/** return the issuer of the given CRL as an X509PrincipalObject. */ public static X509Principal getIssuerX509Principal(X509CRL crl) throws CRLException { try { TBSCertList tbsCertList = TBSCertList.getInstance(ASN1Object.fromByteArray(crl.getTBSCertList())); return new X509Principal(tbsCertList.getIssuer()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CRLException(e.toString()); } }
/** return the subject of the given cert as an X509PrincipalObject. */ public static X509Principal getSubjectX509Principal(X509Certificate cert) throws CertificateEncodingException { try { TBSCertificateStructure tbsCert = TBSCertificateStructure.getInstance(ASN1Object.fromByteArray(cert.getTBSCertificate())); return new X509Principal(tbsCert.getSubject()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CertificateEncodingException(e.toString()); } }