public void run() { int pagesize = PAGESIZE; try { while (!m_spool.isHasError() && !m_spool.isEmpty()) { if (linecounter >= pagesize) { // 处理组合单元格 if (!mergeCells.isEmpty()) { Region[] regs = new Region[mergeCells.size()]; mergeCells.values().toArray(regs); int len = regs.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_sheet.addMergedRegion(regs[i]); } try { flushToFile(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } m_workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 创建工作薄 m_sheet = m_workbook.createSheet(); // 创建表单 mergeCells = new Hashtable(); // 存放所有组合单元格 styles = new Hashtable(); linecounter = 0; sheetCounter++; } PrintCellData[] data = null; data = (PrintCellData[]) m_spool.retrieve(); linecounter = linecounter + data.length; // 其实为单元格数目,非行数 fileUtil.exportSheet2(m_templateData, data, m_sheet, m_workbook, styles, mergeCells); /* 每往Excel写入一行,进度条+1,已导出的行数+1 */ m_spool.setExportedLineCount(m_spool.getExportedLineCount() + 1); stepProgressBar(1); setProgressBarHintMsg(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg( .getStrByID( "10100108", "UPP10100108-000860") /*@res "内存不足,请修改Java Plugin参数,将内存调整大一些"*/); } }
/** * 根据结算单位,账户取账户对应的VO 拆分出来做公用方法 * * @return */ public static CurrtypeVO getCurrTypeVO(String pk_accid) throws BusinessException { StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer() .append(" bd_currtype.pk_currtype = ") .append(" (select e.pk_currtype from bd_accid e where ") .append(" e.pk_accid='") .append(pk_accid) .append("')"); SuperVO[] vos = null; try { vos = HYPubBO_Client.queryByCondition(CurrtypeVO.class, whereClause.toString()); } catch (UifException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new BusinessException("fbmcomm", "UPPFBMComm-000155") /* * @res * "根据结算单位和账户查询账户币种异常" */); } if (vos == null || vos.length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("fbmcomm", "UPPFBMComm-000156") /* * @res * "根据结算单位和账户无法查询到账户对应币种" */); } return (CurrtypeVO) vos[0]; }
/** * 功能:合并多公司查询分别查询的结果 作者:宋涛 创建时间:(2004-06-21 11:36:50) 使用说明:以及别人可能感兴趣的介绍 注意:现存Bug * * @return[] * @param mrsSource[] * @param mrsNew[] * @exception java.lang.Exception 异常说明。 */ private MemoryResultSet[] mergeMultiCorps(MemoryResultSet[] mrsSource, MemoryResultSet[] mrsNew) throws java.lang.Exception { // if (mrsSource == null) { // return mrsNew; // } // for (int i = 0; i < mrsSource.length; i++) { // mrsSource[i] = // ComTool.combineResultSet(mrsSource[i], mrsNew[i], new String[] { "rq" }, false, 0); // } if (mrsNew != null) { for (MemoryResultSet mr : mrsNew) { try { int row = mr.getColumnIndex("ZB_DJDL"); if (row > 0) { MemoryResultSetMetaData mrsmd = (MemoryResultSetMetaData) mr.getMetaData(); mrsmd.removeColumn("ZB_DJDL"); if (mr.getResultArrayList() != null) { for (Object ar : mr.getResultArrayList()) { if (ar instanceof ArrayList) { ((ArrayList) ar).remove(row - 1); } } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.error(e.getCause()); } } } return, mrsNew); }
/** * 根据权限对表体按钮进行剪裁 * * @param meta */ public void modifyMenubarComp(PageMeta meta) { FuncRegisterVO fvo = LfwFrameUtil.getInstance().getCurrentFuncRegisterVO(); if (fvo != null) { try { if (!fvo.getIsbuttonpower().booleanValue()) return; PowerResultVO prvo = InitAuthenticationUtil.getPowerButton(fvo); if (!prvo.isPowerControl()) return; String[] prArr = prvo.getPowerId(); // if(prArr == null) // return; Map<String, String> prMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (prArr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < prArr.length; i++) { prMap.put(prArr[i], prArr[i]); } } Map<String, WebComponent> map = (HashMap<String, WebComponent>) meta.getViewComponents().getComponentsMap(); // 处理表体按钮权限 表头按钮已经在父类中处理过了 MenubarComp menubarBodyMap = (MenubarComp) map.get("menubar_body"); if (menubarBodyMap != null) { List<MenuItem> listBody = (List<MenuItem>) menubarBodyMap.getMenuList(); if (listBody != null && listBody.size() > 0) { getAllMenuItem(prMap, listBody); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("根据权限对按钮进行剪裁: ", e); } } }
public void end() { // 处理组合单元格 if (!mergeCells.isEmpty()) { Region[] regs = new Region[mergeCells.size()]; mergeCells.values().toArray(regs); int len = regs.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_sheet.addMergedRegion(regs[i]); } try { flushToFile(); } catch (Exception e) { m_spool.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); // 最后给出完整的提示 if (sheetCounter > 1) { String filename = m_filepath.substring(m_filepath.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("file.separator")) + 1); msg.append( .getStrByID( "10100108", "UPP10100108-000856") /*@res "\n您要导出的内容太多,为减小内存的使用量,它们被存储到目录 \n"*/); msg.append( m_filepath.substring(0, m_filepath.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("file.separator")))); msg.append( .getStrByID("10100108", "UPP10100108-000857") /*@res " 下的多个Excel文件中,分别是:\n"*/); msg.append(filename).append(","); for (int i = 2; i <= sheetCounter; i++) { if (i != sheetCounter) { msg.append(filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.')) + "-" + i + ".xls").append(","); } else { msg.append(filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.')) + "-" + i + ".xls"); } } } else { msg.append( .getStrByID("10100108", "UPP10100108-000858") /*@res "导出内容被存放在文件 \n"*/ + m_filepath + .getStrByID("10100108", "UPP10100108-000859") /*@res " 中."*/); } m_spool.setMsg(msg.toString()); mergeCells = new Hashtable(); // 存放所有组合单元格 styles = new Hashtable(); }
