public static List<String[]> readExcel(Context ctx, String fileName, Object targetSheet) { List<String[]> rowList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); try { InputStream mInputStream = ctx.getResources().getAssets().open(fileName); Workbook wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(mInputStream); Sheet mSheet = null; if (targetSheet instanceof Integer) { mSheet = wb.getSheet((Integer) targetSheet); } else { mSheet = wb.getSheet((String) targetSheet); } int row = getRowCount(mSheet); int columns = getColCount(mSheet); Log.d("W", "Total Row: " + row + ", Total Columns: " + columns); String[] colArray = new String[columns]; for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { Cell temp = mSheet.getCell(j, i); String content = temp.getContents(); Log.d("W", j + " ," + i + " ," + content); colArray[j] = content; } rowList.add(colArray); } wb.close(); mInputStream.close(); } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rowList; }
public ArrayList<String> getCitiesFromExcel() { ArrayList<String> cities = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/resource/cities.xls")); int totalsheet = workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); for (int i = 0; i < totalsheet; i++) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(i); int rows = sheet.getRows(); for (int j = 1; j < rows; j++) { Cell cell1 = sheet.getCell(0, j); cities.add(cell1.getContents()); } } return cities; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public Map<String, Semantic> loadAxiom() { Map<String, Semantic> axiom = new HashMap<String, Semantic>(); Workbook readwb = null; try { readwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("src/cn/edu/buaa/resources/Axiom.xls")); Sheet readsheet = readwb.getSheet(0); int rsRows = readsheet.getRows(); int i = 1; while (i < rsRows) { String name = readsheet.getCell(0, i).getContents().trim(); if (null == name || name.equals("")) continue; List<Item> semanSet = new ArrayList<Item>(); Semantic seman = new Semantic(semanSet); while (i < rsRows) { String tmp = readsheet.getCell(0, i).getContents().trim(); if (null == tmp || tmp.equals("") || tmp.equals(name)) { String premise = readsheet.getCell(1, i).getContents().trim(); String left = readsheet.getCell(2, i).getContents().trim(); String right = readsheet.getCell(3, i).getContents().trim(); if (null == premise || premise.equals("")) premise = null; if (null == left || left.equals("")) left = null; if (null == right || right.equals("")) right = null; if (null != premise || null != left || null != right) { Item item = new Item(premise, left, right); semanSet.add(item); } i++; } else { break; } } axiom.put(name, seman); name = null; } } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (null != readwb) { readwb.close(); } } // test axiom for (String name : axiom.keySet()) { System.out.println(name + ":"); List<Item> items = axiom.get(name).getSemanSet(); for (Item e : items) { System.out.println(e.getPremise() + " -> " + e.getLeft() + " = " + e.getRight()); } } System.out.println("======================================"); return axiom; }
public static WritableWorkbook getWorkBook(File file) { if (file == null) return null; Workbook workbookIn; WritableWorkbook workbook = null; try { workbookIn = Workbook.getWorkbook(file); workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file, workbookIn); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return workbook; }
@Test public void testGetCollection() { ExcelUtil excelUtil = new ExcelUtil(); try { excelUtil.openUploadExcel("collectionTemplate.xls", 0); } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(excelUtil.getCollection()); excelUtil.closeExcel(); }
@Override public List<? extends Persistable> getAll() { try { List<ArrayList<String>> result; for (List<String> list : (result = { // MappingStrategy<? extends Persistable> ms = TODO processLines(); } } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { Workbook book = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("测试.xls")); Sheet sheet = book.getSheet(0); int x = sheet.getRows(); int y = sheet.getColumns(); System.out.println("表格的列数为:" + x); System.out.println("表格的行数为:" + y); } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void removeAll(List<? extends Persistable> objList) { try { xclAdaptee.write(file, new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>()); } catch (RowsExceededException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * 用于根据模板生成新的xls * * @param tplFile 模板文件路径 * @param sFile 新的文件路径 */ public ExcelOper(File tplFile, File sFile) { try { // 取得模板文件 workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(tplFile); // 生成新文件 wrWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(sFile, workbook); readOnlyWBook = false; } catch (BiffException e) { // 写日志 logger.error(e.getMessage()); // 抛出异常 throw new BaseException(e); } catch (IOException e) { // 写日志 logger.error(e.getMessage()); // 抛出异常 throw new BaseException(e); } }
