public Location getMalfunction() { Location l; // get cuurent TARDIS preset location HashMap<String, Object> wherecl = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherecl.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetCurrentLocation rscl = new ResultSetCurrentLocation(plugin, wherecl); if (rscl.resultSet()) { Location cl = new Location(rscl.getWorld(), rscl.getX(), rscl.getY(), rscl.getZ()); int end = 100 - plugin.getConfig().getInt("preferences.malfunction_end"); int nether = end - plugin.getConfig().getInt("preferences.malfunction_nether"); int r = rand.nextInt(100); TARDISTimeTravel tt = new TARDISTimeTravel(plugin); byte x = (byte) rand.nextInt(15); byte z = (byte) rand.nextInt(15); byte y = (byte) rand.nextInt(15); if (r > end) { // get random the_end location l = tt.randomDestination(p, x, z, y, dir, "THE_END", null, true, cl); } else if (r > nether) { // get random nether location l = tt.randomDestination(p, x, z, y, dir, "NETHER", null, true, cl); } else { // get random normal location l = tt.randomDestination(p, x, z, y, dir, "NORMAL", null, false, cl); } } else { l = null; } if (l != null) { doMalfunction(l); } return l; }
public boolean build(Player p, int tips, int id) { if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("allow.zero_room")) { TARDISMessage.send(p, "ZERO_DISABLED"); return true; } TARDISInteriorPostioning tintpos = new TARDISInteriorPostioning(plugin); int slot = tips; if (tips == -1) { slot = tintpos.getFreeSlot(); // uodate TARDIS table with new slot number QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin); HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>(); set.put("tips", slot); HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("tardis_id", id); qf.doUpdate("tardis", set, where); } TARDISTIPSData pos = tintpos.getTIPSData(slot); int x = pos.getCentreX(); int y = 64; int z = pos.getCentreZ(); World w = plugin.getServer().getWorld("TARDIS_Zero_room"); if (w == null) { TARDISMessage.send(p, "ZERO_NOT_FOUND"); return true; } Location l = new Location(w, x, y, z); TARDISRoomBuilder builder = new TARDISRoomBuilder(plugin, "ZERO", l, COMPASS.SOUTH, p); if ( { UUID uuid = p.getUniqueId(); // ok, room growing was successful, so take their energy! int amount = plugin.getRoomsConfig().getInt("rooms.ZERO.cost"); QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin); HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>(); set.put("uuid", p.getUniqueId().toString()); qf.alterEnergyLevel("tardis", -amount, set, p); // remove blocks from condenser table if rooms_require_blocks is true if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("growth.rooms_require_blocks")) { TARDISCondenserData c_data = plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getRoomCondenserData().get(uuid); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : c_data.getBlockIDCount().entrySet()) { HashMap<String, Object> wherec = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherec.put("tardis_id", c_data.getTardis_id()); wherec.put("block_data", entry.getKey()); qf.alterCondenserBlockCount(entry.getValue(), wherec); } plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getRoomCondenserData().remove(uuid); } // are we doing an achievement? if (plugin.getAchievementConfig().getBoolean("rooms.enabled")) { TARDISAchievementFactory taf = new TARDISAchievementFactory( plugin, p, "rooms", plugin.getBuildKeeper().getSeeds().size()); taf.doAchievement("ZERO"); } } return true; }
public boolean isMalfunction() { boolean mal = false; if (plugin.getConfig().getInt("preferences.malfunction") > 0) { int chance = 100 - plugin.getConfig().getInt("preferences.malfunction"); if (rand.nextInt(100) > chance) { mal = true; if (plugin.trackRescue.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(id))) { plugin.trackRescue.remove(Integer.valueOf(id)); } } } return mal; }
/** * Gets the next unused TIPS slot in a 20 x 20 grid. * * @return the first vacant slot */ public int getFreeSlot() { int limit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("creation.tips_limit"); List<Integer> usedSlots = makeUsedSlotList(); int slot = -1; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if (!usedSlots.contains(i)) { slot = i; break; } } return slot; }
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onAdminMenuClick(InventoryClickEvent event) { Inventory inv = event.getInventory(); String name = inv.getTitle(); if (name.equals("§4Admin Menu")) { event.setCancelled(true); int slot = event.getRawSlot(); if (slot < 54) { String option = getDisplay(inv, slot); if (slot == 53 && option.equals("Player Preferences")) { final Player p = (Player) event.getWhoClicked(); // close this gui and load the Player Prefs Menu plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Inventory ppm = plugin.getServer().createInventory(p, 18, "§4Player Prefs Menu"); ppm.setContents( new TARDISPrefsMenuInventory(plugin, p.getUniqueId()).getMenu()); p.openInventory(ppm); } }, 1L); return; } if (!option.isEmpty()) { boolean bool = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean(option); plugin.getConfig().set(option, !bool); String lore = (bool) ? "false" : "true"; setLore(inv, slot, lore); plugin.saveConfig(); } } } }