/** * @author zhf @说明 获取vo转换类实例 @时间 2010-9-26上午10:47:52 * @param classname * @return */ private static getChangeClass(String classname) throws Exception { if (PuPubVO.getString_TrimZeroLenAsNull(classname) == null) return null; try { Class c = Class.forName(classname); Object o = c.newInstance(); return ( o; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } }
// ---------------------- public String sdbSyn() throws LfwBusinessException { WebContext ctx = getWebContext(); String pk_xy_step_pub = ctx.getParameter("pk_xy_step_pub"); String pk_xy_proj_main = ctx.getParameter("pk_xy_proj_main"); String success = "ok"; String operatorID = LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getUserVO().getPrimaryKey(); BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); try { String sqlb = "select * from ebs_xy_projexec_personjzx where ( discard_status != '3' or discard_status is null ) and zdy3 ='" + pk_xy_step_pub + "' and pk_person in " + "(select pk_psndoc from bd_psndoc where pk_psnbasdoc in " + "(select pk_psndoc from sm_userandclerk where userid = '" + operatorID + "'))"; List<ProjGroupVO> listb = (List<ProjGroupVO>) dao.executeQuery(sqlb, new BeanListProcessor(ProjGroupVO.class)); if (listb != null && listb.size() > 0) { ProjGroupVO pcg = listb.get(0); String judgment = pcg.getZdy1(); if ("是".equals(judgment)) { success = "N"; } else { pcg.setZdy1("是"); dao.updateVO(pcg, new String[] {"zdy1"}); } } else { success = "你不属于采购小组人员或者采购小组人员变化了,请重新打开采购执行界面!"; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("签到失败"); Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); success = "签到失败"; } return success; }
protected void initPageMetaStruct() { try { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); Map<String, WebComponent> map = getPageMeta().getViewComponents().getComponentsMap(); Set<String> key = map.keySet(); String pageId = getWebContext().getParameter(ParamConstant.PAGE_ID); String sql = "select * from ebs_func_memo_item where pk_func_memo in (select pk_func_memo from ebs_func_memo where pk_func_no = '" + pageId + "' and isnull(dr,0)=0) "; List<FuncMemoItemVO> fmvo = (List<FuncMemoItemVO>) dao.executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(FuncMemoItemVO.class)); for (Iterator it = key.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String s = (String); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { if (s.lastIndexOf("_form") > -1) { FormComp form = (FormComp) getPageMeta().getViewComponents().getComponentById(s); for (int i = 0; i < fmvo.size(); i++) { FormElement fm = form.getElementById(fmvo.get(i).getFunc_field()); if (fm != null) { if (fmvo.get(i).getFunc_field_memo() != null) { fm.setShowTile(fmvo.get(i).getFunc_field_memo()); } } } } } // else if(s.lastIndexOf("_grid")>-1){ // // GridComp gc = (GridComp)getPageMeta().getViewComponents().getComponentById(s); // for(int i = 0; i < fmvo.size(); i++){ // GridColumn gcol = (GridColumn)gc.getColumnByField(fmvo.get(i).getFunc_field()); // gcol.setShowtitle(fmvo.get(i).getFunc_field_memo()); // if(gcol == null){ // gcol.setShowtitle("注释测试 "); // } // } // } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } super.initPageMetaStruct(); }
/** * 通过校验受理情况,确认操作按钮是否可见 * * @param centercorpid * @param date */ public static boolean isMakeBtnVisible() { if (!isSettleCenter()) { return true; // 结算单位按钮可见 } ICommon icom = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(ICommon.class); String pk_corp = ClientEnvironment.getInstance().getCorporation().getPrimaryKey(); UFDate date = ClientEnvironment.getInstance().getDate(); try { return icom.isStartProcess(pk_corp, date).booleanValue(); } catch (BusinessException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return true; }
/** * 覆写方法:初始化所有数据 * * @return * @throws LfwBusinessException * @see nc.vo.ebscg.xydowmload.service.IDownloadService#getDown() */ public List<XyDowmloadVO> getDown() throws LfwBusinessException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String sql = "select * from ebs_xy_down_file_sign isnull(dr, 0)=0"; try { List<XyDowmloadVO> list = (List<XyDowmloadVO>) baseDao.executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(XyDowmloadVO.class)); System.out.println(list); return list; } catch (DAOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new LfwBusinessException("没有查询到数据", e); } }
