private void outputVolumeIndex( String tagName, String titleName, String titleIntroduction, List<String> volumeTitleList, List<String> snsSysIDList) { String outputDirectory = getBaseOutputDirectory(); String text = ""; int count = volumeTitleList.size(); text += "TITLE_NAME = '" + getOutputText(titleName) + "';\n"; text += "TITLE_INTRODUCTION = '" + getOutputText(titleIntroduction) + "';\n"; text += "VOLUME_LIST = new Array( "; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > 0) text += ", "; text += "'" + getOutputText(volumeTitleList.get(i)) + "', " + "'" + getVolumeID(snsSysIDList.get(i)) + "'"; } text += "\n);\n"; Common.outputFile(text, outputDirectory, tagName + ".js"); }
private void buildIndexFile(String tagName) { String dirPath = getBaseOutputDirectory() + tagName + Common.getSlash(); String path = ""; String text = ""; List<String> volumeTagList = new ArrayList<String>(); File dir = new File(dirPath); // 你的log檔路徑 File fileList[] = dir.listFiles(); // 得出檔案清單 String volumeTitle = ""; // 取得代號清單 for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { if (fileList[i].isFile()) { // 過濾檔案 String[] temps = fileList[i].toString().split("\\\\"); String volumeTag = temps[temps.length - 1].split("\\.")[0]; if (!volumeTag.matches("comment")) volumeTagList.add(volumeTag); // print(i + " TAG : " + volumeTag); } } for (int i = 0; i < volumeTagList.size(); i++) { path = dirPath + volumeTagList.get(i) + ".js"; text = Common.getFileString(path); if (text.split("'").length <= 1) continue; volumeTitle = text.split("'")[1]; } System.exit(0); }
private boolean needUpdate(String tagName, List<String> volumeTitleList) { if (volumeTitleList.size() == 0) return false; String text = Common.getFileString(getBaseOutputDirectory(), tagName + ".js"); int lastVolumeIndex = volumeTitleList.size() - 1; String lastVolumeTitle = volumeTitleList.get(lastVolumeIndex); // 如果目錄裡面找不到最後一集,代表需要更新 return (text.indexOf(lastVolumeTitle) < 0); }
private void handleAllUpdatePage() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String listURL = "" + (i + 1) + ".shtml"; List<String> tagNameList = getTagNameList(listURL); for (int j = 0; j < tagNameList.size(); j++) { String tagName = tagNameList.get(j); handleSingleTitle(tagName); } } }
private List<String> getTagNameList(String url) { int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; int index = 0; List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); String temp = ""; String dummyTagName = "ghdxj"; Common.deleteFile(getBaseOutputDirectory(), dummyTagName + ".js"); Common.deleteFolder(getBaseOutputDirectory() + dummyTagName); urlList.add(dummyTagName); // 因為第一個都會取得錯誤的評論資料,所以想把錯都推給東方 String allPageString = getAllPageString(url); while (true) { beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf(" href=", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) break; beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("=", beginIndex) + 2; if (beginIndex < 0) break; temp = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 30); if (temp.indexOf(baseURL) >= 0) { // print("with BASE"); // ex. href=' beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf(".com", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) break; beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("/", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) break; } beginIndex++; // 從"/"之後開始 endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("/", beginIndex); if (endIndex < 0) break; temp = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); boolean existed = false; for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++) { if (urlList.get(i).equals(temp)) { existed = true; break; } } if (existed || isIllegalPage(temp)) { continue; } urlList.add(temp); // print("" + index + " : " + temp); index++; beginIndex = endIndex; } return urlList; }
@Override public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(String urlString, String allPageString) { // combine volumeList and urlList into combinationList, return it. List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> volumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] lines = allPageString.split("\n"); int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String volumeURL = ""; beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("id='comiclistn'"); endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("</table>", beginIndex); String tempString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); int volumeCount = tempString.split("<dd>").length - 1; // 單集位址的網域名稱(有四組,可置換) String baseVolumeURL = ""; beginIndex = endIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < volumeCount; i++) { // 取得單集位址 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("<dd>", beginIndex) + 1; beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("'", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("'", beginIndex); volumeURL = tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); if (volumeURL.matches("http.*")) { urlList.add(tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); } else { urlList.add(baseVolumeURL + tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); } // 取得單集名稱 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("<", beginIndex); volumeList.add( getVolumeWithFormatNumber( Common.getStringRemovedIllegalChar( Common.getTraditionalChinese( tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).trim())))); } totalVolume = volumeCount; Common.debugPrintln("共有" + totalVolume + "集"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; }
