private <T> void readModuleDescriptorsFromFile( IFile file, Set<IFile> excludes, List<T> result, boolean refreshFiles, DescriptorReader<T> reader) { if (!needProcess(file, excludes)) return; if (refreshFiles) { FileSystem.getInstance().refresh(file); } if (file.getName().endsWith(JAR)) { IFile jarRoot = FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(file.getPath() + JAR_SEPARATOR); if (jarRoot != null) { readModuleDescriptorsFromFolder(jarRoot, excludes, result, refreshFiles, reader); } } else { if (!isModuleFile(file)) return; ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = loadDescriptorOnly_internal(file, excludes); if (moduleDescriptor != null) { T descriptor = ModuleHandle(file, moduleDescriptor)); if (descriptor != null) { result.add(descriptor); } } } }
public ModuleDescriptor loadModuleDescriptor(IFile file) { try { String filePath = file.getPath(); if (filePath.endsWith(SLASH_META_INF_MODULE_XML)) { DeploymentDescriptor deploymentDescriptor = DeploymentDescriptorPersistence.loadDeploymentDescriptor(file); ModuleDescriptor result = null; IFile realDescriptorFile = getRealDescriptorFile(filePath, deploymentDescriptor); if (realDescriptorFile != null) { result = loadModuleDescriptor(realDescriptorFile); } // TODO create module without sources if (result != null) { result.setDeploymentDescriptor(deploymentDescriptor); // TODO fix stubs } return result; } else { return DescriptorIOFacade.getInstance().fromFileType(file).readFromFile(file); } } catch (Exception t) { LOG.error("Fail to load module from descriptor " + file.getPath(), t); return null; } }
protected void readModules(FileMPSProject.ProjectDescriptor projDesc) { myErrors = null; // load solutions Set<ModuleReference> existingModules = getModuleReferences(); for (Path modulePath : projDesc.getModules()) { String path = modulePath.getPath(); IFile descriptorFile = FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(path); if (descriptorFile.exists()) { ModuleDescriptor descriptor = ModulesMiner.getInstance().loadModuleDescriptor(descriptorFile); if (descriptor != null) { ModulesMiner.ModuleHandle moduleHandle = new ModulesMiner.ModuleHandle(descriptorFile, descriptor); IModule m = ModuleRepositoryFacade.createModule(moduleHandle, this); ModuleReference moduleReference = m.getModuleReference(); if (!(existingModules.remove(moduleReference))) { super.addModule(moduleReference); } } else { error("Can't load module from " + descriptorFile.getPath() + " Unknown file type."); } } else { error("Can't load module from " + descriptorFile.getPath() + " File doesn't exist."); } } for (ModuleReference ref : existingModules) { super.removeModule(ref); } }
@Override public void findTargets( TargetKind kind, Collection<SModel> scope, Consumer<NavigationTarget> consumer, Consumer<SModel> processedConsumer) { final ID<Integer, List<SNodeDescriptor>> indexName = RootNodeNameIndex.NAME; final FileBasedIndex fileBasedIndex = FileBasedIndex.getInstance(); for (SModel sm : scope) { if (sm instanceof EditableSModel && ((EditableSModel) sm).isChanged()) { continue; } DataSource source = sm.getSource(); if (!(source instanceof FileDataSource)) { continue; } IFile modelFile = ((FileDataSource) source).getFile(); String ext = FileUtil.getExtension(modelFile.getName()); if (ext == null || modelFile.isDirectory() || !(supportedExtensions.contains(ext.toLowerCase()))) { continue; } VirtualFile vf = VirtualFileUtils.getVirtualFile(modelFile); if (vf == null) continue; // e.g. model was deleted int fileId = FileBasedIndex.getFileId(vf); ConcreteFilesGlobalSearchScope fileScope = new ConcreteFilesGlobalSearchScope(Collections.singleton(vf)); List<List<SNodeDescriptor>> descriptors = fileBasedIndex.getValues(indexName, fileId, fileScope); if (descriptors.isEmpty()) continue; boolean needToLoad = false; for (NavigationTarget snd : descriptors.get(0)) { PropertyConstraintsDescriptor descriptor = ConceptRegistry.getInstance() .getConstraintsDescriptor(snd.getConcept().getQualifiedName()) .getProperty(SNodeUtil.property_INamedConcept_name); if (descriptor instanceof BasePropertyConstraintsDescriptor && !((BasePropertyConstraintsDescriptor) descriptor).isGetterDefault()) { needToLoad = true; break; } } if (!needToLoad) { for (SNodeDescriptor desc : descriptors.get(0)) { consumer.consume(desc); } processedConsumer.consume(sm); } } }
