/* (non-Java-doc) * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter kout = response.getWriter(); kout.println("<html><head><title>Competition Creation Process</title></head>"); HttpSession my = request.getSession(); String taid = "", tsid = "", tsubmittedon = "", tsecuredmarks = ""; String tfid = "", tsubmissionwas = "", query1 = ""; int myear = new Date().getYear() - 100, d = new Date().getDate(), m = new Date().getMonth() + 1; Connection mycon = null; Statement st; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").newInstance(); mycon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:myvcs"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); // kout.println("<br><h1>Your Connection With Mentioned DataSource Was Established // Successfully </h1>"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); if (mycon != null) { try { taid = "11comp02"; tsid = "4"; tsubmittedon = "19/10/1989"; tsecuredmarks = "12"; tsubmissionwas = "11/2/2011"; taid = request.getParameter("aid"); tsid = request.getParameter("sid"); tsubmissionwas = request.getParameter("submissionwas"); tsecuredmarks = request.getParameter("securedmarks"); tsubmittedon = request.getParameter("submittedon"); tsubmittedon = m + "/" + d + "/" + (myear + 2000); // access tsubmittedon = (myear + 2000) + "/" + m + "/" + d; // db2 tfid = request.getAttribute("uid").toString(); st = mycon.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from assign_allocation where aid='" + taid + "'"); int tot = 0; while (rs.next()) { tot = rs.getRow(); } if (tot != 0) { query1 = "insert into assign_submitted(aid,sid,submittedon,submissionwas,securedmarks,fid) values('" + taid + "','" + tsid + "','" + tsubmittedon + "','" + tsubmissionwas + "','" + tsecuredmarks + "','" + tfid + "')"; st = mycon.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(query1); kout.println( "<br><br><br><h1>Student's Assignment Marks Are Declared Or Added Successfully"); mystr = "Assignment Marks Are Declared"; } else mystr = "Assignment Does Not Exists"; // kout.println("<br><br><br><h1>Sorry Assignment Does Not Exists"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); myerror = e.getMessage(); } finally { mycon.close(); } } else mystr = "Sorry Connection Is In-Active"; } catch (Exception k) { System.err.println(k); myerror = myerror + "<br>" + k.getMessage(); } finally { kout.println("<html>"); kout.println("<body OnLoad=document.getElementById('vcs').submit();>"); kout.println("<form id=vcs method=post action=/VcsTest/Faculty/FacultyAssignmentMarks.jsp>"); kout.println("<input type=hidden name=common value='" + mystr + "' >"); kout.println("</form>"); kout.println("</body></html>"); kout.println("<html><body background='myreport1.jpg'>"); kout.println("</body></html>"); if (myerror != null) kout.println("There Is A Error From Server-Side=" + myerror); kout.close(); } }
/* (non-Java-doc) * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter kout = response.getWriter(); kout.println("<html><head><title>View Blogs In VCS</title></head>"); HttpSession my = request.getSession(false); String tdate = new Date().toGMTString().toString(), forrole = my.getAttribute("urole").toString(); Connection mycon = null; Statement st; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").newInstance(); mycon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:myvcs"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); // kout.println("<br><h1>Your Connection With Mentioned DataSource Was Established // Successfully </h1>"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); if (mycon != null) { try { kout.println( "<br><br><center>**************************************************************************************************************"); kout.println("<table border=0>"); kout.println( "<tr><td colspan=100%><center><h2>" + Styles.ccase("Organisation : virtual class room system") + "</center>"); kout.println("<tr><td><br>"); kout.println( "<tr><td colspan=75%><blockquote><h2>" + Styles.ccase("Report For : " + forrole) + "<td><h2>" + Styles.ccase(tdate)); kout.println( "<tr><td colspan=75%><blockquote><h2>" + Styles.ccase("Report Title : " + "View Blogs") + "<td><h2><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Back</a>"); kout.println("</table>"); kout.println( "<br><br><br>**************************************************************************************************************</center><br>"); // kout.println("<br><br><h1>View Blogs In VCS</h1>"); /*String trole,tuserid,tprior; trole=request.getAttribute("urole").toString(); tuserid=request.getAttribute("uid").toString(); tprior=request.getAttribute("uprior").toString();*/ st = mycon.