/** * 读取Excel文件的内容 * * @param file 待读取的文件 * @return */ public static String readExcel(File file) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Workbook wb = null; try { // 构造Workbook(工作薄)对象 wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(file); } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (wb == null) return null; // 获得了Workbook对象之后,就可以通过它得到Sheet(工作表)对象了 Sheet[] sheet = wb.getSheets(); if (sheet != null && sheet.length > 0) { // 对每个工作表进行循环 for (int i = 0; i < sheet.length; i++) { // 得到当前工作表的行数 int rowNum = sheet[i].getRows(); for (int j = 0; j < rowNum; j++) { // 得到当前行的所有单元格 Cell[] cells = sheet[i].getRow(j); if (cells != null && cells.length > 0) { // 对每个单元格进行循环 for (int k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) { // 读取当前单元格的值 String cellValue = cells[k].getContents(); sb.append(cellValue + "\t"); } } sb.append("\r\n"); } sb.append("\r\n"); } } // 最后关闭资源,释放内存 wb.close(); return sb.toString(); }
/** 只用于读取xls数据 xls文件名做成参数 */ public ExcelOper(File file) { try { // Workbook workbook = null; readOnlyWBook = true; // 设置workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(file); } catch (BiffException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new BaseException(e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new BaseException(e); } // 设置当前工作workbook if (workbook != null) { setWorkbook(workbook); } }
@Override public void addAll(List<? extends Persistable> objList) { ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> serializedList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Persistable p : objList) { ArrayList<String> lineLs = p.serializeToStringArray(); serializedList.add(lineLs); } try { xclAdaptee.write(file, serializedList); } catch (RowsExceededException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
private String test() { // 读取excel文件 String realPath = "C:/Users/wchao/Desktop/上品214快捷日获奖名单.xls"; Workbook book = null; WritableWorkbook book2 = null; WritableSheet sheet2 = null; Connection conn = null; conn = JDBCUtil.getConnection( JDBCUtil.getUrl("", "1521", "danpin1", 0), "dev_user", "dev_user"); try { try { book2 = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("C:/Users/wchao/Desktop/上品214快捷日获奖名单111.xls")); sheet2 = book2.createSheet("第1页", 0); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } book = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(realPath)); Sheet sheet = book.getSheet(0); int count = sheet.getRows(); System.out.println("--------------------------------------"); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { // 最后一行是合计 Cell[] cells = sheet.getRow(i); String tradeNo = cells[2].getContents().trim(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); URL U = null; BufferedReader in = null; String sign = null; Map<String, String> sParaTemp = new HashMap(); sParaTemp.put("out_trade_no", null); sParaTemp.put("trade_no", tradeNo); sParaTemp.put("service", "single_trade_query"); sParaTemp.put("partner", "2088002692486430"); sParaTemp.put("_input_charset", "utf-8"); Map<String, String> sPara = AlipayCore.paraFilter(sParaTemp); // 生成签名结果 sign = AlipayCore.buildMysign(sPara); // 752cc62e72503d01c4cc93b654906918 try { String url = "" + "&sign=" + sign + "&_input_charset=utf-8" + "&sign_type=MD5" + "&service=single_trade_query" + "&partner=2088002692486430" + "&trade_no=" + tradeNo; U = new URL(url); URLConnection connection = U.openConnection(); connection.connect(); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { result.append(line); // System.out.println("-------------------\n" + new String(line.getBytes("gbk"), // "utf-8")); } StringReader sr = new StringReader(new String(result.toString().getBytes("gbk"), "utf-8")); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(sr); try { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Unmarshaller unMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(""); Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema( new File( "E:/上品/支付宝批量退货/java/refund_fastpay_by_platform_nopwd_jsp_utf8/src/net/shopin/alipay/entity/singleTradeQuery.xsd")); unMarshaller.setSchema(schema); Alipay alipay = (Alipay) unMarshaller.unmarshal(U); String outTradeNo = alipay.getResponse().getTrade().getOutTradeNo(); // 根据单品订单号查询收货人姓名 详细邮寄地址 联系电话 省份 城市 邮编 System.out.println( "SELECT