public void discharge(ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack != null) { Item item = itemStack.getItem(); float energyToDischarge = this.getRequest(null); if (item instanceof IItemElectric) { ElectricItemHelper.dischargeItem(itemStack, energyToDischarge)); } // else if (EnergyConfigHandler.isRFAPILoaded() && item instanceof // IEnergyContainerItem) // { // //, (int) // (energyToDischarge / EnergyConfigHandler.RF_RATIO), false) * EnergyConfigHandler.RF_RATIO); // } else if (EnergyConfigHandler.isMekanismLoaded() && item instanceof IEnergizedItem && ((IEnergizedItem) item).canSend(itemStack)) { (float) EnergizedItemManager.discharge( itemStack, energyToDischarge / EnergyConfigHandler.MEKANISM_RATIO) * EnergyConfigHandler.MEKANISM_RATIO); } else if (EnergyConfigHandler.isIndustrialCraft2Loaded()) { if (item instanceof ISpecialElectricItem) { ISpecialElectricItem electricItem = (ISpecialElectricItem) item; if (electricItem.canProvideEnergy(itemStack)) { double energyDischargeIC2 = energyToDischarge / EnergyConfigHandler.IC2_RATIO; double result = electricItem .getManager(itemStack) .discharge(itemStack, energyDischargeIC2, 4, false, false, false); float energyDischarged = (float) result * EnergyConfigHandler.IC2_RATIO;; } } else if (item instanceof IElectricItem) { IElectricItem electricItem = (IElectricItem) item; if (electricItem.canProvideEnergy(itemStack)) { double energyDischargeIC2 = energyToDischarge / EnergyConfigHandler.IC2_RATIO; double result = ElectricItem.manager.discharge( itemStack, energyDischargeIC2, 4, false, false, false); float energyDischarged = (float) result * EnergyConfigHandler.IC2_RATIO;; } } } // else if (GCCoreCompatibilityManager.isTELoaded() && itemStack.getItem() instanceof // IEnergyContainerItem) // { // float given = ((IEnergyContainerItem) itemStack.getItem()).extractEnergy(itemStack, // (int) Math.floor(this.getRequest(EnumFacing.UNKNOWN) * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_TE_RATIO), // false); // this.receiveElectricity(given * EnergyConfigHandler.TE_RATIO, true); // } } }
@Override public float produce(float totalOxygen, TileEntity... ignoreTiles) { float remainingUsableOxygen = totalOxygen; if (this.oxygenTiles.isEmpty()) this.refreshOxygenTiles(); if (!this.oxygenTiles.isEmpty()) { final float totalOxygenRequest = this.getRequest(ignoreTiles); if (totalOxygenRequest > 0) { List<TileEntity> ignoreTilesList = Arrays.asList(ignoreTiles); for (TileEntity tileEntity : new HashSet<TileEntity>(this.oxygenTiles.keySet())) { if (!ignoreTilesList.contains(tileEntity)) { if (tileEntity instanceof IOxygenReceiver) { IOxygenReceiver oxygenTile = (IOxygenReceiver) tileEntity; if (oxygenTile.shouldPullOxygen()) { for (ForgeDirection direction : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity tile = new BlockVec3(tileEntity) .modifyPositionFromSide(direction, 1) .getTileEntity(tileEntity.getWorldObj()); if (oxygenTile.canConnect(direction, NetworkType.OXYGEN) && this.pipes.contains(tile)) { float oxygenToSend = Math.max( totalOxygen, totalOxygen * (oxygenTile.getOxygenRequest(direction) / totalOxygenRequest)); if (oxygenToSend > 0) { remainingUsableOxygen -= oxygenTile.receiveOxygen(direction, oxygenToSend, true); } } } } } else if (EnergyConfigHandler.isMekanismLoaded() && tileEntity instanceof IGasHandler) { IGasHandler gasHandler = (IGasHandler) tileEntity; for (ForgeDirection direction : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity tile = new BlockVec3(tileEntity) .getTileEntityOnSide(tileEntity.getWorldObj(), direction); if (gasHandler.canReceiveGas(direction, (Gas) EnergyConfigHandler.gasOxygen) && this.getTransmitters().contains(tile)) { int oxygenToSend = (int) Math.floor(totalOxygen / this.oxygenTiles.size()); if (oxygenToSend > 0) { try { remainingUsableOxygen -= gasHandler.receiveGas( direction, (new GasStack((Gas) EnergyConfigHandler.gasOxygen, oxygenToSend))); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } } } } } } return remainingUsableOxygen; }