@Override public List<String> getErrors() { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); Throwable loadException = myModule.getModuleDescriptor().getLoadException(); if (loadException != null) { errors.add("Couldn't load module: " + loadException.getMessage()); return errors; } ModuleDescriptor descriptor = myModule.getModuleDescriptor(); // null? for (Dependency dep : descriptor.getDependencies()) { SModuleReference moduleRef = dep.getModuleRef(); if (MPSModuleRepository.getInstance().getModule(moduleRef) == null) { errors.add("Can't find dependency: " + moduleRef.getModuleName()); } } for (SModuleReference reference : descriptor.getUsedLanguages()) { if (ModuleRepositoryFacade.getInstance().getModule(reference, Language.class) == null) { errors.add("Can't find used language: " + reference.getModuleName()); } } for (SModuleReference reference : descriptor.getUsedDevkits()) { if (MPSModuleRepository.getInstance().getModule(reference) == null) { errors.add("Can't find used devkit: " + reference.getModuleName()); } } if (descriptor.getSourcePaths() != null && !myModule.isPackaged()) { for (String sourcePath : descriptor.getSourcePaths()) { IFile file = FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(sourcePath); if (file == null || !file.exists()) { errors.add("Can't find source path: " + sourcePath); } } } if (descriptor.getAdditionalJavaStubPaths() != null) { for (String path : descriptor.getAdditionalJavaStubPaths()) { IFile file = FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(path); if (file == null || !file.exists()) { if (new File(path).exists()) { errors.add("Idea VFS is not up-to-date. Can't find library: " + path); } else { errors.add("Can't find library: " + path); } } } } // todo: =( if (!(myModule instanceof Generator)) { errors.addAll(validateDependenciesOnGenerators()); } return errors; }
/*package*/ Solution createNewSolution(final IFile solutionDescriptorFile) { MPSProject mpsProject = myThis.getProject(); // Prepare files File dir = new File(solutionDescriptorFile.getAbsolutePath()).getParentFile(); if (!(dir.exists())) { dir.mkdirs(); } String solutionFileName = solutionDescriptorFile.getName(); String solutionName = solutionFileName.substring(0, solutionFileName.length() - 4); // Create // RE-2448 ModelRoot modelRoot = new ModelRoot(); modelRoot.setPrefix(""); modelRoot.setPath(solutionDescriptorFile.getParent().getAbsolutePath()); final Solution solution = Solution.createStubSolution(solutionName, solutionDescriptorFile, mpsProject, modelRoot); SolutionDescriptor solutionDescriptor = solution.getModuleDescriptor(); solutionDescriptor.setCompileInMPS(myThis.getCompileInMPS()); // Add SWC file to the classpath ModelRoot stubModelEntry = new ModelRoot(); stubModelEntry.setPath(myThis.getSourcesPath()); stubModelEntry.setManager(LanguageID.AS_MANAGER); solutionDescriptor.getStubModelEntries().add(stubModelEntry); // Add languages refs solutionDescriptor .getUsedLanguages() .add(ModuleReference.fromString(Languages.ACTION_SCRIPT_INTERNAL)); solutionDescriptor .getUsedLanguages() .add(ModuleReference.fromString(Languages.ACTION_SCRIPT_LOGGING)); solutionDescriptor .getUsedLanguages() .add(ModuleReference.fromString(Languages.ACTION_SCRIPT_ASSETS)); // Add playerglobal reference Dependency playerGlobalDependency = new Dependency(); playerGlobalDependency.setModuleRef(ModuleReference.fromString(PLAYERGLOBAL_SWC)); solutionDescriptor.getDependencies().add(playerGlobalDependency); // Save the solution descriptor ModelAccess.instance() .writeFilesInEDT( new Runnable() { public void run() {; } }); mpsProject.addProjectModule(solution); return solution; }