@Override public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(String urlString, String allPageString) { // combine volumeList and urlList into combinationList, return it. List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> volumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); String tempString = ""; int beginIndex, endIndex; beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"plie\""); endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("</ul>", beginIndex); // 存放集數頁面資訊的字串 tempString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); int volumeCount = tempString.split("href=").length - 1; String volumeTitle = ""; beginIndex = endIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < volumeCount; i++) { // 取得單集位址 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("href=", beginIndex); beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); urlList.add(baseURL + tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); // 取得單集名稱 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("</a>", beginIndex); volumeTitle = tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); volumeTitle = volumeTitle.replaceFirst("<br\\s+/{0,1}>", ""); volumeList.add( getVolumeWithFormatNumber( Common.getStringRemovedIllegalChar( Common.getTraditionalChinese(volumeTitle.trim())))); } totalVolume = volumeCount; Common.debugPrintln("共有" + totalVolume + "集"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; }
@Override public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(String urlString, String allPageString) { // combine volumeList and urlList into combinationList, return it. List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> volumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); int beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("<li><a href=\"http://www") - 1; int endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("</table>", beginIndex); String listString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); totalVolume = allPageString.split("<li><a href=\"http://www").length - 1; beginIndex = endIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalVolume; i++) { // 取得單集位址 beginIndex = listString.indexOf("http://www", beginIndex); endIndex = listString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); urlList.add(listString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); // 取得單集名稱 beginIndex = listString.indexOf("<span", beginIndex) + 1; beginIndex = listString.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = listString.indexOf("<", beginIndex); String volumeTitle = listString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); volumeList.add( getVolumeWithFormatNumber( Common.getStringRemovedIllegalChar( Common.getTraditionalChinese(volumeTitle.trim())))); } Common.debugPrintln("共有" + totalVolume + "集"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; }
private void handleAllRankPage() { String[] urlList = new String[] { "", "", "", "" }; for (int k = 0; k < urlList.length; k++) { String baseListURL = urlList[k]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String listURL = baseListURL + (i + 1) + ".shtml"; List<String> tagNameList = getTagNameList(listURL); for (int j = 0; j < tagNameList.size(); j++) { String tagName = tagNameList.get(j); handleSingleTitle(tagName); } } } }
private void outputVolumeComment( String tagName, String volumeTitle, String fileName, String siteName, List<String> commentList) { String text = ""; text += "VOLUME_TITLE = '" + volumeTitle + "';\n"; text += siteName + " = new Array( \n"; for (int i = 0; i < commentList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += "'" + commentList.get(i) + "'"; } text += "\n);"; String outputDirectory = getBaseOutputDirectory() + tagName + Common.getSlash(); Common.outputFile(text, outputDirectory, fileName + ".js"); }
