public static void addRecentGame(File game) { games = JMupenUtils.getGamesFromFile( Paths.get(JMupenUtils.getConfigDir() + JMupenUtils.getBar() + "jmupen.recents")); games.add(game.getName() + "|" + game.getAbsolutePath()); JMupenUtils.setGames(games); JMupenGUI.getInstance().getModel().addElement(game.getName()); JMupenUtils.clearOldRecents(); }
/** @author xela92 */ public final class JMupenUtils { private static final JMupenGUI gui = JMupenGUI.getInstance(); private static final Properties props = new Properties(); private static ArrayList<String> games = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final Path recentsFile = Paths.get(JMupenUtils.getConfigDir() + JMupenUtils.getBar() + "jmupen.recents"); private static boolean fullscreen = true; private static boolean using_legacy = false; private static File saveFolder = new File(JMupenUtils.getJmupenSaveDir()); public static void addGame(File game) { JMupenUtils.clearOldRecents(); games.add(game.getName() + "|" + game.getAbsolutePath()); } public static void addRecentGame(File game) { games = JMupenUtils.getGamesFromFile( Paths.get(JMupenUtils.getConfigDir() + JMupenUtils.getBar() + "jmupen.recents")); games.add(game.getName() + "|" + game.getAbsolutePath()); JMupenUtils.setGames(games); JMupenGUI.getInstance().getModel().addElement(game.getName()); JMupenUtils.clearOldRecents(); } public static void clearOldRecents() { if (games.toArray().length > 6) { games.remove(0); JMupenGUI.getInstance().getModel().removeElementAt(0); } } /* public static void copyToSaveFolder() { if (JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder() != null) { File sourceLocation = new File(JMupenUtils.getJmupenHome().concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()).concat("save")); if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(sourceLocation.getParent()))) { JMupenGUI.getInstance().showError("Save files' directory not found", "The directory no longer exists. I will use default directory"); JMupenUtils.setSaveFolder(null); JMupenUtils.resetSaveFolder(); } try { FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceLocation, JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder()); } catch (IOException e) { JMupenGUI.getInstance().showError("Save files copy to selected folder failed. ", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } public static void copyFromSaveFolder() { if (JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder() != null) { File destLocation = new File(JMupenUtils.getJmupenHome().concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()).concat("save")); if (destLocation.exists()) { destLocation.renameTo(new File(destLocation.getAbsolutePath().concat(".backup"))); } if (JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder().list().length > 0) { try { FileUtils.copyDirectory(JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder(), destLocation); } catch (IOException e) { JMupenGUI.getInstance().showError("Save files copy-back to local folder failed. ", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } */ public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) { if (path.exists()) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } return (path.delete()); } public static void extractJar(File jarFile, File destDir) { try { System.out.println("Extracting JAR..."); JarUnpacker jarUnpacker = new JarUnpacker(); jarUnpacker.unpack(jarFile.getAbsolutePath(), destDir.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { JMupenGUI.getInstance().showError("Error extracting jar", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public static String getBar() { switch (System.getProperty("")) { case "win": return "\\"; default: return "/"; } } public static File getConf() { return new File(JMupenUtils.getConfigDir() + JMupenUtils.getBar() + "jmupen.conf"); } public static String getConfigDir() { if (JMupenUtils.getOs().equals("mac") || JMupenUtils.getOs().equals("lin")) { return JMupenUtils.getHome(); } else { return System.getProperty(""); } } public static boolean getFullscreen() { return fullscreen; } public static ArrayList<String> getGames() { JMupenUtils.clearOldRecents(); return games; } public static ArrayList<String> getGamesFromFile(Path recents) { if (!Files.exists(recents)) { try { Files.createFile(recents); } catch (IOException ex) { gui.showError( "Error creating recents file. You won't see recent games list.", ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } Stream<String> stream = null; try { stream = Files.lines(recents, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { gui.showError( "Error opening file. Maybe it does not exist or you cannot access it.", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (stream != null) { return new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(stream.toArray())); } else { return null; } } public static String getHome() { return System.getProperty("user.home"); } public static String getJmupenHome() { if (JMupenUtils.getOs().equalsIgnoreCase("win")) { return System.getenv("APPDATA").concat(JMupenUtils.getBar().concat("Mupen64Plus")); } else { return JMupenUtils.getHome() .concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()) .concat(".local") .concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()) .concat("share") .concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()) .concat("mupen64plus"); } } public static String getJmupenConfigDir() { if (JMupenUtils.getOs().equalsIgnoreCase("win")) { return System.getenv("APPDATA").concat(JMupenUtils.getBar().concat("Mupen64Plus")); } else { return JMupenUtils.getHome() .concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()) .concat(".config") .concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()) .concat("mupen64plus"); } } public static String getJmupenSaveDir() { String dir = JMupenUtils.getJmupenHome().concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()).concat("save"); Path f = Paths.get(dir); if (!Files.exists(f)) { try { Files.createDirectories(f); } catch (IOException ex) { JMupenGUI.getInstance() .showError( "FATAL", "Can't create default save directory. JMupen won't work without a savefiles directory. I will temporary use home folder."); return JMupenUtils.getHome(); } } return dir; } public static String getOs() { String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (os.contains("win")) { return "win"; } else if (os.contains("mac")) { return "mac"; } else { return "lin"; } } public static Path getRecents() { return recentsFile; } public static File getSaveFolder() { if (!saveFolder.canRead() && !saveFolder.canWrite()) { JMupenGUI.getInstance() .showError( "Can't read savefiles directory.", "Rolling back to default savefiles directory."); JMupenUtils.setSaveFolder(new File(JMupenUtils.getJmupenSaveDir())); JMupenUtils.saveParamChanges(); } return saveFolder; } public static boolean getUsingLegacyVersion() { return using_legacy; } public static void loadParams() { InputStream is = null; if (JMupenUtils.getConf().exists()) { // First try loading from the current directory try { is = new FileInputStream(JMupenUtils.getConf()); } catch (Exception e) { is = null; } try { props.load(is); JMupenUtils.setFullscreen(props.get("Fullscreen").equals("true")); JMupenUtils.setUsingLegacyVersion(props.get("UsingLegacy").equals("true")); JMupenUtils.setSaveFolder( !props.get("SaveFolder").equals("") ? new File((String) props.get("SaveFolder")) : null); } catch (Exception e) { saveParamChanges(); } } else { saveParamChanges(); } } public static void resetSaveFolder() { JMupenUtils.setSaveFolder( new File(JMupenUtils.getJmupenHome().concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()).concat("save"))); props.setProperty( "SaveFolder", JMupenUtils.getJmupenHome().concat(JMupenUtils.getBar()).concat("save")); saveParamChanges(); } public static void saveParamChanges() { try { props.setProperty("Fullscreen", "" + JMupenUtils.getFullscreen()); props.setProperty("UsingLegacy", "" + JMupenUtils.getUsingLegacyVersion()); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(JMupenUtils.getConf()); if (JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder() != null) { props.setProperty("SaveFolder", JMupenUtils.getSaveFolder().getAbsolutePath()); }, "JMupen Configuration File"); } catch (Exception e) { JMupenGUI.getInstance().showError("Error saving conf file.", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public static void setGames(ArrayList<String> g) { JMupenUtils.clearOldRecents(); games = g; } public static void setFullscreen(boolean ans) { fullscreen = ans; } static void setSaveFolder(File file) { saveFolder = file; } public static void setUsingLegacyVersion(boolean ans) { using_legacy = ans; } public static void writeGamesToFile() { List<String> listGames = (List) games; try { Files.write(recentsFile, listGames, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException ex) { gui.showError("Error writing recents file", "Full message: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }
public static File getConf() { return new File(JMupenUtils.getConfigDir() + JMupenUtils.getBar() + "jmupen.conf"); }