public void doMalfunction(Location l) { HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetLamps rsl = new ResultSetLamps(plugin, where, true); List<Block> lamps = new ArrayList<Block>(); if (rsl.resultSet()) { // flicker lights ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> data = rsl.getData(); for (HashMap<String, String> map : data) { Location loc = plugin.utils.getLocationFromDB(map.get("location"), 0.0F, 0.0F); lamps.add(loc.getBlock()); } if ("Citizens") && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("allow.emergency_npc")) { // get player prefs HashMap<String, Object> wherep = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherep.put("player", p.getName()); ResultSetPlayerPrefs rsp = new ResultSetPlayerPrefs(plugin, wherep); if (rsp.resultSet() && rsp.isEpsOn()) { // schedule the NPC to appear String message = "This is Emergency Programme One. Now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing: we must be in danger, and I mean fatal. You're about to die any second with no chance of escape."; HashMap<String, Object> wherev = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherev.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wherev, true); List<String> players; if (rst.resultSet()) { players = rst.getData(); } else { players = new ArrayList<String>(); players.add(p.getName()); } TARDISEPSRunnable EPS_runnable = new TARDISEPSRunnable(plugin, message, p, players, id, eps, creeper); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, EPS_runnable, 220L); } } final long start = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; TARDISLampsRunnable runnable = new TARDISLampsRunnable(plugin, lamps, start); runnable.setHandbrake(handbrake_loc); int taskID = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, runnable, 10L, 10L); runnable.setTask(taskID); } }
private void cleanWorlds(World w, String owner) { // remove world guard region protection if (plugin.worldGuardOnServer && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("use_worldguard")) { plugin.wgchk.removeRegion(w, owner); } // unload and remove the world if it's a TARDIS_WORLD_ world if (w.getName().contains("TARDIS_WORLD_")) { String name = w.getName(); List<Player> players = w.getPlayers(); Location spawn = plugin.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation(); for (Player p : players) { p.sendMessage( plugin.pluginName + "World scheduled for deletion, teleporting you to spawn!"); p.teleport(spawn); } if ("Multiverse-Core")) { plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(plugin.console, "mv remove " + name); } if ("MultiWorld")) { plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(plugin.console, "mw unload " + name); plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(plugin.console, "mw delete " + name); } if ("My Worlds")) { plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(plugin.console, "myworlds unload " + name); } if ("WorldBorder")) { // wb <world> clear plugin.getServer().dispatchCommand(plugin.console, "wb " + name + " clear"); } plugin.getServer().unloadWorld(w, true); File world_folder = new File(plugin.getServer().getWorldContainer() + File.separator + name + File.separator); if (!deleteFolder(world_folder)) { plugin.debug("Could not delete world <" + name + ">"); } } }
public boolean toggle(Player player, String arg, QueryFactory qf) { UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId(); String ustr = uuid.toString(); // get TARDIS HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("uuid", ustr); ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, where, "", false, 0); if (rs.resultSet()) { Tardis tardis = rs.getTardis(); int id = tardis.getTardis_id(); // get current preset String current = tardis.getPreset().toString(); String chameleon = tardis.getChameleon(); // must be outside of the TARDIS HashMap<String, Object> wheret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wheret.put("uuid", ustr); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wheret, false); if (rst.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_OUTSIDE"); return true; } if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRebuildCooldown().containsKey(uuid)) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cooldown = plugin.getConfig().getLong("police_box.rebuild_cooldown"); long then = plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRebuildCooldown().get(uuid) + cooldown; if (now < then) { TARDISMessage.send(player.getPlayer(), "COOLDOWN", String.format("%d", cooldown / 1000)); return true; } } // make sure is opposite if (current.equals("JUNK_MODE") && arg.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_ALREADY_ON"); return true; } if (!current.equals("JUNK_MODE") && arg.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_ALREADY_OFF"); return true; } // check if they have a junk record HashMap<String, Object> wherej = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherej.put("uuid", ustr); ResultSetJunk rsj = new ResultSetJunk(plugin, wherej); boolean has = rsj.resultSet(); HashMap<String, Object> sett = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String cham_set = ""; if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (has) { // update record HashMap<String, Object> whereu = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereu.put("uuid", ustr); set.put("preset", current); qf.doSyncUpdate("junk", set, whereu); } else { // insert record set.put("uuid", ustr); set.put("tardis_id", id); set.put("preset", current); qf.doSyncInsert("junk", set); } // save JUNK_MODE preset sett.put("chameleon_preset", "JUNK_MODE"); sett.put("chameleon_demat", current); TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_ON"); cham_set = "JUNK_MODE"; } if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) { // restore saved preset String preset = (has) ? rsj.getPreset().toString() : current; sett.put("chameleon_preset", preset); sett.put("chameleon_demat", "JUNK_MODE"); TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_OFF"); cham_set = preset; } // update tardis table HashMap<String, Object> whereu = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereu.put("uuid", ustr); qf.doSyncUpdate("tardis", sett, whereu); // set the Chameleon Circuit sign TARDISStaticUtils.setSign(chameleon, 3, cham_set, player); // rebuild player.performCommand("tardis rebuild"); return true; } return true; }
