コード例 #1
ファイル: FieldDescriptor.java プロジェクト: 007slm/jodd
   * Creates new field descriptor and resolve all additional field data. Also, forces access to a
   * field.
  public FieldDescriptor(ClassDescriptor classDescriptor, Field field) {
    super(classDescriptor, ReflectUtil.isPublic(field));
    this.field = field;
    this.type = field.getGenericType();
    this.rawType = ReflectUtil.getRawType(type, classDescriptor.getType());
    this.rawComponentType = ReflectUtil.getComponentType(type, classDescriptor.getType());
    this.rawKeyComponentType = ReflectUtil.getComponentType(type, classDescriptor.getType(), 0);

コード例 #2
  protected ActionRequest createActionRequest(String actionPath) {
    HttpServletRequest servletRequest = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
    HttpServletResponse servletResponse = mock(HttpServletResponse.class);
    HttpSession httpSession = mock(HttpSession.class);
    ServletContext servletContext = mock(ServletContext.class);


    MadvocController madvocController = new MadvocController();

    Object action = new Object();
    ActionInfo actionInfo =
        new ActionInfo(
            ReflectUtil.findMethod(Action.class, "view"),
            new ActionDef(actionPath, "GET"),

    return new ActionRequest(
コード例 #3
 public MethodAction createActionIfPossible(String actionName) {
   // will resolve if both a class and method name can be parsed, and a valid class with that
   // method name can be loaded
   String methodName = MethodAction.methodNameForAction(actionName);
   String className = MethodAction.classNameForAction(actionName);
   if (StringUtils.isEmpty(methodName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(className)) {
     return null;
   try {
     Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className); // TODO - Restricted in GAE - why is this better?
     // ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(className);
     Method method = ReflectUtil.findMethod(clazz, methodName);
     if (method == null) {
       return null;
     MethodAction methodAction = new MethodAction(clazz, method, findInterceptors(method));
     // force instantiation of controller - this allows controllers to be injected into eachother
     // and also flushes out instantiation issues at startup
     Object controller = createController(methodAction);
     controllerInstances.put(methodAction.type(), controller);
     return methodAction;
   } catch (BaseException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BeanUtilUtil.java プロジェクト: h87kg/jodd
  * Creates new instance for current property name through its setter. It uses default constructor!
 protected Object createBeanProperty(BeanProperty bp) {
   MethodDescriptor setter = bp.cd.getBeanSetterMethodDescriptor(bp.name, true);
   FieldDescriptor field = null;
   Class type;
   if (setter != null) {
     type = setter.getRawParameterTypes()[0];
   } else {
     field = getField(bp, true);
     if (field == null) {
       return null;
     type = field.getRawType();
   Object newInstance;
   try {
     newInstance = ReflectUtil.newInstance(type);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new BeanException("Unable to create property: " + bp.name, bp, ex);
   if (setter != null) {
     invokeSetter(bp.bean, setter, newInstance);
   } else {
     setFieldValue(bp.bean, field, newInstance);
   return newInstance;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: oblac/jodd
  * Adds the content pointed by the URL to the classpath during runtime. Uses reflection since
  * <code>addURL</code> method of <code>URLClassLoader</code> is protected.
 public static void addUrlToClassPath(URL url, ClassLoader classLoader) {
   try {
         URLClassLoader.class, classLoader, "addURL", new Class[] {URL.class}, new Object[] {url});
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Add URL failed: " + url, ex);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: oblac/jodd
  * Returns default class loader. By default, it is {@link #getContextClassLoader() threads context
  * class loader}. If this one is <code>null</code>, then class loader of the <b>caller class</b>
  * is returned.
 public static ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() {
   ClassLoader cl = getContextClassLoader();
   if (cl == null) {
     Class callerClass = ReflectUtil.getCallerClass(2);
     cl = callerClass.getClassLoader();
   return cl;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ParamoTest.java プロジェクト: zhzhy86/jodd
 public void testPrimitivesArrays1() throws NoSuchMethodException {
   Method m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(Foo.class, "primarr1");
   MethodParameter[] mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
   String[] s = resolveParameterNames(mps);
   assertEquals(2, s.length);
   assertEquals("one", s[0]);
   assertEquals("two", s[1]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: ParamoTest.java プロジェクト: zhzhy86/jodd
  public void testGeneric() {
    Method m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(Generic.class, "one");
    MethodParameter[] mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
    assertEquals(2, mps.length);
    assertEquals("foo", mps[0].getName());
    assertEquals("Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;>;", mps[0].getSignature());
    assertEquals("aLong", mps[1].getName());
    assertEquals("Ljava/lang/Long;", mps[1].getSignature());

