コード例 #1
      value = "path_between",
      content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_CONTENT_TYPE,
      category = {IOperatorCategory.GRAPH, IOperatorCategory.PATH})
      value = "The shortest path between a list of two objects in a graph",
      examples = {
            value = "my_graph path_between (ag1:: ag2)",
            equals = "A path between ag1 and ag2",
            isExecutable = false)
      deprecated = "use 'path_between(graph, geometry, geometry)' instead")
  public static IPath path_between(
      final IScope scope, final GamaGraph graph, final GamaPair sourTarg)
      throws GamaRuntimeException {
    // java.lang.System.out.println("Cast.asTopology(scope, graph) : " + Cast.asTopology(scope,
    // graph));
    return Graphs.path_between(scope, graph, (IShape) sourTarg.key, (IShape) sourTarg.value);

    // return graph.computeShortestPathBetween(sourTarg.key, sourTarg.value);

コード例 #2
     value = {"neighbours_of"},
     type = IType.LIST,
     content_type = ITypeProvider.FIRST_KEY_TYPE,
     category = {IOperatorCategory.GRAPH})
     deprecated = "use neighbors_of instead",
     value =
         "returns the list of neighbours of the given vertex (right-hand operand) in the given graph (left-hand operand)",
     examples = {
           value = "graphEpidemio neighbours_of (node(3))",
           equals = "[node0,node2]",
           isExecutable = false),
           value = "graphFromMap neighbours_of node({12,45})",
           equals = "[{1.0,5.0},{34.0,56.0}]",
           isExecutable = false)
     see = {"neighbors_of"})
 public static IList neighboursOf_deprecated(
     final IScope scope, final IGraph graph, final Object vertex) {
   return Graphs.neighboursOf(scope, graph, vertex);