/** * A universal network that works with multiple energy systems. * * @author radfast, micdoodle8, Calclavia, Aidancbrady */ public class EnergyNetwork implements IElectricityNetwork { private boolean isMekLoaded = EnergyConfigHandler.isMekanismLoaded() && !EnergyConfigHandler.disableMekanismOutput; private boolean isRF1Loaded = EnergyConfigHandler.isRFAPIv1Loaded() && !EnergyConfigHandler.disableRFOutput; private boolean isRF2Loaded = EnergyConfigHandler.isRFAPIv2Loaded() && !EnergyConfigHandler.disableRFOutput; private boolean isIC2Loaded = EnergyConfigHandler.isIndustrialCraft2Loaded() && !EnergyConfigHandler.disableIC2Output; private boolean isBCLoaded = EnergyConfigHandler.isBuildcraftLoaded() && !EnergyConfigHandler.disableBuildCraftOutput; /* Re-written by radfast for better performance * * Imagine a 30 producer, 80 acceptor network... * * Before: it would have called the inner loop in produce() 2400 times each tick. Not good! * * After: the inner loop runs 80 times - part of it is in doTickStartCalc() at/near the tick start, and part of it is in doProduce() at the end of the tick */ public static int tickCount = 0; private int tickDone = -1; private float totalRequested = 0F; private float totalStorageExcess = 0F; private float totalEnergy = 0F; private float totalSent = 0F; private boolean doneScheduled = false; private boolean spamstop = false; private boolean loopPrevention = false; public int networkTierGC = 1; private int producersTierGC = 1; /* * connectedAcceptors is all the acceptors connected to this network * connectedDirections is the directions of those connections (from the point of view of the acceptor tile) * Note: each position in those two linked lists matches * so, an acceptor connected on two sides will be in connectedAcceptors twice */ private List<TileEntity> connectedAcceptors = new LinkedList<TileEntity>(); private List<ForgeDirection> connectedDirections = new LinkedList<ForgeDirection>(); /* * availableAcceptors is the acceptors which can receive energy (this tick) * availableconnectedDirections is a map of those acceptors and the directions they will receive from (from the point of view of the acceptor tile) * Note: each acceptor will only be included once in these collections * (there is no point trying to put power into a machine twice from two different sides) */ private Set<TileEntity> availableAcceptors = new HashSet<TileEntity>(); private Map<TileEntity, ForgeDirection> availableconnectedDirections = new HashMap<TileEntity, ForgeDirection>(); private Map<TileEntity, Float> energyRequests = new HashMap<TileEntity, Float>(); private List<TileEntity> ignoreAcceptors = new LinkedList<TileEntity>(); private final Set<IConductor> conductors = new HashSet<IConductor>(); // This is an energy per tick which exceeds what any normal machine will request, so the requester // must be an energy storage - for example, a battery or an energy cube private static final float ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL = 200F; @Override public Set<IConductor> getTransmitters() { return this.conductors; } /** * Get the total energy request in this network * * @param ignoreTiles Tiles to ignore in the request calculations (NOTE: only used in initial * (internal) check. * @return Amount of energy requested in this network */ @Override public float getRequest(TileEntity... ignoreTiles) { if (EnergyNetwork.tickCount != this.tickDone) { // Start the new tick - initialise everything this.ignoreAcceptors.clear(); this.ignoreAcceptors.addAll(Arrays.asList(ignoreTiles)); this.doTickStartCalc(); if (EnergyConfigHandler.isBuildcraftLoaded()) { for (IConductor wire : this.conductors) { if (wire instanceof TileBaseUniversalConductor) { // This will call getRequest() but that's no problem, on the second call it will just // return the totalRequested ((TileBaseUniversalConductor) wire).reconfigureBC(); } } } } return this.totalRequested - this.totalEnergy - this.totalSent; } /** * Produce energy into the network * * @param energy Amount of energy to send into the network * @param doReceive Whether to put energy into the network (true) or just simulate (false) * @param ignoreTiles TileEntities to ignore for energy transfers. * @return Amount of energy REMAINING from the passed energy parameter */ @Override public float produce( float energy, boolean doReceive, int producerTier, TileEntity... ignoreTiles) { if (this.loopPrevention) { return energy; } if (energy > 0F) { if (EnergyNetwork.tickCount != this.tickDone) { this.tickDone = EnergyNetwork.tickCount; // Start the new tick - initialise everything this.ignoreAcceptors.clear(); this.ignoreAcceptors.addAll(Arrays.asList(ignoreTiles)); this.producersTierGC = 1; this.doTickStartCalc(); } else { this.ignoreAcceptors.addAll(Arrays.asList(ignoreTiles)); } if (!this.doneScheduled && this.totalRequested > 0.0F) { TickHandlerServer.scheduleNetworkTick(this); this.doneScheduled = true; } // On a regular mid-tick produce(), just figure out how much is totalEnergy this tick and // return the used amount // This will return 0 if totalRequested is 0 - for example a