@Override public String compute() { TreeFileChooser chooser = new TreeFileChooser(); chooser.setMode(TreeFileChooser.MODE_DIRECTORIES); IFile result = chooser.showDialog(); if (result == null) { return null; } return result.getPath(); }
private void processExcludes( @NotNull IFile descriptorFile, ModuleDescriptor descriptor, Set<IFile> excludes) { if (descriptor == null || descriptorFile.isReadOnly()) { return; } for (String p : descriptor.getSourcePaths()) { excludes.add(FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(p)); } IFile genPath = ProjectPathUtil.getGeneratorOutputPath(descriptorFile.getParent(), descriptor); if (genPath != null) { excludes.add(genPath); if (!descriptorFile.isReadOnly()) { FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(FileGenerationUtil.getCachesPath(genPath.getPath())); } } IFile testsGenPath = ProjectPathUtil.getGeneratorTestsOutputPath(descriptorFile, descriptor); if (testsGenPath != null) { excludes.add(testsGenPath); if (!descriptorFile.isReadOnly()) { FileSystem.getInstance() .getFileByPath(FileGenerationUtil.getCachesPath(testsGenPath.getPath())); } } for (ModelRootDescriptor rootDescriptor : descriptor.getModelRootDescriptors()) { ModelRoot root = rootDescriptor.getRoot(); if (root == null || root.getManager() != null && root.getManager() != LanguageID.JAVA_MANAGER) { continue; } excludes.add(FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(root.getPath())); } IFile classesGen = ProjectPathUtil.getClassesGenFolder(descriptorFile.getParent(), false); if (classesGen != null) { excludes.add(classesGen); } // todo: specify what kind of descriptor can be input for this method if (descriptor instanceof LanguageDescriptor) { IFile generatorClassesGen = ProjectPathUtil.getClassesGenFolder(descriptorFile.getParent(), true); if (generatorClassesGen != null) { excludes.add(generatorClassesGen); } } for (String entry : descriptor.getAdditionalJavaStubPaths()) { excludes.add(FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(entry)); } }
public void doExecute(@NotNull final AnActionEvent event, final Map<String, Object> _params) { try { IModule module = ((SModelDescriptor) MapSequence.fromMap(_params).get("model")).getModule(); TreeFileChooser treeFileChooser = new TreeFileChooser(); treeFileChooser.setDirectoriesAreAlwaysVisible(true); treeFileChooser.setMode(TreeFileChooser.MODE_DIRECTORIES); final SModel sModel = ((SModelDescriptor) MapSequence.fromMap(_params).get("model")).getSModel(); treeFileChooser.setFileFilter( new IFileFilter() { public boolean accept(IFile file) { return JavaCompiler.checkBaseModelMatchesSourceDirectory( sModel, new File(file.getPath())); } }); String generatorOutputPath = module.getGeneratorOutputPath(); File initial = null; File output = new File(generatorOutputPath); if (output.exists()) { initial = output; File sourceRoot = new File(initial.getParentFile(), "source"); if (!(sourceRoot.exists())) { sourceRoot = new File(initial.getParentFile(), "src"); } initial = sourceRoot; if (sourceRoot.exists()) { File modelSource = new File(sourceRoot, NameUtil.pathFromNamespace(sModel.getLongName())); if (modelSource.exists()) { initial = modelSource; } } } if (initial != null) { treeFileChooser.setInitialFile( FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(initial.getAbsolutePath())); } IFile result = treeFileChooser.showDialog(((Frame) MapSequence.fromMap(_params).get("frame"))); if (result != null) { JavaCompiler javaCompiler = new JavaCompiler( ((IOperationContext) MapSequence.fromMap(_params).get("context")), module, new File(result.getPath()), false, sModel); javaCompiler.compile(); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("User's action execute method failed. Action:" + "GetModelContentsFromSource", t); } } }
