コード例 #1
  // st: Sinusoidal tracks
  // absMaxDesired: Desired absolute maximum of the output
  public double[] synthesize(SinusoidalTracks st, boolean isSilentSynthesis) {
    int n; // discrete time index
    int i, j;
    int nStart, nEnd, pStart, pEnd;
    float t; // continuous time
    float t2; // continuous time squared
    float t3; // continuous time cubed

    float tFinal = st.getOriginalDuration();
    int nFinal = (int) (Math.floor(tFinal * st.fs + 0.5));
    double[] y = new double[nFinal + 1];
    Arrays.fill(y, 0.0);
    float currentAmp;
    float currentTheta;
    double alpha, beta;
    int M;
        T; // Number of samples between consecutive frames (equals to pitch period in pitch
           // synchronous analysis/synthesis)
    float T2; // T squared
    float T3; // T cubed
    double oneOverTwoPi = 1.0 / MathUtils.TWOPI;
    double term1, term2;

    float currentTime; // For debugging purposes

    for (i = 0; i < st.totalTracks; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < st.tracks[i].totalSins - 1; j++) {
        if (st.tracks[i].states[j] != SinusoidalTrack.TURNED_OFF) {
          pStart = (int) Math.floor(st.tracks[i].times[j] * st.fs + 0.5);
          pEnd = (int) Math.floor(st.tracks[i].times[j + 1] * st.fs + 0.5);

          nStart = Math.max(0, pStart);
          nEnd = Math.max(0, pEnd);
          nStart = Math.min(y.length - 1, nStart);
          nEnd = Math.min(y.length - 1, nEnd);

          // currentTime = 0.5f*(nEnd+nStart)/st.fs;
          // System.out.println("currentTime=" + String.valueOf(currentTime));

          for (n = nStart; n < nEnd; n++) {
            if (false) // Direct synthesis
              currentAmp = st.tracks[i].amps[j];
              currentTheta = (n - nStart) * st.tracks[i].freqs[j] + st.tracks[i].phases[j];
              y[n] += currentAmp * Math.cos(currentTheta);
            } else // Synthesis with interpolation
              // Amplitude interpolation
              currentAmp =
                      + (st.tracks[i].amps[j + 1] - st.tracks[i].amps[j])
                          * ((float) n - pStart)
                          / (pEnd - pStart + 1);

              T = (pEnd - pStart);

              if (n == nStart
                  && st.tracks[i].states[j] == SinusoidalTrack.TURNED_ON) // Turning on a track
                // Quatieri
                currentTheta = st.tracks[i].phases[j + 1] - T * st.tracks[i].freqs[j + 1];
                currentAmp = 0.0f;
              } else if (n == nStart
                  && st.tracks[i].states[j] == SinusoidalTrack.TURNED_OFF
                  && j > 0) // Turning off a track
                // Quatieri
                currentTheta = st.tracks[i].phases[j - 1] + T * st.tracks[i].freqs[j - 1];
                currentAmp = 0.0f;
              } else // Cubic phase interpolation
                // Quatieri
                M =
                                    * ((st.tracks[i].phases[j]
                                            + T * st.tracks[i].freqs[j]
                                            - st.tracks[i].phases[j + 1])
                                        + (st.tracks[i].freqs[j + 1] - st.tracks[i].freqs[j])
                                            * 0.5
                                            * T)
                                + 0.5));
                term1 =
                    st.tracks[i].phases[j + 1]
                        - st.tracks[i].phases[j]
                        - T * st.tracks[i].freqs[j]
                        + M * MathUtils.TWOPI;
                term2 = st.tracks[i].freqs[j + 1] - st.tracks[i].freqs[j];

                T2 = T * T;
                T3 = T * T2;
                alpha = 3.0 * term1 / T2 - term2 / T;
                beta = -2 * term1 / T3 + term2 / T2;

                t = ((float) n - nStart);
                t2 = t * t;
                t3 = t * t2;

                // Quatieri
                currentTheta =
                            + st.tracks[i].freqs[j] * t
                            + alpha * t2
                            + beta * t3);