/** Convert pre-TARDIS v2.3 controls to the new system. */ public void convertControls() { ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, null, "", true); if (rs.resultSet()) { int i = 0; ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> data = rs.getData(); Statement del = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { service.testConnection(connection); // clear the controls table first - just incase they have reset `conversion_done` in the // config del = connection.createStatement(); del.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM controls"); // insert values from tardis table ps = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO controls (tardis_id, type, location) VALUES (?,?,?)"); for (HashMap<String, String> map : data) { int id = plugin.getUtils().parseInt(map.get("tardis_id")); String tmph; if (map.get("handbrake") == null || map.get("handbrake").isEmpty()) { tmph = estimateHandbrake(map.get("size"), map.get("chameleon")); plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + ChatColor.RED + "Handbrake location not found, making an educated guess..."); } else { tmph = map.get("handbrake"); } String tmpb; if (map.get("button") == null || map.get("button").isEmpty()) { tmpb = estimateButton(map.get("size"), map.get("chameleon")); plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + ChatColor.RED + "Button location not found, making an educated guess..."); } else { tmpb = map.get("button"); } String tmpa; if (map.get("artron_button") == null || map.get("artron_button").isEmpty()) { tmpa = estimateArtron(map.get("size"), map.get("chameleon")); plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + ChatColor.RED + "Artron Button location not found, making an educated guess..."); } else { tmpa = map.get("artron_button"); } String[] tmpr = new String[4]; if (map.get("repeater0") == null || map.get("repeater0").isEmpty()) { tmpr = estimateRepeaters(map.get("size"), map.get("chameleon")); plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + ChatColor.RED + "Repeater locations not found, making an educated guess..."); } else { tmpr[0] = map.get("repeater0"); tmpr[1] = map.get("repeater1"); tmpr[2] = map.get("repeater2"); tmpr[3] = map.get("repeater3"); } String hb = plugin.getUtils().makeLocationStr(tmph); String bn = plugin.getUtils().makeLocationStr(tmpb); String ab = plugin.getUtils().makeLocationStr(tmpa); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 0); ps.setString(3, hb); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 1); ps.setString(3, bn); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 2); ps.setString(3, tmpr[0]); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 3); ps.setString(3, tmpr[1]); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 4); ps.setString(3, tmpr[2]); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 5); ps.setString(3, tmpr[3]); ps.addBatch(); ps.setInt(1, id); ps.setInt(2, 6); ps.setString(3, ab); ps.addBatch(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); ps.executeBatch(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { plugin.debug("Control conversion error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (del != null) { try { del.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { plugin.debug("Control delete statement close error: " + e.getMessage()); } } if (ps != null) { try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { plugin.debug("Control prepared statement close error: " + e.getMessage()); } } } if (i > 0) { plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage(plugin.getPluginName() + "Converted " + i + " control consoles"); plugin.getConfig().set("conversions.conversion_done", true); plugin.saveConfig(); } } }
public void addRecipes() { int i = 0; // fix lore recipes_config.set("shaped.Stattenheim Remote.lore", "Right-click block~to call TARDIS"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Artron Storage Cell.lore", "Charge Level~0"); // if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_shape", "RCR,-K-,-T-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.C", "REDSTONE_COMPARATOR"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.K", "GOLD_NUGGET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.T", "REDSTONE_TORCH_ON"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.hard_shape", "RCR,-K-,-T-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.hard_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.hard_ingredients.C", "REDSTONE_COMPARATOR"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.hard_ingredients.K", "GOLD_NUGGET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.hard_ingredients.T", "MAP:1964"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.result", "GOLD_NUGGET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.lore", "Deadlock & unlock~Hide & rebuild"); } else if (recipes_config .getString("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.T") .equals("REDSTONE_TORCH")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.T", "REDSTONE_TORCH_ON"); } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.White Bow Tie")) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> map : colours.entrySet()) { recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.easy_shape", "---,SWS,---"); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.easy_ingredients.S", "STRING"); recipes_config.set( "shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.easy_ingredients.W", "WOOL:" + map.getValue()); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.hard_shape", "STS,L-L,WWW"); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.hard_ingredients.S", "STRING"); recipes_config.set( "shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.hard_ingredients.T", "TRIPWIRE_HOOK"); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.hard_ingredients.L", "LEATHER"); recipes_config.set( "shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.hard_ingredients.W", "WOOL:" + map.getValue()); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.result", "LEATHER_CHESTPLATE"); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped." + map.getKey() + " Bow