private final void renderLayer1() { // 1. Name table byte // 2. Attribute table byte // 3. Pattern table bitmap #0 // 4. Pattern table bitmap #1 // just render if it is enable! if (ppu.ppuMask.backgroundRenderingEnable != 0) { for (int pixel = 0; pixel < 256; pixel++) { // int nametableAddress = ppu.pPUAddress.completeAddress & 0x7FF; int tileIndex = VideoMemoryMap.NAME_TABLE_0_START + (ppu.scrolling.tileY * 32 + ppu.scrolling.tileX)); int[][] bgTile = ppu.getTile(ppu.ppuControl.patternTableAddressBackground, tileIndex); frameManager.setPixelLayer1( bgTile[ppu.scrolling.loopyX][ppu.scrolling.fineY], pixel, ppu.actualScanLine); colorIndex = ppu.vram.readUnhandled( VideoMemoryMap.BG_PALLETE_START + ((ppu.getUpper2BitColorFromAttributeTable( VideoMemoryMap.NAME_TABLE_0_START, tileIndex) << 2) | frameManager.getPixelLayer1At(pixel, ppu.actualScanLine))); frameManager.setPixel(NesPalette.getRGBAt(colorIndex), pixel, ppu.actualScanLine); /*frameManager.setPixel(new float[]{(float)Math.random(),(float)Math.random(),(float)Math.random()}, pixel, ppu.actualScanLine);*/ // fine controls what pixel to start to rendering (0-7) from the tile. // when it reaches the 7 it will wrap to 0 and increase the tilex!- if (ppu.scrolling.loopyX == 7) { ppu.scrolling.tileX++; if (ppu.scrolling.tileX > 31) { ppu.scrolling.tileX &= 31; ppu.scrolling.loopyT[10] = ~ppu.scrolling.loopyT[10] & 1; // flipping the low nametable bit. } } // wrapping the finex... ppu.scrolling.loopyX = (ppu.scrolling.loopyX + 1) & 7; } ppu.scrolling.fineY++; // always after a scanline the finey is increase. settedTileYFrom2006 = (ppu.scrolling.tileY > 29); // checking it it was setted by $2006. if (ppu.scrolling.fineY > 7) { // when finey wraps to 0, the tiley is increased. ppu.scrolling.fineY &= 7; ppu.scrolling.tileY++; } if (ppu.scrolling.tileY > 29 && !settedTileYFrom2006) { ppu.scrolling.tileY = 0; ppu.scrolling.loopyT[11] = ~ppu.scrolling.loopyT[11] & 1; // flipping the high nametable bit. } else if (ppu.scrolling.tileY > 29 && settedTileYFrom2006) { ppu.scrolling.tileY = 0; } } }
private final void renderLayer(final int layer, final Iterator<Sprite> iterator) { if (ppu.ppuMask.spriteRenderingEnable == 1) { while (iterator.hasNext()) { sprite =; lineToRender = y - sprite.yCoordinate; tile = ppu.getTile(sprite.patternTable, sprite.tileNumber0); // todo: who cames first? if (sprite.horizontalFlip == 1) { tile = flipHorizontal(tile); } if (sprite.verticalFlip == 1) { tile = flipVertical(tile); } if (sprite.index == 0) { realSpriteZeroRendering(layer); } else { realSpriteRendering(layer); } } } }