@Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); if (request.getParameter("action").equals("Add User Type")) { String userType = request.getParameter("userType"); int actionStatusId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("actionStatusId")); model.pojo.ActionStatus actionStatus = model.ActionStatus.getInstance().getActionStatusById(actionStatusId); model.UserType acs = model.UserType.getInstance(); acs.saveUserType(userType, actionStatus); response.sendRedirect("datafill.jsp"); } if (request.getParameter("action").equals("Update User Type")) { int userTypeId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("userTypeId")); String userType = request.getParameter("userType"); int actionStatusId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("actionStatusId")); model.pojo.ActionStatus actionStatus = model.ActionStatus.getInstance().getActionStatusById(actionStatusId); model.UserType acs = model.UserType.getInstance(); acs.updateUserType(userTypeId, userType, actionStatus); response.sendRedirect("datafill.jsp"); } if (request.getParameter("action").equals("getUserTypes")) { out.write(model.html.UserType.getInstance().getUserTypes()); } }
public User getUser(int bid) throws SQLException, UserCreationException, BadUserIDException { User user; String statement; ResultSet rs; try { statement = "select count(*) from Borrower where bid = '" + bid + "'"; rs = sql(statement, SQLType.query); rs.next(); if (rs.getInt(1) < 1) { throw new BadUserIDException("This user does not exist."); } } catch (BadUserIDException e) { throw e; } try { statement = "Select * from Borrower where bid = '" + bid + "' and ROWNUM = 1"; rs = sql(statement, SQLType.query); rs.next(); String address = rs.getString("address"); String password = rs.getString("password"); String name = rs.getString("name"); long phone = rs.getLong("phone"); String emailAddress = rs.getString("emailAddress"); long sinorstno = rs.getLong("sinorstno"); Date date = rs.getDate("expirydate"); UserType type = UserType.valueOf(rs.getString("type")); user = new User(bid, address, password, name, phone, emailAddress, sinorstno, date, type); } catch (UserCreationException e) { throw e; } return user; }
public boolean login(int bid, String Password, UserType sectionType) throws SQLException, UserLoginException { String query; ResultSet rs; boolean legit = false; try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); query = "select count(*) from borrower where bid = '" + bid + "'"; rs = sql(query, SQLType.query); rs.next(); int count = rs.getInt(1); // Check if user is in the system if (count < 1) { throw new UserLoginException( "There is no record of this user in our library. Please be sure to type your Library Number correctly."); } else if (count > 1) { throw new UserLoginException( "Duplicate users in the system. Please consult a staff member before loggin in."); } else { query = "select * from borrower where bid = '" + bid + "'"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); rs = sql(query, SQLType.query); rs.next(); // Check if the user has the correct login information String currUserPass = rs.getString("password"); if (!currUserPass.equals(Password)) { throw new UserLoginException("Incorrect password. Please try again."); } else { // Check If user has access to specific section String currUserType = rs.getString("type"); if (UserType.librarian == UserType.valueOf(currUserType)) { legit = true; } else if (UserType.valueOf(currUserType) == UserType.clerk && sectionType != UserType.librarian) { legit = true; } else if ((UserType.valueOf(currUserType) == UserType.borrower || UserType.valueOf(currUserType) == UserType.student || UserType.valueOf(currUserType) == UserType.staff || UserType.valueOf(currUserType) == UserType.faculty) && sectionType == UserType.borrower) { legit = true; } else { throw new UserLoginException( "You are trying to access a section you do not have permissions for. Please select another section."); } } } } catch (UserLoginException e) { throw e; } return legit; }
public String getAllUsers() { List<model.pojo.Gup> dbGupList = model.Gup.getInstance().getGup(); List<model.pojo.UserType> dbUserTypeList = model.UserType.getInstance().getUserType(); List<model.pojo.ActionStatus> dbActionStatusList = model.ActionStatus.getInstance().getActionStatus(); String htmlScript = ""; htmlScript += " <div class=\"col-md-12\">\n"; htmlScript += " <div class=\"panel panel-default\">\n"; htmlScript += " <div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"; htmlScript += " User Account Management\n"; htmlScript += " </div>\n"; htmlScript += " <div class=\"panel-body\">\n"; htmlScript += " <table class=\"table table-responsive table-striped\">\n"; htmlScript += " <thead>\n"; htmlScript += " <tr>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>User ID</th>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>User Name</th>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>Email</th>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>User Type</th>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>Registered Date / Time</th>\n"; htmlScript += " <th>Account Status</th>\n"; htmlScript += " </tr>\n"; htmlScript += " </thead>\n"; htmlScript += " <tbody>\n"; for (model.pojo.Gup gupObj : dbGupList) { htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " <tr>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>"; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += "</td>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>"; htmlScript += gupObj.getFirstName() + " " + gupObj.getLastName(); htmlScript += "</td>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>"; htmlScript += gupObj.getEmail(); htmlScript += "</td>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>\n"; htmlScript += " <select id=\""; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += "usrtype\" class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"updateUserType("; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += ")\">\n"; for (model.pojo.UserType userTypeObj : dbUserTypeList) { htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " <option value=\""; htmlScript += userTypeObj.getIduserType(); htmlScript += '"'; htmlScript += '>'; htmlScript += userTypeObj.getUserType(); htmlScript += "</option>\n"; htmlScript += " "; } htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " </select>\n"; htmlScript += " </td>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>"; htmlScript += gupObj.getRegisteredTime(); htmlScript += "</td>\n"; htmlScript += " <td>\n"; htmlScript += " <select id=\""; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += "accstatus\" class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"updateUserStatus("; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += ")\">\n"; htmlScript += " "; for (model.pojo.ActionStatus actionStatusObj : dbActionStatusList) { htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " <option value=\""; htmlScript += actionStatusObj.getIdactionStatus(); htmlScript += '"'; htmlScript += '>'; htmlScript += actionStatusObj.getActionStatus(); htmlScript += "</option>\n"; htmlScript += " "; } htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " </select>\n"; htmlScript += " </td>\n"; htmlScript += " </tr>\n"; htmlScript += " <script>\n"; htmlScript += " $('#"; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += "usrtype').val("; htmlScript += gupObj.getUserType().getIduserType(); htmlScript += ");\n"; htmlScript += " $('#"; htmlScript += gupObj.getIdgup(); htmlScript += "accstatus').val("; htmlScript += gupObj.getActionStatus().getIdactionStatus(); htmlScript += ");\n"; htmlScript += " </script>\n"; htmlScript += " "; } htmlScript += "\n"; htmlScript += " </tbody>\n"; htmlScript += " </table>\n"; htmlScript += " </div>\n"; htmlScript += " </div>\n"; htmlScript += " </div>\n"; htmlScript += "\n"; return htmlScript; }