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from blog_master"); int c = 1; kout.println("<center>"); while (rs.next()) { kout.println("<center><table width=95% border=2 bordercolor=black>"); String str = rs.getString("bid"); kout.println("<tr><td colspan=100%><center>" + Fortable.display(153, "*")); if (c % 2 == 1) kout.println("<tr><td colspan=95%><center><h1>Blog Id :" + str + "</center></h1>"); else kout.println("<tr><td colspan=95%><center><h2>Blog Id :" + str + "</center></h2>"); kout.println( "<tr><td>Sr No:<td>" + c + "<tr><td>Given By:<td>" + rs.getString("userid") + "<tr><td>Blog Date & Time:<td>" + rs.getString("bdate") + "<tr><td>CourseName<td>" + rs.getString("coursename")); kout.println("<tr><td colspan=11><center>Blog Message:</center>"); kout.println("<tr><td colspan=11>" + rs.getString("bmsg")); c = c + 1; kout.println("<tr><td colspan=100%><center>" + Fortable.display(33, "<<->>")); kout.println("</table><br>"); } rs.close(); st.close(); if (c == 1) kout.println("<br><br><h1>Sorry No Blog Have Been Created Or Available At Present"); } catch (Exception k) { System.err.println(k); myerror = k.getMessage(); } finally { mycon.close(); } } else kout.println("<br><br><h2><center>Sorry Connection Is Not Active Now"); } catch (Exception k) { System.err.println(k); myerror = myerror + "<br>" + k.getMessage(); } finally { kout.println("<html><body background='myreport1.jpg'>"); kout.println("</body></html>"); if (myerror != null) kout.println("There Is A Error From Server-Side=" + myerror); kout.close(); } }
/* (non-Java-doc) * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter kout = response.getWriter(); kout.println("<html><head><title>Management Deletion Only By Admin</title></head>"); String tmid = "", query1 = ""; Connection mycon = null; Statement st; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").newInstance(); mycon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:myvcs"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); // kout.println("<br><h1>Your Connection With Mentioned DataSource Was Established // Successfully </h1>"); // kout.println("<br><br>**************************************************************************************************************"); if (mycon != null) { try { /*kout.println("<br><br><center>**************************************************************************************************************"); kout.println("<br><h1>Management Deletion Only By Admin In VCS</h1>"); kout.println("<br><br><br>**************************************************************************************************************</center><br>");*/ tmid = "11mgt1"; tmid = request.getParameter("mid"); st = mycon.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery("select * from mgt_master where mid='" + tmid + "'"); int tot = 0; while (rs1.next()) { tot = rs1.getRow(); } if (tot != 0) { st = mycon.createStatement(); query1 = "delete from mgt_master where mid='" + tmid + "'"; st.executeUpdate(query1); st = mycon.createStatement(); query1 = "delete from login_master where userid='" + tmid + "'"; st.executeUpdate(query1); // kout.println("<br><br><br><h1>Management Deleted Successfully"); mystr = "Management Info Deleted"; } else mystr = "Management Is Not Deleted"; // kout.println("<br><br><br><h1>Sorry Management Cannot Be Deleted Since Management May // Not Exists Or Some Other Restriction Are Given"); } catch (Exception k) { System.err.println(k); myerror = k.getMessage(); } finally { mycon.close(); } } else mystr = "Sorry Connection Is In-Active"; } catch (Exception k) { System.err.println(k); myerror = myerror + "<br>" + k.getMessage(); } finally { kout.println("<html>"); kout.println("<body OnLoad=document.getElementById('vcs').submit();>"); kout.println("<form id=vcs method=post action=/VcsTest/Admin/AdminMgtDelete.jsp>"); kout.println("<input type=hidden name=common value='" + mystr + "' >"); kout.println("</form>"); kout.println("</body></html"); kout.println("<html><body background='myreport1.jpg'>"); kout.println("</body></html>"); if (myerror != null) kout.println("There Is A Error From Server-Side=" + myerror); kout.close(); } }