protected final void collectModels( IFile dir, String package_, String relativePath, Map<String, String> options, Collection<SModel> models) { if (FileSystem.getInstance().isFileIgnored(dir.getName())) return; if (!dir.isDirectory()) return; List<IFile> files = dir.getChildren(); options.put(ModelFactory.OPTION_PACKAGE, package_); for (IFile file : files) { String fileName = file.getName(); String extension = FileUtil.getExtension(fileName); if (extension == null) continue; ModelFactory modelFactory = PersistenceFacade.getInstance().getModelFactory(extension); if (modelFactory == null || file.isDirectory()) continue; FileDataSource source = new FileDataSource(file, this); options.put(ModelFactory.OPTION_RELPATH, combinePath(relativePath, fileName)); String fileNameWE = FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(fileName); options.put( ModelFactory.OPTION_MODELNAME, package_ != null ? (package_.isEmpty() ? fileNameWE : package_ + "." + fileNameWE) : null); try { SModel model = modelFactory.load(source, Collections.unmodifiableMap(options)); ((SModelBase) model).setModelRoot(this); models.add(model); } catch (UnsupportedDataSourceException ex) { /* model factory registration problem: ignore */ } } options.put(ModelFactory.OPTION_RELPATH, relativePath); for (FolderModelFactory factory : PersistenceRegistry.getInstance().getFolderModelFactories()) { for (DataSource dataSource : factory.createDataSources(this, dir)) { SModel model = factory.load(dataSource, Collections.unmodifiableMap(options)); ((SModelBase) model).setModelRoot(this); models.add(model); } } for (IFile childDir : files) { if (childDir.isDirectory()) { String name = childDir.getName(); String innerPackage = package_ != null && JavaNameUtil.isJavaIdentifier(name) ? (package_.isEmpty() ? name : package_ + "." + name) : null; String innerPath = combinePath(relativePath, name); collectModels(childDir, innerPackage, innerPath, options, models); } } }
public Path compute() { TreeFileChooser chooser = new TreeFileChooser(); chooser.setExtensionFileFilter( MPSExtentions.DOT_LANGUAGE, MPSExtentions.DOT_SOLUTION, MPSExtentions.DOT_LIBRARY, MPSExtentions.DOT_DEVKIT); IFile file = chooser.showDialog(myOwner.getMainComponent()); if (file == null) { return null; } return new Path(file.getPath()); }
@Override public void update(ProgressMonitor monitor, @NotNull FileSystemEvent event) { assertCanChange(); for (IFile file : event.getRemoved()) { if (file.equals(myDescriptorFile)) { ModuleRepositoryFacade.getInstance().unregisterModule(this); return; } } for (IFile file : event.getChanged()) { if (file.equals(myDescriptorFile)) { SModuleOperations.reloadFromDisk(this); return; } } }
private static IFile getRefactoringsFile(IFile modelFile) { String modelPath = modelFile.getPath(); String refactoringsPath = modelPath.substring(0, modelPath.length() - MPSExtentions.DOT_MODEL.length()) + MPSExtentions.DOT_REFACTORINGS; return FileSystem.getInstance().getFileByPath(refactoringsPath); }
public static void save(IFile modelFile, StructureModificationLog log) { IFile refactoringsFile = getRefactoringsFile(modelFile); refactoringsFile.createNewFile(); Document document = new HistoryWriter().saveHistory(log); if (refactoringsFile.isReadOnly()) { LOG.error("Can't write to " + refactoringsFile.getPath()); return; } try { JDOMUtil.writeDocument(document, refactoringsFile); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error in file " + refactoringsFile, e); } }
private SNode convertLanguage(LanguageDescriptor source) { SNode result = SConceptOperations.createNewNode("jetbrains.mps.lang.project.structure.Language", null); result.setId(SNodeId.fromString("~root")); SModelOperations.addRootNode(myModel, result); fill(result, source); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "doNotGenerateAdapters", "" + source.isDoNotGenerateAdapters()); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "genPath", source.getGenPath()); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "languagePath", myFile.getPath()); for (SModelReference ref : source.getAccessoryModels()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "accessoryModels", true).add(convert(ref)); } for (GeneratorDescriptor descriptor : source.getGenerators()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "generator", true).add(convert(descriptor)); } for (ModuleReference ref : source.getExtendedLanguages()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "extendedLanguages", true).add(convert(ref)); } for (Dependency dep : source.getRuntimeModules()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "runtimeModules", true).add(convert(dep)); } for (ModelRoot entry : source.getRuntimeStubModels()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "runtimeStubModels", true).add(convert(entry)); } for (StubSolution sol : source.getStubSolutions()) { SLinkOperations.getTargets(result, "stubSolutions", true).add(convert(sol)); } collectModels(result, source); return result; }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = file.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (isHidden ? 1 : 0); return result; }
protected AbstractModule(@Nullable IFile descriptorFile) { myDescriptorFile = descriptorFile; if (descriptorFile != null) { myFileSystem = descriptorFile.getFileSystem(); } else { myFileSystem = getFSSingleton(); } }
@Nullable public static IFile getRealDescriptorFile( String filePath, DeploymentDescriptor deploymentDescriptor) { if (deploymentDescriptor.getSourcesJar() != null) { IFile moduleJar = FileSystem.getInstance() .getFileByPath( filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - SLASH_META_INF_MODULE_XML.length())); IFile sourcesJar = moduleJar.getParent().getDescendant(deploymentDescriptor.getSourcesJar()); if (sourcesJar.exists() && deploymentDescriptor.getDescriptorFile() != null) { return FileSystem.getInstance() .getFileByPath( sourcesJar.getPath() + "!/module/" + deploymentDescriptor.getDescriptorFile()); } } return null; }
@Override public void rename(String newModelName, boolean changeFile) { assertCanChange(); SModelReference oldName = getReference(); fireBeforeModelRenamed(new SModelRenamedEvent(this, oldName.getModelName(), newModelName)); // TODO update SModelId (if it contains modelName) // if(getReference().getModelId().getModelName() != null) { } SModelReference newModelReference = PersistenceFacade.getInstance() .createModelReference( getReference().getModuleReference(), getReference().getModelId(), newModelName); fireBeforeModelRenamed(newModelReference); changeModelReference(newModelReference); if (!changeFile) { save(); } else { if (changeFile && !(getSource() instanceof FileDataSource)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot change model file on non-file data source"); } IFile oldFile = ((FileDataSource) getSource()).getFile(); ModelRoot root = ModelRootUtil.getModelRoot(this); if (root instanceof DefaultModelRoot) { DefaultModelRoot defaultModelRoot = (DefaultModelRoot) root; String sourceRoot = null; for (String sr : defaultModelRoot.getFiles(FileBasedModelRoot.SOURCE_ROOTS)) { if (oldFile.getPath().startsWith(sr)) { // using the same sourceRoot sourceRoot = sr; break; } } try { IFile newFile = defaultModelRoot .createSource( newModelName, FileUtil.getExtension(oldFile.getName()), sourceRoot, new HashMap<String, String>()) .getFile(); newFile.getParent().mkdirs(); newFile.createNewFile(); changeModelFile(newFile); save(); oldFile.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("cannot rename " + getModelName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); save(); } } } fireModelRenamed(new SModelRenamedEvent(this, oldName.getModelName(), newModelName)); fireModelRenamed(oldName); }
public static ModuleDescriptor loadModuleDescriptor( IFile moduleDescriptorFile, TemplateQueryContext genContext, SNode originalModule, ModuleChecker.Reporter reporter) { MacroHelper helper = new ModuleLoaderUtils.ModuleMacroHelper( moduleDescriptorFile.getParent(), genContext, originalModule, reporter); String path = moduleDescriptorFile.getPath(); if (path.endsWith(MPSExtentions.DOT_LANGUAGE)) { return LanguageDescriptorPersistence.loadLanguageDescriptor(moduleDescriptorFile, helper); } else if (path.endsWith(MPSExtentions.DOT_SOLUTION)) { return SolutionDescriptorPersistence.loadSolutionDescriptor(moduleDescriptorFile, helper); } else if (path.endsWith(MPSExtentions.DOT_DEVKIT)) { return DevkitDescriptorPersistence.loadDevKitDescriptor(moduleDescriptorFile); } throw new RuntimeException("unknown file type: " + moduleDescriptorFile.getName()); }