Tie.lore", "Bow ties are cool!"); i++; } } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.3-D Glasses")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.easy_shape", "---,P-P,CPM"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.easy_ingredients.P", "PAPER"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.easy_ingredients.C", "STAINED_GLASS_PANE:9"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.easy_ingredients.M", "STAINED_GLASS_PANE:2"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_shape", "R-T,P-P,CPM"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE_COMPARATOR"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_ingredients.T", "REDSTONE_TORCH_ON"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_ingredients.P", "PAPER"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_ingredients.C", "STAINED_GLASS_PANE:9"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.hard_ingredients.M", "STAINED_GLASS_PANE:2"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.result", "LEATHER_HELMET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.3-D Glasses.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.Fob Watch")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.easy_shape", "-C-,-W-,R-R"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.easy_ingredients.C", "MAP:1966"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.easy_ingredients.W", "WATCH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.easy_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.hard_shape", "-C-,IWI,R-R"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.hard_ingredients.C", "MAP:1966"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.hard_ingredients.W", "WATCH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.hard_ingredients.I", "IRON_INGOT"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.hard_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.result", "WATCH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fob Watch.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.Jammy Dodger")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.easy_shape", "---,WRW,---"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.easy_ingredients.W", "WHEAT"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.easy_ingredients.R", "INK_SACK:1"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.hard_shape", "---,WRW,---"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.hard_ingredients.W", "WHEAT"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.hard_ingredients.R", "INK_SACK:1"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.result", "COOKIE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.amount", 8); recipes_config.set("shaped.Jammy Dodger.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.Fish Finger")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.easy_shape", "-B-,-F-,-B-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.easy_ingredients.B", "BREAD"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.easy_ingredients.F", "RAW_FISH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.hard_shape", "-B-,-F-,-B-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.hard_ingredients.B", "BREAD"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.hard_ingredients.F", "RAW_FISH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.result", "COOKED_FISH"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.amount", 3); recipes_config.set("shaped.Fish Finger.lore", "Best eaten with custard!"); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shapeless.Bowl of Custard")) { recipes_config.set("shapeless.Bowl of Custard.recipe", "BOWL,MILK_BUCKET,EGG"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Bowl of Custard.result", "MUSHROOM_SOUP"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Bowl of Custard.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Bowl of Custard.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shapeless.Vanilla Jelly Baby")) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> map : flavours.entrySet()) { recipes_config.set( "shapeless." + map.getKey() + " Jelly Baby.recipe", "SUGAR,SLIME_BALL,INK_SACK:" + map.getValue()); recipes_config.set("shapeless." + map.getKey() + " Jelly Baby.result", "MELON"); recipes_config.set("shapeless." + map.getKey() + " Jelly Baby.amount", 4); recipes_config.set("shapeless." + map.getKey() + " Jelly Baby.lore", ""); i++; } } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_shape", "-D-,NCE,-W-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_ingredients.D", "DIRT"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_ingredients.N", "NETHERRACK"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_ingredients.C", "COMPASS"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_ingredients.E", "ENDER_STONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.easy_ingredients.W", "WATER_BUCKET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_shape", "-D-,NCE,-W-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_ingredients.D", "DIRT"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_ingredients.N", "NETHERRACK"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_ingredients.C", "COMPASS"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_ingredients.E", "ENDER_STONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.hard_ingredients.W", "WATER_BUCKET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.result", "MAP:1980"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Randomiser Circuit.lore", "Uses