private void doInit() { try { System.out.println("\nInitializing master portal server......"); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) LfwLogger.debug("===PortalBizServerListener类:Begin to initialize Portal!"); String portalDs = PortalDsnameFetcher.getPortalDsName(); if (portalDs == null || portalDs.equals("")) { LfwLogger.error("没有获取到NC数据源,不做初始化"); return; } String oldDs = null; if (portalDs != null) { oldDs = InvocationInfoProxy.getInstance().getUserDataSource(); LfwRuntimeEnvironment.setDatasource(portalDs); } /* 初始化配置信息*/ // try { initConfig(); } catch (Throwable e) { LfwLogger.error("===PortalBizServerListener类:initConfig error!" + e.getMessage(), e); } try { initCtx(); } catch (Throwable e) { LfwLogger.error("===PortalBizServerListener类:initCtx error!" + e.getMessage(), e); } /* 部署Portal */ initDeploy(); /** 吊销登陆令牌* */ destoryToken(); /** Portal定时任务调度器初始化 */ // new Executor(new PtTimer(LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getDatasource())).start(); if (oldDs != null) LfwRuntimeEnvironment.setDatasource(oldDs); System.out.println("master portal server is successfully initialized"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("master portal server is not successfully initialized"); Logger.error("error occurred while initializing portal container!", e); } }
public IQueryAfterSave getQueryAfterSaveInstance() { if (queryServer == null) { try { // @see PfUtilTools.instantizeObject() Object objChecker = ObjectCreator.newInstance(IContent.ModuleName, IContent.BusiQuery); if (objChecker == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not found " + IContent.BusiQuery); } if (objChecker instanceof IBaseBusiQuery) { queryServer = (IBaseBusiQuery) objChecker; ((IBaseBusiQuery) queryServer).setAggVO(getBillVO()); ((IBaseBusiQuery) queryServer).setWhere(this.initWhere); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } } return queryServer; }
/** * 取出公司对应的内部客商 * * <p>作者:lpf 日期:2007-8-15 */ public static String getCorpCubasdoc(String pk_corp) { // String strWhere = " bd_cubasdoc.pk_corp1 = '" + pk_corp + "' "; // CustBasVO[] custbasVos = null; // try { // custbasVos = // OuterProxy.getCustManDocQuery().queryCustBasicInfo(strWhere, // getCorpPK()); // } catch (BusinessException e) { // Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); // } // if (custbasVos == null || custbasVos.length == 0) // return null; // return custbasVos[0].getPk_cubasdoc(); String cubasstr = null; try { cubasstr = ClientInfo.getCorpCuBas(getCorpPK()); } catch (BusinessException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return cubasstr; }
private String aggregateSql(Dataset ds, FieldRelation rel) { if (ds.getCurrentKey() == null) return null; Dataset refDs = ds.getWidget().getViewModels().getDataset(rel.getRefDataset()); if (refDs == null) { Logger.error("ref ds can not be fount:" + rel.getRefDataset()); return null; } if (rel.getWhereField() == null) return null; MatchField[] mfs = rel.getMatchFields(); WhereField where = rel.getWhereField(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select "); for (int i = 0; i < mfs.length; i++) { Field f = refDs.getFieldSet().getField(mfs[i].getReadField()); if (f == null) throw new LfwRuntimeException( "can not find field in ds:" + rel.getRefDataset() + ",field:" + mfs[i].getReadField() + ", in fieldrelation process"); sql.append("a.").append(f.getField()); if (i != mfs.length - 1) sql.append(","); } sql.append(",a.").append(refDs.getFieldSet().getField(where.getKey()).getField()); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(getRefTableName(refDs)); sql.append(" a where a.") .append(refDs.getFieldSet().getField(where.getKey()).getField()) .append(" in ("); RowData rowSet = ds.getCurrentRowSet().getCurrentRowData(); Set<String> inSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (rowSet != null) { Row[] rows = rowSet.getRows(); int whereIndex = ds.nameToIndex(where.getValue()); if (whereIndex == -1) return null; for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i] instanceof EmptyRow) continue; Object wValue = rows[i].getValue(whereIndex); String wValueStr = ""; if (wValue != null) { wValueStr = wValue.toString(); String[] strs = wValueStr.split(","); for (int j = 0; j < strs.length; j++) { inSet.add(strs[j]); } } } } if (inSet.size() == 0) return null; Iterator<String> it = inSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String value =; sql.append("'"); sql.append(value); sql.append("'"); if (it.hasNext()) sql.append(","); } sql.append(")"); return sql.toString(); }
