public Result deleteBugReport(long id) { if (id < 0) { System.out.println("id is negative!"); return badRequest("id is negative!"); } BugReport bugReport = bugReportRepository.findOne(id); if (bugReport == null) { System.out.println("Service Configuration not found with id: " + id); return notFound("Service Configuration not found with id: " + id); } bugReportRepository.delete(bugReport); System.out.println("Service Configuration is deleted: " + id); return ok("Service Configuration is deleted: " + id); }
public Result addBugReport() { JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); if (json == null) { System.out.println("Bug Report not saved, expecting Json data"); return badRequest("Bug Report not saved, expecting Json data"); } String title = json.findPath("title").asText(); String email = json.findPath("email").asText(); String name = json.findPath("name").asText(); String organization = json.findPath("organization").asText(); String description = json.findPath("description").asText(); int solved = json.findPath("solved").asInt(); long creationDateNumber = json.findPath("creationDate").asLong(); long updateDateNumber = json.findPath("updateDate").asLong(); Date creationDate = new Date(creationDateNumber); Date updateDate = new Date(updateDateNumber); try { BugReport bugReport = new BugReport( title, email, name, organization, description, solved, creationDate, updateDate); BugReport savedBugReport =; System.out.println("Service Configuration saved: " + savedBugReport.getId()); return created(new Gson().toJson(savedBugReport.getId())); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { pe.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Service Configuration not created"); return badRequest("Service Configuration not created"); } }
public Result getAllSolvedBugReports() { try { Iterable<BugReport> bugReports = bugReportRepository.findAllBySolved(solved); String result = new String(); result = new Gson().toJson(bugReports); return ok(result); } catch (Exception e) { return badRequest("Service Configurations not found"); } }
public Result updateBugReportById(long id) { if (id < 0) { System.out.println("id is negative!"); return badRequest("id is negative!"); } JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); if (json == null) { System.out.println("Service Configuration not saved, expecting Json data"); return badRequest("Service Configuration not saved, expecting Json data"); } String title = json.findPath("title").asText(); String email = json.findPath("email").asText(); String name = json.findPath("name").asText(); String organization = json.findPath("organization").asText(); String description = json.findPath("description").asText(); int solved = json.findPath("solved").asInt(); long creationDateNumber = json.findPath("creationDate").asLong(); long updateDateNumber = json.findPath("updateDate").asLong(); Date creationDate = new Date(creationDateNumber); Date updateDate = new Date(updateDateNumber); try { BugReport bugReport = bugReportRepository.findOne(id); bugReport.setDescription(description); bugReport.setEmail(email); bugReport.setName(name); bugReport.setOrganization(organization); bugReport.setSolved(solved); bugReport.setTitle(title); bugReport.setCreationDate(creationDate); bugReport.setUpdateDate(updateDate); BugReport savedBugReport =; System.out.println("Service Configuration updated: " + savedBugReport.getId()); return created("Service Configuration updated: " + savedBugReport.getId()); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { pe.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Service Configuration not saved: " + id); return badRequest("Service Configuration not saved: " + id); } }
public Result getBugReport(long id, String format) { BugReport bugReport = bugReportRepository.findOne(id); if (bugReport == null) { System.out.println("Service Configuration not found with name: " + id); return notFound("Service Configuration not found with name: " + id); } String result = new String(); if (format.equals("json")) { result = new Gson().toJson(bugReport); } return ok(result); }