/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public Serializable fromXml(XmppStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { boolean isFinest = log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); DataForm form = new DataForm(type); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); ArrayList<DataItem> itemList = new ArrayList<DataItem>(); ArrayList<DataInstructions> instructionsList = new ArrayList<DataInstructions>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { form.setFieldList(fieldList); form.setItemList(itemList); form.setInstructionsList(instructionsList); return form; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "item".equals(in.getLocalName())) { itemList.add(parseItem(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "reported".equals(in.getLocalName())) { form.setReported(parseReported(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "title".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String title = in.getElementText(); form.setTitle(title); skipToEnd(in, "title"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "instructions".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); instructionsList.add(new DataInstructions(value)); skipToEnd(in, "instructions"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } return null; }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataReported parseReported(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataReported reported = new DataReported(); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { reported.setFieldList(fieldList); return reported; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "reported"); return reported; }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataField parseField(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); String var = in.getAttributeValue(null, "var"); DataField field = new DataField(type, var, label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); ArrayList<DataOption> optionList = new ArrayList<DataOption>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { field.setValueList(valueList); field.setOptionList(optionList); return field; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "desc".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String desc = in.getElementText(); field.setDesc(desc); skipToEnd(in, "desc"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "option".equals(in.getLocalName())) { optionList.add(parseOption(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "required".equals(in.getLocalName())) { field.setRequired(true); skipToEnd(in, "required"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "field"); return field; }
/** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataOption parseOption(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); DataOption option = new DataOption(label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { option.setValueList(valueList); return option; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "option"); return option; }
/** * DataForm * * <p>XEP-0004: http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0004.html <code><pre> * namespace = jabber:x:data * * element x { * attribute type, * * instructions*, * title?, * field*, * reported?, * item* * } * * element field { * attribute label?, * attribute type?, * attribute var?, * * desc?, * required?, * value*, * option*, * } * * element item { * field+ * } * * element option { * attribute label?, * * value* * } * * element reported { * field+ * } * * element value { * string * } * </pre></code> */ public class XmppDataFormMarshal extends AbstractXmppMarshal { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XmppDataFormMarshal.class.getName()); private static final boolean _isFinest = log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST); /** Returns the namespace uri for the XMPP stanza value */ public String getNamespaceURI() { return "jabber:x:data"; } /** Returns the local name for the XMPP stanza value */ public String getLocalName() { return "x"; } /** Returns the java classname of the object */ public String getClassName() { return DataForm.class.getName(); } /** Serializes the object to XML */ public void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, Serializable object) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataForm form = (DataForm) object; out.writeStartElement("", getLocalName(), getNamespaceURI()); out.writeNamespace("", getNamespaceURI()); if (form.getType() != null) out.writeAttribute("type", form.getType()); if (form.getTitle() != null) { out.writeStartElement("title"); out.writeCharacters(form.getTitle()); out.writeEndElement(); // </title> } DataInstructions[] instructions = form.getInstructions(); if (instructions != null) { for (DataInstructions instruction : instructions) { toXml(out, instruction); } } DataField[] fields = form.getField(); if (fields != null) { for (DataField field : fields) { toXml(out, field); } } if (form.getReported() != null) toXml(out, form.getReported()); DataItem[] items = form.getItem(); if (items != null) { for (DataItem item : items) { toXml(out, item); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </form> } private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataField field) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("field"); if (field.getLabel() != null) out.writeAttribute("label", field.getLabel()); if (field.getType() != null) out.writeAttribute("type", field.getType()); if (field.getVar() != null) out.writeAttribute("var", field.getVar()); if (field.getDesc() != null) { out.writeStartElement("desc"); out.writeCharacters(field.getDesc()); out.writeEndElement(); // </desc> } if (field.isRequired()) { out.writeStartElement("required"); out.writeEndElement(); // </required> } DataValue[] values = field.getValue(); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { DataValue value = values[i]; out.writeStartElement("value"); out.writeCharacters(value.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </value> } } DataOption[] options = field.getOption(); if (options != null) { for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { toXml(out, options[i]); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </field> } private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataOption option) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("option"); if (option.getLabel() != null) out.writeAttribute("label", option.getLabel()); DataValue[] values = option.getValue(); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { DataValue value = values[i]; out.writeStartElement("value"); out.writeCharacters(value.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </value> } } out.writeEndElement(); // </option> } private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataItem item) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("item"); DataField[] fields = item.getField(); if (fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { toXml(out, fields[i]); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </item> } private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataReported reported) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("reported"); DataField[] fields = reported.getField(); if (fields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { toXml(out, fields[i]); } } out.writeEndElement(); // </reported> } private void toXml(XmppStreamWriter out, DataInstructions instructions) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { out.writeStartElement("instructions"); if (instructions.getValue() != null) out.writeCharacters(instructions.getValue()); out.writeEndElement(); // </instructions> } /** Deserializes the object from XML */ public Serializable fromXml(XmppStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { boolean isFinest = log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); DataForm form = new DataForm(type); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); ArrayList<DataItem> itemList = new ArrayList<DataItem>(); ArrayList<DataInstructions> instructionsList = new ArrayList<DataInstructions>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { form.setFieldList(fieldList); form.setItemList(itemList); form.setInstructionsList(instructionsList); return form; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "item".equals(in.getLocalName())) { itemList.add(parseItem(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "reported".equals(in.getLocalName())) { form.setReported(parseReported(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "title".