コード例 #1
  public void testNativeFilterWithCompoundSlicer_1() {
    propSaver.set(MondrianProperties.instance().GenerateFormattedSql, true);
    final String mdx =
        "with member [measures].[avgQtrs] as 'count(filter([Customers].[Name].Members, [Measures].[Unit Sales] > 0))' "
            + "select [measures].[avgQtrs] on 0 from sales where ( {[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages].[Beer and Wine].[Beer], [Product].[Food].[Baked Goods].[Bread].[Muffins]} )";
    if (MondrianProperties.instance().EnableNativeFilter.get()
        && MondrianProperties.instance().EnableNativeNonEmpty.get()) {
      boolean requiresOrderByAlias = TestContext.instance().getDialect().requiresOrderByAlias();
      final String sqlMysql =
          propSaver.properties.UseAggregates.get() == false
              ? "select\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`country` as `c0`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`state_province` as `c1`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`city` as `c2`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`customer_id` as `c3`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) as `c4`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) as `c5`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender` as `c6`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`marital_status` as `c7`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`education` as `c8`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`yearly_income` as `c9`\n"
                  + "from\n"
                  + "    `customer` as `customer`,\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997` as `sales_fact_1997`,\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day` as `time_by_day`,\n"
                  + "    `product_class` as `product_class`,\n"
                  + "    `product` as `product`\n"
                  + "where\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`customer_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`time_id` = `time_by_day`.`time_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day`.`the_year` = 1997\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`product_id` = `product`.`product_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product`.`product_class_id` = `product_class`.`product_class_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_family` in ('Drink', 'Food')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_department` in ('Alcoholic Beverages', 'Baked Goods')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_category` in ('Beer and Wine', 'Bread')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_subcategory` in ('Beer', 'Muffins')\n"
                  + "group by\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`country`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`state_province`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`city`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`customer_id`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`),\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`marital_status`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`education`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`yearly_income`\n"
                  + "having\n"
                  + "    (sum(`sales_fact_1997`.`unit_sales`) > 0)\n"
                  // ^^^^ This is what we are interested in. ^^^^
                  + "order by\n"
                  + (requiresOrderByAlias
                      ? "    ISNULL(`c0`) ASC, `c0` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`c1`) ASC, `c1` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`c2`) ASC, `c2` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`c4`) ASC, `c4` ASC"
                      : "    ISNULL(`customer`.`country`) ASC, `customer`.`country` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`customer`.`state_province`) ASC, `customer`.`state_province` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`customer`.`city`) ASC, `customer`.`city` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`)) ASC, CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) ASC")
              : "select\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`country` as `c0`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`state_province` as `c1`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`city` as `c2`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`customer_id` as `c3`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) as `c4`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) as `c5`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender` as `c6`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`marital_status` as `c7`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`education` as `c8`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`yearly_income` as `c9`\n"
                  + "from\n"
                  + "    `customer` as `customer`,\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997` as `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`,\n"
                  + "    `product_class` as `product_class`,\n"
                  + "    `product` as `product`\n"
                  + "where\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`customer_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`the_year` = 1997\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`product_id` = `product`.`product_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product`.`product_class_id` = `product_class`.`product_class_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_family` in ('Drink', 'Food')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_department` in ('Alcoholic Beverages', 'Baked Goods')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_category` in ('Beer and Wine', 'Bread')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product_class`.`product_subcategory` in ('Beer', 'Muffins')\n"
                  + "group by\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`country`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`state_province`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`city`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`customer_id`,\n"
                  + "    CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`),\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`marital_status`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`education`,\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`yearly_income`\n"
                  + "having\n"
                  + "    (sum(`agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`unit_sales`) > 0)\n"
                  // ^^^^ This is what we are interested in. ^^^^
                  + "order by\n"
                  + "    ISNULL(`customer`.`country`) ASC, `customer`.`country` ASC,\n"
                  + "    ISNULL(`customer`.`state_province`) ASC, `customer`.`state_province` ASC,\n"
                  + "    ISNULL(`customer`.`city`) ASC, `customer`.`city` ASC,\n"
                  + "    ISNULL(CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`)) ASC, CONCAT(`customer`.`fname`, ' ', `customer`.`lname`) ASC";
      final SqlPattern[] patterns = mysqlPattern(sqlMysql);

