コード例 #1
 public static List<Period> periodsParser() throws IOException, JSONException {
   DataProvider dataProvider = new FileDataProvider("./raw/period_data.json");
   String data = dataProvider.dataSourceToString();
   JSONArray json = new JSONArray(data);
   List<Period> result = new ArrayList<Period>();
   for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
     JSONObject next = json.getJSONObject(i);
     String bName = next.getString("building");
     List<Building> campus = BuildingsParser.buildingsParser();
     Integer xCoordinate = 1000;
     Integer yCoordinate = 1000;
     for (Building b : campus) {
       if (b.toString().equals(bName)) {
         xCoordinate = b.getX();
         yCoordinate = b.getY();
     String subjectName = next.getString("name");
     Integer room = next.getInt("room");
     Integer time = next.getInt("time");
     Period p = new Period(subjectName, room, xCoordinate, yCoordinate, time);
   return result;
コード例 #2
  public static List<Building> getBuildingsFromtileID(
      int tileID, boolean positionFlag, boolean textureFlag) {

    List<Building> buildingList = new ArrayList<>();
    Connection connection = Properties.connection;
    String sqlNoTexture = "";
    String sqlWithTexture = "";
    if (positionFlag == true) {
      if (textureFlag == true) {
        sqlWithTexture =
            "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(surface_geometry.geometry, 94326) ,  "
                + " building.id,   "
                + " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, "
                + " tile_id , "
                + " surface_geometry_id, "
                + " texture_coordinates, "
                + " tex_image_uri "
                + " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "
                + " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id  "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON  "
                + " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on  "
                + " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id  "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN textureparam ON textureparam.surface_geometry_id = surface_geometry.id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN SURFACE_DATA ON SURFACE_DATA.id = textureparam.surface_data_id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN TEX_IMAGE ON TEX_IMAGE.id = SURFACE_DATA.tex_image_id "
                + " WHERE tile_id = "
                + tileID
                + " ORDER BY building.id";
      } else {
        sqlNoTexture =
            "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(surface_geometry.geometry, 94326) , "
                + " building.id, "
                + " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, "
                + " tile_id "
                + " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "
                + " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON "
                + " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on "
                + " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id "
                + " WHERE tile_id = "
                + tileID
                + " ORDER BY building.id";
       * sql =
       * "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(ST_Transform(surface_geometry.geometry , "
       * + Properties.SRID + " ) , 94326) , "+ " building.id, " +
       * " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, " + " tile_id " +
       * " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "+
       * " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id " +
       * " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON "+
       * " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
       * + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on " +
       * " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id " +
       * " WHERE tile_id = " + tileID + " ORDER BY building.id";
    } else {
      if (textureFlag == true) {
        sqlWithTexture =
            "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(surface_geometry.geometry, 94326) ,  "
                + " building.id,   "
                + " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, "
                + " tile_id , "
                + " surface_geometry_id, "
                + " texture_coordinates, "
                + " tex_image_uri "
                + " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "
                + " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id  "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON  "
                + " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on  "
                + " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id  "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN textureparam ON textureparam.surface_geometry_id = surface_geometry.id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN SURFACE_DATA ON SURFACE_DATA.id = textureparam.surface_data_id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN TEX_IMAGE ON TEX_IMAGE.id = SURFACE_DATA.tex_image_id ";
      } else {
        sqlNoTexture =
            "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(surface_geometry.geometry , 94326) , "
                + " building.id, "
                + " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, "
                + " tile_id "
                + " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "
                + " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON "
                + " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
                + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on "
                + " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id ";
       * sql =
       * "SELECT  ST_TRANSFORM(ST_Transform(surface_geometry.geometry , "
       * + Properties.SRID + " ) , 94326) , "+ " building.id, " +
       * " thematic_surface.objectclass_id, " + " tile_id " +
       * " FROM building LEFT OUTER JOIN thematic_surface ON "+
       * " building.id = thematic_surface.building_id " +
       * " LEFT OUTER JOIN surface_geometry ON "+
       * " surface_geometry.cityobject_id = thematic_surface.id and surface_geometry.geometry!='' "
       * + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tile_building_mapping on " +
       * " building.id = tile_building_mapping.building_id ";
    if (connection != null) {
      PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
      try {
        if (textureFlag == true) prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlWithTexture);
        else prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlNoTexture);
        ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();
        List<BuildingSurface> roofSurface = null;
        List<BuildingSurface> wallSurface = null;
        List<BuildingSurface> groundSurface = null;

        // There will never be a -1 id for a building.
        int prevId = -1;
        Building build = null;
        while (rs.next()) {
          int currId = rs.getInt("id");
          if (currId != prevId) {
            // save the previous building:
            if (prevId != -1) {


            // reset the values:
            build = new Building();
            roofSurface = new ArrayList<>();
            wallSurface = new ArrayList<>();
            groundSurface = new ArrayList<>();

            prevId = currId;
          PGgeometry surfaceGeom = (PGgeometry) rs.getObject("st_transform");
          PGgeometry textCoords = null;
          String imageURI = null;
          if (textureFlag == true) {
            textCoords = (PGgeometry) rs.getObject("texture_coordinates");
            imageURI = Properties.appearencePath + "/" + rs.getString("tex_image_uri");

          // Convert the texCoords:
          BuildingSurface surface =
              new BuildingSurface(
                  surfaceGeom, imageURI, Utils.convertPGgeometryToFloats(textCoords));

          // Set the Z coordinate to zero.
           * if(surfaceGeom != null){ //Set the Z value of each
           * polygons LinearRing to be zero. Polygon p1 = (Polygon)
           * surfaceGeom.getGeometry(); for (int i = 0; i <
           * p1.numRings(); i++) { LinearRing ring = p1.getRing(i);
           * for (int j = 0; j < ring.numPoints(); j++) {
           * ring.getPoint(j).setZ(0); } } }
          Integer classId = rs.getInt("objectclass_id");
          // Get wallSurface:
          if (classId == 34) {
          } else if (classId == 33) {
          } else if (classId == 35) {

          // polygonList.add((PGgeometry) rs.getObject("envelope"));
        if (prevId != -1) {


      } catch (SQLException e) {
    return buildingList;