public static StructureModificationLog load(IFile modelFile) { IFile refactoringsFile = getRefactoringsFile(modelFile); if (!refactoringsFile.exists()) return null; try { HistoryReaderHandler handler = new HistoryReaderHandler(); JDOMUtil.createSAXParser().parse(JDOMUtil.loadSource(refactoringsFile), handler); return handler.getResult(); } catch (SAXParseException e) { LOG.warning(refactoringsFile.getPath() + " line " + e.getLineNumber()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (SAXException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.error(e); } return null; }
@Override public void scheduleUpdateForWrittenFiles(Iterable<IFile> writtenFiles) { final List<IFile> newFiles = new ArrayList<IFile>(); final List<IFile> updatedFiles = new ArrayList<IFile>(); for (IFile file : writtenFiles) { if (file.exists()) { updatedFiles.add(file); } else { newFiles.add(file); } } ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new IdeaWriteAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Recreate files using VFS for (IFile file : newFiles) { OutputStream out = null; try { // No need to close InputStream: it will be closed by loadFromStream() byte[] content = StreamUtil.loadFromStream(new FileInputStream(file.getPath())); out = file.openOutputStream(); out.write(content); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(null, e); } finally { FileUtil.closeFileSafe(out); } } // Refresh added files for (IFile file : updatedFiles) { FileSystem.getInstance().refresh(file); } } })); }
private ModuleDescriptor loadDescriptorOnly_internal(IFile descriptorFile, Set<IFile> excludes) { try { ModuleDescriptor descriptor = loadModuleDescriptor(descriptorFile); if (descriptor != null) { processExcludes(descriptorFile, descriptor, excludes); } return descriptor; } catch (Exception t) { LOG.error("Fail to load module from descriptor " + descriptorFile.getPath(), t); } return null; }
private SNode convertSolution(SolutionDescriptor source) { SNode result = SConceptOperations.createNewNode("jetbrains.mps.lang.project.structure.Solution", null); result.setId(SNodeId.fromString("~root")); SModelOperations.addRootNode(myModel, result); fill(result, source); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "dontLoadClasses", "" + source.isDontLoadClasses()); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "outputPath", source.getOutputPath()); SPropertyOperations.set(result, "solutionPath", myFile.getPath()); collectModels(result, source); return result; }
/** * Convert path from sources module descriptor for using on distribution /classes && /classes_gen * converts to bundle home path * * @param originalPath Original path from sources module descriptor * @return Converted path, null if path meaningless on packaged module */ @Nullable private String convertPath( String originalPath, IFile bundleHome, IFile sourcesDescriptorFile, ModuleDescriptor descriptor) { MacroHelper macroHelper = MacrosFactory.forModuleFile(sourcesDescriptorFile); String canonicalPath = FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(originalPath).toLowerCase(); // /classes && /classes_gen hack String suffix = descriptor.getCompileInMPS() ? CLASSES_GEN : CLASSES; if (canonicalPath.endsWith(suffix)) { // MacrosFactory based on original descriptor file because we use original descriptor file for // ModuleDescriptor reading, so all paths expanded to original descriptor file String classes = macroHelper.expandPath("${module}/" + suffix); if (FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(classes).equalsIgnoreCase(canonicalPath)) { return bundleHome.getPath(); } } else if (FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(bundleHome.getPath()).equalsIgnoreCase(canonicalPath)) { return