left~50"); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.easy_shape", "-D-,P-E,-W-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.easy_ingredients.D", "DIAMOND"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.easy_ingredients.P", "MAP:1978"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.easy_ingredients.E", "EMERALD"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.easy_ingredients.W", "POTION:8206"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.hard_shape", "-D-,P-E,-W-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.hard_ingredients.D", "DIAMOND"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.hard_ingredients.P", "MAP:1978"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.hard_ingredients.E", "EMERALD"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.hard_ingredients.W", "POTION:8270"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.result", "MAP:1981"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Invisibility Circuit.lore", "Uses left~5"); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.Painter Circuit")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.easy_shape", "-I-,DGD,-I-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.easy_ingredients.I", "INK_SACK:0"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.easy_ingredients.D", "INK_SACK:5"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.easy_ingredients.G", "GOLD_NUGGET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_shape", "-I-,DGD,-I-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_ingredients.I", "INK_SACK:0"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_ingredients.D", "INK_SACK:5"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_ingredients.G", "GOLD_BLOCK"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.result", "MAP:1979"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.lore", ""); i++; } else { // fix the hard recipe if necessary if (recipes_config.get("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_shape").equals("-B-,-F-,-B-")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Painter Circuit.hard_shape", "-I-,DGD,-I-"); } } if (!recipes_config.contains("shapeless.Painter Upgrade")) { recipes_config.set("shapeless.Painter Upgrade.recipe", "BLAZE_ROD,MAP:1979"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Painter Upgrade.result", "BLAZE_ROD"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Painter Upgrade.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Painter Upgrade.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.Ignite Circuit")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.easy_shape", "-N-,NFN,-N-"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.easy_ingredients.N", "NETHERRACK"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.easy_ingredients.F", "FLINT_AND_STEEL"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.hard_shape", "LN-,NFN,-NL"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.hard_ingredients.N", "NETHERRACK"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.hard_ingredients.F", "FLINT_AND_STEEL"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.hard_ingredients.L", "LAVA_BUCKET"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.result", "MAP:1982"); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.Ignite Circuit.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shapeless.Ignite Upgrade")) { recipes_config.set("shapeless.Ignite Upgrade.recipe", "BLAZE_ROD,MAP:1982"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Ignite Upgrade.result", "BLAZE_ROD"); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Ignite Upgrade.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shapeless.Ignite Upgrade.lore", ""); i++; } if (!recipes_config.contains("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace")) { recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.easy_shape", "---,OFO,RRR"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.easy_ingredients.O", "OBSIDIAN"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.easy_ingredients.F", "FURNACE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.easy_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.hard_shape", "---,OFO,RRR"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.hard_ingredients.O", "OBSIDIAN"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.hard_ingredients.F", "FURNACE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.hard_ingredients.R", "REDSTONE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.result", "FURNACE"); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.amount", 1); recipes_config.set("shaped.TARDIS Artron Furnace.lore", ""); i++; } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> uses : damage.entrySet()) { if (recipes_config.getString(uses.getKey()).isEmpty()) { recipes_config.set(uses.getKey(), "Uses left~" + uses.getValue()); } } try { File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "recipes.yml")); if (i > 0) { plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + "Added " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + ChatColor.RESET + " new items to recipes.yml"); } String key = recipes_config.getString("shaped.TARDIS Key.result"); if (!key.equals(plugin.getConfig().getString("preferences.key"))) { plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + "The TARDIS Key recipe result (recipes.yml) does not match the configured key preference (config.yml)"); } String r_key_5 = recipes_config.getString("shaped.TARDIS Remote Key.easy_ingredients.K"); if (r_key_5 != null && !key.equals(r_key_5)) { plugin .getConsole() .sendMessage( plugin.getPluginName() + "The TARDIS Key ingredient (" + r_key_5 + ") in the 'TARDIS Remote Key' recipe does not match the crafting result of the 'TARDIS Key' recipe (" + key + ") - they should be the same!"); } } catch (IOException io) { plugin.debug("Could not save recipes.yml, " + io); } }