d.RECEPT_NAME, d.RECEPT_ADDRESS, d.RECEPT_PHONE, d.INCEPT_PROVINCE, d.INCEPT_CITY, d.INCEPT_POSTCODE " + "FROM DELIVERY d WHERE d.SID=(SELECT o.DELIVERY_SID FROM ORDERS o WHERE o.ORDER_NO='" + outTradeNo + "')"); // 循环结果集 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT d.RECEPT_NAME, d.RECEPT_ADDRESS, d.RECEPT_PHONE, d.INCEPT_PROVINCE, d.INCEPT_CITY, d.INCEPT_POSTCODE " + "FROM DELIVERY d WHERE d.SID=(SELECT o.DELIVERY_SID FROM ORDERS o WHERE o.ORDER_NO='" + outTradeNo + "')"); while ( { Label cell0 = new Label(0, i, tradeNo); Label cell1 = new Label(1, i, outTradeNo); Label cell2 = new Label(2, i, rs.getString("RECEPT_NAME")); Label cell3 = new Label(3, i, rs.getString("RECEPT_ADDRESS")); Label cell4 = new Label(4, i, rs.getString("RECEPT_PHONE")); Label cell5 = new Label(5, i, rs.getString("INCEPT_PROVINCE")); Label cell6 = new Label(6, i, rs.getString("INCEPT_CITY")); Label cell7 = new Label(7, i, rs.getString("INCEPT_POSTCODE")); sheet2.addCell(cell0); sheet2.addCell(cell1); sheet2.addCell(cell2); sheet2.addCell(cell3); sheet2.addCell(cell4); sheet2.addCell(cell5); sheet2.addCell(cell6); sheet2.addCell(cell7); } JDBCUtil.close(rs, stmt, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { book2.write(); book2.close(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (BiffException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
private Result processRefundFastpayExcel(String realPath) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Set<String> repetFilter = new HashSet(); // 过滤重复 Workbook book = null; StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); Result result = new Result(); // 2011112421847473^0.01^NOT_THIS_PARTNERS_TRAD int batchNum = 0; StringBuffer batchData = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer relation = new StringBuffer(); BigDecimal totalRefund = new BigDecimal(0); // 退款总金额 boolean hasError = false; try { try { book = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(realPath)); } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); result.setMsg("导入文件读取失败,请重新导入或者联系开发人员!<br>"); return result; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); result.setMsg("导入文件读取失败,请重新导入或者联系开发人员!<br>"); return result; } Sheet sheet = book.getSheet(0); int count = sheet.getRows(); // 生成批量退款笔数及退款数据集 if (count <= 2) { // 没有数据 result.setMsg("没有数据!"); return result; } else if (count >= (Integer.valueOf(PropertiesUtil.getProperties("alipay.batchNumLimit", "1000")) .intValue() + 2)) { // 超出最大笔数 result.setMsg( "支付宝即时到账批量退款,最大支持" + PropertiesUtil.getProperties("alipay.batchNumLimit", "1000") + "笔!"); return result; } else { // 校验合法性 for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; i++) { // 最后一行是合计 Cell[] cells = sheet.getRow(i); String outTradeNo = cells[Integer.valueOf(PropertiesUtil.getProperties("outTradeNOIndex", "0"))] .getContents() .trim(); if (!repetFilter.contains(outTradeNo)) { repetFilter.add(outTradeNo); } else { msg.append( "EXCEL第" + i + "行(不包含表头部分)数据-单品订单号[" + outTradeNo + "]在导入文件的前面部分已经出现请合并为一条退款记录!<br/>"); hasError = true; } // 校验money String totalFee = cells[Integer.valueOf(PropertiesUtil.getProperties("totalFeeIndex", "0"))] .getContents() .trim(); totalRefund = totalRefund.add(new BigDecimal(totalFee)); String tradeNo = getTradeNoByOutTradeNo(outTradeNo, new BigDecimal(totalFee)); // 校验tradeNo逻辑 if (tradeNo == null) { msg.append("EXCEL第" + i + "行(不包含表头部分)数据-单品订单号[" + outTradeNo + "]获取支付宝交易号失败!<br/>"); hasError = true; } else if (tradeNo.indexOf( PropertiesUtil.getProperties( "alipay.interface.returncode.outoftotalfee", "OUTOFTOTALFEE")) == 0) { msg.append("EXCEL第" + i + "行(不包含表头部分)数据-单品订单号[" + outTradeNo + "]退款总金额大于当前可退款金额!<br/>"); hasError = true; } else { // 拼接relation (商家订单号1^支付宝交易号1#商家订单号2^支付宝交易号2) relation.append(outTradeNo).append("^").append(tradeNo); if (i < count - 2) { relation.append("#"); } } String remark = PropertiesUtil.getProperties("refundRemark", "上品折扣支付宝退款"); // 处理逻辑 batchNum++; batchData.append(tradeNo + "^" + totalFee + "^" + remark); if (i < count - 2) { batchData.append("#"); } } } if (hasError) { result.setMsg(msg.toString()); return result; } result = refundFastpayService.processRefundFastpayExcel( batchNum, batchData.toString(), realPath, relation.toString(), totalRefund); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); result.setMsg("服务端异常,导致导入文件读取失败,请联系开发人员!<br>" + e.getMessage()); } finally { book.close(); } return result; }
