["; html += TimeFormatter.getTimestamp(); html += "] </font>"; }
public void recieveDebug(String type, String text) { if (type == null) append(text, "debug"); else append2("(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), text, "debug"); }
/** @author scotta */ public class TextWindow extends JScrollPane { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8607940925721829314L; private class myJEP extends JEditorPane { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7313639261308578778L; public myJEP() { super(); addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkListener() { @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) { if (e.getEventType().equals(HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED)) try { BrowserLauncher.openURL(e.getDescription()); } catch (Exception e1) { Out.error(TextWindow.class, "Couldn't open URL: " + e1.getMessage()); } } }); setEditable(false); try { setContentType("text/html"); } catch (Exception e) { } setBackground(cs.getBackgroundColor()); } @Override public void paintComponents(Graphics g) { if (!disableRedraw) super.paintComponents(g); } } private static final ColorScheme cs = ColorScheme.getColors(); private static String head = null; private static final String foot = "</body></html>"; private Runnable scrollDown = null; private final JEditorPane jep; private String html = ""; private boolean disableRedraw = false; /** When set, a separator will be added before the next line of information */ private boolean addSeparator = false; public TextWindow() { super(VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); jep = new myJEP(); ((Container) getComponent(0)).add(jep); if (head == null) resetHead(); setText(); } public static void resetHead() { head = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">"; head += " body {font-family: " + GlobalSettings.guiFontFamily + ", verdana, courier, sans-serif; font-size: " + GlobalSettings.guiFontSize + "px;}"; head += " .timestamp {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getForegroundColor()) + ";}"; head += " .channel {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getChannelColor()) + ";}"; head += " .info {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getInfoColor()) + ";}"; head += " .error {color: #" + makeColor(cs.getErrorColor()) + ";}"; head += " .debug {font-family: courier; color: #" + makeColor(cs.getDebugColor()) + ";}"; head += "</style></head><body>"; } private void setText() { while (html.length() > 0x8000) { int i = html.indexOf("\r\n", 0); if (i > 0) html = html.substring(i + 1); } if (scrollDown == null) scrollDown = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { disableRedraw = true; jep.setText(head + html + foot); validate(); try { JScrollBar vsb = getVerticalScrollBar(); vsb.setValue(vsb.getMaximum()); } catch (Exception e) { } disableRedraw = false; validate(); } }; // Scroll to the bottom SwingUtilities.invokeLater(scrollDown); } private static String makeColor(Color c) { String color = "000000" + Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB()); return color.substring(color.length() - 6); } private void makeFont(Color c) { html += "<font color=\"#" + makeColor(c) + "\">"; } private int last_day_of_week = -1; private void appendDate() { Calendar cal = TimeFormatter.getCalendar(); int day_of_week = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (day_of_week != last_day_of_week) { last_day_of_week = day_of_week; addSeparator(); makeFont(cs.getInfoColor()); html += safeHtml(TimeFormatter.formatDate(cal.getTime())); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; addSeparator(); } if (addSeparator) { if (html.length() > 0) html += "<hr>\r\n"; addSeparator = false; } html += "<font class=\"timestamp\">["; html += TimeFormatter.getTimestamp(); html += "] </font>"; } private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "((.|\r\n)*?)\\b((([a-zA-Z]{3,6}://)|(www.)){1}([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)([^-]\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5}){1}((:[0-9]+)?)((/\\S+){1}|\\s*?)/?)((.|\r\n)*)"); private String safeHtml(String in) { try { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(in); if (matcher.matches()) return safeHtml( + "<a href=\"" + + "\">" + + "</a>" + safeHtml(; } catch (StackOverflowError e) { } return in.replaceAll("&", "&") .replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">") .replaceAll("\n", "<br>\n") .replaceAll(" ", " "); } private void append(String text, Color col) { appendDate(); makeFont(col); html += safeHtml(text); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; setText(); } private void append(String text, String clazz) { appendDate(); html += "<font class=\"" + clazz + "\">"; html += safeHtml(text); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; setText(); } private void append2(String text, Color col, String text2, String clazz) { appendDate(); makeFont(col); html += safeHtml(text); html += "</font>"; html += "<font class=\"" + clazz + "\">"; html += safeHtml(text2); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; setText(); } private void append2(String text, Color col, String text2, Color col2) { appendDate(); makeFont(col); html += safeHtml(text); html += "</font>"; makeFont(col2); html += safeHtml(text2); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; setText(); } private void append3(String text, Color col, String text2, Color col2, String text3, Color col3) { appendDate(); makeFont(col); html += safeHtml(text); html += "</font>"; makeFont(col2); html += safeHtml(text2); html += "</font>"; makeFont(col3); html += safeHtml(text3); html += "</font><br>\r\n"; setText(); } public void addSeparator() { addSeparator = true; } public void channelInfo(String text) { append(text, "channel"); } public void recieveInfo(String type, String text) { if (type == null) append(text, "info"); else append2("(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), text, "info"); } public void recieveError(String type, String text) { if (type == null) append(text, "error"); else append2("(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), text, "error"); } public void recieveDebug(String type, String text) { if (type == null) append(text, "debug"); else append2("(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), text, "debug"); } public void userChat(String type, BNetUser user, String text, boolean isSelf) { Color c; if (isSelf) c = cs.getSelfUserNameColor(user.getFlags()); else c = cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()); if (type == null) append2("<" + user.toString() + "> ", c, text, cs.getChatColor(user.getFlags())); else append3( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + user.toString() + "> ", c, text, cs.getChatColor(user.getFlags())); } public void broadcast(String username, int flags, String text) { append3( "(Broadcast) ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + username + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(flags), text, cs.getChatColor(flags)); } public void whisperSent(String type, BNetUser user, String text) { if (type == null) append2( "<To: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); else append3( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<To: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); } public void whisperRecieved(String type, BNetUser user, String text) { if (type == null) append2( "<From: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); else append3( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<From: " + user.toString() + "> ", cs.getUserNameColor(user.getFlags()), text, cs.getWhisperColor(user.getFlags())); } public void userEmote(String type, BNetUser user, String text) { if (type == null) append("<" + user.toString() + " " + text + ">", cs.getEmoteColor(user.getFlags())); else append2( "(" + type + ") ", cs.getTypeColor(), "<" + user.toString() + " " + text + ">", cs.getEmoteColor(user.getFlags())); } }