public boolean doAbandon(CommandSender sender, boolean list) { if (sender.hasPermission("tardis.abandon") && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("abandon.enabled")) { if (list) { // list abandoned TARDISes if (sender.hasPermission("tardis.admin")) { new TARDISAbandonLister(plugin).list(sender); return true; } else { TARDISMessage.send(sender, "NO_PERMS"); } } else { // must be a Player Player player = null; if (sender instanceof Player) { player = (Player) sender; } if (player == null) { TARDISMessage.send(sender, "CMD_NO_CONSOLE"); return true; } if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("allow.power_down")) { TARDISMessage.send(sender, "ABANDON_POWER_DOWN"); return true; } // abandon TARDIS ResultSetTardisAbandoned rs = new ResultSetTardisAbandoned(plugin); if (!rs.fromUUID(player.getUniqueId().toString())) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_TARDIS"); return true; } else { PRESET preset = rs.getPreset(); // need to be in tardis HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString()); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, where, false); if (!rst.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NOT_IN_TARDIS"); return true; } if (preset.equals(PRESET.JUNK_MODE)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "ABANDONED_NOT_JUNK"); return true; } int id = rs.getTardis_id(); if (rst.getTardis_id() != id) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "ABANDONED_OWN"); return true; } if (!rs.isTardis_init()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "ENERGY_NO_INIT"); return true; } if (!rs.isHandbrake_on()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "HANDBRAKE_ENGAGE"); return true; } if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDestinationVortex().containsKey(id)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NOT_IN_VORTEX"); return true; } new TARDISAbandonUpdate(plugin, id, player.getUniqueId().toString()).run(); if (rs.isPowered_on()) { // power down TARDIS new TARDISPowerButton( plugin, id, player, rs.getPreset(), rs.isPowered_on(), rs.isHidden(), rs.isLights_on(), player.getLocation(), rs.getArtron_level(), rs.getSchematic().hasLanterns()) .clickButton(); } // close the door new TARDISDoorCloser(plugin, player.getUniqueId(), id).closeDoors(); TARDISMessage.send(player, "ABANDONED_SUCCESS"); // clear sign if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("police_box.name_tardis")) { HashMap<String, Object> wherec = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherec.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetCurrentLocation rsc = new ResultSetCurrentLocation(plugin, wherec); if (rsc.resultSet()) { Location current = new Location(rsc.getWorld(), rsc.getX(), rsc.getY(), rsc.getZ()); Sign sign = getSign(current, rsc.getDirection(), preset); if (sign != null) { switch (preset) { case GRAVESTONE: sign.setLine(3, ""); break; case ANGEL: case JAIL: sign.setLine(2, ""); break; default: sign.setLine(0, ""); break; } sign.update(); } } } } } } else { TARDISMessage.send(sender, "NO_PERMS_ABANDON"); } return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean doRemoteComeHere(Player player, UUID uuid) { Location eyeLocation = player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getLocation(); if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.include_default_world") && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("creation.default_world") && eyeLocation .getWorld() .getName() .equals(plugin.getConfig().getString("creation.default_world_name"))) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_WORLD_TRAVEL"); return true; } if (!plugin .getPluginRespect() .getRespect(eyeLocation, new Parameters(player, FLAG.getDefaultFlags()))) { return true; } if (!plugin.getTardisArea().areaCheckInExisting(eyeLocation)) { TARDISMessage.send( player, "AREA_NO_COMEHERE", ChatColor.AQUA + "/tardisremote [player] travel area [area name]"); return true; } Material m = player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getType(); if (m != Material.SNOW) { int yplusone = eyeLocation.getBlockY(); eyeLocation.setY(yplusone + 1); } // check the world is not excluded String world = eyeLocation.getWorld().getName(); if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("worlds." + world)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_WORLD"); return true; } // check the remote player is a Time Lord HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("uuid", uuid.toString()); ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, where, "", false, 0); if (!rs.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "PLAYER_NO_TARDIS"); return true; } Tardis tardis = rs.getTardis(); final int id = tardis.getTardis_id(); // check they are not in the tardis HashMap<String, Object> wherettrav = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherettrav.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString()); wherettrav.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wherettrav, false); if (rst.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_TARDIS"); return true; } if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getInVortex().contains(id)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NOT_WHILE_MAT"); return true; } boolean chamtmp = false; if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.chameleon")) { chamtmp = tardis.isChamele_on(); } boolean hidden = tardis.isHidden(); // get current police box location HashMap<String, Object> wherecl = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherecl.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetCurrentLocation rsc = new ResultSetCurrentLocation(plugin, wherecl); if (!rsc.resultSet()) { hidden = true; } COMPASS d = rsc.getDirection(); COMPASS player_d = COMPASS.valueOf(TARDISStaticUtils.getPlayersDirection(player, false)); Biome biome = rsc.getBiome(); TARDISTimeTravel tt = new TARDISTimeTravel(plugin); int count; boolean sub = false; Block b = eyeLocation.getBlock(); if (b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.WATER) || b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) { count = (tt.isSafeSubmarine(eyeLocation, player_d)) ? 