    m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(Generic.class, "two");
    mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
    assertEquals(1, mps.length);
    assertEquals("zzz", mps[0].getName());
コード例 #9
ファイル: ClassDescriptor.java プロジェクト: GistLabs/csss
  public ClassDescriptor(
      Class type,
      boolean scanAccessible,
      boolean extendedProperties,
      boolean includeFieldsAsProperties,
      String propertyFieldPrefix) {
    this.type = type;
    this.scanAccessible = scanAccessible;
    this.extendedProperties = extendedProperties;
    this.includeFieldsAsProperties = includeFieldsAsProperties;
    this.propertyFieldPrefix = propertyFieldPrefix;

    isArray = type.isArray();
    isMap = ReflectUtil.isSubclass(type, Map.class);
    isList = ReflectUtil.isSubclass(type, List.class);
    isSet = ReflectUtil.isSubclass(type, Set.class);
    isCollection = ReflectUtil.isSubclass(type, Collection.class);
コード例 #10
ファイル: ParamoTest.java プロジェクト: zhzhy86/jodd
 public void testPrimitivesArrays3() throws NoSuchMethodException {
   Method m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(Foo.class, "primarrShortByte");
   MethodParameter[] mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
   String[] s = resolveParameterNames(mps);
   assertEquals(3, s.length);
   assertEquals("s", s[0]);
   assertEquals("y", s[1]);
   assertEquals("somethingElse", s[2]);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ParamoTest.java プロジェクト: zhzhy86/jodd
 public void testNonGeneric() {
   Method m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(NonGeneric.class, "one");
   MethodParameter[] mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
   assertEquals(2, mps.length);
   assertEquals("foo", mps[0].getName());
   assertEquals("Ljava/util/Map;", mps[0].getSignature());
   assertEquals("aLong", mps[1].getName());
   assertEquals("Ljava/lang/Long;", mps[1].getSignature());
コード例 #12
ファイル: ParamoTest.java プロジェクト: zhzhy86/jodd
 public void testPrimitivesArrays2() throws NoSuchMethodException {
   Method m = ReflectUtil.findDeclaredMethod(Foo.class, "primarr2");
   MethodParameter[] mps = Paramo.resolveParameters(m);
   String[] s = resolveParameterNames(mps);
   assertEquals(6, s.length);
   assertEquals("i", s[0]);
   assertEquals("l", s[1]);
   assertEquals("f", s[2]);
   assertEquals("d", s[3]);
   assertEquals("b", s[4]);
   assertEquals("c", s[5]);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: roywang1985/jodd
   * Loads a class with a given name dynamically, more reliable then <code>Class.forName</code>.
   * <p>Class will be loaded using class loaders in the following order:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>provided class loader (if any)
   *   <li><code>Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()}</code>
   *   <li>caller classloader
   *   <li>using <code>Class.forName</code>
   * </ul>
  public static Class loadClass(String className, ClassLoader classLoader)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {

    className = prepareClassnameForLoading(className);

    if ((className.indexOf('.') == -1) || (className.indexOf('[') == -1)) {
      // maybe a primitive
      int primitiveNdx = getPrimitiveClassNameIndex(className);
      if (primitiveNdx >= 0) {
        return PRIMITIVE_TYPES[primitiveNdx];

    // try #1 - using provided class loader
    try {
      if (classLoader != null) {
        return classLoader.loadClass(className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {

    // try #2 - using thread class loader
    ClassLoader currentThreadClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if ((currentThreadClassLoader != null) && (currentThreadClassLoader != classLoader)) {
      try {
        return currentThreadClassLoader.loadClass(className);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {

    // try #3 - using caller classloader, similar as Class.forName()
    Class callerClass = ReflectUtil.getCallerClass(2);
    ClassLoader callerClassLoader = callerClass.getClassLoader();

    if ((callerClassLoader != classLoader) && (callerClassLoader != currentThreadClassLoader)) {
      try {
        return callerClassLoader.loadClass(className);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {

    // try #4 - using Class.forName(). We must use this since for JDK >= 6
    // arrays will be not loaded using classloader, but only with forName.
    try {
      return Class.forName(className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {

    throw new ClassNotFoundException("Class not found: " + className);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: oblac/jodd
  * Finds and loads class on classpath even if it was already loaded.
  * @param className class name to find
  * @param classPath classpath
  * @param parent optional parent class loader, may be <code>null</code>
 public static Class findClass(String className, URL[] classPath, ClassLoader parent) {
   URLClassLoader tempClassLoader =
       parent != null ? new URLClassLoader(classPath, parent) : new URLClassLoader(classPath);
   try {
     return (Class)
             new Class[] {String.class},
             new Object[] {className});
   } catch (Throwable th) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Class not found: " + className, th);
コード例 #15
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: oblac/jodd
  * Defines a class from byte array into the specified class loader. Warning: this is a
  * <b>hack</b>!
  * @param className optional class name, may be <code>null</code>
  * @param classData bytecode data
  * @param classLoader classloader that will load class
 public static Class defineClass(String className, byte[] classData, ClassLoader classLoader) {
   try {
     return (Class)
             new Class[] {String.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class},
             new Object[] {
               className, classData, Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(classData.length)
   } catch (Throwable th) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Define class failed: " + className, th);
コード例 #16
ファイル: BeanUtilUtil.java プロジェクト: h87kg/jodd
  * Returns the element of an array forced. If value is <code>null</code>, it will be instantiated.
  * If not the last part of indexed bean property, array will be expanded to the index if
  * necessary.
 protected Object arrayForcedGet(BeanProperty bp, Object array, int index) {
   Class componentType = array.getClass().getComponentType();
   if (bp.last == false) {
     array = ensureArraySize(bp, array, componentType, index);
   Object value = Array.get(array, index);
   if (value == null) {
     try {
       value = ReflectUtil.newInstance(componentType);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new BeanException(
           "Unable to create array element: " + bp.name + '[' + index + ']', bp, ex);
     Array.set(array, index, value);
   return value;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ClassLoaderUtil.java プロジェクト: oblac/jodd
   * Retrieves given resource as URL. Resource is always absolute and may starts with a slash
   * character.
   * <p>Resource will be loaded using class loaders in the following order:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@link Thread#getContextClassLoader() Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()}
   *   <li>{@link Class#getClassLoader() ClassLoaderUtil.class.getClassLoader()}
   *   <li>if <code>callingClass</code> is provided: {@link Class#getClassLoader()
   *       callingClass.getClassLoader()}
   * </ul>
  public static URL getResourceUrl(String resourceName, ClassLoader classLoader) {

    if (resourceName.startsWith("/")) {
      resourceName = resourceName.substring(1);

    URL resourceUrl;

    // try #1 - using provided class loader
    if (classLoader != null) {
      resourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(resourceName);
      if (resourceUrl != null) {
        return resourceUrl;

    // try #2 - using thread class loader
    ClassLoader currentThreadClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if ((currentThreadClassLoader != null) && (currentThreadClassLoader != classLoader)) {
      resourceUrl = currentThreadClassLoader.getResource(resourceName);
      if (resourceUrl != null) {
        return resourceUrl;

    // try #3 - using caller classloader, similar as Class.forName()
    Class callerClass = ReflectUtil.getCallerClass(2);
    ClassLoader callerClassLoader = callerClass.getClassLoader();

    if ((callerClassLoader != classLoader) && (callerClassLoader != currentThreadClassLoader)) {
      resourceUrl = callerClassLoader.getResource(resourceName);
      if (resourceUrl != null) {
        return resourceUrl;

    return null;
コード例 #18
ファイル: FieldDescriptor.java プロジェクト: 007slm/jodd
 /** Resolves raw component type for given index. This value is NOT cached. */
 public Class resolveRawComponentType(int index) {
   return ReflectUtil.getComponentType(type, classDescriptor.getType(), index);