/** * 字段关联处理 * * @param ds * @param rels */ public void dealFieldRelation(Dataset ds, FieldRelation[] rels) { if (rels != null && rels.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) { FieldRelation rel = rels[i]; try { if (!needDoRel(ds, rel)) continue; String sql = aggregateSql(ds, rel); List<Object[]> result = null; if (sql != null) { result = (List<Object[]>) CRUDHelper.getCRUDService().query(sql, new ArrayListProcessor()); } else { result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); } // 如果查出数据为空,则增加一行,使后面置空逻辑可继续运行 if (result.size() == 0) result.add(null); Iterator<Object[]> it = result.iterator(); WhereField whereField = rel.getWhereField(); // 外键字段 String key = ds.getFieldSet().getField(whereField.getValue()).getId(); // 关联字段 MatchField[] mfs = rel.getMatchFields(); int[] mfIndices = new int[mfs.length]; for (int j = 0; j < mfIndices.length; j++) { mfIndices[j] = ds.nameToIndex(mfs[j].getWriteField()); } // 记录是否关联过的标识,以便于处理多选关联 Row[] rows = ds.getCurrentRowData().getRows(); boolean[][] notFirst = new boolean[rows.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < notFirst.length; j++) { notFirst[j] = new boolean[mfIndices.length]; } while (it.hasNext()) { Object[] values =; int keyIndex = ds.nameToIndex(key); for (int j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { if (rows[j] instanceof EmptyRow) continue; String keyValue = (String) rows[j].getValue(keyIndex); if (keyValue != null && values != null) { // 将主键值分隔 String[] keyValues = keyValue.split(","); for (int m = 0; m < keyValues.length; m++) { // 找出匹配的主键值,将对应的值字段写入 if (values[values.length - 1] != null && values[values.length - 1].toString().trim().equals(keyValues[m].trim())) { for (int k = 0; k < mfIndices.length; k++) { Object value = values[k]; int mfIndex = mfIndices[k]; Object oldValue = rows[j].getValue(mfIndex); // 原来的值不为空,有2种情况。一种是残留值,这种情况应该去掉。另一种是上一循环设置的,这种情况应该拼上 "," if (oldValue != null) { if (notFirst[j][k]) { // SuperVO vo = (SuperVO) cavos[j].getCavo(); if (!mfs[k].getReadField().equals(whereField.getKey())) { value = oldValue.toString() + "," + value; rows[j].setValue(mfIndex, value); } } else { notFirst[j][k] = true; rows[j].setValue(mfIndex, value); } } else { notFirst[j][k] = true; rows[j].setValue(mfIndex, value); } } break; } } } // 将数据置空 else { for (int k = 0; k < mfIndices.length; k++) { Object value = null; int mfIndex = mfIndices[k]; rows[j].setValue(mfIndex, value); } } } } if (rel.getChildRelationList() != null) { dealFieldRelation(ds, rel.getChildRelationList().toArray(new FieldRelation[0])); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } }
private void processFormular(Dataset ds) { RowData rd = ds.getCurrentRowData(); if (rd == null) return; int rcount = rd.getRowCount(); List<String> executedFpList = new ArrayList<String>(); int fieldCount = ds.getFieldSet().getFieldCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { try { Field field = ds.getFieldSet().getField(i); List<String> fieldFormulars = new ArrayList<String>(); String formular = field.getEditFormular(); if (formular != null) fieldFormulars.add(formular); formular = field.getLoadFormular(); if (formular != null) fieldFormulars.add(formular); Iterator<String> fit = fieldFormulars.iterator(); while (fit.hasNext()) { formular =; String exp = null; if (formular != null) exp = JsURLDecoder.decode(formular, "UTF-8"); // 如果没有加载公式,继续下一个字段 if (exp == null) continue; if (executedFpList.contains(exp)) continue; executedFpList.add(exp); String[] expArr = exp.split(";"); fp.setExpressArray(expArr); VarryVO[] varryVOs = fp.getVarryArray(); if (varryVOs == null || varryVOs.length == 0) continue; String[] formularNames = new String[varryVOs.length]; Map<String, Integer> indexMap = getIndexMap(ds); for (int j = 0; j < varryVOs.length; j++) { String[] keys = varryVOs[j].getVarry(); if (keys != null) { for (String key : keys) { List<Object> valueList = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int k = 0; k < rcount; k++) { Row r = rd.getRow(k); // Object value = r.getValue(indexMap.get(key)); Field f = ds.getFieldSet().getField(key); if (f != null && value != null) { // //如果是Double类型,进行一下转换 if (StringDataTypeConst.UFDOUBLE.equals(f.getDataType()) || StringDataTypeConst.DOUBLE.equals(f.getDataType()) || StringDataTypeConst.Decimal.equals(f.getDataType())) { if (!(value instanceof UFDouble)) value = new UFDouble(value.toString()); } else if (StringDataTypeConst.INTEGER.equals(f.getDataType())) { if (!(value instanceof Integer)) value = new Integer((String) value); } } valueList.add(value); } fp.addVariable(key, valueList); } formularNames[j] = varryVOs[j].getFormulaName(); } } Object[][] result = fp.getValueOArray(); if (result != null) { for (int l = 0; l < formularNames.length; l++) { int index = ds.nameToIndex(formularNames[l]); if (index == -1) { LfwLogger.error( "can not find column:" + formularNames[l] + ", ds id:" + ds.getId()); continue; } for (int k = 0; k < rcount; k++) { Row r = rd.getRow(k); r.setValue(index, result[l][k]); } } } } } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
