public SpellCostReductionSourceEffect( ManaCosts<ManaCost> manaCostsToReduce, Condition condition) { super(Duration.WhileOnBattlefield, Outcome.Benefit, CostModificationType.REDUCE_COST); this.amount = 0; this.manaCostsToReduce = manaCostsToReduce; this.condition = condition; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{this} costs "); for (String manaSymbol : manaCostsToReduce.getSymbols()) { sb.append(manaSymbol); } sb.append(" less to if ").append(this.condition.toString()); this.staticText = sb.toString(); }
public SpellsCostReductionControllerEffect( FilterCard filter, ManaCosts<ManaCost> manaCostsToReduce) { super(Duration.WhileOnBattlefield, Outcome.Benefit, CostModificationType.REDUCE_COST); this.filter = filter; this.amount = 0; this.manaCostsToReduce = manaCostsToReduce; this.upTo = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(filter.getMessage()).append(" you cast cost "); for (String manaSymbol : manaCostsToReduce.getSymbols()) { sb.append(manaSymbol); } sb.append(" less to cast. This effect reduces only the amount of colored mana you pay."); this.staticText = sb.toString(); }