network with no acceptors float totalEnergyLast = this.totalEnergy; // Add the energy for distribution by this grid later this tick // Note: totalEnergy cannot exceed totalRequested if (doReceive) { this.totalEnergy += Math.min(energy, this.totalRequested - totalEnergyLast); if (producerTier > 1) { this.producersTierGC = 2; } } if (this.totalRequested >= totalEnergyLast + energy) { return 0F; // All the electricity will be used } if (totalEnergyLast >= this.totalRequested) { return energy; // None of the electricity will be used } return totalEnergyLast + energy - this.totalRequested; // Some of the electricity will be used } return energy; } /** Called on server tick end, from the Galacticraft Core tick handler. */ public void tickEnd() { this.doneScheduled = false; this.loopPrevention = true; // Finish the last tick if there was some to send and something to receive it if (this.totalEnergy > 0F) { // Call doTickStartCalc a second time in case anything has updated meanwhile this.doTickStartCalc(); if (this.totalRequested > 0F) { this.totalSent = this.doProduce(); if (this.totalSent < this.totalEnergy) { // Any spare energy left is retained for the next tick this.totalEnergy -= this.totalSent; } else { this.totalEnergy = 0F; } } else this.totalEnergy = 0F; } else { this.totalEnergy = 0F; } this.loopPrevention = false; } /** * Refreshes all tiles in network, and updates requested energy * * @param ignoreTiles TileEntities to ignore for energy calculations. */ private void doTickStartCalc() { this.tickDone = EnergyNetwork.tickCount; this.totalSent = 0F; this.refreshAcceptors(); if (!EnergyUtil.initialisedIC2Methods) { EnergyUtil.initialiseIC2Methods(); } if (this.conductors.size() == 0) { return; } this.loopPrevention = true; this.availableAcceptors.clear(); this.availableconnectedDirections.clear(); this.energyRequests.clear(); this.totalRequested = 0.0F; this.totalStorageExcess = 0F; if (!this.connectedAcceptors.isEmpty()) { float e; final Iterator<ForgeDirection> acceptorDirection = this.connectedDirections.iterator(); for (TileEntity acceptor : this.connectedAcceptors) { // This tries all sides of the acceptor which are connected (see refreshAcceptors()) ForgeDirection sideFrom =; // But the grid will only put energy into the acceptor from one side - once it's in // availableAcceptors if (!this.ignoreAcceptors.contains(acceptor) && !this.availableAcceptors.contains(acceptor)) { e = 0.0F; if (acceptor instanceof IElectrical) { e = ((IElectrical) acceptor).getRequest(sideFrom); } else if (isRF2Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergyReceiver) { e = ((IEnergyReceiver) acceptor).receiveEnergy(sideFrom, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO; } else if (isMekLoaded && acceptor instanceof IStrictEnergyAcceptor) { e = (float) ((((IStrictEnergyAcceptor) acceptor).getMaxEnergy() - ((IStrictEnergyAcceptor) acceptor).getEnergy()) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_MEKANISM_RATIO); } else if (isRF1Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergyHandler) { e = ((IEnergyHandler) acceptor).receiveEnergy(sideFrom, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO; } else if (isIC2Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergySink) { double result = 0; try { result = (Double) EnergyUtil.demandedEnergyIC2.invoke(acceptor); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ConfigManagerCore.enableDebug) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Cap IC2 power transfer at 128EU/t for standard Alu wire, 256EU/t for heavy Alu wire result = Math.max(result, (this.networkTierGC == 2) ? 256D : 128D); e = (float) result / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_IC2_RATIO; } else if (isBCLoaded && EnergyConfigHandler.getBuildcraftVersion() == 6 && MjAPI.getMjBattery(acceptor, MjAPI.DEFAULT_POWER_FRAMEWORK, sideFrom) != null) // New BC API { e = (float) MjAPI.getMjBattery(acceptor, MjAPI.DEFAULT_POWER_FRAMEWORK, sideFrom) .getEnergyRequested() / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO; } else if (isBCLoaded && acceptor instanceof IPowerReceptor) // Legacy BC API { PowerReceiver BCreceiver = ((IPowerReceptor) acceptor).getPowerReceiver(sideFrom); if (BCreceiver != null) { e = (float) BCreceiver.powerRequest() / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO; } } if (e > 0.0F) { this.availableAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.availableconnectedDirections.put(acceptor, sideFrom); this.energyRequests.put(acceptor, Float.valueOf(e)); this.totalRequested += e; if (e > EnergyNetwork.ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL) { this.totalStorageExcess += e - EnergyNetwork.ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL; } } } } } this.loopPrevention = false; } /** * Complete the energy transfer. Called internally on server tick end. * * @return Amount of energy SENT to all acceptors */ private float doProduce() { float sent = 0.0F; if (!this.availableAcceptors.isEmpty()) { float energyNeeded = this.totalRequested; float energyAvailable = this.totalEnergy; float reducor = 1.0F; float energyStorageReducor = 1.0F; if (energyNeeded > energyAvailable) { // If not enough energy, try reducing what goes into energy storage (if any) energyNeeded -= this.totalStorageExcess; // If there's still not enough, put the minimum into energy storage (if any) and, anyhow, // reduce everything proportionately if (energyNeeded > energyAvailable) { energyStorageReducor = 0F; reducor = energyAvailable / energyNeeded; } else { // Energyavailable exceeds the total needed but only if storage does not fill all in one // go - this is a common situation energyStorageReducor = (energyAvailable - energyNeeded) / this.totalStorageExcess; } } float currentSending; float sentToAcceptor; int tierProduced = Math.min(this.producersTierGC, this.networkTierGC); TileEntity debugTE = null; try { for (TileEntity tileEntity : this.availableAcceptors) { debugTE = tileEntity; // Exit the loop if there is no energy left at all (should normally not happen, should be // some even for the last acceptor) if (sent >= energyAvailable) { break; } // The base case is to give each acceptor what it is requesting currentSending = this.energyRequests.get(tileEntity); // If it's an energy store, we may need to damp it down if energyStorageReducor is less // than 1 if (currentSending > EnergyNetwork.ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL) { currentSending = EnergyNetwork.ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL + (currentSending - EnergyNetwork.ENERGY_STORAGE_LEVEL) * energyStorageReducor; } // Reduce everything proportionately if there is not enough energy for all needs currentSending *= reducor; if (currentSending > energyAvailable - sent) { currentSending = energyAvailable - sent; } ForgeDirection sideFrom = this.availableconnectedDirections.get(tileEntity); if (tileEntity instanceof IElectrical) { sentToAcceptor = ((IElectrical) tileEntity) .receiveElectricity(sideFrom, currentSending, tierProduced, true); } else if (isRF2Loaded && tileEntity instanceof IEnergyReceiver) { final int currentSendinginRF = (currentSending >= Integer.MAX_VALUE / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) (currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO); sentToAcceptor = ((IEnergyReceiver) tileEntity).receiveEnergy(sideFrom, currentSendinginRF, false) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO; } else if (isMekLoaded && tileEntity instanceof IStrictEnergyAcceptor) { sentToAcceptor = (float) ((IStrictEnergyAcceptor) tileEntity) .transferEnergyToAcceptor( sideFrom, currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_MEKANISM_RATIO) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_MEKANISM_RATIO; } else if (isRF1Loaded && tileEntity instanceof IEnergyHandler) { final int currentSendinginRF = (currentSending >= Integer.MAX_VALUE / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) (currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO); sentToAcceptor = ((IEnergyHandler) tileEntity).receiveEnergy(sideFrom, currentSendinginRF, false) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_RF_RATIO; } else if (isIC2Loaded && tileEntity instanceof IEnergySink) { double energySendingIC2 = currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_IC2_RATIO; if (energySendingIC2 >= 1D) { double result = 0; try { if (EnergyUtil.voltageParameterIC2) { result = (Double) EnergyUtil.injectEnergyIC2.invoke( tileEntity, sideFrom, energySendingIC2, 120D); } else { result = (Double) EnergyUtil.injectEnergyIC2.invoke(tileEntity, sideFrom, energySendingIC2); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ConfigManagerCore.enableDebug) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } sentToAcceptor = currentSending - (float) result / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_IC2_RATIO; if (sentToAcceptor < 0F) { sentToAcceptor = 0F; } } else { sentToAcceptor = 0F; } } else if (isBCLoaded && EnergyConfigHandler.getBuildcraftVersion() == 6 && MjAPI.getMjBattery(tileEntity, MjAPI.DEFAULT_POWER_FRAMEWORK, sideFrom) != null) // New BC API { sentToAcceptor = (float) MjAPI.getMjBattery(tileEntity, MjAPI.DEFAULT_POWER_FRAMEWORK, sideFrom) .addEnergy(currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO; } else if (isBCLoaded && tileEntity instanceof IPowerReceptor) // Legacy BC API { PowerReceiver receiver = ((IPowerReceptor) tileEntity).getPowerReceiver(sideFrom); if (receiver != null) { double toSendBC = Math.min( currentSending * EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO, receiver.powerRequest()); sentToAcceptor = (float) receiver.receiveEnergy( buildcraft.api.power.PowerHandler.Type.PIPE, toSendBC, sideFrom) / EnergyConfigHandler.TO_BC_RATIO; } else { sentToAcceptor = 0F; } } else { sentToAcceptor = 0F; } if (sentToAcceptor / currentSending > 1.002F && sentToAcceptor > 0.01F) { if (!this.spamstop) { "Energy network: acceptor took too much energy, offered " + currentSending + ", took " + sentToAcceptor + ". " + tileEntity.toString()); this.spamstop = true; } sentToAcceptor = currentSending; } sent += sentToAcceptor; } } catch (Exception e) { GCLog.severe("DEBUG Energy network loop issue, please report this"); if (debugTE != null) GCLog.severe( "Problem was likely caused by tile in dim " + debugTE.getWorldObj().provider.dimensionId + " at " + debugTE.xCoord + "," + debugTE.yCoord + "," + debugTE.zCoord + " Type:" + debugTE.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } if (EnergyNetwork.tickCount % 200 == 0) { this.spamstop = false; } float returnvalue = sent; if (returnvalue > this.totalEnergy) { returnvalue = this.totalEnergy; } if (returnvalue < 0F) { returnvalue = 0F; } return returnvalue; } /** Refresh validity of each conductor in the network */ public void refreshWithChecks() { int tierfound = 2; Iterator<IConductor> it = this.conductors.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IConductor conductor =; if (conductor == null) { it.remove(); continue; } TileEntity tile = (TileEntity) conductor; World world = tile.getWorldObj(); // Remove any conductors in unloaded chunks if (tile.isInvalid() || world == null || !world.blockExists(tile.xCoord, tile.yCoord, tile.zCoord)) { it.remove(); continue; } if (conductor != world.getTileEntity(tile.xCoord, tile.yCoord, tile.zCoord)) { it.remove(); continue; } if (conductor.getTierGC() < 2) { tierfound = 1; } if (conductor.getNetwork() != this) { conductor.setNetwork(this); conductor.onNetworkChanged(); } } // This will set the network tier to 2 if all the conductors are tier 2 this.networkTierGC = tierfound; } @Override public void refresh() { int tierfound = 2; Iterator<IConductor> it = this.conductors.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IConductor conductor =; if (conductor == null) { it.remove(); continue; } TileEntity tile = (TileEntity) conductor; World world = tile.getWorldObj(); // Remove any conductors in unloaded chunks if (tile.isInvalid() || world == null) { it.remove(); continue; } if (conductor.getTierGC() < 2) { tierfound = 1; } if (conductor.getNetwork() != this) { conductor.setNetwork(this); conductor.onNetworkChanged(); } } // This will set the network tier to 2 if all the conductors are tier 2 this.networkTierGC = tierfound; } /** Refresh all energy acceptors in the network */ private void refreshAcceptors() { this.connectedAcceptors.clear(); this.connectedDirections.clear(); this.refreshWithChecks(); try { LinkedList<IConductor> conductorsCopy = new LinkedList(); conductorsCopy.addAll(this.conductors); // This prevents concurrent modifications if something in the loop causes chunk loading // (Chunk loading can change the network if new conductors are found) for (IConductor conductor : conductorsCopy) { final TileEntity[] adjacentConnections = EnergyUtil.getAdjacentPowerConnections((TileEntity) conductor); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TileEntity acceptor = adjacentConnections[i]; if (!(acceptor instanceof IConductor) && acceptor != null && !acceptor.isInvalid()) { // The direction 'sideFrom' is from the perspective of the acceptor, that's more useful // than the conductor's perspective ForgeDirection sideFrom = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i ^ 1); if (acceptor instanceof IElectrical) { if (((IElectrical) acceptor).canConnect(sideFrom, NetworkType.POWER)) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } } else if ((isRF2Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergyReceiver) || (isRF1Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergyHandler)) { if (((IEnergyConnection) acceptor).canConnectEnergy(sideFrom)) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } } else if (isMekLoaded && acceptor instanceof IStrictEnergyAcceptor) { if (((IStrictEnergyAcceptor) acceptor).canReceiveEnergy(sideFrom)) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } } else if (isIC2Loaded && acceptor instanceof IEnergyAcceptor) { if (((IEnergyAcceptor) acceptor) .acceptsEnergyFrom((TileEntity) conductor, sideFrom)) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } } else if (isBCLoaded && EnergyConfigHandler.getBuildcraftVersion() == 6 && MjAPI.getMjBattery(acceptor, MjAPI.DEFAULT_POWER_FRAMEWORK, sideFrom) != null) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } else if (isBCLoaded && acceptor instanceof IPowerReceptor) { if (((IPowerReceptor) acceptor).getPowerReceiver(sideFrom) != null && (!(acceptor instanceof IPowerEmitter) || !((IPowerEmitter) acceptor).canEmitPowerFrom(sideFrom))) { this.connectedAcceptors.add(acceptor); this.connectedDirections.add(sideFrom); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.severe("Energy Network: Error when trying to refresh list of power acceptors."); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Combine this network with another electricitynetwork * * @param network Network to merge with * @return The final, joined network */ @Override public IElectricityNetwork merge(IElectricityNetwork network) { if (network != null && network != this) { Set<IConductor> thisNetwork = this.conductors; Set<IConductor> thatNetwork = network.getTransmitters(); if (thisNetwork.size() >= thatNetwork.size()) { thisNetwork.addAll(thatNetwork); this.refresh(); if (network instanceof EnergyNetwork) { ((EnergyNetwork) network).destroy(); } return this; } else { thatNetwork.addAll(thisNetwork); network.refresh(); this.destroy(); return network; } } return this; } private void destroy() { this.conductors.clear(); this.connectedAcceptors.clear(); this.availableAcceptors.clear(); this.totalEnergy = 0F; this.totalRequested = 0F; try { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tick.TickHandlerServer"); clazz.getMethod("removeNetworkTick", this.getClass()).invoke(null, this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void split(IConductor splitPoint) { if (splitPoint instanceof TileEntity) { this.getTransmitters().remove(splitPoint); splitPoint.setNetwork(null); // If the size of the residual network is 1, it should simply be preserved if (this.getTransmitters().size() > 1) { World world = ((TileEntity) splitPoint).getWorldObj(); if (this.getTransmitters().size() > 0) { TileEntity[] nextToSplit = new TileEntity[6]; boolean[] toDo = {true, true, true, true, true, true}; TileEntity tileEntity; int xCoord = ((TileEntity) splitPoint).xCoord; int yCoord = ((TileEntity) splitPoint).yCoord; int zCoord = ((TileEntity) splitPoint).zCoord; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { switch (j) { case 0: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); break; case 1: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord); break; case 2: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1); break; case 3: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1); break; case 4: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord); break; case 5: tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord); break; default: // Not reachable, only to prevent uninitiated compile errors tileEntity = null; break; } if (tileEntity instanceof IConductor) { nextToSplit[j] = tileEntity; } else toDo[j] = false; } for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++) { if (toDo[i1]) { TileEntity connectedBlockA = nextToSplit[i1]; NetworkFinder finder = new NetworkFinder( world, new BlockVec3(connectedBlockA), new BlockVec3((TileEntity) splitPoint)); List<IConductor> partNetwork = finder.exploreNetwork(); // Mark any others still to do in the nextToSplit array which are connected to this, // as dealt with for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < 6; i2++) { TileEntity connectedBlockB = nextToSplit[i2]; if (toDo[i2]) { if (partNetwork.contains(connectedBlockB)) { toDo[i2] = false; } } } // Now make the new network from partNetwork EnergyNetwork newNetwork = new EnergyNetwork(); newNetwork.getTransmitters().addAll(partNetwork); newNetwork.refreshWithChecks(); } } this.destroy(); } } // Splitting a 1-block network leaves nothing else if (this.getTransmitters().size() == 0) { this.destroy(); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "EnergyNetwork[" + this.hashCode() + "|Wires:" + this.getTransmitters().size() + "|Acceptors:" + this.connectedAcceptors.size() + "]"; } }