@Override protected NCObject[] doBillLoad(IBusinessEntity entity) throws BusinessException { // 采购方案主键 // 这里需要从其他地方来获取现在使用默认值,当业务真正的串联时需要统一获取 String pk_proj_main = this.getWebContext().getParameter("projectPk"); // 采购方案模板环节执行主键ID String pk_xy_step_exec_state = this.getWebContext().getParameter("stepId"); // 点击开启来源 String open_source = this.getWebContext().getParameter("open_source"); // 发布环节PK String pubPk = this.getWebContext().getParameter("pubPk"); BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); try { // 获取采购小组人员信息 String sql = "select * from ebs_xy_projexec_person where pk_xy_proj_main ='" + pk_proj_main + "' "; List<ProjPersonCGVO> ppj = (List<ProjPersonCGVO>) dao.executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(ProjPersonCGVO.class)); if (ppj != null || ppj.size() > 0) { for (ProjPersonCGVO cvo : ppj) { // 每轮的采购小组数据 zdy3是发布主键 zdy5是采购小组信息每条数据的主键 String sqljzx = "select * from ebs_xy_projexec_personjzx where zdy3 = '" + pubPk + "' and zdy5= '" + cvo.getPk_xy_proj_person() + "'"; List<ProjGroupVO> ppjjzx = (List<ProjGroupVO>) dao.executeQuery(sqljzx, new BeanListProcessor(ProjGroupVO.class)); if (ppjjzx != null && ppjjzx.size() > 0) { ProjGroupVO jzx = ppjjzx.get(0); jzx.setDiscard_status(cvo.getDiscard_status()); jzx.setTicketnum(cvo.getTicketnum()); jzx.setWeight(cvo.getWeight()); jzx.setPk_corp(cvo.getPk_corp()); jzx.setPk_dept(cvo.getPk_dept()); jzx.setPk_person(cvo.getPk_person()); dao.updateVO( jzx, new String[] { "discard_status", "ticketnum", "weight", "pk_corp", "pk_dept", "pk_person" }); } else { ProjGroupVO pg = new ProjGroupVO(); pg.setDiscard_status(cvo.getDiscard_status()); pg.setPk_xy_proj_main(pk_proj_main); // pg.setPk_xy_proj_person(cvo.getPk_xy_proj_person()); pg.setPk_corp(cvo.getPk_corp()); pg.setPk_dept(cvo.getPk_dept()); pg.setPk_person(cvo.getPk_person()); pg.setZdy3(pubPk); pg.setTicketnum(cvo.getTicketnum()); pg.setWeight(cvo.getWeight()); pg.setZdy5(cvo.getPk_xy_proj_person()); dao.insertVO(pg); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } NCObject ncObj = ((OpenDelegator) this.billHandler) .doQueryOpenVOSByPK(pk_proj_main, pk_xy_step_exec_state, open_source, pubPk); NCObject[] s = null; if (pk_proj_main != null && pk_proj_main.length() > 0) { s = new NCObject[1]; s[0] = ncObj; } else { s = super.doBillLoad(entity); } return s; }
/** * 更新单据受理状态的方法 * * @author liweiqiang * @param key 主表的PK值 * @param btnNo 出发事件的按钮编号 2009-11-12 */ public String setAcceptStatusValue(String key, String btnNo) throws LfwBusinessException { BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); try { DzcgMainAuthority dma = new DzcgMainAuthority(); if (dma.existsCloseData(key, EbsOperaitonConst.CLOSEREQCODE)) { return "此单据已经被关闭,无法进行此操作!"; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( (new StringBuilder("采购申请,点击收回按钮时没有申请单数据 Pk_xq_req_main == ")).append(key).toString()); return "操作失败,请重新操作!"; } String result = null; ReqMainVO reqMainVO = new ReqMainVO(); reqMainVO.setPk_xq_req_main(key); reqMainVO.setStatus(1); ReqMainVO reqMainDeptVO = null; String fieldNames[] = { "accept_status", "modifydate", "modifier", "pk_oper_person", "pk_dept_sug", "zdy1" }; try { reqMainDeptVO = (ReqMainVO) dao.retrieveByPK(ReqMainVO.class, key); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( (new StringBuilder("采购申请,点击收回按钮时没有申请单数据 Pk_xq_req_main == ")).append(key).toString()); return "无法进行收回,没有找到申请单数据,请刷新后在进行操作!"; } reqMainVO.setModifydate(new UFDate(System.currentTimeMillis())); reqMainVO.setModifier(LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getUserVO().getPrimaryKey()); IReqService service = (IReqService) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IReqService.class); if ("998".equals(btnNo)) { Integer acceptstatus = reqMainDeptVO.getAccept_status(); Integer billstatus = reqMainDeptVO.getBillstatus(); if (acceptstatus == null || billstatus == null) { Logger.error("采购申请,点击收回按钮时没有找到正确的单据状态 acceptstatus == null, billstatus == null"); return "请刷新界面数据,在重新操作!"; } Logger.warn( (new StringBuilder("采购申请,点击收回按钮时数据状态为 acceptstatus == ")) .append(acceptstatus) .append(", billstatus == ") .append(billstatus) .toString()); switch (acceptstatus.intValue()) { case 3: // '\003' reqMainVO.setAccept_status(Integer.valueOf(1)); reqMainVO.setBillstatus(Integer.valueOf(8)); reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); service.setReqVOValue(reqMainVO, fieldNames); return "收回成功!"; } return "只有在提交受理状态下才能收回单据"; } if (btnNo.equals("1")) { reqMainVO.setAccept_status(Integer.valueOf(2)); } else if (btnNo.equals("2")) { boolean flagTmp = false; // yanlei start 将建议采购经办人进行处理,对照转授权表。。