public static void saveBlockOwnersToDB() { for (Map.Entry<TileEntity, Resident> set : Protections.instance.ownedTileEntities.entrySet()) { DatasourceProxy.getDatasource() .saveBlockOwner( set.getValue(), set.getKey().getWorldObj().provider.dimensionId, set.getKey().xCoord, set.getKey().yCoord, set.getKey().zCoord); } }
/** Adds to the whitelist of the specified town. Used when placing blocks. */ public static void addToBlockWhitelist( Class<? extends TileEntity> te, int dim, int x, int y, int z, Town town) { for (Protection prot : Protections.instance.getProtectionList()) { if (prot.isTileTracked(te)) for (FlagType flagType : prot.getFlagsForTile(te)) { if (!town.hasBlockWhitelist(dim, x, y, z, flagType)) { BlockWhitelist bw = new BlockWhitelist(dim, x, y, z, flagType); DatasourceProxy.getDatasource().saveBlockWhitelist(bw, town); } } } }
public static MyTownDatasource getDatasource() { return DatasourceProxy.getDatasource(); }