private void outputNewListFile(String url) { String text = getAllPageString(url); String[] temps = text.split("description>"); int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String temp = ""; List<String> tagList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lastVolumeTitleList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lastVolumeIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++) { if (temps[i].indexOf("title=") < 0) continue; // 取得漫畫名稱 beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("title="); beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("'", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = temps[i].indexOf("'", beginIndex); temp = temps[i].substring(beginIndex, endIndex); nameList.add(temp); // 取得最新集數名稱 beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = temps[i].indexOf("<", beginIndex); temp = temps[i].substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeTitleList.add(temp); // 取得漫畫代號 beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("com/", beginIndex); beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("/", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = temps[i].indexOf("/", beginIndex); temp = temps[i].substring(beginIndex, endIndex); tagList.add(temp); // 取得最新集數ID beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("chapterid=", beginIndex); beginIndex = temps[i].indexOf("=", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = temps[i].indexOf("'", beginIndex); temp = temps[i].substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeIDList.add(temp); } List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); combinationList.add(nameList); combinationList.add(tagList); combinationList.add(lastVolumeTitleList); combinationList.add(lastVolumeIDList); outputListFile(combinationList, "NEW_LIST", newListFileName); }
@Override public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(String urlString, String allPageString) { // combine volumeList and urlList into combinationList, return it. List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> volumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (tsukkomiMode) { urlList.add(urlString); volumeList.add("tsukkomi"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; } int beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"cartoon_online_border\""); int endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("document.write", beginIndex); if (urlString.indexOf("mh.") > 0) { beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("chapter_list"); endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("</script>", beginIndex); } String tempString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); int volumeCount = tempString.split("href=\"").length - 1; String volumeTitle = ""; beginIndex = endIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < volumeCount; i++) { // 取得單集位址 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("href=\"", beginIndex) + 6; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); urlList.add(baseURL + tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); // 取得單集名稱 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("<", beginIndex); volumeTitle = tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); volumeList.add( getVolumeWithFormatNumber( Common.getStringRemovedIllegalChar( Common.getTraditionalChinese(volumeTitle.trim())))); } totalVolume = volumeCount; Common.debugPrintln("共有" + totalVolume + "集"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; }
private void updateIndexFile( String tagName, String titleName, String titleIntroduction, String volumeTitle, String snsSysID) { String text = Common.getFileString(getBaseOutputDirectory(), tagName + ".js"); int midIndex1 = text.indexOf("new Array(") + 11; int endIndex = text.length(); if (midIndex1 < 11) { print("第 1 筆索引資料"); // 新建index file List<String> volumeTitleList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> snsSysIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); volumeTitleList.add(volumeTitle); snsSysIDList.add(snsSysID); outputVolumeIndex(tagName, titleName, titleIntroduction, volumeTitleList, snsSysIDList); return; } print("第 n 筆索引資料"); text = text.substring(0, midIndex1) + "'" + getOutputText(volumeTitle) + "', " + "'" + getVolumeID(snsSysID) + "', " + text.substring(midIndex1, endIndex); Common.outputFile(text, getBaseOutputDirectory(), tagName + ".js"); }