有被授权人时,改为被授权人 try { // 获取当前方案申请记录 ArrayList<ReqMainVO> reqMainVOTmp = (ArrayList<ReqMainVO>) dao.retrieveByClause( ReqMainVO.class, " pk_xq_req_main like '" + reqMainVO.getPk_xq_req_main() + "'"); // 获取原建议采购经办人主键 // String old_pk_oper_person = // (String)((AggReqVO)ncobjects[i].getContainmentObject()).getParentVO().getAttributeValue("pk_oper_person"); String old_pk_oper_person = reqMainVOTmp.get(0).getPk_oper_person(); if (null != old_pk_oper_person && !"".equals(old_pk_oper_person)) { // 查询出被授权人人员的编码 String sqlPsnTmp = " pk_psndoc like '" + old_pk_oper_person + "'"; ArrayList<PsndocVO> psnvoTmp = (ArrayList<PsndocVO>) (dao.retrieveByClause(PsndocVO.class, sqlPsnTmp)); List<SmUserVO> asqvoTmp = (List<SmUserVO>) dao.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM sm_user bd , sm_userandclerk sm WHERE " + " sm.pk_psndoc='" + psnvoTmp.get(0).getPk_psnbasdoc() + "' AND sm.userid = bd.cuserid", new BeanListProcessor(SmUserVO.class)); // String sqlAsTmp = " cuserid = (select userid from sm_userandclerk tttt where // tttt.pk_psndoc='"+psnvoTmp.get(0).getPk_psnbasdoc()+"'"; // ArrayList<SmUserVO> asqvoTmp = // (ArrayList<SmUserVO>)(dao.retrieveByClause(SmUserVO.class, sqlAsTmp)); String old_cuserid = asqvoTmp.get(0).getPrimaryKey(); String sqlWhere = " isnull(dr,0) = 0 and operatorid like '" + old_cuserid.toString() + "'"; ArrayList<ZsqVO> zsqvo = (ArrayList<ZsqVO>) (dao.retrieveByClause(ZsqVO.class, sqlWhere)); if (null != zsqvo && 0 != zsqvo.size()) { if ((null != zsqvo.get(0).getAuthorid()) && !old_cuserid.equals(zsqvo.get(0).getAuthorid())) { // 被授权人的人员id String new_cuserid = zsqvo.get(0).getAuthorid(); Date date1 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String currDateStr = df.format(date1); UFDate currDate = new UFDate(currDateStr); UFDateTime uft = new UFDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); UFDateTime end_date = null; if (null != zsqvo.get(0).getEnd_author()) { end_date = zsqvo.get(0).getEnd_author(); } boolean is_youxiao = false; if (null != end_date) { is_youxiao = uft.before(end_date); } boolean is_everl_author = false; if (null != zsqvo.get(0).getIs_everl_author()) { is_everl_author = zsqvo.get(0).getIs_everl_author().booleanValue(); } if (null == new_cuserid) { reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); } else if (is_youxiao || is_everl_author) { // 查询出被授权人人员的编码 // 当被授权人为操作人员时 // List<PsndocVO> psnvo = (List<PsndocVO>)dao.executeQuery( "SELECT // bd.pk_psndoc FROM bd_psndoc bd , sm_userandclerk sm WHERE " + // " sm.userid='"+new_cuserid+"' AND sm.pk_psndoc = bd.pk_psnbasdoc", new // BeanListProcessor(PsndocVO.class)); String sqlPsn = " pk_psndoc like '" + new_cuserid + "'"; ArrayList<PsndocVO> psnvo = (ArrayList<PsndocVO>) (dao.retrieveByClause(PsndocVO.class, sqlPsn)); // String sqlUser = "******"+new_cuserid+"'"; // ArrayList<SmUserVO> asqvo = // (ArrayList<SmUserVO>)(dao.retrieveByClause(SmUserVO.class, sqlUser)); // String str_code = asqvo.get(0).getUser_code(); // String sqlPsn = " psncode like '"+str_code+"'"; // ArrayList<PsndocVO> psnvo = // (ArrayList<PsndocVO>)(dao.retrieveByClause(PsndocVO.class, sqlPsn)); // // ((AggReqVO)ncobjects[i].getContainmentObject()).getParentVO().setAttributeValue("pk_oper_person", psnvo.get(0).getPk_psndoc()); reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(psnvo.get(0).getPk_psndoc()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(psnvo.get(0).getPk_deptdoc()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(psnvo.get(0).getPk_corp()); } else { reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); } } else { reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); } } else { reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); } } else { reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); reqMainVO.setPk_dept_sug(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug()); reqMainVO.setZdy1(reqMainDeptVO.getZdy1()); } } catch (DAOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // yanlei end String sql = " select * from ebs_xq_req_item_prod where pk_xq_req_main ='" + key + "' and isnull(dr,0) = 0"; // 查找合同表体数据 try { List<ReqItemProdVO> list = (List<ReqItemProdVO>) dao.executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(ReqItemProdVO.class)); if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) { return "表体数据无数据!"; } } catch (Exception e) { } reqMainVO.setAccept_status(Integer.valueOf(3)); if (flagTmp) reqMainVO.setPk_oper_person(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_oper_person()); // 申请人 String pk_persom = reqMainDeptVO.getOperatorid(); // 申请处理人 // yanlei start 当未授权时,发件人为原处理人,有授权人时,发件人变为被授权人 String pk_oper_person = reqMainVO.getPk_oper_person(); String psnname = ""; String email = ""; String person = ""; String email_s = ""; String dianhua = ""; String deptName = ""; DzcgMainAuthority dma = new DzcgMainAuthority(); try { // 获取人员管理档案信息 PsndocVO pvo = dma.getPsndocByPk(pk_oper_person); PsndocVO pdvo = dma.getPsndocVO(pk_persom); DeptdocVO dept = dma.getDeptInfo(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept()); if (pvo != null) { // 处理人员 psnname = pvo.getPsnname(); PsnbasdocVO pbvo = null; pbvo = dma.getPsnbasdocVOByPk(pvo.getPk_psnbasdoc()); if (pbvo != null) { // 处理人邮箱 email = pbvo.getEmail(); } } if (dept != null) { deptName = dept.getDeptname(); } if (pdvo != null) { // 申请人名称 person = pdvo.getPsnname(); PsnbasdocVO pcvo = null; pcvo = dma.getPsnbasdocVOByPk(pdvo.getPk_psnbasdoc()); if (pcvo != null) { // 申请人电话邮箱 email_s = pcvo.getEmail(); dianhua = pcvo.getMobile(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("采购申请提交受理,发送email时获取人员档案信息失败!"); Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } // ---zhoqui--修改邮件发送内容--- String title = "新的采购项目等待您处理"; StringBuffer mail = new StringBuffer( psnname + ":<br> 电子采购系统(需求受理)中有新的采购项目等待您处理。