/** set up all of the other objects to operate with a LI100 connected to this port */ public void configure() { // connect to a packetizing traffic controller XNetTrafficController packets = new LI100XNetPacketizer(new LenzCommandStation()); packets.connectPort(this); // start operation // packets.startThreads(); this.getSystemConnectionMemo().setXNetTrafficController(packets); new LI100XNetInitializationManager(this.getSystemConnectionMemo()); jmri.jmrix.lenz.ActiveFlag.setActive(); }
/** set up all of the other objects to operate with a LIUSB Ethernet interface */ @Override public void configure() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("configure called"); } // connect to a packetizing traffic controller XNetTrafficController packets = (new LIUSBEthernetXNetPacketizer(new LenzCommandStation())); packets.connectPort(this); // start operation // packets.startThreads(); this.getSystemConnectionMemo().setXNetTrafficController(packets); new XNetInitializationManager(this.getSystemConnectionMemo()); }