@Override public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(String urlString, String allPageString) { // combine volumeList and urlList into combinationList, return it. List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> volumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); String tempString = ""; int lastPage = 0; int beginIndex, endIndex; urlString = urlString.split("0/0/")[0]; // 接著在迴圈內下載每一頁, 取得每一集資訊 int totalVolumeCount = 0; String pageURL = urlString; while (true) { if (lastPage++ > 0) { pageURL = urlString + "0/0/" + lastPage; } allPageString = getAllPageString(pageURL); beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"comicBox\""); endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"fbComment\"", beginIndex); tempString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); // 代表此頁已經沒有集數了。 if (tempString.indexOf("class=\"recTitle\"") < 0) break; // 取得存放一整頁面集數資訊 beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"comicBox\""); beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("class=\"relativeRec", beginIndex); endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("</div>", beginIndex); tempString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); int volumeCount = tempString.split("<h3").length - 1; // 單一頁面的集數 totalVolumeCount += volumeCount; String volumeURL = ""; String volumeTitle = ""; beginIndex = endIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < volumeCount; j++) { // 取得單集位址 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("<h3", beginIndex); beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("href=", beginIndex); beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); volumeURL = baseURL + tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); urlList.add(baseURL + tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); // 取得單集名稱 beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("title=", beginIndex); beginIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = tempString.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); volumeTitle = tempString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); volumeList.add( getVolumeWithFormatNumber( Common.getStringRemovedIllegalChar( Common.getTraditionalChinese(volumeTitle.trim())))); Common.debugPrintln(volumeURL + " : " + volumeTitle); } } Common.debugPrintln(" 共有 " + (lastPage - 1) + " 張目錄頁"); totalVolume = totalVolumeCount; Common.debugPrintln("共有" + totalVolume + "集"); combinationList.add(volumeList); combinationList.add(urlList); return combinationList; }
@Override public void parseComicURL() { // parse URL and save all URLs in comicURL // // 先取得前面的下載伺服器網址 initNewData(); String allPageString = Common.getFileString(SetUp.getTempDirectory(), indexName); Common.debugPrint("開始解析這一集有幾頁 : "); if (tsukkomiMode) { int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String listURL = webSite; List<String> tagNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (webSite.matches(".*/")) { listURL = webSite.substring(0, webSite.length() - 1); } if (isRssPage()) { print("is RSS page : " + listURL); outputNewListFile(listURL); tagNameList = getTagNameList(listURL); for (int i = 0; i < tagNameList.size(); i++) // 作品列表 { String tagName = tagNameList.get(i); handleSingleTitle(tagName); } } else // ex. // { print("is Normal List Page : " + webSite); if (webSite.indexOf("/update_") > 0) { handleAllUpdatePage(); } else if (webSite.indexOf("/rank/") > 0) { handleAllRankPage(); } } System.exit(0); } // 取得所有位址編碼代號 int beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf("'[") + 2; int endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("\"]", beginIndex) + 1; String allCodeString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); totalPage = allCodeString.split("\",\"").length; Common.debugPrintln("共 " + totalPage + " 頁"); comicURL = new String[totalPage]; refers = new String[totalPage]; // 取得位址編碼代號的替換字元 beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf(",'", endIndex) + 2; endIndex = allPageString.indexOf("'.", beginIndex); String allVarString = allPageString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); String[] varTokens = allVarString.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < varTokens.length; i++) { Common.debugPrintln(i + " " + varTokens[i]); // test } // System.exit( 0 ); String basePicURL = ""; // ""; String[] codeTokens = allCodeString.split("\",\""); codeTokens = getRealCodeTokens(codeTokens, varTokens); String firstCode = codeTokens[0].replaceAll("\"", ""); String firstPicURL = ""; Common.debugPrintln("第一張編碼:" + firstCode); firstPicURL = basePicURL + Common.getFixedChineseURL(getDecodeURL(firstCode)); firstPicURL = firstPicURL.replaceAll("\\\\", ""); Common.debugPrintln("第一張圖片網址:" + firstPicURL); // System.exit( 0 ); String[] picNames = new String[totalPage]; for (int i = 0; i < picNames.length; i++) { codeTokens[i] = codeTokens[i].replaceAll("\"", ""); beginIndex = codeTokens[i].lastIndexOf("/") + 1; endIndex = codeTokens[i].length(); // .lastIndexOf( "\"" ); // Common.debugPrintln( codeTokens[i] + " " + beginIndex + " " + endIndex ); picNames[i] = Common.getFixedChineseURL(getDecodeURL(codeTokens[i].substring(beginIndex, endIndex))); // System.exit( 0 ); // debug } endIndex = firstPicURL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1; String parentPicURL = firstPicURL.substring(0, endIndex); for (int i = 0; i < codeTokens.length && Run.isAlive; i++) { comicURL[i] = parentPicURL + picNames[i]; // 存入每一頁的網頁網址 refers[i] = webSite; // Common.debugPrintln( ( i + 1 ) + " " + comicURL[i] ); // debug } // System.exit( 0 ); // debug }
