@operator( value = "R_compute", can_be_const = false, content_type = IType.LIST, index_type = IType.STRING, category = {IOperatorCategory.STATISTICAL}) @doc( deprecated = "Use R_file instead", value = "returns the value of the last left-hand operand of given R file (right-hand operand) in given vector (left-hand operand).", examples = { @example(value = "file f <- file('Correlation.r');", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"x <- c(1, 2, 3);\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"y <- c(1, 2, 4);\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"result<- cor(x, y);\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example( value = "R_compute('Correlation.R')", var = "result", equals = "['result'::['0.981980506061966']]"), @example("////// Correlation.R file:"), @example("// x <- c(1, 2, 3);"), @example("// y <- c(1, 2, 4);"), @example("// result <- cor(x, y);"), @example("// Output:"), @example("// result::[0.981980506061966]") }) @Deprecated public static GamaMap opRFileEvaluate(final IScope scope, final String RFile) throws GamaRuntimeException, ParseException, ExecutionException { RFile obj = new RFile(scope, RFile); return obj.getContents(scope); }
@operator( value = "R_compute_param", can_be_const = false, type = IType.MAP, content_type = IType.LIST, index_type = IType.STRING, category = {IOperatorCategory.STATISTICAL}) @doc( deprecated = "Use R_file instead", value = "returns the value of the last left-hand operand of given R file (right-hand operand) in given vector (left-hand operand), R file (first right-hand operand) reads the vector (second right-hand operand) as the parameter vector", examples = { @example(value = "file f <- file('AddParam.r');", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"v1 <- vectorParam[1];\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"v2<-vectorParam[2];\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"v3<-vectorParam[3];\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example(value = "save \"result<-v1+v2+v3;\" to: f.path;", isTestOnly = true), @example("list<int> X <- [2, 3, 1];"), @example( value = "R_compute_param('AddParam.R', X)", var = "result", equals = "['result'::['6']]"), @example("////// AddParam.R file:"), @example("// v1 <- vectorParam[1];"), @example("// v2<-vectorParam[2];"), @example("// v3<-vectorParam[3];"), @example("// result<-v1+v2+v3;"), @example("////// Output:"), @example("// 'result'::[6]") }) @Deprecated public static GamaMap operateRFileEvaluate( final IScope scope, final String RFile, final IContainer param) throws GamaRuntimeException, ParseException, ExecutionException { RFile obj = new RFile(scope, RFile, param); return obj.getContents(scope); }