0 : 1; if (count == 0) { sub = true; } } else { int[] start_loc = tt.getStartLocation(eyeLocation, player_d); // safeLocation(int startx, int starty, int startz, int resetx, int resetz, World w, COMPASS // player_d) count = tt.safeLocation( start_loc[0], eyeLocation.getBlockY(), start_loc[2], start_loc[1], start_loc[3], eyeLocation.getWorld(), player_d); } if (plugin.getPM().isPluginEnabled("Lockette")) { Lockette Lockette = (Lockette) plugin.getPM().getPlugin("Lockette"); if (Lockette.isProtected(eyeLocation.getBlock())) { count = 1; } } if (count > 0) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "WOULD_GRIEF_BLOCKS"); return true; } boolean cham = chamtmp; final QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin); Location oldSave = null; HashMap<String, Object> bid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bid.put("tardis_id", id); HashMap<String, Object> bset = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (rsc.getWorld() != null) { oldSave = new Location(rsc.getWorld(), rsc.getX(), rsc.getY(), rsc.getZ()); // set fast return location bset.put("world", rsc.getWorld().getName()); bset.put("x", rsc.getX()); bset.put("y", rsc.getY()); bset.put("z", rsc.getZ()); bset.put("direction", d.toString()); bset.put("submarine", rsc.isSubmarine()); } else { // set fast return location bset.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName()); bset.put("x", eyeLocation.getX()); bset.put("y", eyeLocation.getY()); bset.put("z", eyeLocation.getZ()); bset.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0); } qf.doUpdate("back", bset, bid); HashMap<String, Object> tid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tid.put("tardis_id", id); HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>(); set.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName()); set.put("x", eyeLocation.getBlockX()); set.put("y", eyeLocation.getBlockY()); set.put("z", eyeLocation.getBlockZ()); set.put("direction", player_d.toString()); set.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0); if (hidden) { HashMap<String, Object> sett = new HashMap<String, Object>(); sett.put("hidden", 0); HashMap<String, Object> ttid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ttid.put("tardis_id", id); qf.doUpdate("tardis", sett, ttid); // restore biome plugin.getUtils().restoreBiome(oldSave, biome); } qf.doUpdate("current", set, tid); TARDISMessage.send(player, "TARDIS_COMING"); // boolean mat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("police_box.materialise"); // long delay = (mat) ? 1L : 180L; long delay = 1L; plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getInVortex().add(id); final boolean hid = hidden; if (!plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDestinationVortex().containsKey(id)) { final DestroyData dd = new DestroyData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString()); dd.setChameleon(cham); dd.setDirection(d); dd.setLocation(oldSave); dd.setPlayer(player); dd.setHide(false); dd.setOutside(true); dd.setSubmarine(rsc.isSubmarine()); dd.setTardisID(id); dd.setBiome(biome); plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!hid) { plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDematerialising().add(id); plugin.getPresetDestroyer().destroyPreset(dd); } else { plugin.getPresetDestroyer().removeBlockProtection(id, qf); } } }, delay); } final BuildData bd = new BuildData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString()); bd.setChameleon(cham); bd.setDirection(player_d); bd.setLocation(eyeLocation); bd.setMalfunction(false); bd.setOutside(true); bd.setPlayer(player); bd.setRebuild(false); bd.setSubmarine(sub); bd.setTardisID(id); plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plugin.getPresetBuilder().buildPreset(bd); } }, delay * 2); plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getHasDestination().remove(id); if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRescue().containsKey(id)) { plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRescue().remove(id); } return true; }
/** Builds the TARDIS Police Box. */ public void buildPoliceBox() { int plusx, minusx, x, plusz, minusz, z; byte sd = 0, grey = 8; byte mds = data, mdw = data, mdn = data, mde = data, bds = data, bdw = data, bdn = data, bde = data; final World world; // expand placed blocks to a police box double lowX = location.getX(); double lowY = location.getY(); double lowZ = location.getZ(); location.setX(lowX + 0.5); location.setY(lowY + 2); location.setZ(lowZ + 0.5); // get relative locations x = location.getBlockX(); plusx = (location.getBlockX() + 1); minusx = (location.getBlockX() - 1); final int y = location.getBlockY(); final int plusy = (location.getBlockY() + 1), minusy = (location.getBlockY() - 1), down2y = (location.getBlockY() - 2), down3y = (location.getBlockY() - 3); z = (location.getBlockZ()); plusz = (location.getBlockZ() + 1); minusz = (location.getBlockZ() - 1); world = location.getWorld(); int south = mat, west = mat, north = mat, east = mat, signx = 0, signz = 0; String doorloc = ""; // platform plugin.buildPB.addPlatform(location, false, d, p, tid); QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin); HashMap<String, Object> ps = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ps.put("tardis_id", tid); String loc = ""; // get direction player is facing from yaw place block under door if block is in list of blocks // an iron door cannot go on switch (d) { case SOUTH: // if (yaw >= 315 || yaw < 45) plugin.utils.setBlockCheck( world, x, down3y, minusz, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing south loc = world.getBlockAt(x, down3y, minusz).getLocation().toString(); ps.put("location", loc); doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + x + ":" + down2y + ":" + minusz; sd = 2; signx = x; signz = (minusz - 1); south = 71; mds = 8; bds = 1; break; case EAST: // if (yaw >= 225 && yaw < 315) plugin.utils.setBlockCheck( world, minusx, down3y, z, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing east loc = world.getBlockAt(minusx, down3y, z).getLocation().toString(); ps.put("location", loc); doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + minusx + ":" + down2y + ":" + z; sd = 4; signx = (minusx - 1); signz = z; east = 71; mde = 8; bde = 0; break; case NORTH: // if (yaw >= 135 && yaw < 225) plugin.utils.setBlockCheck( world, x, down3y, plusz, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing north loc = world.getBlockAt(x, down3y, plusz).getLocation().toString(); ps.put("location", loc); doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + x + ":" + down2y + ":" + plusz; sd = 3; signx = x; signz = (plusz + 1); north = 71; mdn = 8; bdn = 3; break; case WEST: // if (yaw >= 45 && yaw < 135) plugin.utils.setBlockCheck( world, plusx, down3y, z, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing west loc = world.getBlockAt(plusx, down3y, z).getLocation().toString(); ps.put("location", loc); doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + plusx + ":" + down2y + ":" + z; sd = 5; signx = (plusx + 1); signz = z; west = 71; mdw = 8; bdw = 2; break; } ps.put("police_box", 1); qf.doInsert("blocks", ps); if (!loc.isEmpty()) { plugin.protectBlockMap.put(loc, tid); } // should insert the door when tardis is first made, and then update location there after! HashMap<String, Object> whered = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whered.put("door_type", 0); whered.put("tardis_id", tid); ResultSetDoors rsd = new ResultSetDoors(plugin, whered, false); HashMap<String, Object> setd = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setd.put("door_location", doorloc); if (rsd.resultSet()) { HashMap<String, Object> whereid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereid.put("door_id", rsd.getDoor_id()); qf.doUpdate("doors", setd, whereid); } else { setd.put("tardis_id", tid); setd.put("door_type", 0); setd.put("door_direction", d.toString()); qf.doInsert("doors", setd); } // bottom layer corners plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, minusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, minusz, mat, data, tid); // middle layer corners plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, minusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, minusz, mat, data, tid); // top layer switch (mat) { case 18: plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 17, data, tid); break; case 46: plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 14, tid); break; case 79: plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 3, tid); break; case 89: plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 4, tid); break; default: plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, mat, data, tid); break; } plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, z, mat, data, tid); // east plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, plusz, mat, data, tid); // south plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, plusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, z, mat, data, tid); // west plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, minusz, mat, data, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, minusz, mat, data, tid); // north plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, minusz, mat, data, tid); if (!plain) { // set sign plugin.utils.setBlock(world, signx, y, signz, 68, sd); Block sign = world.getBlockAt(signx, y, signz); if (sign.getType().equals(Material.WALL_SIGN)) { Sign s = (Sign) sign.getState(); if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("name_tardis")) { HashMap<String, Object> wheret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wheret.put("tardis_id", tid); ResultSetTardis rst = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, wheret, "", false); if (rst.resultSet()) { String owner = rst.getOwner(); if (owner.length() > 14) { s.setLine(0, owner.substring(0, 12) + "'s"); } else { s.setLine(0, owner + "'s"); } } } s.setLine(1, ChatColor.WHITE + "POLICE"); s.setLine(2, ChatColor.WHITE + "BOX"); s.update(); } // put torch on top if (mat == 79) { plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, plusy, z, 76, (byte) 5, tid); } else { plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, plusy, z, lamp, (byte) 5, tid); } } // bottom layer with door bottom plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, z, west, bdw, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, down2y, plusz, north, bdn, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, z, east, bde, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, down2y, minusz, south, bds, tid); // middle layer with door top plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, z, west, mdw, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, minusy, plusz, north, mdn, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, z, east, mde, tid); plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, minusy, minusz, south, mds, tid); // message travellers in tardis HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("tardis_id", tid); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, where, true); if (rst.resultSet()) { final List<String> travellers = rst.getData(); plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (String s : travellers) { Player p = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(s); if (p != null) { String message = (mal) ? "There was a malfunction and the emergency handbrake was engaged! Scan location before exit!" : "LEFT-click the handbrake to exit!"; p.sendMessage(plugin.pluginName + message); } } } }, 30L); } plugin.tardisMaterialising.remove(Integer.valueOf(tid)); }