<br> 项目名称【"); mail.append(reqMainDeptVO.getBill_name()).append("】【"); mail.append(reqMainDeptVO.getBill_code()).append("】<br><br>"); mail.append(deptName).append("<br>联系人:"); mail.append(person).append("(申请人)<br>电话:"); mail.append(dianhua).append("<br>邮箱:"); mail.append(email_s).append("<br>注:此邮件为系统自动发出,请勿直接回复。谢谢!"); dma.sendEmail(title, mail.toString(), email); } else { reqMainVO.setAccept_status(Integer.valueOf(4)); } service.setReqVOValue(reqMainVO, fieldNames); // 现在都是email的通信机制所以不发送代办事项 /* try { IPredictQueryService queryService = (IPredictQueryService)NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IPredictQueryService.class); MessageinfoVO messageinfoVO = new MessageinfoVO(); messageinfoVO.setBillid(null); messageinfoVO.setBillno("/manageui.jsp?ctrl=nc.ui.ebscg.xqreqaccept.ClientUIWebCtrl&model=nc.ui.ebscg.xqreqaccept.ReqAcceptPageModel&delegator=nc.ui.ebscg.xqreqaccept.ReqAcceptDelegator&pageId=E05405"); messageinfoVO.setContent((new StringBuilder("采购申请提交受理,请进入待处理查看!")).append(new UFDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString()); messageinfoVO.setPk_billtype("E04C"); messageinfoVO.setPk_corp(LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getPkCorp()); messageinfoVO.setPk_srcbilltype(messageinfoVO.getPk_billtype()); messageinfoVO.setSenddate(new UFDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); messageinfoVO.setSenderman(LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getUserVO().getPrimaryKey()); messageinfoVO.setSendermanName(LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getUserVO().getUserName()); messageinfoVO.setPriority(new Integer(0)); List uaVOs = queryService.queryUserInfoByRolecode(reqMainDeptVO.getPk_dept_sug(), LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getCorp().getUnitcode(), "E05405"); messageinfoVO.setState(new Integer(0)); messageinfoVO.setType(new Integer(3)); if (uaVOs != null) { for (Iterator iterator = uaVOs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); dao.insertVO(messageinfoVO)) { UserAndClerkVO uaVO = (UserAndClerkVO); messageinfoVO.setCheckman(uaVO.getUserid()); } } } catch (DAOException e1) { throw new LfwRuntimeException("向建议采购部门采购申请处理人发送待办失败!"); } */ result = "success"; return result; }
public String Opricejm( String opensource, String pk_xy_proj_main, String pk_xy_pub_step, String pk_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm) throws Exception { String sqlWhere = " pk_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm='" + pk_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm + "' and pk_xy_proj_main='" + pk_xy_proj_main + "' and ISNULL(dr,0) = 0 "; BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); // 查询本采购环节发标环节主键 String pubstrwhere = "pk_xy_proj_main='" + pk_xy_proj_main + "' and step_type=" + EbsOperaitonConst.OPERATION_PUR_STEP_SENDBID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 "; Collection<StepPubEntityVO> pubcol = dao.retrieveByClause(StepPubEntityVO.class, pubstrwhere); StepPubEntityVO[] pubvo = null; pubvo = new StepPubEntityVO[pubcol.size()]; pubvo = pubcol.toArray(pubvo); if (pubvo != null && pubvo.length > 0) { // 发布应答的开启 if ("0".equals(opensource)) { // 发布环节的报价详细 // sqlWhere +=" and pk_xy_step_pub !='"+pubvo[0].getPk_xy_step_pub()+"' "; } else { // 发标环节的报价详细 sqlWhere += " and pk_xy_step_pub ='" + pubvo[0].getPk_xy_step_pub() + "' "; } } if (pk_xy_pub_step != null && !"null".equals(pk_xy_pub_step)) { sqlWhere += " and pk_xy_step_pub ='" + pk_xy_pub_step + "' "; } String orderBy = " current_price_count"; ProjSupQuoteVO[] svo = null; NCObject[] ncobjects = null; int current_count = 0; Collection<ProjSupQuoteVO> collection = dao.retrieveByClause(ProjSupQuoteVO.class, sqlWhere, orderBy); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { ArrayList<ProjSupQuoteVO> projSupQuoteVOs = new ArrayList<ProjSupQuoteVO>(); ArrayList<ProjSupQuoteVO> currentCountVOs = new ArrayList<ProjSupQuoteVO>(); svo = new ProjSupQuoteVO[collection.size()]; svo = collection.toArray(svo); // 进行解密 for (int i = 0; i < svo.length; i++) { EncrypteDecrypte3DES des = new EncrypteDecrypte3DES(); BASE64Decoder base64 = new BASE64Decoder(); try { des.setKey(base64.decodeBuffer("EpzmL6tl+uvu70nG0gbaBEG0GhUlcjIb")); des.setIv(base64.decodeBuffer("zz7cZtYpVR4=")); // byte[] discounted_unit_price_encrypt =des.decrypt(base64.decodeBuffer(new // String(svo[i].getDiscounted_unit_price_encrypt().getBytes()))); // byte[] discounted_encrypt =des.decrypt(base64.decodeBuffer(new // String(svo[i].getDiscount_encrypt().getBytes()))); if (svo[i].getDiscounted_amount_encrypt() != null) { byte[] discounted_amount_encrypt = des.decrypt( base64.decodeBuffer( new String(svo[i].getDiscounted_amount_encrypt().getBytes()))); // svo[i].setDiscounted_unit_price(new UFDouble(new // String(discounted_unit_price_encrypt))); // svo[i].setDiscount(new UFDouble(new String(discounted_encrypt))); try { svo[i].setDiscounted_amount( new UFDouble(new String(discounted_amount_encrypt).trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } } svo[i].setPrice_count(String.valueOf(svo[i].getCurrent_price_count())); if (svo[i].getCata_unit_price_encrypt() != null) { byte[] cata_unit_price_encrypt = des.decrypt( base64.decodeBuffer( new String(svo[i].getCata_unit_price_encrypt().getBytes()))); try { svo[i].setCata_unit_price(new UFDouble(new String(cata_unit_price_encrypt).trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Logger.error("报价明细解密失败!"); Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } dao.updateVOArray(svo, new String[] {"cata_unit_price", "discounted_amount"}); } return "ok"; }
// 季凌峰 2012/12/25 附件解密 public String loupadate( String opensource, String pk_xy_proj_main, String pk_xy_pub_step, String price_type) { String keyValue = null; // 附件解密方法 Properties props = new Properties(); // 文件存放的路径。评标会解密的附件压缩 String ebsfile = ""; BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO(); InputStream is = null; try { // 读取应用下的配置文件 String path = RuntimeEnv.getInstance().getNCHome() + File.separatorChar + "hotwebs" + File.separatorChar + "ebscg" + File.separatorChar + "WEB-INF" + File.separatorChar + "conf" + File.separatorChar + ""; is = new FileInputStream(path); props.load(is); keyValue = props.getProperty(EbsOperaitonConst.CHECK_KEY); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("读取系统配置错误!", e); try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (Exception et) { Logger.error("读取系统配置错误!", et); } } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("读取系统配置错误!", e); } } // 如果为1的时候则对文件解密 if (keyValue != null) { // 因为没有从js获取,没有打开界面调用数据,所以参数需要自己定义和获取。 String openvalue = "2"; // 模块类型 model_type 7门户上传附件 String modelType = "7"; // 来源单据类型 bill_type //发标应答 E059 发布应答 E05A String billType = "E059"; // 发标应答 E059 if (opensource != null && opensource.equals("0")) { billType = "E05A"; // 发布应答 E05A } // 所属单据ID bill_id 采购方案主键 String billId = pk_xy_proj_main; // 所属单据明细ID itemid 供应商确定主键 try { String sql = "select * from ebs_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm where pk_xy_proj_main = '" + pk_xy_proj_main + "' and isnull(dr,0) = 0 "; List<ProjItemSupCfmVO> sp = (List<ProjItemSupCfmVO>) dao.executeQuery(sql, new BeanListProcessor(ProjItemSupCfmVO.class)); if (sp != null && sp.size() > 0) { for (ProjItemSupCfmVO sup : sp) { // 获取每次供应商的附件 // 修改下面的方法,主要是为了取得对应的附件类型。 String sqls = "select * from ebs_da_att where model_type='" + modelType + "' and bill_type= '" + billType + "' and bill_id='" + billId + "' and itemid='" + sup.getPk_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm() + "' and zdy3='" + pk_xy_pub_step + "' and price_type in (" + price_type + ") and ISNULL(dr,0) = 0 "; List<AttVO> list = (List<AttVO>) dao.executeQuery(sqls, new BeanListProcessor(AttVO.class)); // List<AttVO> list = getOpenQueryService().getCaFileByPara(modelType, billType, billId, // sup.getPk_xy_proj_item_sup_cfm()); EbscgFileUploadHandler fileHandler = (EbscgFileUploadHandler) LfwClassUtil.newInstance(EbscgFileUploadHandler.class.getName()); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { SignVO signvo = null; byte[] baOutPlaintext = null; for (AttVO attvo : list) { if (attvo != null && attvo.getAfter_ca() != null && attvo.getAfter_ca() == 1) { continue; } try { // 采用数据库读取文件数据 DataFileFactory dff = DataFileFactory.getInstance(); IDataBaseFileOper ibfo = dff.getFileDealServer(); byte[] content = null; content = ibfo.obtainFileMess(attvo.getPk_da_att(), "ca_content"); EncrypteDecrypte3DES des = new EncrypteDecrypte3DES(); BASE64Decoder base64 = new BASE64Decoder(); des.setKey(base64.decodeBuffer(keyValue)); des.setIv(base64.decodeBuffer("zz7cZtYpVR4=")); baOutPlaintext = des.decrypt(base64.decodeBuffer(new String(content).trim())); ibfo.updateFileMess(attvo.getPk_da_att(), baOutPlaintext, "content"); attvo.setAfter_ca(1); // 设置文档解密状态 dao.updateVO(attvo, new String[] {"after_ca"}); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return "文件解密失败"; /*throw new LfwRuntimeException("文件解密失败");*/ } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return "文件解密失败"; /*throw new LfwRuntimeException("文件解密失败");*/ } } return "ok"; }