public void readData(ItemMgr itemMgr) throws SQLException { Connection conn = OracleGate.getConnection(); itemMgr.getPnList().clear(); Workbook workbook = null; try { workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(this.getCurrentFile()); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0); // the first sheet in excel file int rows = sheet.getRows(); int columns = sheet.getColumns(); for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) { if (sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents().trim() == null || (sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents().trim()).equals("")) break; Part part = new Part(""); if (columns > 1) { part.setPnCode(sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents().trim()); } if (columns > 2) { part.setPnName(sheet.getCell(2, i).getContents().trim()); } if (columns > 3) { part.setPartFullName(sheet.getCell(3, i).getContents().trim()); } if (columns > 4) { part.setPartTemplateCode(sheet.getCell(4, i).getContents().trim()); } if (columns > 5) { part.setRecurType(sheet.getCell(5, i).getContents().trim()); } if (columns > 6) { part.setAccrued(sheet.getCell(6, i).getContents().trim().equals("Y")); } if (columns > 7) { part.setCashAccount(this.findAccounting(conn, sheet.getCell(7, i).getContents().trim())); } if (columns > 8) { part.setClaimAccount(this.findAccounting(conn, sheet.getCell(8, i).getContents().trim())); } if (columns > 9) { part.setEntityAccount( this.findAccounting(conn, sheet.getCell(9, i).getContents().trim())); } part.setPnRowNo(i); itemMgr.getPnList().add(part); } } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { OracleGate.freeConnection(conn); workbook.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
/** * 读取奖惩管理EXCEL内容 * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return */ public ActionForward readJcglExcl( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { DynaActionForm fileForm = (DynaActionForm) form; FormFile formFile = (FormFile) fileForm.get("objExcel"); List list = new ArrayList(); try { InputStream excelInput = formFile.getInputStream(); Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(excelInput); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0); int rows = sheet.getRows(); Xs0709 xs0709 = null; for (int i = 9; i < rows; i++) { try { String xh = sheet.getCell(0, i).getContents().trim(); String wjrq = sheet.getCell(2, i).getContents().trim(); String wjlb = sheet.getCell(3, i).getContents().trim(); String cfmc = sheet.getCell(4, i).getContents().trim(); String cfdw = sheet.getCell(5, i).getContents().trim(); String wjjj = sheet.getCell(6, i).getContents().trim(); String cfwh = sheet.getCell(7, i).getContents().trim(); String cfrq = sheet.getCell(8, i).getContents().trim(); xs0709 = new Xs0709(); Xs0101 xs0101 = this.getJeffglServiceImpl().findXs0101Byxh(xh); if (xs0101 == null) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘学号’列的值:" + xh + ",在系统中不存在,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } xs0709.setXs0101(xs0101); if (wjrq != null && !wjrq.equals("")) { xs0709.setWjrq(wjrq); } else { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘违纪日期’列的值为空,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } ZzdWjlb zdwjlb = null; if (wjlb != null && !wjlb.equals("")) { zdwjlb = (ZzdWjlb) ZzdSingleton.getInstance(request.getSession().getServletContext()) .getZdByNameKey("ZzdWjlb", wjlb); } else { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘违纪类别’列的值为空,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } if (zdwjlb == null) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘违纪类别’列的值在系统中不存在,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } else { xs0709.setZzdWjlb(zdwjlb); } ZzdCfmc zdwjmc = null; if (cfmc != null && !cfmc.equals("")) { zdwjmc = (ZzdCfmc) ZzdSingleton.getInstance(request.getSession().getServletContext()) .getZdByNameKey("ZzdCfmc", cfmc); } else { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘处分名称’列的值为空,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } if (zdwjmc == null) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('导入失败,第" + i + "行,‘处分名称’列的值在系统中不存在,请确认后再导入');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } else { xs0709.setZzdCfmc(zdwjmc); } if (cfdw != null && !cfdw.equals("")) { xs0709.setGycfdw(cfdw); } if (wjjj != null && !wjjj.equals("")) { xs0709.setWjjk(wjjj); } if (cfwh != null && !cfwh.equals("")) { xs0709.setCfwh(cfwh); } if (cfrq != null && !cfrq.equals("")) { xs0709.setCfrq(cfrq); } list.add(xs0709); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } workbook.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入失败,请检查EXCEL文件是否存在!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (IOException e) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入失败,请检查EXCEL格式是否符合要求!