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String title = in.getElementText(); form.setTitle(title); skipToEnd(in, "title"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "instructions".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); instructionsList.add(new DataInstructions(value)); skipToEnd(in, "instructions"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } return null; } /** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataField parseField(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); String type = in.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); String var = in.getAttributeValue(null, "var"); DataField field = new DataField(type, var, label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); ArrayList<DataOption> optionList = new ArrayList<DataOption>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { field.setValueList(valueList); field.setOptionList(optionList); return field; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "desc".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String desc = in.getElementText(); field.setDesc(desc); skipToEnd(in, "desc"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "option".equals(in.getLocalName())) { optionList.add(parseOption(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "required".equals(in.getLocalName())) { field.setRequired(true); skipToEnd(in, "required"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "field"); return field; } /** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataItem parseItem(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataItem item = new DataItem(); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { item.setFieldList(fieldList); return item; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "item"); return item; } /** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataReported parseReported(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { DataReported reported = new DataReported(); ArrayList<DataField> fieldList = new ArrayList<DataField>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { reported.setFieldList(fieldList); return reported; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "field".equals(in.getLocalName())) { fieldList.add(parseField(in)); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "reported"); return reported; } /** Deserializes the object from XML */ public DataOption parseOption(XMLStreamReader in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String label = in.getAttributeValue(null, "label"); DataOption option = new DataOption(label); ArrayList<DataValue> valueList = new ArrayList<DataValue>(); int tag = in.nextTag(); while (tag > 0) { if (_isFinest) debug(in); if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == tag) { option.setValueList(valueList); return option; } if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag && "value".equals(in.getLocalName())) { String value = in.getElementText(); valueList.add(new DataValue(value)); skipToEnd(in, "value"); } else if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == tag) { log.finer(this + " <" + in.getLocalName() + "> is an unknown tag"); skipToEnd(in, in.getLocalName()); } tag = in.nextTag(); } skipToEnd(in, "option"); return option; } }
public String readAsXmlString() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int depth = 0; while (true) { if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == getEventType()) { depth++; String prefix = getPrefix(); sb.append("<"); if (!"".equals(prefix)) { sb.append(prefix); sb.append(":"); } sb.append(getLocalName()); if (getNamespaceURI() != null) { if ("".equals(prefix)) sb.append(" xmlns"); else sb.append(" xmlns:").append(prefix); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(getNamespaceURI()).append("\""); } for (int i = 0; i < getAttributeCount(); i++) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(getAttributeLocalName(i)); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(getAttributeValue(i)); sb.append("\""); } sb.append(">"); log.finest(this + " " + sb); } else if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == getEventType()) { depth--; sb.append("</"); String prefix = getPrefix(); if (!"".equals(prefix)) sb.append(prefix).append(":"); sb.append(getLocalName()); sb.append(">"); if (depth == 0) return sb.toString(); } else if (XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS == getEventType()) { sb.append(getText()); } else { log.finer(this + " tag=" + getEventType()); return sb.toString(); } if (next() < 0) { log.finer(this + " unexpected end of file"); return sb.toString(); } } }
/** Marshals from an xmpp request to and from a serialized class */ public class XmppStreamReaderImpl extends XMLStreamReaderImpl implements XmppStreamReader { private static final L10N L = new L10N(XmppStreamReaderImpl.class); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XmppStreamReaderImpl.class.getName()); private XmppMarshalFactory _marshalFactory; XmppStreamReaderImpl(ReadStream is, XmppMarshalFactory factory) throws XMLStreamException { super(is); _marshalFactory = factory; } public Serializable readValue() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { QName name = getName(); Serializable query = null; XmppMarshal marshal = _marshalFactory.getUnserialize(name); if (marshal != null) return marshal.fromXml(this); else return readAsXmlString(); } public String readAsXmlString() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int depth = 0; while (true) { if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == getEventType()) { depth++; String prefix = getPrefix(); sb.append("<"); if (!"".equals(prefix)) { sb.append(prefix); sb.append(":"); } sb.append(getLocalName()); if (getNamespaceURI() != null) { if ("".equals(prefix)) sb.append(" xmlns"); else sb.append(" xmlns:").append(prefix); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(getNamespaceURI()).append("\""); } for (int i = 0; i < getAttributeCount(); i++) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(getAttributeLocalName(i)); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(getAttributeValue(i)); sb.append("\""); } sb.append(">"); log.finest(this + " " + sb); } else if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == getEventType()) { depth--; sb.append("</"); String prefix = getPrefix(); if (!"".equals(prefix)) sb.append(prefix).append(":"); sb.append(getLocalName()); sb.append(">"); if (depth == 0) return sb.toString(); } else if (XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS == getEventType()) { sb.append(getText()); } else { log.finer(this + " tag=" + getEventType()); return sb.toString(); } if (next() < 0) { log.finer(this + " unexpected end of file"); return sb.toString(); } } } }