              // Synthesis
              y[n] += currentAmp * Math.cos(currentTheta);

            // System.out.println(String.valueOf(currentTheta));

      if (!isSilentSynthesis)
            "Synthesized track " + String.valueOf(i + 1) + " of " + String.valueOf(st.totalTracks));

    y = MathUtils.multiply(y, st.absMaxOriginal / MathUtils.getAbsMax(y));

    return y;
コード例 #2
  public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
    // File input
    AudioInputStream inputAudio = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(args[0]));
    int samplingRate = (int) inputAudio.getFormat().getSampleRate();
    AudioDoubleDataSource signal = new AudioDoubleDataSource(inputAudio);
    double[] x = signal.getAllData();
    double maxOrig = MathUtils.getAbsMax(x);

    SinusoidalAnalyzer sa = null;
    SinusoidalTracks st = null;
    PitchSynchronousSinusoidalAnalyzer pa = null;

    // Analysis
    float deltaInHz = SinusoidalAnalysisParams.DEFAULT_DELTA_IN_HZ;
    float numPeriods = PitchSynchronousSinusoidalAnalyzer.DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_PERIODS;

    boolean isSilentSynthesis = false;

    int windowType = Window.HANNING;

    boolean bRefinePeakEstimatesParabola = false;
    boolean bRefinePeakEstimatesBias = false;
    boolean bSpectralReassignment = false;
    boolean bAdjustNeighFreqDependent = false;

    // int spectralEnvelopeType = SinusoidalAnalysisParams.LP_SPEC;
    int spectralEnvelopeType = SinusoidalAnalysisParams.SEEVOC_SPEC;
    float[] initialPeakLocationsInHz = null;
    initialPeakLocationsInHz = new float[1];
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) initialPeakLocationsInHz[i] = (i + 1) * 350.0f;

    boolean isFixedRateAnalysis = false;
    boolean isRealSpeech = true;
    double startFreqInHz = 0.0;
    double endFreqInHz = 0.5 * samplingRate;

    SinusoidalAnalysisParams params =
        new SinusoidalAnalysisParams(

    if (isFixedRateAnalysis) {
      // Fixed window size and skip rate analysis
      double[] f0s = null;
      float ws_f0 = -1.0f;
      float ss_f0 = -1.0f;
      sa = new SinusoidalAnalyzer(params);

      if (spectralEnvelopeType == SinusoidalAnalysisParams.SEEVOC_SPEC) // Pitch info needed
        String strPitchFile = args[0].substring(0, args[0].length() - 4) + ".ptc";
        PitchReaderWriter f0 = new PitchReaderWriter(strPitchFile);
        f0s = f0.contour;
        ws_f0 = (float) f0.header.windowSizeInSeconds;
        ss_f0 = (float) f0.header.skipSizeInSeconds;

      st =
              x, 0.020f, 0.010f, deltaInHz, spectralEnvelopeType, f0s, ws_f0, ss_f0);
    } else {
      // Pitch synchronous analysis
      String strPitchFile = args[0].substring(0, args[0].length() - 4) + ".ptc";
      PitchReaderWriter f0 = new PitchReaderWriter(strPitchFile);
      int pitchMarkOffset = 0;
      PitchMarks pm =
      pa = new PitchSynchronousSinusoidalAnalyzer(params);

      st =
              x, pm, numPeriods, -1.0f, deltaInHz, spectralEnvelopeType, initialPeakLocationsInHz);
      isSilentSynthesis = false;

    // Resynthesis
    PeakMatchedSinusoidalSynthesizer ss = new PeakMatchedSinusoidalSynthesizer(samplingRate);
    x = ss.synthesize(st, isSilentSynthesis);

    // File output
    DDSAudioInputStream outputAudio =
        new DDSAudioInputStream(new BufferedDoubleDataSource(x), inputAudio.getFormat());
    String outFileName =
        args[0].substring(0, args[0].length() - 4) + "_sinResynthFullbandPitchSynch.wav";
    AudioSystem.write(outputAudio, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, new File(outFileName));