private void outputMainListFile(boolean stepByStepMode) { List<String> tagList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lastVolumeTitleList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lastVolumeIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); String name = ""; String path = ""; String text = ""; File dir = new File(getBaseOutputDirectory()); // 你的log檔路徑 File fileList[] = dir.listFiles(); // 得出檔案清單 // 取得代號清單 for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { if (fileList[i].isDirectory()) { // 過濾檔案 String[] temps = fileList[i].toString().split("\\\\"); name = temps[temps.length - 1]; tagList.add(name); // print(i + " TAG : " + name); } } // 取得名稱清單 for (int i = 0; i < tagList.size(); i++) { path = getBaseOutputDirectory() + tagList.get(i) + ".js"; text = Common.getFileString(path); // print("------------" + text + "------------end"); String[] temps = text.split("'"); if (temps.length <= 1) { // buildIndexFile(tagList.get(i)); continue; } name = temps[1]; // 取第一個''資料字串 nameList.add(name); // print(i + " NAME : " + name); int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String temp = ""; if (stepByStepMode) // 新的放後面 { beginIndex = text.indexOf(");", beginIndex) - 2; endIndex = text.lastIndexOf("'", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.lastIndexOf("'", endIndex - 2) + 1; temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeTitleList.add(temp); print("文件中最新一集: " + temp); beginIndex = text.indexOf(");", endIndex + 1) + 1; endIndex = text.lastIndexOf("'", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.lastIndexOf("'", endIndex - 2) + 1; temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeIDList.add(temp); } else // 新的放前面 { beginIndex = text.indexOf("new Array(", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf("'", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("'", beginIndex); temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeTitleList.add(temp); beginIndex = text.indexOf("'", endIndex + 1) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("'", beginIndex); temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); lastVolumeIDList.add(temp); } // print(i + " VOLUME : " + temp); } List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); combinationList.add(nameList); combinationList.add(tagList); combinationList.add(lastVolumeTitleList); combinationList.add(lastVolumeIDList); outputListFile(combinationList, "MAIN_LIST", mainListFileName); }
// more : // // normal : // private List<String> getCommentParseText(List<String> textList, String commentURL) { int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String text = getAllPageString(commentURL); if (commentURL.indexOf("VoteJS") > 0) { beginIndex = text.indexOf("cite_vote_num"); if (beginIndex < 0) { // 尚未評論 textList.add(""); return textList; } beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); textList.add(text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); beginIndex = text.indexOf("postVote(", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf("(", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf(",", beginIndex); res_id = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } while (true) { beginIndex = text.indexOf("interactive-opinion-block-", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) { break; } beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); String comment = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); comment = getUtf8Text(comment); comment = comment.replaceAll("\"|'", ""); comment = Common.getTraditionalChinese(comment); if (comment.matches("更多")) { break; } textList.add(comment); beginIndex = text.indexOf("title=", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) { break; } beginIndex = text.indexOf("\"", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf(")", beginIndex); String temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); temp = getUtf8Text(temp); temp = temp.replaceAll("共有", ""); temp = temp.replaceAll("人赞同此观点", ""); String[] temps = temp.split("\\("); if (temps.length < 2) { print("FAIL -> " + temps.length + " : " + temp); } String num = temps[0]; String ratio = temps[1]; textList.add(num); textList.add(ratio); } return textList; }
private void initNewData() { newTitleList.clear(); newTagList.clear(); newVolumeTitleList.clear(); newVolumeDirList.clear(); }