bundleHome.getPath(); } // ${mps_home}/lib String mpsHomeLibPath = FileUtil.getCanonicalPath(PathManager.getHomePath() + File.separator + "lib").toLowerCase(); if (canonicalPath.startsWith(mpsHomeLibPath)) { return canonicalPath; } // we used to keep originalPath if it has a macro not known to MPS here. // However, the check has been deprecated in 2012 and thus removed. I'm not 100% sure what // 'meaningless' in the contract of the method means. Of course, unknown macros make no sense // for us // and thus null is legitimate answer, OTOH, custom macros might have a lot of meaning to // someone else. // // ignore paths starts from ${module}/${project} etc return null; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SLibrary library = (SLibrary) o; if (isHidden != library.isHidden) return false; if (parent != null ? !parent.equals(library.parent) : library.parent != null) return false; if (!file.equals(library.file)) return false; return true; }
private Set<SModel> getModels(IFile dir, String pkg) { Set<SModel> models = SetSequence.fromSet(new HashSet<SModel>()); MultiStreamDataSource dataSource = newDataSource(dir); boolean thereAreJavaFiles = dataSource.getAvailableStreams().iterator().hasNext(); if (thereAreJavaFiles) { SModelReference modelRef = Util.makeModelReference(pkg, getModule()); // it can be a default package if (modelRef != null) { JavaSourceStubModelDescriptor model = new JavaSourceStubModelDescriptor(modelRef, dataSource, pkg); SetSequence.fromSet(models).addElement(model); SetSequence.fromSet(myDataSources).addElement(dataSource); } } // should be one line: dir.getChildren().where cannot be entered... Iterable<IFile> children = dir.getChildren(); Iterable<IFile> subDirs = Sequence.fromIterable(children) .where( new IWhereFilter<IFile>() { public boolean accept(IFile it) { return it.isDirectory(); } }); for (IFile subDir : Sequence.fromIterable(subDirs)) { String subPkg = (pkg.equals("") ? subDir.getName() : pkg + "." + subDir.getName()); Set<SModel> set = getModels(subDir, subPkg); SetSequence.fromSet(models).addSequence(SetSequence.fromSet(set)); } return models; }
public void rename(@NotNull String newName) { SModuleReference oldRef = getModuleReference(); renameModels(getModuleName(), newName, true); save(); // see MPS-18743, need to save before setting descriptor ModuleDescriptor descriptor = getModuleDescriptor(); if (myDescriptorFile != null) { // fixme AP: this looks awful -- I agree; the right way is to have IFile something immutable // fixme or just work in <code>WatchedRoots</code> by IFile (not by String) and listen for // rename myFileSystem.removeListener(this); myDescriptorFile.rename(newName + "." + FileUtil.getExtension(myDescriptorFile.getName())); myFileSystem.addListener(this); } if (descriptor != null) { descriptor.setNamespace(newName); setModuleDescriptor(descriptor); } fireModuleRenamed(oldRef); }
private <T> void readModuleDescriptors( IFile file, Set<IFile> excludes, List<T> result, boolean refreshFiles, DescriptorReader<T> reader) { if (!needProcess(file, excludes)) return; if (refreshFiles) { FileSystem.getInstance().refresh(file); } if (file.isDirectory()) { readModuleDescriptorsFromFolder(file, excludes, result, refreshFiles, reader); } else { readModuleDescriptorsFromFile(file, excludes, result, refreshFiles, reader); } }
public void changeModelFile(IFile newModelFile) { assertCanChange(); if (!(getSource() instanceof FileDataSource)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot change model file on non-file data source"); } FileDataSource source = (FileDataSource) getSource(); if (source.getFile().getPath().equals(newModelFile.getPath())) return; IFile oldFile = source.getFile(); jetbrains.mps.smodel.SModel model = getSModel(); fireBeforeModelFileChanged( new SModelFileChangedEvent(model.getModelDescriptor(), oldFile, newModelFile)); source.setFile(newModelFile); updateTimestamp(); fireModelFileChanged( new SModelFileChangedEvent(model.getModelDescriptor(), oldFile, newModelFile)); }