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (BiffException e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入失败,请检查EXCEL格式是否符合要求!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入失败,系统没有检测到的错误!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); return null; } try { if (list.size() != 0) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); Xs0709 xs0709 = null; while (it.hasNext()) { xs0709 = (Xs0709); this.getIWjglService().saveXs0709(xs0709, request); } } this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入成功!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); } catch (Exception e) { this.writeJsMessage( response, "alert('数据导入失败,一般是由于数据不符合格式引起,请检查数据!');window.parent.returnValue='ok';window.parent.close();"); } return null; }
public String readFile() throws IOException { File inputWorkbook = new File(archivo); Workbook w; try { String msg = ""; w = Workbook.getWorkbook(inputWorkbook); // Get the first sheet Sheet sheet = w.getSheet(0); // int defaultRows = sheet.getRows(); // Si la cantidad de columnas es 4 if (sheet.getColumns() >= 4 && sheet.getRows() > 1) { // Valido que las cabeceras tengan el formato correcto if (!sheet.getCell(0, 0).getContents().equals("ORIGEN") || !sheet.getCell(1, 0).getContents().equals("DESTINO") || !sheet.getCell(2, 0).getContents().equals("PRODUCTO") || !sheet.getCell(3, 0).getContents().equals("PIEZAS")) { msg = Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Column Names"); return msg; } // El vector que almacena la estructura de traspasos Vector<Movimiento> movimientos = new Vector<Movimiento>(); Iterator<Movimiento> iterator_movimientos = null; Movimiento movimiento_temporal = null, movimiento_nuevo = null; for (int i = 1; i < sheet.getRows() && getStore(sheet.getCell(0, i).getContents()) != null; i++) { // Capturo el origen MWarehouse origen = getStore(sheet.getCell(0, i).getContents()); MWarehouse destino = getStore(sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents()); String isStore = "N"; // Aca debo bucar los values de los m_warehouse que son cd String sql = "SELECT XX_IsStore FROM M_Warehouse WHERE M_Warehouse_ID in ( " + origen.getM_Warehouse_ID() + "," + destino.getM_Warehouse_ID() + ")"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getString(1).equals("Y")) isStore = rs.getString(1); } } catch (Exception a) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, a); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } if (origen == null || isStore.equals("Y")) return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Cell A Error") + (i + 1) + " " + sheet.getCell(0, i).getContents(); // Capturo el destino if (destino == null || isStore.equals("Y")) return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Cell B Error") + (i + 1) + " " + sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents(); // Capturo el producto String p_id = sheet.getCell(2, i).getContents(); MProduct producto = getProduct(p_id); if (producto == null) { return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Cell C Error") + (i + 1) + " " + sheet.getCell(2, i).getContents(); } // Capturo las piezas Double piezas = null; try { if (sheet.getCell(3, i) != null) piezas = Double.parseDouble(sheet.getCell(3, i).getContents()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Cell D Error") + (i + 1) + " " + sheet.getCell(3, i).getContents(); } if (piezas == null) { return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "Cell D Error") + (i + 1) + " " + sheet.getCell(3, i).getContents(); } // Agregar cada fila al vector de traspasos iterator_movimientos = movimientos.iterator(); boolean encontrado = false; while (iterator_movimientos.hasNext()) { movimiento_temporal =; // Si un traspaso anterior va a la misma tienda, departamento, etc if (movimiento_temporal.origen == origen.get_ID()) { if (movimiento_temporal.destino == destino.get_ID()) { if (movimiento_temporal.departamento == producto.getXX_VMR_Department_ID()) { // Entonces agregar algo al objeto traspaso movimiento_temporal.agregarCantidades(producto.get_ID(), piezas); encontrado = true; break; } } } } // Si no se encontró en el vector de traspasos agregarlo if (!encontrado) { movimiento_nuevo = new Movimiento( origen.get_ID(), destino.get_ID(), producto.getXX_VMR_Department_ID()); movimiento_nuevo.agregarCantidades(producto.get_ID(), piezas); movimientos.add(movimiento_nuevo); } } // Una vez leido todo el archivo se procede a crear los traspasos // System.out.println(traspasos); return procesarMovimientos(movimientos).toString(); } else { return Msg.translate(getCtx(), "4 Columns"); } } catch (BiffException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage()); } return ""; }