private void handleSingleTitle(String tagName) { int beginIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; String titleURL = Common.getRegularURL(baseURL + "/" + tagName); String titleText = getAllPageString(titleURL); // 取得標題列表和網址列表 tsukkomiMode = false; String titleName = getTitleOnMainPage(titleURL, titleText); if (titleName == null) { print("無效的作品主頁網址: " + titleURL); return; } List<List<String>> combinationList = getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage(titleURL, titleText); List<String> volumeTitleList = combinationList.get(0); List<String> volumeUrlList = combinationList.get(1); tsukkomiMode = true; // List<String> snsSysIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); // sns_sys_id // List<String> snsViewPointTokenList = new ArrayList<String>(); // sns_view_point_token String snsSysID = ""; String snsViewPointToken = ""; boolean stepByStepMode = false; String lastVolumeID = getLastVolumeID(titleText); String lastVolumeTitle = getLastVolumeTitle(titleText); // 用於main_list.js newTitleList.add(titleName); newTagList.add(tagName); newVolumeTitleList.add(lastVolumeTitle); newVolumeDirList.add(lastVolumeID); // 如果不需要更新,就跳過往下個去做 if (!needUpdate(tagName, volumeTitleList)) { int lastIndex = volumeTitleList.size() - 1; if (lastIndex < 0 && titleText.indexOf("g_last_chapter_id") > 0) { print("集數列表因為版權而拿掉 , 需要一集一集慢慢爬"); stepByStepMode = true; } else if (lastIndex < 0) { print("跳過 , 因為 " + titleName + "[" + tagName + "] 沒有任何集數 "); return; } else { print( "跳過 , 因為 " + titleName + "[" + tagName + "] 已有最新集數: " + volumeTitleList.get(lastIndex)); return; } } String titleIntroduction = getTitleIntroduction(titleText); handleTitlePic(tagName, titleText); if (!stepByStepMode || !new File(getBaseOutputDirectory() + tagName + Common.getSlash() + "comment.js") .exists()) { handleTitleComment(tagName, titleText); } int volumeCount = volumeUrlList.size(); int existedVolumeCount = getExistedVolumeCount(tagName); // print("" + tagName + ":" + volumeCount + "," + existedVolumeCount); // System.exit(0); // 取得每個集數的評論列表 for (int j = existedVolumeCount; j < volumeCount && !stepByStepMode; j++) // 某個作品的集數列表 { String volumeURL = volumeUrlList.get(j); String volumeText = getAllPageString(volumeURL); String volumeTitle = volumeTitleList.get(j); snsSysID = handleSingleVolume(tagName, titleName, titleIntroduction, volumeTitle, volumeText); } String nowVolumeID = lastVolumeID; while (stepByStepMode) { String volumeURL = baseURL + "/" + tagName + "/" + nowVolumeID + ".shtml"; String volumeText = getAllPageString(volumeURL); beginIndex = volumeText.indexOf("g_chapter_name"); beginIndex = volumeText.indexOf("\"", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = volumeText.indexOf("\"", beginIndex); String volumeTitle = volumeText.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); print("正要處理的集數: " + volumeTitle + " : " + volumeURL); snsSysID = handleSingleVolume(tagName, titleName, titleIntroduction, volumeTitle, volumeText); nowVolumeID = getPreviousVolumeID(volumeText); if (nowVolumeID == null) break; } // outputMainListFile(stepByStepMode); }
private void handleTitleComment(String tagName, String text) { int beginIndex = text.indexOf("token32:"); if (beginIndex < 0) { return; } beginIndex = text.indexOf("'", beginIndex) + 1; int endIndex = text.indexOf("'", beginIndex); if (beginIndex <= 0 || endIndex <= 0) { return; } String token32 = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); String commentURL = Common.getRegularURL("" + token32); print(tagName + "'s commentURL : " + commentURL); // 取得評論頁數 text = getAllPageString(commentURL); int pageCount = 1; beginIndex = text.lastIndexOf("<li><a href=") - 5; if (beginIndex > 0) { beginIndex = text.lastIndexOf("<li><a href=", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf("page=", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); pageCount = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); } List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> dateList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> commentList = new ArrayList<String>(); String temp = ""; // 下載全部評論 for (int i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { text = getAllPageString(commentURL + "&page=" + i); beginIndex = endIndex = 0; while (true) { beginIndex = text.indexOf("post-by hovercard", beginIndex); if (beginIndex < 0) break; // 取得評論的名字 beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).trim(); nameList.add(temp); // 取得評論內容 beginIndex = text.indexOf("-->", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).trim(); commentList.add(temp); // 取得評論當下時間 beginIndex = text.indexOf("<a href=", beginIndex); beginIndex = text.indexOf(">", beginIndex) + 1; endIndex = text.indexOf("<", beginIndex); temp = text.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).trim(); temp = Common.getTraditionalChinese(temp); temp = getFormatDate(temp); dateList.add(temp); } } // 寫出評論 List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); combinationList.add(nameList); combinationList.add(commentList); combinationList.add(dateList); String filePath = getBaseOutputDirectory() + tagName + Common.getSlash(); outputListFile(combinationList, "TITLE_COMMONET", filePath, "comment.js"); }