      // Make sure the tuples list is using the HAVING clause.
      assertQuerySqlOrNot(getTestContext(), mdx, patterns, false, true, true);
    // Make sure the numbers are right
        "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages].[Beer and Wine].[Beer]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Food].[Baked Goods].[Bread].[Muffins]}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Measures].[avgQtrs]}\n"
            + "Row #0: 1,281\n");
コード例 #2
  public void testNativeFilterWithCompoundSlicer() {
    propSaver.set(MondrianProperties.instance().GenerateFormattedSql, true);
    final String mdx =
        "with member measures.avgQtrs as 'avg( filter( time.quarter.members, measures.[unit sales] > 80))' "
            + "select measures.avgQtrs * gender.members on 0 from sales where head( product.[product name].members, 3)";

    if (MondrianProperties.instance().EnableNativeFilter.get()
        && MondrianProperties.instance().EnableNativeNonEmpty.get()) {
      boolean requiresOrderByAlias = TestContext.instance().getDialect().requiresOrderByAlias();
      final String sqlMysql =
          propSaver.properties.UseAggregates.get() == false
              ? "select\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day`.`the_year` as `c0`,\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day`.`quarter` as `c1`\n"
                  + "from\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day` as `time_by_day`,\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997` as `sales_fact_1997`,\n"
                  + "    `product` as `product`,\n"
                  + "    `customer` as `customer`\n"
                  + "where\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`time_id` = `time_by_day`.`time_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`product_id` = `product`.`product_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product`.`product_name` in ('Good Imported Beer', 'Good Light Beer', 'Pearl Imported Beer')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `sales_fact_1997`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`customer_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender` = 'M'\n"
                  + "group by\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day`.`the_year`,\n"
                  + "    `time_by_day`.`quarter`\n"
                  + "having\n"
                  + "    (sum(`sales_fact_1997`.`unit_sales`) > 80)\n"
                  + "order by\n"
                  + (requiresOrderByAlias
                      ? "    ISNULL(`c0`) ASC, `c0` ASC,\n" + "    ISNULL(`c1`) ASC, `c1` ASC"
                      : "    ISNULL(`time_by_day`.`the_year`) ASC, `time_by_day`.`the_year` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`time_by_day`.`quarter`) ASC, `time_by_day`.`quarter` ASC")
              : "select\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`the_year` as `c0`,\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`quarter` as `c1`\n"
                  + "from\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997` as `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`,\n"
                  + "    `product` as `product`,\n"
                  + "    `customer` as `customer`\n"
                  + "where\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`product_id` = `product`.`product_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `product`.`product_name` in ('Good Imported Beer', 'Good Light Beer', 'Pearl Imported Beer')\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`customer_id` = `customer`.`customer_id`\n"
                  + "and\n"
                  + "    `customer`.`gender` = 'M'\n"
                  + "group by\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`the_year`,\n"
                  + "    `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`quarter`\n"
                  + "having\n"
                  + "    (sum(`agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`unit_sales`) > 80)\n"
                  + "order by\n"
                  + (requiresOrderByAlias
                      ? "    ISNULL(`c0`) ASC, `c0` ASC,\n" + "    ISNULL(`c1`) ASC, `c1` ASC"
                      : "    ISNULL(`agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`the_year`) ASC, `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`the_year` ASC,\n"
                          + "    ISNULL(`agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`quarter`) ASC, `agg_c_14_sales_fact_1997`.`quarter` ASC");
      final SqlPattern[] patterns = mysqlPattern(sqlMysql);

      // Make sure the tuples list is using the HAVING clause.
      assertQuerySqlOrNot(getTestContext(), mdx, patterns, false, true, true);
    // Make sure the numbers are right
        "Axis #0:\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages].[Beer and Wine].[Beer].[Good].[Good Imported Beer]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages].[Beer and Wine].[Beer].[Good].[Good Light Beer]}\n"
            + "{[Product].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages].[Beer and Wine].[Beer].[Pearl].[Pearl Imported Beer]}\n"
            + "Axis #1:\n"
            + "{[Measures].[avgQtrs], [Gender].[All Gender]}\n"
            + "{[Measures].[avgQtrs], [Gender].[F]}\n"
            + "{[Measures].[avgQtrs], [Gender].[M]}\n"
            + "Row #0: 111\n"
            + "Row #0: \n"
            + "Row #0: \n");